ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ИСКУССТВО В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ И ЕГО ВЛИЯНИЕ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие гуманитарные науки»

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Arts Academy
Ключевые слова
greening / art / ecology / culture / sociogenesis / sustainable development. / экологизация / искусство / экология / культура / социогенез / устойчивое развитие.

Аннотация научной статьи по прочим гуманитарным наукам, автор научной работы — Zh.E. Myrzabayeva

The article reveals the concept of art greening, its possibility of forming environmental consciousness and the way of influencing based on the principle of “ecological imperative”. The main indicator of sustainable development is the harmony between socio-economic and environmental development, therefore, in the system of cultural values, the value of nature and attitude towards it acquires fundamental importance. The author considers the stages of the formation of environmental consciousness in society through the art, as well as technological approaches, in particular, the art as a tool that allows, to come to the formation of environmental consciousness through the empathy.

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В статье раскрывается понятие экологизации искусства и его возможности формирования экологического сознания и как способ влияния по принципу «экологического императива». Главным показателем устойчивого развития является гармония между социально-экономическим и экологическим развитием, поэтому в системе ценностей культуры основополагающее значение приобретает ценность природы и отношение к ней. Автор рассматривает этапы формирования экологического сознания в обществе посредством искусства, а также технологическими подходами. В частности, искусство как инструмент, позволяющий посредством эмпатии прийти к формированию экологического сознания.


IRSTI 18.07.26 UDC008


Zh.E. Myrzabayeva1

Kazakh National Academy of Choreography (Astana, Kazakhstan)



The article reveals the concept of art greening, its possibility of forming environmental consciousness and the way of influencing based on the principle of "ecological imperative". The main indicator of sustainable development is the harmony between socioeconomic and environmental development, therefore, in the system of cultural values, the value of nature and attitude towards it acquires fundamental importance [1].

The author considers the stages of the formation of environmental consciousness in society through the art, as well as technological approaches, in particular, the art as a tool that allows, to come to the formation of environmental consciousness through the empathy.

Key words: greening, art, ecology, culture, sociogenesis, sustainable development.

Ж.Е. Мырзабаева1

Казахская национальная академия хореографии (Астана, Казахстан)



В статье раскрывается понятие экологизации искусства и его возможности формирования экологического сознания и как способ влияния по принципу «экологического императива». Главным показателем устойчивого развития -является гармония между социально-экономическим и экологическим развитием, поэтому в системе ценностей культуры основополагающее значение приобретает ценность природы и отношение к ней [1].

Автор рассматривает этапы формирования экологического сознания в обществе посредством искусства, а также технологическими подходами. В частности, искусство как инструмент, позволяющий посредством эмпатии прийти к формированию экологического сознания.

Ключевые слова: экологизация, искусство, экология, культура, социогенез, устойчивое развитие.

Ж.Е. Мырзабаева1

1 Казак улттык хореография академиясы (Астана, Казакстан)




Макалада энердi экологияландыру YFымы жэне онын экологиялык сананы калыптастыру мYмкiндiгi жэне "экологиялык императив" каFидаты бойынша ыкпал ету тэсiлi ре^нде ашылады. ТYракты дамудын непзп кэрсеткiшi-элеуметт'1к-экономикалык жэне экологиялык даму арасындаFы Yйлесiмдiлiк, сондыктан мэдени ^ндылыктар жYЙесiнде табиFаттын ^ндыль^ы мен оFан катынасы непзп мэнге ие болады [1].

Автор энер аркылы коFамдаFы экологиялык сананын калыптасу кезендер'!н, сондай-ак технологиялык тэсiлдердi карастырады. Атап айтканда, энер эмпатия аркылы экологиялык сананы калыптастыруFа мYмкiндiк берелн ^рал ре^нде.

ТYЙ¡нд¡ сездер: экологизация, энер, экология, мэдениет, социогенез, тYракты даму.

Introduction. Currently, due to intensive changes in the natural environment, the importance of ecology and awareness of the scale of environmental problems have increased, which in its turn lead to disruption of the structure and functioning of nature. The topic of the environmental disasters is quite relevant in all areas, but information is often presented in an aggressive form. Aggression leads to the development of antisociality and a low level of empathy. As it is known, the developed ability to empathize is closely related to successful

conflict resolution as well as prosocial and altruistic behavior [2].

The art can act as a tool that has its own distinctive form of expression through its versatility, thereby forming empathy, altruism and as a consequence the environmental thinking.

The relevance of the study lies in the development of approaches to the influence of art on the formation of environmental awareness through technology and culture.

Research methods. The methods that have been used in this work are analysis of the stages of the formation of environmental consciousness in the field of art and synthesis of the data obtained.

Review of literature on the topic. The topic of ecology is currently relevant, but the greening of the arts has not been studied in sufficient depth. Currently the author is Mosko S. In his scientific articles, he identifies methods of influence by means of art to solve environmental problems. Foreign experience was also studied using the example of the Sustaining Great Art and Culture Environmental Report, which shows in more detail the annual results of the adopted environmental strategies. And in the continuation of the work, the works of Bashmakov I.S. "The main stages and technologies of the formation of ecological identity" were studied.

Main part. Culture is a necessary condition and driving force for the development of society, including economic, social and environmental aspects. The formation of an ecological culture is one of the important conditions for stopping the degradation of the biosphere. Ecological culture as a part of universal human culture is expressed in a person's perception of himself as a part of nature. Ecological consciousness, attitude and activity are usually identified as interconnected elements of environmental culture [3]. Thus, a person and society as a whole can have an ecological identity formed through the art.

In his research work S. Mosko identifies two ways of influencing society to solve environmental problems through the formation of environmental awareness -

there are an operational approach and an artistic approach [4].

The first method of influence has its own characteristics, such as manufacturability and calculation, which can include the policy of waste reduction and other similar measures. The second method involves the development of artwork inspired by environmental themes.

Both strategies can promote environmental consciousness in society and raise awareness of environmental issues, but they do so in different ways. The operations approach focuses on measurable and tangible solutions that have a direct impact on the environment. The artistic approach does not have direct quantitative results. Instead, the impact is conceptual and ideological, targeting the emotional, ethical, and cultural value systems that shape how society interacts with its environment. Neither method is necessarily better than the other [3].

Operational approach. The popularization of the operational approach is promoted by Arts Council England, England's government agency for the development and financing of the arts, a world leader in the field of the operational approach. One of the company's conditions since 2012 is to require environmental sustainability in its funding agreements for arts and cultural programs as part of its ten-year plan ("Growing Ecology," 2012). Arts Council England requires annual monitoring of its environmental impact and an environmental policy and action plan. Only if these requirements are met the government support would be possible.

Energy efficiency and decrease of CO2 emission in 2012-2017

Reduction of energy consumption

Decrease of emission during energy consumption

Chart 1.

As shown in Chart 1 the partner companies experienced a 23% reduction in energy consumption during the reporting period from 2012 to 2013, which translated into a reduction in emissions of more than 35% and in terms of electricity and gas is a reduction from 67,600 to 44,000 tons of CO2 emissions. The number of participating organizations during the reporting period was 136 companies [5].

The Pegasus Theater in Oxford has an environmental policy that is driven by an operational approach, resulting in a 4.3 tons reduction in carbon emissions in 2018 through its building management system. The theater's environmental policy provides for fresh air supply and cooling with minimal use of refrigerant gases, which in turn controls CO2 levels. The lighting of Theater is controlled by motion sensors and the solar panels are installed on the roof.

Turner Contemporary (Margate) also takes an operational approach that includes switching off computers to reduce power consumption at night. This led to a 50% reduction in energy consumption by the administration. The gallery also reuses exhibition furniture several times before recycling it. Skirting boards and plexiglass, which account for the majority of exhibition "waste", are reused by local artists, schools and businesses [5].

A correlation can be drawn between the operational approach and the economic approach in the above examples. Nowadays an operational approach breeds


environmental thinking and financial literacy. Thus, organizations related to the arts also take part in the fight against environmental problems, which allows them to ensure their funding and influence on solving complex environmental problems.

Artistic approach is based on the possibility of shifting emphasis from material values to spiritual ones and thereby helping to overcome the situation of environmental threat as emphasized by I.S. Sizykh [6].

This method of influencing through the artistic approach has new forms and directions: performance, immersive performance, eco-ballet, etc. The embedded eco-subtext in these forms shows the need for new research into art precisely as part of modern environmental culture.

Embedded references to environmental issues can also be identified in the genre of the modern one-act ballet "The Legend of Turanga". The theme of man's struggle with nature on the stage of the ballet theater looks quite frankly, where is shown the cruelty of people towards trees and birds. Despite the fact that the legend takes us back to antiquity, the problem of the fragility and defenselessness of the environment in front of people is quite modern. The artistic method of influence allows you to put an environmental orientation into art, creating works inspired by environmental problems and carrying subtext.

Both methods influence society by promoting environmental thinking, but do so in different ways. Particular attention is paid to technological solutions: waste sorting, renewable energy sources, etc. However, this is not the only way to solve problems. Many environmental problems stem from our culture, which in turn includes traditions, values and habits, which further influence the choices and actions of people, thereby shaping the environmental consciousness of society.

Ecological consciousness. I.S. Bashmakov, who has been studying the stages of the formation of environmental consciousness, identifies three main components necessary for the formation of eco-identity: cognitive, affirmative and instrumental [7]. The artistic approach enters the affirmative stage, influencing

emotional perception, developing environmental empathy and reflection on environmental activities.

A person's culture determines his formation as an individual through the influence of the environment and society. Thus, the collective ecological consciousness of society entirely depends on the transition to an ecological culture. Currently, there is a visible trend in the relationship between art and the development of society, and as a consequence, the influence of ecology in art on the formation of environmental thinking.

Conclusion. In conclusion, we can say that artistic and operational approaches are used in contemporary art both in collaboration and separately. These methods allow us to reveal art as an instrument of influence on society and bring culture to a higher level. However, there is a need to support at the legislative and economic levels the scaling up of the greening process of the art sphere, through the introduction of new technologies and the popularization of eco-culture in society.

We can say with confidence that art has its own unique versatility of its forms and is one of the most effective tools for influencing society. Solving environmental problems through art can have both a short-term and long-term effect, for example, the introduction of new technologies will solve many problems in a short time, and an artistic approach can nurture a whole generation of a conscious society with ecological thinking.


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