Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #14, 2016 1H£8 UDC 574.546.3.001.8 (477.25)
Shumigay I. V.
senior research fellow Laboratory of ecology of wetlands and peatlands, Institute of agro-ecology and
NAAS environmental science Togachynska O. V.
assistant professor of department of biochemistry and ecology control,
National University of food technologies
Nychyk O.V.
assistant professor department of biochemistry and ecology control,
National University of food technologies Salavor O.M.
assistant professor department of biochemistry and ecology control,
National University of food technologies Bereza-Kindzerska L. V. assistant professor department of biochemistry and ecology control,
National University of food technologies
Summary. The study of water in reservoirs of Ukraine through passive monitoring methods permit to detect heavy metals in the proportion that far exceeds the Maximum Allowable Concentrations (M. A. C.). This article presents the results of the monitoring of some toxic substances in several small rivers in Kiev region, considering the influence of anthropogenic factors.
Also there was analyzed the state of aquatic ecosystems and there was made their ecological assessment based on a sanitary indicators. Nowadays we can provide the ecological safety using waste-free technologies with full utilization of all the raw materials' constituents. The main research area of the water resources protection is the elaboration of the ecological control methods of the effluents' quality. Keywords: heavy metals, the surface waters, pollution, runoff, water quality.
Introduction. In recent years it was estimated that with the exception of some arid areas, people should not worry about the lack of water; however, the rate of the water consumption is increasing as well as the problem of potable water availability is arising.
In Ukraine, there is no water, which would not be changed by human activity and its consequences. In most cases, these interventions lead to "the water ageing". The degradation of resources is often due to eu-trophication of anthropogenic origin, which sometimes leads to the presence of a large amount of nutrients in the reservoirs [9, 10].
Some of the most important chemical pollutants of the surface water are heavy metals (HM). A large number of the elements refer to heavy metals according to their formal definition. For several years there have been conducted the researches of the presence of some heavy metals in Ukrainian waters using the passive surveillance methods. It is possible to identify the cations of metals such as nickel, lead, iron, manganese, chromium, zinc, copper, cadmium, cobalt in amounts that exceed by far the standards of M.A.C.
Sources of water pollution are the domestic wastes (phosphorus, organics etc.), agricultural (nitrates, phosphorus, pesticides etc.) and industrial discharges (heavy metals: lead, cadmium, nickel, mercury etc.). Cobalt and lead pollutants fall in the sources of water from metallurgical and chemical effluents. Cadmium, lead and zinc are found in the industrial effluents of mills, synthetic fibers', mineral paints, textile and paper plants etc. Even if today most companies in Ukraine are closed, the surface water pollution
won't diminish because of the HM sediments. In addition, the H.M is also present in fertilizers and pesticides that may get later in the water through runoff of an agricultural land [10,11].
Therefore the study of the sources and pathways of these substances in surface waters, their distribution and their content in water should be one of the prior and necessary conditions for the practical implementation of the key tasks associated with the rational use, protection and efficient reproduction of the water resources.
So the main objective of the study is to determine the content of the main poisonous elements in small rivers in the region of Kiev and a complete environmental assessment for hygienic, quality and health of water bodies.
Usually the accurate measuring results are prerequisite to ensure their compliance with the limit values, which are always indicated as metal content. But even in the water it is quite difficult to distinguish metals' content and the amount of contaminants of natural and anthropogenic origin. To give a reply to this co-analytic task you must have methods for the determination of pollutants, and particularly of heavy metals' ions in the water [11].
The analysis of water sources was determined according to the certified methods in the laboratory of the Institute of agro-ecology and environmental usage.
Materials and research methods.
The object of the research is the surface water in the small rivers of Kiev region. Their ecological assessment was conducted in the different seasons on
the basis of analytical research program according to the sanitary indicators. Our researches were made in the Institute of agro-ecology and environmental usage of the national academy of agrarian sciences of Ukraine during 2011-2014. The heavy metals' content in the water was determined by the extraction of 1 N acid HNO3, and its quantity in the solutions-extracts was found by the atomic adsorption spectrometry. [1, 3, 4].
Water examples were analyzed according to the GOST (State standard, means of all industrial and commercial standards recognized by the Russian federation): GOST 4388-72 - Drinking water. Methods of
the determination of copper mass concentration (1974), GOST 4974-72 - Drinking water. Methods of the determination of manganese content (1974), GOST 18293-72 - Drinking water. Methods for determination of lead, zinc and silver content (1974), GOST 2874-82 - Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control (1985), [3-7]. The statistical processing of the results was made on the basis of the variance and regression analysis.
Environmental assessment of rivers Kyiv region sanitary and toxicological parameters were performed according to the method (table 1).
Table 1.
The degree of water pollution based on the values of complex parameters
The level of The criteria largest integrated pollution assessments
contamination The organoleptic Sanitary Sanitary and toxicological Epidemiological
Admissible 1 1 1 1
Moderate 1,0-1,5 1,0-3,0 1,0-3,0 1,0-10,0
High 1,5-2,0 3,0-6,0 3,0-10,0 10,0-100,0
very high >2,0 >6,0 >10,0 >100,0
Experimental technique. According to the monitoring of surface water HM content in Kiev region it was concluded that the water of these rivers is quite poor in nutrients that contained low concentrations of Cu, Zn, Mn (table 2). Most of the water sources are situated within the Ukrainian fundamental crystalline formation. It was observed that the concentration of Cu was between 0.013... 0, 042 mg/dm3, Zn -0.021mg/dm3... 0027mg/dm3, Mn - 0.008... 0012 mg/dm3. The main metals that contaminated the res-
ervoir of Polissia are Cd and Pb, their content is several times higher than the required standards (M.A.C). Thus, all the sites studied showed a significant excess of cadmium (from 0,0096 mg/dm3 to 0, 0101 mg/dm3, yet the M.A.C is 0, 001 mg/dm3 ), indicating a probable excess of heavy metals in untreated wastewater or insufficient treatment of effluents in the residential areas.
Table 2.
Mean values for concentrations of heavy metals in water
Indicator Concentration of heavy metals in some rivers, mg/dm3
Buchka River Vita River Lypova River Moshunka River
Pb 0,0125 0,0121 0,0223 0,0601
Cu 0,0427 0,0261 0, 0371 0,013
Zn 0,0272 0,0284 0,0214 0,0227
Cd 0,0096 0,008 0,0199 0,0101
Mn 0,012 0,008 0,012 0,011
There was a significant increase in the concentration of lead in Moshunka River, its amount was two times higher compared to the norm (0,0601 mg/dm3), may be caused by the discharge from the households and the industries.
Although the results show some deficiencies in the assessment of the ecological status of HM content in surface waters, they still don't give answers to general questions about the water quality in the small rivers. To consider these issues we must take into account the requirements of the quantitative and qualitative chemistry and connected to the results obtained from the chemical analysis of water and their ecological interpretation. One of the approaches to the quality evaluation of the underground water that can be taken into account was developed by V. D. Romanenko [Romanenko V. D. 1998.].
Although these calculations are complicated enough, they allow comparing the water quality of significantly different rivers.
As most of these rivers belong to the water bodies where fishing is developed, environmental standards are used to regulate fisheries management and are directly related to the determination of HM concentrations in natural water and therefore it is necessary to start in the areas with a potential fishing capacity (P. F.C.) (table 3).
These data indicate the little concentration of Mn in water, so for a given metal this capacity not only exhausted but also exceeded 0, 0007 mg /dm3. The concentration of the soluble forms of zinc in the studied samples was 0, 02 mg/dm3, which is 2 times the M.A.C. thus the water P. F.C. is completely exhausted for Zn. For soluble forms of metals, such as Cd, Pb and Cu, F.C.P should be also completely exhausted
because their average concentration exceed the standards of M.A.C.
For the toxicological evaluation of water quality were used calculation methods of integrated assessment of water pollution according to the content of
Taking into account these degrees of pollution of water there was carried out the environmental assess-
The degree of water pollution of the Vita River and the Buchka River was moderate; values vary within 2,42 - 2,79. Water contamination of the Lypova River and the Moshunka River is characterized by an increase of the contamination level. This is explained by the fact that heavy metal ions accumulated in the aquatic areas are potentially mobile. This type of situation requires special cleaning methods. When characterizing the state of reservoirs, our data indicated that the category of all heavy elements in the water bodies correspond to the Illd category ("polluted"), 5th level ("moderately polluted"). The water pollution progresses when the heavy metals are mobile.
Therefore the results of the study have shown that the level of contamination of the small rivers in the Kiev region by the heavy metal ions was moderate and high according to the sanitary norms. This was due to the lixiviation of heavy metals from the untreated effluents.
To reduce the environmental impact and the safety of the environment it is necessary to use new waste treatment technologies and full utilization of all the basic constituents of the wastes. However, at the cur-
Table 3.
heavy metals in the water bodies of Buchka River, Vita River, Lypova River, Moschunka River). Comprehensive assessment of water pollution was also calculated using integrated quality indicators (table 4).
Table 4.
ment on the water state in the small rivers based on the HM indicators (table 5).
Table 5.
rent level of technological development, it is difficult to elaborate such technology because the main objective of water resources protection is to meet the quantitative standards of the effluents' control.
List of the references
1. Definition of cobalt, nickel, cuprum, zinc, cadmium and lead: ISO 8288. 1987. [Implemented in 1986-03-01]. 11 p.
2. Doroguntsov S.I. Eco-surroundings and modernity: in 8 volumes. 2008. V. 8: / S.I. Doroguntsov //Natural and man-made safety: monography. Kondor. Kyiv. 528 p.
3. GOST 18293-72 - Drinking water. Methods for determination of lead, zinc and silver content. 1974. [Implemented in 1974-01-01]. State standard of USSR. 16 p.
4. GOST 2874-82 - Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control. 1985. [Implemented in 1985-01-01]. State standard of USSR. Moscow. 6 p.
5. GOST 4388-72 - Drinking water. Methods of the determination of copper mass concentration. 1974 [Implemented in 1974-01-01]. State standard of USSR. Moscow. 8 p.
Potential environmental capacity with regard to metals
Indicator Concentration of heavy metals, mg/dm3
Pb Cu Zn Cd Mn
C ~ 0,0267 0,0297 0,0249 0,0119 0,0107
Fishing M.A.C. 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,005 0,01
F.C.P 0,0207 0,0287 0,0149 0,0069 0,0007
The level of pollution of the water according to the values of complex indicators
The level of contamination Integrated sanitary assessment
Cleaning, CU Health-toxicological, CU
Allowable 1 1
Moderate 1,0 - 3,0 1,0 - 3,0
High 3,0 - 6,0 3, 0 - 10, 0
Very high >6,0 >10,0
The degree of pollution of small rivers according to _ the HM indicators
Small River Health-toxicological situation, CU The level of contamination
Buchka River 2,79 moderate
Vita River 2,42 moderate
Lypova River 5,57 high
Moshunka River 6,05 high
6. GOST 4974-72 - Drinking water. Methods of the determination of manganese content. 1974. [Implemented in 1974-01-01]. State standard of USSR. Moscow. 7 p.
7. GOST R 51593-2000 - Drinking water. Sampling. 2001. [Implemented in 2001-04-21]. State standard of USSR. Moscow. 11 p.
8. Heavy metals http://www.npblog.com.ua/index.php/ekologiya/vazhk i-metali.html/
9. Konstantynov A. S.. General hydrobiology. High school. 1986. Moscow. 472 p.
10. Lynnyk R. P. Combined spectroscopic methods of definition of coexistent forms of vanadium,
ferum, cobalt and cuprum in the natural waters: synopsis of the thesis for a degree of Candidate in chemical sciences: speciality 02.00.02. "Analytical chemistry" / R. P. Lynnyk . Kyiv. 2004 - 17 p.
11. Nezgoda L. M. Monitoring of the heavy metals' pollution of the water bodies of the Southern East of Ukraine / L. M. Nezgoda // Materials of the scientific and practical conference "Water and environment' of the IV International Water forum «AQUA UKRAINE»-2008, (Kiev 7-10 October, 2008). Kyiv - p. 61-62.
12. Romanenko V. D. Environmental assessment methods of the surface water quality according to the relevant categories. V. D. Romanenko . Symbol-T. 1998. Kyiv. 28 p.