Научная статья на тему 'Engineering in correction of physical development of young students'

Engineering in correction of physical development of young students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yaichnikov I.K., Suschenko V.P.

The purpose of the present study was to identify the reserves of sports and educational forms of involvement of students in the process of "constructing" the success of their professional future in the physical culture and sport department, as well as reserves of interdepartmental and inter-institutional cooperation of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Engineering is a set of design, practical works and services related to engineering-technical area and needed to create a technical object and facilitate its use; technology of management of the lifecycle of facilities, organizational and technical system that provides control of all information about the object and processes related to it throughout the entire life cycle from design and production to putting out of service. The didactic complex of personal integration of student''s self-control of parameters of his own physical development in the technical environment of the professional advancement, being designed, in its turn, is advisable to be included in the expanded program of the domestic forum CDIO. The findings obtained in the current study have led to the following conclusions: 1. The existing individual forms of educational process of the department of physical culture and sport is to be transformed to a specialized structural formation BILab laboratory. 2. The physiological monitoring of adequate performance of physical exercises, conducted by students using simple equipment during training sessions directly supported by BILab has a positive impact on the student extracurricular activity. 3. The developed didactic complex of personal integration can be the basis for the development of a curriculum for training of bachelors and masters in the fields of "Management of Physical Culture and Sport", "Management telemetering monitoring of physical working capacity in fitness and sport" (as the second higher education).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Engineering in correction of physical development of young students»


I.K. Yaichnikov, associate professor, Ph.D.

V.P. Suschenko, professor, Dr.Hab.

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg

Key words: engineering, training session, didactic complex, personal integration, physical development, young students.

Relevance. At the beginning of the first semester the physical culture and sports department holds control testing of the level of physical development of students (recent secondary school pupils) in the basic types of exercises. Comparison of the data obtained with the standards of USSR's Ready for Labor and Defense fitness promotion system (the Russian acronym of the "Ready for Labor and Defense" slogan), that existed prior to 1985, shows a general decrease in the overall level of physical fitness of a modern young man [1, 3, 6]. The training plans of macro- and mesocycles of educational training classes are corrected on the basis of the developed control framework of sports and technical indicators. A coach-instructor faces the problem of forming individualization of the type and amount of physical load for a particular student. Along with the development of skills of special physical training in accordance with the sport selected by a student (combat sports, football, sport games, etc.), the issue of the need to improve overall fitness is burning. As a result, the solution of the problem boils down to the need to correct the student's lifestyle in which daily physical activity should dominate [4, 5]. The main factor to be taken into account is "sitting" at the "desk" and computer (on network resources). The algorithm for solving this problem for a student of polytechnic university is given in the list of the International CDIO Initiatives (conceive - design - implement - operate, version 2.0) [2, 3]. In this regard, the physical culture and sports department needs to expand the CDIO list and to individualize the integration of the programs for physical and professional development of students.

The purpose of the present study was to identify the reserves of sports and educational forms of involvement of students into the process of "constructing" the success of their professional future in the physical culture and sports department, as well as reserves of interdepartmental and inter-institutional cooperation of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

The didactic complex of personal integration (DCPI) of students' self-control of the parameters of their physical development into the technical environment of their professional growth, being developed in this regard, is advisable to be included into the program of the domestic CDIO forum being expanded.

Materials and methods. The efficiency of the lectures and seminars on the fundamentals of medicobiological control on the fulfillment of physical exercises carried out at the physical culture and sports department was analyzed, and this course was corrected. As a result of the conversion of laboratory equipment from the measuring mode of control of physiological parameters of students' body to the mode of monitoring carried out directly under the conditions of educational training, the DCPI tasks were formulated. The program for applying fitness equipment of the department in the frames of DCPI development was corrected basing on the performance of the stipulated tasks.

Results and discussion. Engineering is a set of design, practical works and services related to engineering-technical area and needed to create a technical object and facilitate its use; technology of management of the lifecycle of facilities, organizational and technical system that provides control of all information about the object and processes related to it throughout the entire life cycle - from design and production to putting out of service [1-3, 5, 6]. The Worldwide CDIO Initiative has been developed as an international project aimed at reforming the engineering education and bridging the existing gap between the theory and practice in the training of future engineers. In our country, the CDIO Initiative has much in common with the presidential program for engineering training, the project-oriented education and the system of supplementary vocational training. The maximum proximity to the production challenges and the demand for competences, the cooperation between industry and universities are the factors of effective training of future engineers [1, 3, 5-8].

The scientific and methodological board of the physical culture and sports department of SPbSPU, generalizing the great experience in sports training and physical culture and education work, set for the teaching staff of the department the task of developing effective methods of combining programs of training sessions with the forms of teaching (learning) and research work of both teachers and students. The purpose of this combining is to develop all participants' skills thoughtful creative activity aimed at revealing and fixing the algorithms for the preservation and efficient development of health potential in everyday educational and life practice.

The accumulated experience contributed to founding the "Bioadaptive Engineering" lab (BELab) at the department. Its objectives are to develop simple but effective hardware and software solutions used in the monitoring of efficiency of educational management of activities on improvement of individual fitness and growth of sports skills of students and teachers. The use of the developed didactic modules resulted in the self-diagnostics and correction of assignments carried out by students at sports training classes. In this process, students conduct research, the results of which are presented at scientific meetings and published in proceedings of the meetings [1, 6-8]. In the near future the BELab should develop the methods and approaches to interdepartmental integration of educational training and specialized technical forms of teaching. As a result of this integration, the following changes can be expected: appearance of original higher-priority hardware and software products; generation of future

specialist's habits and skills of current professional activity; preservation of health potential, and eventually formation of a completed didactic complex of personal integration (CDCPI) [1-3, 5, 8].

One of the expected results of such integrating work of the "Bioadaptive Engineering" lab is further application of the CDCPI in the sphere of telecommunications technologies of managing the educational training work of specialists in physical culture and sports, not only within the university but also in the pre-university educational institutions, particularly in secondary schools, gymnasiums, and colleges [1, 3, 4, 6]. The advisory, sports and educational services based on telecommunications technologies, provided by the teachers of the department to the pre-university educational institutions, schools, sports clubs, teams, etc., will be a very timely response to the Russian Federation Presidential Decree No. 172 of March 24, 2014 "On the All-Russian fitness complex "Ready for Labor and Defence" (GTO)".

The findings obtained in the current study resulted in the following conclusions:

1. The existing individual forms of educational process of the physical culture and sports department are to be transformed to a specialized structural formation - "Bioadaptive Engineering" lab (BELab).

2. The physiological monitoring of the adequate execution of physical exercises, conducted by students using simple equipment during training sessions directly supported by BELab has a positive impact on the student's extracurricular activity.

3. The didactic complex of personal integration being developed can be the basis for the development of a curriculum for bachelor's and master's training in the fields of "Management of Physical Culture and Sport", "Management of telemetry monitoring of physical working capacity in fitness and sport" (as the second higher education).


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6. Suschenko, V.P. Development of modern forms of teaching technical university students within the physical culture paradigm / V.P. Suschenko, Yu.V. Ruzanov, A.A. Efimov, I.K. Yaichnikov // Science Week of SPbSPU: Proc. of the inter-univ. theor.-practical conf. "Physical culture, sport and health of students". - Publ. h-se of Polytechnic university. - St. Petersburg, 2014. - P. 132-140. (In Russian)

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Corresponding author: [email protected]

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