Научная статья на тему 'Energy-resource-saving technology and a machine for preparing soil for planting cotton on the ridges'

Energy-resource-saving technology and a machine for preparing soil for planting cotton on the ridges Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Toshtemirov Sanjar Jumaniyazovich, Хоliyarov Yormamat Berdiqulovich, Batirov Zafar Lutfullayevich

The article describes the features and advantages of an energy-resource-saving new technology for the preparation of cotton fields for sowing cotton seeds on the ridges, as well as the technological process of work and the test results of the developed combined machine for implementing the proposed technology.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Energy-resource-saving technology and a machine for preparing soil for planting cotton on the ridges»

Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, professor, Head of the Department of scientific-applied researches and Innovation, Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: [email protected] Toshtemirov Sanjar Jumaniyazovich, associat professor, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan Хоliyarov Yormamat Berdiqulovich, oandidate, of technical sciences, Senior Researcher, Soil Processing Department, Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (SRIMEA), Tashkent

Batirov Zafar Lutfullayevich, candidate, of technical sciences, Vice-rector Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract: The article describes the features and advantages of an energy-resource-saving new technology for the preparation of cotton fields for sowing cotton seeds on the ridges, as well as the technological process of work and the test results of the developed combined machine for implementing the proposed technology.

Keywords: technology, soil, machine, cotton, formation of ridges, hull, deep-looser, paraplane, ridge-maker.

Introduction. In Uzbekistan, the preparation of soil for cultivated cotton on the ridges is carried out mainly stepwise, i.e. single-operation machines in several passes, which in many cases is not justified agronomically. One-operation technology of soil preparation for sowing includes fertilization, plowing, preparation of soil for sowing (disking, harrowing, pounding, etc.). Then the cotton is sown [1, 27; 2, 12; 3, 86-88; 4, 125-126].

Multiple travel of machinery along the field being treated leads to an increase in undesirable soil compaction by the wheels of tractors and machines, which leads to a decrease in the yield of cotton. This treatment is not soil-protective and does not meet modern requirements [4, 125-126; 5, 234-235].

Thus, traditional technologies are not justified agronomically and economically, as labor productivity is reduced, labor and funds are expended, soil is compacted, soil preparation time is tightened, soil is intensively dried, which leads to a decrease in crop yields.

Proceeding from the above, agriculture needs new, more advanced technologies and means of mechanization for soil cultivation. At the same time, machines and units must meet the following modern requirements: provide a sharp (1.5-3 times) increase in labor productivity, a decrease in fuel consumption of more than 20%; energy intensity of operations performed by combined units should be lower than the total energy intensity of operations of the whole complex of single-operation machines;

Section 11. Technical science

labor costs for the operation of combined units should be lower than when the whole complex of replaceable singleoperation machines [6, 6-8; 7, 28-29].

Objects and methods of research. The object of the research is the technology of preparation of cotton fields for comb-seeding and a combined machine for the implementation of this technology. The methods of system analysis and the rules of agricultural mechanics were used in the research.

The studies were conducted in 2016-2017 in Kash-kadarya region of Uzbekistan. Type of soil - takyr. Background - a field of cotton. The average slope of the terrain is 1 °. The microrelief is uneven, combed. The average height of the ridges is 15,8 cm. Humidity and soil hardness in horizons 0.. .10, 10.. .20, 20.. .30 cm was respectively 8,2; 12,1; 14,5% and 2,86; 3,1; 3,38 MPa.

Figure 1. Scheme of technology and machines

When the soil of the crest is rotated by 1800, seeds of weeds and plant debris are embedded in their place. The use of a new special working body with a sloping "para-plou" type support facilitates loosening of the old crest's soil without moving and carrying soil aggregates to the surface, as a result of which the crests are not disturbed. At the same time, this working body locally makes fertilizers. The technology of crest formation instead of existing without moving soil in comparison with existing technologies requires much less energy.

The machine that carries out this technology contains the right - and the left-handed screw plow cases 1 and 2 with the plows 3, the deeper plows 4 of the "para-plou" type, equipped with loosening plates and fertilizer

Results of the research. The Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute has developed a new technology and a combined machine for preparing soil for planting cotton on the ridges [8, 8; 9, 11].

The peculiarity of the new technology is that the preparation of cotton fields for cotton planting on ridges is carried out by forming new ridges instead of existing ridges (fig. 1). At the same time, first the top layer of the crest of each aisle is processed to the depth a1 by wrapping the soil of the crest of the aux abed for 1800 to its place (fig. 1a and b), then the lower layer of the soil is deeply loosened (fig.1 b) to the depth a2 and locally fertilizers are introduced along the line of the middle of each ridge without disrupting its shape by a special working organ with a sloping ""paraplou" type post [10, 35-37], equipped with loosening plates and fertilizer elements, after which crests are formed.


for preparing cotton fields for seeding on ridges

elements, a fertilizer application device, two-sided 5 and one-side ridges 6 (Fig. 1 d).

On the basis of theoretical studies, an experimental sample of a combined machine was manufactured. During the tests, the machine loosened the soil under the ridges to a depth of 37.4 cm and formed a new crest with a height of 24.8 cm. The degree of loosening of the soil was 80,48%. The use of the combined machine reduces fuel costs by 46.72%, labor costs by 44.84% and operating costs by 60.4% compared to existing machines.

Conclusion. Studies have shown that the developed machine reliably performs the specified technological process, its performance is fully consistent with the agro-technical requirements.


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