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Endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants of the Kopetdag Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Akmuradov Allamurad, Shaiymov Babaguly, Halmedov Bazar, Yakubov Atabeg, Halliyeva Gulyaiym

The article presents some information of the place of growing of the endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants of the Kopetdag. A monitoring has been carried out and the bioecological peculiarities, resource characteristics and modern state of the natural population of the most important species have been studied. Some scientifically based ways of protection and introduction into culture have been worked out to preserve the endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants of the region.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants of the Kopetdag»

Section 2. Biomedical science

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ELBLS-16-4-31-37

Akmuradov Allamurad, Turkmen State Medical University Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, E-mail: gu28 @mail.ru Shaiymov Babaguly, Turkmen State Medical University, Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, Candidate of Biology

Halmedov Bazar, Turkmen State Medical University, Department of Pathologic Anatomy, Candidate of Medicine

Yakubov Atabeg, Turkmen State Medical University, Student Halliyeva Gulyaiym, Turkmen State Medical University, Student

Endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants of the Kopetdag

Abstract: The article presents some information of the place of growing of the endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants of the Kopetdag. A monitoring has been carried out and the bioecological peculiarities, resource characteristics and modern state of the natural population of the most important species have been studied. Some scientifically based ways of protection and introduction into culture have been worked out to preserve the endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants of the region.

Keywords: Red Book of Turkmenistan, endemic, limiting factors, Turkmen folk medicine.

The Kopetdag range is located in the southwestern dicinal plants of the vegetable kingdom of the Kopetdag

part of the territory of Turkmenistan. At present, in the and adjacent territories.

Kopetdag there grow over 400 species of the endemic Within the framework of the article there have been

plants, half of which are used in the Turkmen folk medi- described the key species of the medicinal plants well-

cine for treating various diseases. In this connection, a known to the authors through their personal observa-

complex study of the natural raw materials, modern state tions in the nature during their field expeditions in 2006-

of the most important species and monitoring of the en- 2015. We would like to present the information only on

dangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants growing in some medicinal plants growing in this region.

the Kopetdag and adjacent territories are of a great sig- Wilson tulip (Tulipa wilsoniana Th. Hoog) is a per-

nificance. Practical value of medicinal plants and their renial herbaceous plant of the lilacious family (Liliaceae

efficient use are of a certain importance for their mul- Juss.). The endemic of the Cental Kopetdag growing at

tivariate evaluation [1,4]. The information on the area a height of 600-1,600 m above sea level. In the Cen-

of distribution and reserves of the natural raw materials tal Kopetdag it grows in Tagarev, Sarymsakly, Misinev,

of the majority of the medicinal plants are insufficient; Hayrabad, Chaek, Dushaerekdag, Vanov [7, 147; 8, 111].

many species have become rare; some of them have be- On May 12, 2015 we discovered a new growth

come relicts. place in the Murzedag hole in the Central Kopetdag. We

The aim of the work: a complex study of the natural have registered 7 species in the ten-square-metre territo-

raw materials of the endangered, rare and endemic me- ry. The species belongs to the rare herbaceous plants. Its

reserves for medicinal purposes are not sufficient. It has been introduced into culture. It is grown in the Ashgabat Botanical Gardens and is protected in the Kopetdag State Wildlife Preservation and was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011) [7, 231].

The bulbs of the plant are used in the Turkmen folk medicine for healing wounds; its petals are used as an expectorant, and as a remedy soothing headache and for head thrombosis [2, 25].

Hug tulip (Tulipa hoogiana B. Fedtsch.) is a perre-nial herbaceous plant of the lilacious family (Liliaceae Juss.). The endemic of the Cental Kopetdag growing at a height of 600-1,600 m above sea level. In the Cental Kopetdag, it grows in Hyzder, Arvaz, Tagarev, Degir-mengly, Misinev, Chopandag, Dushaerekdag [2, 25; 6, 53; 7, 147; 8, 111].

The species belongs to the vulnarable plants. Its reserves for medicinal purposes are not sufficient. It has been introduced into culture. It is grown in the Ashgabat Botanical Gardens and is protected in the Kopetdag State Wildlife Preservation. The plant was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011) and the IUCN Red List (1998) [7, 224; 11, 215].

The bulbs of the plant are used in the Turkmen folk medicine as a hemostatic, general health-improving and immunostimulating drug. Fresh leaves juice is used for treating wound bleeding; in the combination with honey it is used for treating walleyes, visual impairment, external injuries of the eye-bulbs [2, 25].

Botschantzeva tulip (Tulipa botschantzevae S. Abramowaet Zakaljabina) is a bulbous polycarpic plant of the lilacious family. It is a narrow local relict endemic of the Central Kopetdag. The species is close to extinction. It grows in the lower belt of the mountains. In the Central Kopetdag it grows in the Almajyk hole. It is the only known area [7, 234; 8, 111].

On March 15, 2014 we discovered a new growth place in the Arvaz hole in the Central Kopetdag. We have registered 3 species in the ten-square-metre territory.

The plant reserves for medicinal purposes are not sufficient. It has been introduced into culture. It is grown in the Ashgabat Botanical Gardens of the Biology and Medicinal Plants Institute of the AS of Turkmenistan. The species was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (2011) [7, 235]. The number of this plant is decreasing due to the bulb digging, cattle grazing, and mountain slopes washing-off. A part of the population is protected in the Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservation.

Bulb decoction is used in the Turkmen folk medicine as a general health-improving and immunostimulating drug.

Hyacinth tellaza Caspian (Hyacinthell atranscaspica Litv.) is a perrenial herbaceous plant of the lilacious family (Liliaceae Juss.). The endemic of the Kopetdag-Kho-rasan Mountains growing at a height of 1,200-2,800m above sea level. In the Central Kopetdag it grows from Arvaza to Hovdan and Asylmy, Chopandag, Rizarash and Luja [7, 238; 8, 115].

On March 10-15, 2015, we registered 1-12 species per a square metre in the Murzedag hole in the Germab key section of the Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservation.

The species belongs to the herbaceous plans close to extinction. Its reserves for medicinal purposes are not sufficient. The plant has been introduced into culture. It is grown in the Ashgabat Botanical Gardens of the Biology and Medicinal Plants Institute of the AS of Turkmenistan and is protected in the Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservation. It was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (2011) and the IUCN Red List (1998) [7, 239; 11, 272].

Plant juice is used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating testicle tumors; it is also prevents hair growing and delays sexual maturity [2, 25].

Litvinov hyacinth (Hyacinthus litwinowii Czerniak.) is a perrenial herbaceous plant of the lilacious family (Liliaceae Juss.). The endemic of the Kopetdag growing at a height of 800-1,600m above sea level. In the Central Kopetdag it grows in Nohur, Arvaz, Degirmengly, Sulykly, Mergenolen, Murzedag, Kurkulab, Heyrabad, Archman and Garachlchy [7, 240-241; 8, 115].

The species belongs to the rare herbecuous plants. Its reserves for medicinal purposes are not sufficient. The plant has been introduced into culture. It is grown in the Ashgabat Botanical Gardens of the Biology and Medicinal Plants Institute of the AS of Turkmenistan and is protected in the Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservation. It was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011).

In spring 2014, we registered 1-25 species per a square metre in the Garayalchy gorge in the Arvaz key section.

Raw or baked bulbs are used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating abscesses, boils, ulcers, and septic wounds; juice prevents hair growing and delays sexual maturity; it is also used for treating testicle tumors [2, 26].

Vavilov onion (Allium vavilovii M. Pop. et Vved.) is a bulbous polycarpic plant of the alliaceous family (Al-liaceae J. Agardh). It is a Kopetdag-Kharasan endemic [9, 242]. In the Cental Kopetdag, it grows in Nohur, Arch-man, Arvaz, Alajyk, Baharly, Kurkulab, Germab, Hey-rabad, Dushaerekdag Archabil, Dashtoy and Hovdan in the low and middle mountain belts (700-1500 m above sea level) [7, 242; 8, 115].

In summer 2006, in the Dashtoy gorge we registered 1,260 bulbs in 616 nests in two microstands in the 1,775-square metre territory. In summer 2007, the growth areas of the natural population in the Archabil and Saryhazav gorges were investigated. One microstand population in the Archabil gorge occupies the 350-square metre area where 361 bulbs have been registered in 50 nests. A second one is 4.5 metres away from the first microstand and occupies 95-square metre territory where 64 bulbs have been registered in 10 nests. The territory of the third microstand (the Saryhazav gorge) is 60 m 2 and there have been registered 26 nests [2, 26]. The total area of the species in the Central Kopetdag is less than 23 hectares with 10-12 thousand bulbs. The plant was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011). It is necessary to monitor the species to preserve it.

The plant is used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating constipationsand kidney stones and as a deuret-ic, cholagogue, taeniacide, gastric, antibacterial and vitamin-rich remedy [2, 26].

Yellowish Dactylorhiza (Dactilorhiza flavescens (C. Koch) Holub) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the orchid family, 10-35 cm high. It has 2-4 regenerative palmately-laciniate partite tubers on the end. Flowers are light-yellow or violet-purple, seldom albescent. It flowers in April-May. A blooming period is 35 days. The species is a mesophyte and it propagates by seeds [7, 150].

In 2013-2014, in the Arvaz key section in the Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservation, in the Ypaygala gorge there were registered 10 and 12 species 15-30cm high in the blooming and fruit bearing periods, in the two one-square-metre registered plots [5, 98]. A plant cover is presented by Turkmen juniper (Juniperus turkomanica B. Fedtsch), elm minor (Ulmus minor Mill), Turkmen hawthorn (Crataegus turkomanica Pojark), dog rose (Rosa canina L.), small-fruited cherry trees (Cerasus microcarpa (C. A. Mey) Boiss), Turkmen marple (Acer turcomanicum Pojark.) and by various grasses: boughy horsetail (Equisetum ramossissimum Desf.), scabrous John'- wood (Hypericum scabrum L.), gum giant fennel (Ferula gummosa Boiss.), oriental zosima (Zosima orintalis Hoffm.), spiny sage (Salvia spinosa L.), aromatic perovskia (Perovskia abrotanoides Kar.) and others.

This species grows in the Southwestern (Syunt, Kapakly, Hatynaga) and Central (Garaul, Nohur, Arvaz) Kopetdag, preferring the upper and middle belts of the mountains (1,400-1,600 m above sea level). It grows on the northern flanks of the hills and wet lands, in the growth of lignose and on the mountain lawns [8, 150].

Some individuals can be met very seldom, individually. At present, about 600 individuals have been registered. Main limiting factors are change of plant cover and cattle grazing. The plant was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (2011) [7, 263]. It is necessary to perform a strict control over the growth places and to study the peculiarities of the bioecology and seed propagation. A part of the population is protected in the Syunt-Hasardag and Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservations.

The species leaves, flowers and bulbs decoctions and infusions are used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating oncological diseases and as a general health-improving, tonic, sedative and detoxicating remedy. The plant is also used for treating cardiovascular and reproductive systems diseases and for locomotor apparatus disorders [5, 98].

Fedtchenko orchis (O. fedtschenkoi Czerniak) is a perennial herbaceous plant 20-30 cm high. Tubers are whole, oblong, assidenous, egg-shaped, 2.0-2.5 cm long and up to 1.5cm in the diameter with small additional roots. A stem is bare, foliaceous, upright, cylindrical, 28 cm high. Flowers are violet, spotty, 1.7cm long. The plant flowers in April, brings fruits in May. A blooming period is 25-30 days. It propagates by seeds [8,36].

On March 23, 2015, we for the first time registered a new growth place in the protected territory of the Syunt-Hasardag Wildlife Reservation in the Yoldere gorge among the woody plants. There was one blooming species in the one-square-metre area.

The species grows in the Southwest Kopetdag (Tut-lybyl), preferring a middle belt of the mountains (1,200-1,300m above sea level). It grows on the rocky flanks of the hills, in the wood growth and rock cracks. It is an endemic and can be met very seldom [8,136].

The plant is used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating dermal diseases, toothache, and adisgestive system disorders [5, 99].

Monkey orchis (O. simia Lam.) is a perennial herbaceous plant 20-45 cm high. Tubers are oval, egg-shaped or ellipsoid, 2.0-2.5 cm long and 1.0-1.5cm in the diameter. Flowers are uneven, pale pink, light-gray-violet or light-gray-violet or light-gray-purple. It flowers in April-May and brings fruits in May-June. A blooming period is 35-45 days. Pollination is entomophilous. Seed regeneration is poor, especially during dry years. [8,136].

The species grows in the Southwest (Magtymguly, Altybay, Syunt, Yoldere, Aydere, Pordere, Tazetaplan, Hatynaga) and Central (Gagaul) Kopetdag, preferring a middle belt of the mountains (1,100-1,600m above-sea level). It grows in the grass shadow, on the wet north

flanks of the hills and in the wood growth. It can be met very seldom; only single individuals have been registered. It is a water-loving xerophyte, endemic [7,264].

In 2012, we for the first time registered a new growth place of the species in the Garagachdere gorge (Southwest Kopetdag). 7 (5vegetating and 2 blooming) and 12 (10 vegetating and 2 blooming) individuals were registered in the two registered one-square-metre plots respectively. In total, about 1,123 individuals in the satisfactory state have been registered in the gorge, 79% of individuals were in the vegetative period and 21% in the flowering period [5, 99].

In 2012-2014 some individuals in the Desh gorge (17 individuals) and in the Yoldere gorge (7 individuals) were registered in the vegetation and flowering periods in the registered one-square-metre plots. Plant cover in the Yoldere gorge is presented by Turkmen juniper (cop1), Circvassian walnuts — Celtiscaucasica Willd (sol.), common fig trees Ficus carica L. (sp), Turkmen maple (cop2) and by various grasses: rough John's wood (cop1), white felted germander Teucrium polium L. (sp), lavender-leafed betony Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl (sp), Turkmen sage Salvia turcomanica Pobed. (sp), and others.

The species was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (2011) [7, 265]. Limiting factors are habitat desiccation and cattle grazing. It is necessary to study the bioecology and seed regeneration. A part of the population is protected in the Kopetdag and Syunt-Hasardag State Wildlife Reservations. In 2007, some attempts were made to introduce the species from the Kumushdash hole (on the joint of the Central and Southwest Kopet-dag) in Ashgabat.

Plant dried bulbs are used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating gastrointestinal diseases, poisonings, gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenum ulcers and as an immunemodulating, general health-improving and antiseptic remedy [5, 100].

Transcaspian twayblade (Orphys transhyrcana Czerniak) is a perennial rhizomatous polycarpic plant of the orchid family (Orchidaceae Juss.). A Southwest Kopetdag — Khorasan type. It can be seldom met in the middle belt of the mountains: among the trees and brushwood, in the shadowy gorges, wetlands and on the river banks. In the Central Kopetdag it can be seen only in the Sarymsaky hole [7, 266; 8, 136].

We registered that species on March 25, 2013 in the Germab key section (Sarymsaky hole) on the grassy flanks, among the bushes. The population is not numerous but full-membered; juvenile individuals made up about 20%, generative ones — 30%. An average densi-

ty is 0.3 species per 1m 2. A larger population was met in the same region. Its density in the broad-leaved forest made up 2-3 (4) individuals per 1m 2. In the population there were not more than 100 individuals.

It was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011) and the CITES List (2011)

as a species close to extinction [7, 267; 10, 197]. The number of the species is decreasing due to the change of a plant cover as a result of spring drying and cattle grazing. It is necessary to monitor and control the state of the population. A part of the population is protected in the Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservation

The plant leaves, stems, flowers and bulbs decoctions and infusions are used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating oncological diseases and as an effcient remedy for treating so-called general constitutional weakness and as a gereneral health-improving remedy among the epatients with severe, continious and chronical diseases of the internals [5, 100].

Turkmen helleborine (E. turcomanica K. Pop. et Neschat) is a perennial rhizomatous polycarpic plant of the orchid family. A Southwestern Kopetdag type. It can be met seldom. The only growth place is in the Aydyre Southwestern hole. The plant grows in the middle belt of the mountains 1,200-1,600 me above sea level) [8, 137].

It was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011) as a plant close to extinction [7, 271]. The number of species is decreasing due to the land development, mudslides, and cattle grazing. It necessary to perform a strict control over its growth places and to enforce a protected regime in the Aydyre gorge to preserve the species. A part of the population is protected in the Syunt-Hasardag State Wildlife Reservation.

In June 2015, we registered 3 individuals in the one-square-metre area in the Aydyre gorge. The population includes up to 10-15 individuals.

In the Turkmen folk medicine, Turkmen helleborine grass and rhizome decoctions are rather efficient for treating paralyses. Leaves and rhizomes decoctions are efficient for treating so-called general constitutional weakness and as a gereneral health-improving remedy among the epatients with severe, continious and chronical diseases of the internals [5, 100-101].

Eubank iris (Iris ewbankiana M. Foster) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the iris family (iridaceaeJuss.). It ca be met seldom in the upper belt of the mountains (up to 2,200m above sea level). It grows in small populations in the pit-run and detritus flanks in the Atvaz, Mergenolen, Gyryhovdan, Garanky, Babazav, Dagysh, Aselma, Archabil, and Gavdan gorges [8, 133].

On May 2013 we registered a new growth place in the Ypaygal gorge in the Central Kopetdag. We have registered about 500 plants in the 0.5-hectare area [9, 53].

The species was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (2011) and the IUCN Red List (1998) [7, 215; 11; 301].

Leaves decoctions and infusions are used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating frigidity, potency disorder, scurvy, liver diseases, and as a diuretic, cholagogue, anti-inflammatory, analgetic, and wound healing remedy.

Chopandag campion (SileneczopandagensisBondar.) is perrenial herbaceous alpine plant of the pink family (Caryophyllaceae Juss.). It is a narrow local, rare endemic species. The only grwoth place in the Central Kopetdag is Chapandag. The plant grows in the upper belt of the mountains (2,600-2,800 m above sea level) [10, 82].

During field expeditions in summer 2006 and in autumn 2007, in Chopandag Mountain we registered 37 individuals in the three 100-square metre separate plots (12 individuals in the first plot; 10 in the second and 15 in the third one) [2, 26; 5, 54; 8, 83].

The plant was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011). The main limiting factors are cattle grazing and cuttings. It is necessary to study the state of the natural population, to estimate its number and to search for new growth places for preserving the species.

The grass is used in the Turkmen folk medicine as an antitumor and emetic, remedy; decoctions are used as a sedative for toothache; infusions are used for releasing headache, insomnia, impaired cardial function, for treating nephritic, gynecological diseases; for gynecological curette, hemorrhoidal bleeding, bronchial hemorrhage, stomach, nose and other bleedings as well as for treating purulent otitis [2, 26].

Turkmen pear tree (Pyrusturcomanica Maleev) is a deciduous tree of the Rosaceae family (RosaceaeJuss.). It is a narrow local Kopetdag endemic [2, 27; 7, 142]. In the Central Kopetdag it grows in Arvaz, Mergenolen, Darirmengly, Sulykly, Misinev, Hydyrsdape, Tazytagty, Sakaltutan, Gurgulab, and Archabil. The plant grows 1,200-1,600 m above sea level [3, 82; 8, 143].

In October-November 2007, in the upper reaches of the Hyrsdepe gorge we investigated two isolated natural populations of the species. In the 2.19-hectare area we have registered 2,512 trees, 522 of which were adult and 1,922 adolescent necessary ones [2, 27; 3, 82].

At present, Turkmen wild pear tree is close to extinction and was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011). It is necessary to inventory each tree in the ecotopes, to monitor the number of the species, to

control and to plant the trees within the natural habitats to preserve the species.

Boiled and baked pear fruits are used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating upper air passages diseases, tuberculosis, for urination normalization and as an obstipant [2, 27; 3, 83].

Turkmen apple tree (Malus turkmenorum Juz. et M. Pop.) is a low deciduous fruit tree or shrub of the Rosaceae family (RosaceaeJuss). It is a Kopetdag alpine Middle Asian rare endemic species. [7,146-147]. In the Central Kopetdag it grows in Garagura, Degirmegly, Misinev, Hyrsdere, Tazytagty, Sakaltutan, Heyrabad, and Chaek. The plant grows in the lower and middle belts of the mountains (1,200-1,600 m above sea level) [3, 83; 8, 146].

In October-November 2007, in the Hyrsdere gorge (Misinev range, 1,800-1,900 m above sea level) there were discovered seven isolated natural populations of wild apple trees in the 2.1-hectrare area where 363 individuals had been registered [2, 27; 3, 83].

The plant was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011). At present, it is close to extinction. It is necessary to take measure to preserve this natural gene pool.

Leaves and flowers decoctions are used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating anemia and diabetes; fruit decoctions and infusions are used for treating metabolic disorders, acute and chronic gastritis, hypertension, cardiovascular system and gastric diseases, for colitis, chronic constipations, cough, laryngitis, influenza, and as a vasorelaxant, hematopoietic, diuretic, expectorant and sedative remedy. Fruit juice is used for hypertension, anaemia, reumathism, podagra, diabetis with obesity, acute respiratory infections, liver diseases and urolithiasis [2, 27; 3, 83].

Turkestan mountain ash (Sorbus turkestanica (Franch.) Hedl.) is a low deciduous fruit tree or shrub of the Rosaceae family (Rosaceae Juss). It is a Kopetdag alpine Middle Asian rare endemic species [7, 140]. In the Central Kopetdag it grows in Misinev, Hyrsdere, Tazytagty, Semansur, and Chopandag. The plant grows in upper belt of the mountains (2,600-2,900 m above sea level) [8, 292].

In October 2007, while investigating the northern flanks of the Hyrsdere gorge (Misinev range) there were discovered five isolated natural populations in the 7.3-hectare area, where 402 individuals were registered [2, 27; 4, 54]. At present, the species is close to extinction and it was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011).

Fruit and flowers decoctions are used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating gastrointensinal disturbances [2, 27].

Black currant (Ribes melananthum Boiss. et Hohen.) is a shrub of the gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae DC.). It is a narrow local endemic of the Central Kopetdag. The plant grows at a height of2,600-2,900 m above sea level. In the Central Kopetdag it grows in Semansur, Chopan-dag, Amarat, Sybyr, Luja, and Dagysh [7, 134; 8, 285].

The species belongs to the rare plants. Its reserves for medicinal purposes are not sufficient. The species is protected in the Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservation and was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011). Limiting factors are weak seed reproduction, and unfavourable climatic conditions. It is necessary to monitor the number and the state of the species, to introduce it into culture, to propagandise and to control known habitats and search for new ones.

In 2008-2010, on the northern rock flanks of the Se-mansur, Chopandag and Dagysh we registered 9, 7 and 3 individuals respectively.

Plant infusions are used in the Turkmen folk medicine for treating odemas, cold, liver diseases, scrofula, padagra, reumathism, gastric pains, stones in the kidneys and urinary bladder; dried leaves tea is used as a diaphoretic and diuretic remedy, for dermal and urinary bladder diseases; dried berries tea is used for gingival and as an antidiarrheal, diuretic and diaphoretic remedy [2, 26].

Atabayev senna (Colutea atabajevii B. Fedstch.) is a subshrub of the fabaceous family (FabaceaeLindl.), a relict endemic of the Eastern and Central Kopetdag. It grows at a height of 40-800 m above sea level. In the Central Kopetdag the plant grows in Huncha 2 [7, 162; 8, 162].

In spring and summer 2006-2012, while investigating the lignosa of the Guryhovdan Wildlife Reserve, there were registered six isolated natural populations — 810 individuals in the 3,200-hectare territory [2, 27].

The species belongs to the rare plants. Its reserves for medicinal purposes are not sufficient. It has been introduced into culture and is grown in the Ashgabat Botanical Gardens. The species is protected in the Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservation. The species was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011) and the ICUN Red List (1998).

Leaves decoctions and infusions are used in the Turkmen folk as a purgative remedy for chronic constipations-fruits are used for treating acute and respiratory infections; seeds are used as an emetic remedy [2, 27].

Androsov blue cornflower (Centaurea androsso-

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viiIljin) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family (Asteraceae Dumort). It is a narrow local endemic of the northern flanks of Huncha 2 in the Central Kopetdag. The species is close to extinction [7, 202]. It grows in the only plot occupying a limited 150-200-metre long territory. In June 2006, on the northeastern flank of the Asylma range (Small Huncha) we registered 25 individuals in the 100-square-metre territory [2, 28; 4, 55].

The species was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (1999, 2011) and IUCN Red List (1998). It is necessary to protect, control and study the biology and ecology of the species and to introduce it into culture.

Infusions are used in the Turkmen folk medicine as an antifebrile remedy for colds, acute respiratory diseases, and headaches; they are used externally in a form of lotions for washing eye mucous membrane. Flowers infusions and teas are used as a diuretic remedy for chronic nephritic diseases and those of the urinary bladder, and infusions are used for treating jaundice [2, 28].

Kopetdag blue cornflower (Centaurea Kopetdag hensis Iljin) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family (Asteraceae Dumort). It is a Southwestern Kopetdag endemic. The species grows at a height of 1,200 2,800 m above sea level. In the Central Kopetdag it grows in Arvaz, Tagaryev, from Ypay to the Sumbar watershed [8, 206].

In May 2014, we registered 7 individuals in the ten-square-metre territory in the Arvaza key section (Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservation). The species belongs to the rare herbaceous plants. Its reserves for medicinal purposes are not sufficient. It is recommended to introduce the species into culture. It is protected in the Kopetdag State Wildlife Reservation and was entered in the Red Book of Turkmenistan (2011).

Infusions are used in the folk medicine for treating colds, inflammations, and appettite loss, for improving digestion functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and as an antifebrile, tonic, sedative, gastric, diuretic and chola-gogue remedy; in the form of washes it is used for treating eye diseases. In the Turkmen folk medicne pounded seeds are applied on the warts [2, 28].

Thus, endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants are mainly growing in the Kopetdag range region. Summing up the disembodied data on the use of infusions and decoctions from the various parts of the endangered, rare and endemic medicinal plants by the folk healers of Turkmenistan for treating a large range of diseases, we should say that a profound knowledge of the biology, ecology and methods of study, comprehensive informa-

Correlation patterns of the educational process factors with the physical development indices of cadets, pupils and students

tion on the modern state of the population, development of the scientific basis of nature protection and introduction of the species into culture are necessary prerequisites for preserving valuable medicinal gene pole of the vegetable kingdom of the Kopetdag and for efficient

growing of the rare plants of the local flora. Being vulnerable in their nature, endemic, rare and endangered medicinal plants require strict measures to be taken for their preservation. Today their reliable shelter is natural reservations, wildlife preserves and parks.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ELBLS-16-4-37-40

Andriichuk Vitalii Mikhailovich, Gorbatyuk Svetlana Mikhailovna, Khliestova Svetlana Svyatoslavovna, Klymchuk Iryna Nikolaevna, PhDs, Associate Professors of Vinnitsa national medical University named after. M. I. Pirogov E-mail: [email protected]

Correlation patterns of the educational process factors with the physical development indices of cadets, pupils and students

Abstract: We studied the correlation patterns of the educational process factors with the physical development indices in healthy young men: cadets, pupils and students. On the basis of the data obtained regularities of the correlation of annual change rates during the three-year training in the conditions of the educational process of various educational institutions: College of Civil Defense, Medical University. Comparison of the quantity and quality of correlations changes for groups of cadets, pupils and students during the three years of study.

Keywords: correlation, youth age, physical development, pedagogical process.

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