Partial renewal of the existing infrastructure is not enough. We need modern systems, new approaches to logistics operations. Such projects in the region are being implemented. It is important that their funding is not spent funds from the Federal budget. The work is with private investors, projects are implemented on the principles of state-private partnership.
Freight Village Rosva and Freight Village Vorsino financed by funds received from the sale of land plots for construction of enterprises, i.e. the profits from the new economy. The creation of related infrastructure, access roads serving the docks - these areas are open to all interested companies.
Most of all Federal funds used in the development of air transport. But here, their share does not exceed 30%. Development Ermolino" in the framework of the Federal program comes environments of on line MIA - about 7 billion rubles. Another 7 billion rubles are attracted to the area from private investors. For the airport "Kaluga" of the required 3.6 billion rubles only 900 million allocated in the framework of the Federal program, 200 million was allocated by the regional government. Another 200 million region allocated in 2014 [9, p.19].
Such events are important for a coordinated, effective development of subjects of Federation. And the accumulated experience of the Kaluga region in this direction can be easily adapted for use in any other territorial entities, thus allowing you to create new innovative economy.
1. Vasilieva N.A., V. Kruglov. Investment provision of innovative development of the region. /N.A. Vasiliev V.N. Kruglov//Audit and financial analysis. - 2013. № 1. - p. 292-297.
2. Vasilieva N.A., V. Kruglov. Economic and social aspects of implementation of priority national projects in the region (on the example of Kaluga region). /N.A. Vasiliev V.N. Kruglov// Audit and financial analysis. -2013. № 3. - p. 336-351.
3. Vetrova M New transport format. /M Vetrova//Kaluga business journal. - 2014. № 5. - p. y111-1X.
4. Ravens A.S., V. Kruglov. Prospects of cluster development of innovative economy of the regions. /ALEXANDER Voronov V.N. Kruglov// Regional Economics: theory and practice. - 2014. № 25. - p. 26-32.
5. Kruglov NR. Priority national projects: dynamics of development and implementation experience. /V.N. Kruglov//Audit and financial analysis. - 2012. № 1. p. 319 - 337.
6. Kruglov V.N., Leontiev PS problems of innovative development of small business in the Russian Federation. /PS Leontiev, NR. Kruglov// Audit and financial analysis. - 2013. № 3. - p. 374-379.
7. Kruglov V.N., Leontiev PS Path resource provision of innovative development of economy. /PS Leontiev, NR. Kruglov// Audit and financial analysis. - 2013. № 4. - p. 326-333.
8. Kruglov V.N., Leontiev PS Scenario conditions of formation of the forecasted development of the region. /PS Leontiev, NR. Kruglov// Audit and financial analysis. - 2013. № 5. - p. 358-367.
9. Kruglov NR. Innovative development of the region: the cluster approach. /V.N. Kruglov//Regional Economics: theory and practice. - 2014. № 12. - p. 18-22.
10. A. Urusov logistics for the region. /A. Urusov//Kaluga business journal. - 2014. № 5. - p. X-X1.
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Adyghe State University, Maykop
Environmental consciousness is an integral and relatively new phenomenon of social consciousness, which is a reflection of the tension and urgency of the environmental situation, and the specific expression of rather serious transformation of spiritual and material culture. Such transformations, affecting primarily the value sphere of humanity, are always very difficult. In the
process of an acute consciousness of the real conditions of existence and development of humankind and the fundamental values by many people, being the role of environmental consciousness, its ideological, axiological and educational potential are particularly evident and clear.
Analyzing the greening of public consciousness, it should be noted (like E.P. Zborskaya and T.G.Prohorenko noted) that although this phenomenon is relatively new one in spiritual life, it has undergone several stages from the original "ecological pessimism" to certain design trends, pushing the idea of co-evolution of mankind and nature, which aim is the idea of the noosphere as a special stage of development of the biosphere and humanity. The need to qualitatively new concepts of man's relation to nature is expressed in the system of ecological imperatives as A. Shveytser's "reverence for life", Yu. Odum's "nature knows best", coevolution ideas of R.S. Karpinskaya, I.K. Liseev, A .P.Ogurtsov, harmonization of relations between society and nature. [1]
Environmental notion is a set of both scientific concepts, methods of cognition and the elements of the political and legal awareness, certain aesthetic categories, as well as regulators of the relations between a man and the biosphere and nature as a special kind of "subjects", having a value in itself, the ability to self-regulate.
Environmental notions organically include the axiological approach to the world. Science as the most important part of the modern spiritual culture in interactions with environmental ideas received a new function of studies of nature's preservation, biosphere diversity and humankind the as a species.
Gradually, the minds of people include the understanding that the base of many environmental problems is the man himself. Therefore, the solution of environmental problems in nature must begin with the changes in the psychology of the man himself, his self-knowledge, self-actualization. Resolution of the internal contradictions of the individual holds the key for resolving the contradictions in his relationship with the environment, both social and natural. It is the main task of environmental education.
Scientists (as L.P. Saleeva, A.N. Zakhlebnyi, I.D. Zverev) has developed modern approaches to environmental education, which show that their development is moving towards deeper insight into the nature of the process; recognition of interdisciplinary, strategic role of environmental education, defining a new educational paradigm; towards the integration of various units of the educational process and the academic disciplines, the humanization of science knowledge.
The studies proved that in the early school years the environmental outlook of a child is forming in the process of mastering the ecological culture of society, reflecting the experience of interaction between man and nature. The important point is that a schoolchild develops the estimated relationship to nature, to the activities of man in it. [2]
The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need of ecological concepts formation of primary school children based on their scientific knowledge in the course of the discipline "The world around us".
Primary natural-science education, which has deep and strong positions at Russian school, and the large arsenal of practical experience in recent years, undergo a significant upgrade. Above all, this is due to a clear awareness of high developmental and educational significance of the education sector and its specific contribution to the establishment of the foundations of modern, environmentally oriented outlook of students. At the same time, there is a movement towards integration of natural science and social science knowledge with the aim of providing a child by the generalized, holistic view of the world and man's place in it.
When designing the content of the integrated courses in elementary school on environmental education, we take into account such subjects, as "Natural Science", "Environment", "Safety regulations", "Valeology", "Fundamentals of citizenship", etc. But the key ideas are as follows:
— Human and his health (internal environment of the human body);
— Man in the natural environment;
— Man in the social environment [3].
Elementary school lays the foundation for natural-scientific literacy of achild. Elements of knowledge of animate and inanimate nature, natural phenomena are included in the integrated course and form a unit "Nature". This unit includes the basic ideas and concepts of chemistry, physics, geography and ecology.
The distinctive feature of natural-science education in primary school is the variability of programs. Identity of each program provides the teacher by the opportunity to choose the most
appropriate course for him. Depending on the profile of the school and the level of students' grounding, studying of natural sciences can be built in different ways.
The main objective of environmental education of primary school children is the formation of the systems of adequate environmental ideas and concepts, on which knowledge is based.
In accordance with this, the main reference point in solving the problem of environmental education is to develop students' understanding of the unity of man and nature, which is based on the following key positions.
— Nature is not just a collection of various natural objects, but it is a complex system, each element of which is interconnected with the other: any impact on one of the elements of the system inevitably has an impact on many others.
— The idea of nature as a single whole with a complex system of internal relationships is a key natural position, deep understanding of which has a strong influence on the formation of psychological involvement of a pupil in the natural world.
We consider the ecological relationships, establishing in the classroom activities at the subject "Environment" in elementary school.
Here, at an affordable level, students see the links between the animate and inanimate nature, between the various components of nature (plants, animals), between nature and man. Through the knowledge of these connections and relationships, students study the world around us, and environmental relations promote the study. The study allows students to acquire the basics of dialectical-materialistic worldview and to contribute to the development of logical thinking, memory, imagination, speech.
Constant attention of a teacher and disclosure of environmental bonds significantly increase students' interest in the subject. The descriptive study of course gradually reduces the interest of students. This is inevitable, even if a teacher draws fun facts, riddles, proverbs, etc., because the theoretical level of the material remains essentially unchanged. However, if the study of natural history reveals a diverse and rather complex relationships that exist in nature, the theoretical level of the material is increased, the cognitive tasks assigned to the student, are complicated and it contributes to the development of interest. The study of ecological relationships promotes environmental culture of students, upbringing a responsible attitude towards nature.
It is hard to imagine the consequences of human intervention in natural processes without knowledge of ecological linkages and the full environmental education students is impossible.
Let us briefly consider the essence of the biotic pyramid, the ideas of which should be formed in schoolchildren.
Plants, absorbing solar energy, are based on the most difficult stage of the pyramid -soil. Stage of insects is based on plants, birds and small predators - insects, etc. At the top of the pyramid are the large predators.
Species, that make up one step, are combined by the food type. Representatives of each subsequent stage depend on the underlying species, supplying them by food, shelters, etc. Number of steps decreases upwards. Therefore, for each predator there are hundreds of individuals of its potential prey, millions of insects, countless amount of plants. The man is ecologically equal to animals, who eat vegetarian food: bears, raccoons, squirrels, etc.
In terms of environmental education, the most important concept is the idea that each species, including humans, is the link of many food chains. Both an elk and a cow are the part of at least a hundred of such chains: an elk eats both an aspen and other plants, and a cow eats not only the clover. Death of the organisms and their decomposition energy return the energy to the soil, from which a new cycle begins.
If in the early development of the biosphere, the pyramid was low and very wide, and the food chains were short and simple, then, in the process of evolution, the pyramid and the food chains became more complicated. A man is just one of thousands of add-ons, which makes the biotic pyramid more complicated, fractional and variable.
Changes in one part of the system will inevitably lead to changes in the other parts and chains, forcing their organisms to adapt to the new conditions. After any disruptive effects, anyway the system of linkages will subsequently recover, but usually at a lower level of organization. Due to its technological strength, a man is able to provide such an impact on the biotic pyramid, which were not made by any other species for many thousands of years: it has no "experience" of adaptation and changes of such magnitude.
In this case, the modern science is not able to give a complete system forecast of the effects of such changes, so that they are not only unexpected, but also often tragic. The idea of the complexity of the system of internal relationships in nature allows student to understand the unity of man and nature on the overall eco-system level.
On the natural science lessons, pupils explore the surrounding world and the following questions can be offered for them: "What do you know about the role of humans in nature?", "Benefit or harm does a man bring to nature?". Very often pupils talk about the benefits brought by people. Ecological information of children is not associated with conservation activities, witness or participants of which they were, but it is associated with an awareness of the need to protect nature from man and his actions. This fact is a good one, since ecology is the science of worldview and these data are the foundations of the world.
According to the curriculum, in the course of studying the natural sciences primary school pupils should learn the following concepts of fundamental importance for the formation of ecological culture:
— the variety of living organisms, their place and role in nature;
— the role of plants and animals in the biosphere and human life;
— environmental factors and their effects on living organisms and natural communities;
— the role of humans in the biosphere;
— the impact of human and its activity on plants and animals, natural ecosystems;
— environmental monitoring;
— rational use of natural resources;
— protected areas. Preservation of biological diversity as a basis for sustainable development of
ecosystems. The Red Book.
Knowledge is not the aim of environmental education, but it is a necessary condition for the development of attitude towards the world. It should has the emotionally-effective character and takes the form of cognitive interest, humanistic and aesthetic experiences, practical readiness to create, protect all living, take good care of things not only because it is the result of someone work, but also because the materials of natural origin have been used in their production.
1. Zborskaya E.P., Prokhorenko TG Environmental consciousness and its features /E.P.Zborskaya, T.G.Prohorenko.- RAIX Group, 1998.
2. Zverev I.D. Ekoglasnost and education / I.D.Zverev // Pedagogy. - 2001. - №1. - S.9-11.
3. Panova N.V. Formation of scientific concepts in primary school children / N.V.Panova // Elementary School, 2006.- №7.-S.77-83.