1Дон А.Н., 2Кахаров З.А.,3 Хван О.И.
1 Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт. Ташкент, Узбекистан 2Андижанский государственный медицинский институт. Андижан, Узбекистан 3Республиканский научно-практический центр судебно-медицинской экспертизы Министерства здравоохранения Республики Узбекистан
Ташкент, Узбекистан
Статья посвящена вопросам фитотерапии атеросклероза тритерпеновыми сапонинами. Профилактика и лечение болезней растительными лекарствами известно с древних времен. Главным преимуществом является возможность их применения для профилактики и лечения атеросклероза и связанных с ним сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. Общепринятым считается, что профилактика позволяет предотвратить и/или отсрочить сердечно-сосудистые заболевания. Но удается это не всегда, поэтому внимание исследователей привлекают препараты растительного происхождения. Общеизвестными считаются их преимущества, в сравнении с синтетическими препаратами. Экспериментальный атеросклероз был моделирован на кроликах. Фитотерапия представлена изучением растительных тритерпеновых сапонинов: леонтозид, дипсакозид и ладыгинозид. Выявлено, что наиболее высоким эффектом на атеросклероз кроликов показал ладыгинозид, который в сравнении с животными холестеринового контроля, приводит к снижению атерогенных поражений в 3,77 раз. Следующим идет дипсакозид, снизивший поражение атеросклерозом в 3,70 раза. Третье место занимает леонтозид, который уменьшил атерогенные поражения в 3,22 раза.
Ключевые слова: экспериментальный атеросклероз, ладыгинозид, дипсакозид, леонтозид, тритерпеновые, гликозиды.
Article is devoted to the issues of herbal medicine of atherosclerosis with triterpene saponins. Prevention and treatment of diseases with herbal medicines has been known since ancient times. The main advantage is the possibility of their use for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases. It is generally accepted that prevention helps prevent and/or delay cardiovascular disease. But this is not always possible, so the attention of researchers is attracted to drugs of plant origin. Their advantages in comparison with synthetic drugs are considered well known. Experimental atherosclerosis was modeled in rabbits. Herbal medicine is represented by the study of plant triterpene saponins: leontoside, dipsacoside and ladyginoside. It was revealed that Ladyginoside showed the highest effect on atherosclerosis in rabbits, which, in comparison with cholesterol control animals, leads to a 3.77-fold reduction in atherogenic lesions. Next comes dipsacoside, which reduced atherosclerosis damage by 3.70 times. The third place is taken by leontoside, which reduced atherogenic lesions by 3.22 times.
Key words: experimental atherosclerosis, ladyginoside, dipsacoside, leontoside, triterpene, glycosides.
Maqola triterpenli saponinlar bilan aterosklerozning o'simlik dori vositalariga bag'ishlangan. O'simlikpreparatlari bilan kasalliklarning oldini olish va davolash qadim zamonlardan beri ma 'lum bo'lgan. Asosiy afzallik - ateroskleroz va shunga o'xshash yurak-qon tomir kasalliklarining oldini olish va davolash uchun ulardan foydalanish imkoniyati. Profilaktika yurak-qon tomir kasalliklarining oldini olish va / yoki kechiktirishga yordam berishi odatda qabul qilinadi. Ammo bu har doim ham mumkin emas, shuning uchun tadqiqotchilarning e 'tiborini o'simlikpreparatlariga jalb qiladi. Ularning sintetik preparatlarga nisbatan afzalliklari yaxshi ma'lum. Eksperimental ateroskleroz quyonlarda modellashtirilgan. O'simlik tibbiyoti o'simlik triterpen saponinlarini o'rganish bilan ifodalanadi: leontoside, dipsakosid va ladyginoside. Ma 'lum bo'lishicha, ladyginosid quyonlarda aterosklerozga eng yuqori ta'sir ko'rsatadi, bu xolesterinni nazorat qiluvchi hayvonlar bilan solishtirganda aterogen lezyonlarning 3,77 baravar kamayishiga olib keladi. Keyinchalik dipsakozid keladi, bu aterosklerozning shikastlanishini 3,70 marta kamaytiradi. Uchinchi o'rinni leontozid egallaydi, bu aterogen lezyonlarni 3,22 baravar kamaytirdi.
Kalit so'zlar: eksperimental ateroskleroz, ladiginozid, dipsakozid, leontozid, triterpen, glikozidlar.
Relevance. Cardiovascular diseases and the atherosclerosis that underlies them, occupying a leading place in the structure of mortality of the world's population [1], attract the unflagging attention of many scientists. The development of herbal medicine issues takes its place in their treatment and prevention [2, 3, 4, 5]. The term "prevention" originates from the ancient Greek "prophylaktikos" and means preventive. By definition, this is a set of measures aimed at preventing any pathological process and/or eliminating risk factors and, as a result, preventing diseases. All kinds of research are being actively carried out in this direction, providing for the principle: the best protection and protection of public health is prevention, including the use of a variety of medications [6, 7, 8].
Among other diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system associated with atherosclerosis rightfully have their place. The reason for this is that they are the leaders in the mortality rate of the population of developed countries. According to the State Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, diseases of the circulatory system of the registered mortality cases for January-September 2023 took first place and amounted to 58.9% [9]. There is no doubt, that today, research into the problem of atherosclerosis, its etiology, pathogenesis, morphology and other aspects, has accumulated a very significant amount of knowledge. Despite this, the activity of scientific research on this topic has not only not decreased, but has increased, and very significantly [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15].
Currently known preventive interventions prevent or significantly delay the majority of cardiovascular diseases. Various factors - internal biological, psychological, influence of the external environment - are interconnected and affect a person throughout his life, determining the likelihood of developing heart and vascular diseases [16, 17, 18, 19, 20].
It is well known, that it is not always possible to effectively influence the vector of prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. This is what makes it a priority to attract the attention of researchers to the issues of finding medicinal products from plants. Herbal medicine, known since ancient times, since the times of herbalists, has not lost its relevance today [21, 22, 23, 24, 25].
Purpose of the study. The diverse spectrum of triterpene saponins existing today quite appropriately looks like a range of possible drugs for use. A very pressing issue on this track of medicine remains the demand for scientific research on finding and identifying new triterpene compounds that undoubtedly have the necessary effects. Ladyginoside, leontoside and dipsacoside, being substances of this group, are medicinal preparations from plants growing in Uzbekistan [26,
27]. This study is devoted to studying their influence on the morphogenesis of experimental atherosclerosis in a comparative manner.
Material and research methods. Experimental atherosclerosis was modeled on 50 mature male rabbits with an initial weight of 2.1-3.2 kg at the beginning of the experiment. All animals were divided into groups as follows. Control group - 25 rabbits were fed crystalline cholesterol at a dose of 0.3 g/kg animal weight for 90 days of the experiment. Experimental group - 25 rabbits received cholesterol at the same dose as in the control group, and after 1 hour with grated root vegetables, the study drugs were administered in the following dosages: ladyginoside at a dose of 10 mg/kg, leontoside at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg and dipsacoside at a dose of 10 mg/kg animal weight.
After anatomical preparation, the aortas were morphometricized according to WHO recommendations. At the same time, the state of the intima was recorded, and if lesions were present, their location was indicated. A numerical data array was obtained by the planimetric method on sudanized aortas; the area of atherosclerotic lesions was calculated as a percentage of the area of the entire aorta. The validity of this method has been confirmed by many authors [ 28, 29, 30].
Research results and discussion.
Moving on to the results of this study, it is necessary to state that in the rabbits of the experimental group taking cholesterol and ladyginoside, the frequency of atherosclerotic lesions was 77.80%. In this case, the average affected area was 4.40% of the total area of the aorta. Atherosclerosis was represented by lipid stains located in the area of the aortic arch and in the mouths of branching vessels. In some rabbits, not only lipid spots, but also lipid stripes were identified.
Consideration of the results obtained indicates that in rabbits receiving ladyginoside for 90 days, the affected area was 4.40%; in the control group of animals receiving only cholesterol, this figure with 70.0% affected area was 16.60%, which 3.77 times more than in experimental animals. Macroscopically, fibrous plaques and lipid stains predominated in the aortas. The location of atherosclerotic plaques is predominantly the aortic arch and the intima of large vessels extending from the aorta; a narrowing of their lumen was revealed.
Atherosclerotic lesions in the group of animals fed with leontoside cholesterol were manifested in the form of lipid spots in the aortic arch and outflow vessels. In this case, the affected area was 4.60%. The control comparison results were equal to 14.84%, which is 3.22 times higher than the same figure in the experimental group.
In experimental animals that received cholesterol and dipsacoside for 90 days, atherogenic changes were manifested by small lipid spots in the area of the aortic arch and at the origin of blood vessels, sometimes these spots merged into stripes. Two cases in this group were characterized by fibrous plaques that protruded slightly above the intimal surface. Damage to the aorta by the atherosclerotic process averaged 4.01% of the total surface of the aorta. In the control group this figure was 14.84%. In comparison with the indicators of the control group, an increase was found over experimental animals - 3.70 times.
A comparison of digital research data indicates that all saponins studied act unidirectionally and reduce atherosclerotic changes in the aorta. It seems natural to be interested in how the identified effect of reducing damage to the aorta of animals is achieved. Parallel studies have revealed changes in the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands under the influence of these triterpene saponins against the background of their antiatherosclerotic properties in experimental atherosclerosis.
It is widely known that triterpenes work as adaptogenic substances, taking into account the pleiotropic action of these biologically active substances. It is they that cause numerous therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative, antispasmodic, choleretic, antiulcer, antacid, astringent, adsorbent, laxative and carminative effects, which allows the use of these drugs also in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, flatulence, biliary dyskinesia.
It is worth adding, that the results of the study provided confirmation, that many of the triterpene compounds are characterized by the fact, that the biological activities of the identified triterpenes vary within certain limits and many of them appear to have varying degrees of effectiveness in the treatment of any condition in humans or mammals [31, 32, 33].
Conclusions. This study on the effect of saponins on experimental atherosclerosis indicates that ladyginoside has the maximum effect; its use leads to a 3.77-fold reduction in atherogenic lesions compared with cholesterol control. The second place is taken by dipsacoside, which reduced atherosclerosis damage by 3.70 times. Third place was taken by leontoside, which reduced atherogenic lesions by 3.22 times.
It is obvious, that all studied saponins reduced the rates of atherosclerotic lesions by more than 3 times. According to existing standards, this indicator is considered evidence of the effectiveness of the antiatherosclerotic effects of the substances under study.
These studies are in line with resolving the difficult problem of identifying new triterpene saponins with useful biological activity. They make it possible to open up new prospects in the prevention and treatment of human cardiovascular diseases, for which treatment currently leaves room for further development, since not only is there no stabilization, but, on the contrary, there is an increase in the number of deaths from these diseases.
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