Дон Андрей Николаевич
Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт
Кахаров Зафар Абдурахманович Андижанский государственный медицинский институт Артыков Джахангир Джурабаевич
Ташкентское бюро патологической анатомии
В работе изучено воздействие тритерпеновых растительных препаратов на течение экспериментального атеросклероза. Площадь поражения аорт атеросклерозом под влиянием ладыгинозида была в 12 раз меньше контрольных показателей. Леонтозид продемонстрировал аналогичную направленность, но в меньшей степени - в 4,2 раза, и дипсакозид - в 3,2 раза. Таким образом, можно сделать вывод о том, что из трех исследованных препаратов наибольшей активностью обладает ладыгинозид, далее следует леонтозид и заключает тройку дипсакозид. При этом следует отметить, что все три препарата оказывают выраженное антиатеросклеротическое влияние на морфогенез экспериментального атеросклероза.
Ключевые слова: экспериментальный атеросклероз, ладыгинозид, леонтозид, дипсакозид.
The paper studies the effect of triterpene herbal preparations on the experimental atherosclerosis. The area of the aortic lesions with atherosclerosis under the influence of ladylginoside was 12 times less than the control figures. Leontoside showed a similar effect, but to a lesser extent -4.2 times, and dipsacoside - 3.2 times. Thus, we can conclude that ladyginoside is the most active of the three preparations studied, followed by leontoside and dipsacoside concludes the three. It should be noted that all three drugs have a pronounced antiatherosclerotic effect on the morphogenesis of experimental atherosclerosis.
Key words: experimental atherosclerosis, ladylginoside, leontoside, dipsacoside.
Purpose. Atherosclerosis is still characterised by the current problem of modern medicine. At the same time, the issues of this pathological process underlying cardiovascular diseases go beyond the scope of a medical problem only. On the one hand, heart and vascular diseases associated with atherosclerosis are beyond comparison with other diseases in terms of disability and cause of death worldwide. Moreover, heart and vascular disease has remained the leading cause of death in the world's population for 20 years [1].
On the other hand, the socio-economic component of this formidable disease is that years of healthy life are taken away from the category of people aged 40 to 60, which can be called "golden age" in terms of giving back to society all their accumulated knowledge and rich life experience.
Improving of the health and social development of Uzbekistan's population is one of the main objectives of the country's leadership, which is reflected in a number of official documents. Thus, an understanding of the critical situation in this track has served to address the problem at the highest level. On 9 November 2021, President of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoyev held a special video conference on morbidity and mortality from this pathology, which has reached 53 per cent of total mortality [2].
It is also worrying, that by the end of 2021, more than 60% of the 174,500 deaths in Uzbekistan were due to circulatory system diseases. This is based on data from the State Statistics Committee
[3]. The above makes evident the timeliness and relevance of researchers to the problem of atherosclerosis [4, 5, 6, 7, 8].
Materials and methods. The design of the experiment was as follows. The study was conducted on 54 sexually mature male mongrel rabbits, with an initial weight of 2.1-3.0 kg at the beginning of the experiment. All experimental animals were divided into the following groups, according to the objectives of the study. 26 control group rabbits received cholesterol at a dose of 0.3 g/kg animal weight for 30 days of the experiment. 28 rabbits in the experimental group were fed cholesterol in the same dose as in the control group, after 1 hour with grated root vegetables the following doses of drugs: ladyginoside at a dose of 10 mg/kg, leontoside at 2.5 mg/kg and dipsacoside at 10 mg/kg animal weight.
The aortas for the study were opened along the length and studied along the entire length from the semilunar valves to the bifurcation. Macroscopically, the state of intima was taken into account, and if there were lesions, the localization was indicated. Taking into account WHO recommendations, native aortas were stained with sudan, then the area of atherosclerotic lesions was determined by direct planimetry as a percentage of the area of the whole aorta. The validity of this method has been confirmed by the authors [9, 10].
Results and discussion. In the animals of the 1st experimental group, treated with cholesterol and ladyginoside, only in 1 case out of 8 yellow spots not elevated above the intima, were found in the aortic arch and at the junction of large vessels; after sudanization they turned bright orange. The frequency of the lesion was 11.1 and the area of the lesion was 0.03%.
Control rabbits of the ladyginoside group, who received cholesterol for 30 days, had a 20% incidence of atherosclerotic lesions, a variation of 0.23 to 3.33% and an average lesion area of 0.36%.
The data show, that in animals injected with ladyginoside, the lesion area was 0.03%, whereas in the control the figure was 0.36%, which is 12 times greater, than in the control animals.
Atherosclerotic changes of the aortic intima detected in rabbits, treated with cholesterol and leontoside for 30 days, were manifested by several lipid spots, located at the sites, where the blood vessels departed from the aorta. Atherogenic aortic lesions were observed in two of the six rabbits in the experimental group. In these cases, the aortic lesions with atherosclerotic process ranged from 0.05 to 0.68% of the total aortic surface, and on average 0.06+0.002%. In the control group, this value was 0.25 + 0.027%, which is more, than 4.2 times higher, than in the experimental group.
In the intima of rabbits, treated with cholesterol and dipsacoside for 30 days, atherosclerotic lesions were found in 3 of 10 cases, they traditionally occurred at the sites of vessel origin from the aorta or in the aortic arch as small demarcated points. In these three cases the area of aortic lesions with atherosclerotic process occupied from 0.07 to 0.48% of the entire aortic surface, and the average was 0.08%.
Descriptive macroscopic examination of the aorta of animals in the dipsacoside control group, with cholesterol administration for 30 days, in only one case after aortic closure were small points of atherosclerotic lesions detected in the places where the blood vessels departed from the aorta. The percentage of atherosclerotic lesions of the aorta in this group of rabbits averaged 0.25+0.027% of the entire aortic surface. Comparison of the data indicates, that the lesion area in the experimental group is 3.2 times less, than in the comparison group.
Along with the revealed characteristics of the degree of aortic lesions of experimental animals, it is certainly interesting to study the mechanisms of the detected effects. The studies have established the transformation of the structure of such organs as the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands under the influence of the above triterpene glycosides against the background of their antiatherosclerotic and hypolipidemic properties in experimental atherosclerosis [10, 11].
Conclusions. The comparative analysis of the drugs influence on the course of experimental atherosclerosis has shown the following. The area of aortic lesions with atherosclerosis under the influence of ladylginoside was 12 times less than the control values. Leontoside showed a similar
effect, but to a lesser extent - 4,2 times, and dipsacoside - 3,2 times. Thus, we can conclude that ladylinoside is the most active of the three preparations studied, followed by leontoside and dipsacoside concludes the three. It should be noted that all three drugs have an antiatherosclerotic effect on atherosclerosis morphogenesis. The results provide a platform for further scientific research in the study of atherosclerosis.
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