Научная статья на тему 'Economics and poultry reserves'

Economics and poultry reserves Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Buyarov А. V., Buyarov V. S.

Russian poultry takes the sufficiently important place in providing consumers’ demand of the population for the branch production. In 2013 poultry meat production was 3,8 mln. t, it is more than the level of 2012 by 192 thous. t. Poultry meat per capita production of domestic manufacture has grown from 12 kg in 1990 to 26 kg in 2013 at recommended standard 30 kg. The share of domestic poultry meat in market resources 2013 was 88%, it already excesses the specified criterion of food safety. At the same time the cost of the resources used in poultry breeding (feed, electric energy, diesel oil, and gasoline) increased considerably. The level of sale prices does not provide the level of poultry plants revenues, necessary to run expanded reproduction. The principle condition of profitable work of poultry plants is intensive branch running with implementation of resource saving technologies of poultry keeping and feeding, modern breeding methods, providing high productiveness, feed preservation and conversion, organization of deep production processing, strict cost saving in all production sectors.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Economics and poultry reserves»

UDC 631.14:636.5


Buyarov A.V., Candidate of Economical Sciences Buyarov V.S., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia E-mail: [email protected]


Russian poultry takes the sufficiently important place in providing consumers’ demand of the population for the branch production. In 2013 poultry meat production was 3,8 mln. t, it is more than the level of 2012 by 192 thous. t. Poultry meat per capita production of domestic manufacture has grown from 12 kg in 1990 to 26 kg in 2013 at recommended standard 30 kg. The share of domestic poultry meat in market resources 2013 was 88%, it already excesses the specified criterion of food safety. At the same time the cost of the resources used in poultry breeding (feed, electric energy, diesel oil, and gasoline) increased considerably. The level of sale prices does not provide the level of poultry plants revenues, necessary to run expanded reproduction. The principle condition of profitable work of poultry plants is intensive branch running with implementation of resource saving technologies of poultry keeping and feeding, modern breeding methods, providing high productiveness, feed preservation and conversion, organization of deep production processing, strict cost saving in all production sectors.


Poultry; Poultry meat; Resource saving technologies; Branch economy; Production gain.

Poultry industry is one of the few very specialized branches of agro industrial complex that was created as complex integrated system providing all processes from poultry reproduction to end production and its realization. The choice of poultry industry development direction was done with consideration of international tendencies, scientific achievements and advanced experience. The important factor providing branch industrialization is its early maturity and short payback period of investments. The set of measures being realized by the state at using the science achievements puts the branch forward among the most important replenishments of food resources. Its development is natural, objectively conditioned direction of food safety provision of the Russian Federation [1,4,5,7,8].

At present Russian poultry is the only branch in agro industrial complex that could in short term (from 1997 to 2013) increase the production outputs of poultry meat in 6 times. The level of poultry meat production reached in 1990 was increased in 2013 in 2,1 times (Table 1).

According to preliminary estimates poultry meat production in carcass weight was 3817 thous. t, that excesses the level of 2012 by 192 thous. t and target code of program «Poultry development in the Russian Federation for 2013-2015» by 117 thous. t. Meat poultry domestic production per head of population has reached 26 kg at rational standard 30 kg [2,9,13].

To a large extend such results are obtained due to systematic branch development, attracting investments and large-scale introduction of research and technology. All in all during 2008-2012 73 new poultry plants were introduced into exploitation, 200 poultry plants were modernized, their extra poultry meat production for 5 years has reached 703,5 thous. t. The quality indicators of poultry productivity on the basis of innovative technologies assimilation of are improved sufficiently (Table 2).

If in 1990 Daily average broilers live weight gain was 21,9 g, in 2005 - 43 g, then in 2013. - 53 g, feed expenses per 1 kg of gain were 3,44; 1,93 and 1,85 kg correspondingly. Broiler productivity increase, reduction of fattening term allow increasing the number of technological fattening cycles, done during the year (poultry houses turnaround) from 4 (1990) to 6,5-7 (2013).

Table 1 - Poultry meat resources (thous. t. of carcass weight)

Years Domestic production Import deliveries Total output at the Russian Federation market Import specific weight % Poultry meat consumption per head of population, kg

total Including domestic

1990 1801 44,1 1845,1 2,4 12,4 12

1991 1751 45,6 1796,6 2,5 12,1 11,8

1997 630 1146,6 1776,6 64,5 13,0 4,3

2000 766 687,1 1452,8 47,3 10,0 5,4

2005 1388 1328,8 1090* 2716,8 49 18,8 9,6

2006 1632 1282,9 1130,8* 2914,9 44 20,0 11,0

2007 1925 1294,9 1171,2* 3219,9 40,2 22,6 13,5

2008 2217 1224 1211,6* 3441 35,6 24,2 15,6

2009 2555 986 952* 3541 27,8 25 18,0

2010 2847 550 780* 3397 16,2 23,8 19,9

2012 3625 580 364* 4205 13,7 29,0 25,1

2013 3817 550 364* 4367 12,6 29,7 26,0

* Established quota size

Table 2 - Qualitative and quantitative indicators of poultry of Russia (1990-2013)

Indicators Years

1990 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013

Egg-production capacity per layer chicken, pcs. 241 304 309 315 318 318

Feed consumption per 10 eggs, kg 1,71 1,45 1,43 1,41 1,38 1,36

Daily average broilers gain, g 21,9 43,0 49,0 51,8 52,5 53,0

Feed consumption per 1 kg of gain, kg 3,44 1,93 1,89 1,87 1,86 1,85

Eggs production in Russia, bln. pcs. 47,5 36,9 40,6 41,1 42,0 41,3

Poultry meat production in carcass weight, mln. t. 1,80 1,39 2,85 3,20 3,63 3,82

Unlike pig breeding and cattle breeding, in spite of complicated situation at the market after torrid summer 2010 u 2012 poultry breeding did not only withstand with out loss but also on the contrary demonstrated positive dynamics by all production indicators. But branch of poultry faces great number of problems. Thus, according to Rosptitsesoyuz, from 2005 resource cost used in poultry has considerably increased. Feeds for broilers an layer chickens have become more expensive more than in 2 times, electric energy has grown in price in 3,3 times, diesel oil - in 2,5 times, gasoline - in 2 times. At the same time sale prices from plants-manufacturers have increased in 1,5 times, for eggs - in 1,8 times (Table 3). It means that sales production revenues do not cover the expenses on energy consumption.

On the ground of systemic monitoring of the situation in 2013 and annual reports of all poultry breeding plants for 2012 the conclusion was drawn that the economics of poultry branch is in sufficiently difficult situation. According to Rosptitsesoyuz in 2013 assessment eggs production profitability (discounting subsidies) has decreased in comparison with 2012 by 9,3 percentage points and corresponds to 5,4% only.

It is connected with considerable growth of prices for grain and other material resources. Thus, wheat average price in the first half of the year of 2013 was 0 320 rubles for a ton. It is by 77% higher than the average price of the first half of the year of 2012. Decrease of prices for grain of 2013 yield allows reducing the gap and for 11 months it was 28% in comparison with the corresponding 2012 period.

At the same time the average sale price for poultry meat in 2013 remains at the level of

2012, and for egg has grown by 8,3% only. As a result, poultry meat production cost has increased by 13%, and eggs - practically by 18%. Profit, obtained per a sold unit was the

lowest during the period from 2005: 2,09 rub. per 1 kg of poultry meat in live weight and 1,6 rub. per ten eggs. In 2013 the profitability level in broiler production was 3,5%, in egg production - 5,4%. Sale prices level does not provide the level of poultry plant revenues necessary for running expanded reproduction [3].

Situation is worsened by the necessity of investment credits repayment, being attracted for development of the branch within the limits of realization of the national project «Development of Agro Industrial Complex» and State program of development of agriculture for 2008-2012, and also by the risen subsidies arrearage for repayment of part of credit interest payments.

Table 3 - Prices disparity on the resources being consumed and poultry production (according to Rosptitsesoyuz data)

Indicators Years

2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 (assessment) 2013 to 2005, %

Average prices of resources being used (without Value Added Tax):

Feeds for broilers, rub./kg 7,95 12,3 13,9 14,4 16,06 202

Feeds for layer chickens, rub./kg 5,79 8,9 10,2 10,6 12,64 218

Electric energy, supplied to agricultural producers, kW/h, rub. 1,39 3,44 3,8 3,51 4,53 326

Diesel oil, rub./t 13677 17058 20448 24619 33317 244

Gasoline automobile of all trade marks rub./t 14656 21229 26306 28152 29793 203

Production cost of sold poultry meat, rub./kg of live weight 35,16 49,04 52,69 51,99 58,81 167

Sale price of poultry meat (without Value Added Tax), rub./kg of live weight 41,36 55,04 58,04 60,93 60,90 147

Production cost of sold eggs, rub./dec. 13,96 21,8 24,01 24,97 29,43 211

Sale price of eggs (without Value Added Tax), rub./dec. 16,58 24,8 26,64 28,63 31,03 187

In the present context the main condition of profitable work of poultry enterprises is intensive branch running with implementation of resource saving technologies of poultry keeping and feeding, modern breeding methods, providing high productivity, feed preservation and conversion, organization of deep production processing, strict cost saving in all production sectors and efficient marketing.

All these require the formation of complex approach to realization of coordinated measures and forecast the solution of the following problems:

• poultry meat increase on the ground of breeding of highly productive and technological poultry breeds and hybrids of different types;

• creation of modern selective genetic centers on the ground of bred livestock farms;

• renovation of production base of poultry, new enterprises construction, carrying out

reconstruction and modernization of operating enterprises;

• growth of competitiveness level of branch production on the ground of production quality increase and cost savings for its production accounting Russia entering WTO;

• expansion of the assortment and development of deep processing of poultry meat and

eggs taking into account requirements of different consumers groups (children, school, functional, specialized and other food types);

• provision of introduction of traceability system of product manufacturing for purposes of quality assurance and goods safety and delivery capacity for export;

• at realization of production processes according to Technical Regulation of Customs Union 021/2011 «About food production safety» from December 09, 2011 introduction of procedures based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point principles [1, 6, 11, 12].

Industrial technologies of broilers production allow obtaining of 180-260 kg of meat per year from 1 m2 of the floor space at litter system growing, in cage batteries - 260-300 kg and

more (depending on the layer number). New direction of broiler production is growing of broilers of three types depending on consumers demand (small - for bodily frying, middle and large - for dressing and deep processing) [6, 10].

In case of examining world tendency of improving broilers poultry without considering «greens» multilayer floor management of poultry is the most important and progressive innovative trend in meat broilers production.

Thus, the described equipment set («Vencomaticbroilersystem», Netherlands) in general is the equipment for floor broiler growing, but in three (four) layers. To mechanize the brood care processes the common hopper feeders and nipple waterers are used. Litter is spread into sectional battery (without interior floors, pass partition plates and doors, but with ventilating passage to feed warmed air) directly on the band of manure removal. Warmed air feeding on the band of manure removal provides manure moisture decrease from 75-80% to 50-55%, that is in 2 times reduces its output and gives 20% of energy saving. In comparison with the floor fattening technology poultry house capacity with this equipment increases in 2 times. This equipment implementation considerably reduces labor costs, energy consumption and production cost.

Taking into account the world tendencies the heavy innovation is technology «HatchBrood» (firm «Hatch Tech», Netherlands). During the practical study in Netherlands the specialists from poultry meat production plant of JSC of Agro Industrial Complex «Orlovskaya Niva» got acquainted with this technology.

The «HatchBrood» technology is the following. After hatching chicks are placed into a block (12 sections) «HatchBrood» with capacity of 39600 chicks. All the ambient environment parameters: air temperature, air flow rate, humidity and carbon dioxide content are controlled. Chicks are kept in special craddles for 50 heads (80 sm2 for a chicken) and have free access to pure water in radius 0,5 m (drinking front is 1,6 sm drinking trough per 1 chick), feed in radius 0,5 m and fresh air (each radiator has 84 nozzles). Fresh air delivery volume is based on the real level of carbon dioxide and humidity. «HatchBrood» is equipped with energy saving programmed LED-based lighting («day» - for feeding, drinking; «night» -sleep? Digestion and development period), that does not emit heat, preventing its influence on air temperature. As far as chickens constantly support their body temperature optimal they start eating and drinking at once and reveal their growth potential completely. After 4 days growing chicks are moved into poultry house for the succeeding growth period. Thus, according to this technology, the broilers fattening starts right in the incubator. It allows obtaining 9,5 rotations per year with the fattening period of 42 days. This technology is implemented into JSC «Stavropolsky broiler».

The demand in more stable method of broilers meat production grows in all countries of the world. In this connection great manufacturer interest is presented in new complex system of broilers growth «Patio» (firm «Vencomatic», Netherlands). In the «Patio» system incubation phases (hatching) and the succeeding growing are combined. The system is intended for broilers hatching and growing in medium ideal for them. Instead of transporting the one day-old chickens from incubator into poultry house eggs after 18 incubation days enter the «Patio» system. Thus, after hatching a chick gets into the optimal growth conditions at once. The «Patio» system consists of 2 rows with the width of 2,4 m, located mirror-like above each other. Chicks are grown on the band with litter connected with automatic system of collection and loading. Compact construction in combination with several layers (4-6) allows using the land resources in 2,8 time more effective. Every layer of the «Patio» system is provided with built-in integrated systems - transport system of flats (25000 eggs per hour), feeding and drinking lines. More than that, «Patio» is a complex system with integrated systems of lightning, heating, ventilation and manure removal. Ventilation system provides regular air distribution on all levels. At the end of the growth period the system can feed air flow under the band with litter. Due to it heat is effectively removed under the litter where broilers are located.

This technology is implemented in LLC «Belgrankorm-Veliky Novgorod» in 6 buildings of broilers workshop. The building size is 120 x 17 m. There are 6 layers in every building (266000 eggs). 18 stockbreeders serve 6 buildings of this broilers workshop. The «Patio»

production system is implemented on the largest poultry complex JSC «Kursky Agroholding» with capacity of 100 thous. t of broilers meat per year.

Recently in poultry breeding especially in the international one great attention is paid to alternative (humane) technology of keeping farm poultry. It attracts attention of legislative bodies of the European Union. In the EU countries since 2012 the only released bird cage type will be «equipped» ones (EU Directive, 1999). Possessive the advantages for providing the diversity of behavioral reactions and also advantages of larger space in comparison with common cages, the alternative systems of birds keeping require additional material expenses.

Together with common and «equipped» cage batteries the most widely spread systems are floor poultry houses with deep litter, aviaries, and also visual bird keeping. Market potential of free range management so called «organic» method of poultry production manufacturing is realized insufficiently.

For objective assessment of productive qualities of broilers being grown at different technologies is necessary to continue the researches. More than that, it is very important that implementation of new effective technologies in poultry will be complex and will provide profitable production of poultry products depending on the market demand.

Absolute branch leader in the Orel region is JV «Factory of poultry meat production JSC of Agro Industrial Complex «Orlovskaya Niva» (Table 4). Poultry plant with capacity of 11 thous. t of broilers meat in live weight per year is an enterprise with closed technological cycle, including the following plants: parent flock (nucleus of the 2 order), incubations, two grounds of broilers growing, workshop of slaughter and processing (equipment of firm «Linco», Denmark). At poultry plant modern resource saving equipment is used: floor equipment of firms «Big Dutchman» (Germany) and «Facco» (Italy); energy saving supporting systems of poultry houses microclimate - heat generators «Jet Master», models GP-70, GP-80, GP-95, GP-120; automated systems of microclimate support, ventilation systems, operated by computers MC 36A and fx-76; lightning system «Gasolec Orion» (Netherlands).

Table 4 - Operational indicators of broilers plant for 2010-2013

Indicators Years

2010 2011 2012 2013

Broilers crosses Ross - 308 Kobb-500 Ross - 308 Ross - 308 Ross - 308

Meat production in live weight, t 10245 10624 11764 10583

Broilers fattening period, days 37,5 38,2 38,3 37,8

Daily average gain, g 53,5 55,0 55,1 56,7

Live weight of a broiler delivered for slaughter, g 2042 2143 2152 2183

Broilers preservation, % 94,3 96,2 96,1 95,5

Feed expenses per 1 kg of gain, kg 1,8 1,75 1,75 1,72

European Production Efficiency Factor, units. 285,3 308,4 308,6 320,8

Broilers are grown in 25 poultry houses. In 16 poultry houses of size 18 x 96 m (for 30 thous. bird places each), meant for floor growing of broilers the equipment of firm «Big Dutchman» is mounted. In 4 poultry houses (18 x 96 m, for 30 thous. bird places each) the equipment of firm «Facco» is used. Analogous equipment is exploited in another 5 poultry houses sized 21 x 120 m (for 50 thous. bird places each).

Scheme of broilers meat production functioning as vertically-integrated complex by the example of JSC of Agro Industrial Complex «Orlovskaya Niva») is presented in Figure 1.

The prior directions of broiler poultry development in the Orel region in the WTO conditions are: formation of efficient, competitive manufacturing of poultry production, providing food safety of the region, and also branch integration into logistic infrastructure and food markets; organization of innovative self-regulated poultry model, based on the market participants specialization and development of branch enterprises integration, farm and private farm holdings in vertically-integrated formations; development of continuous flow process technology of broilers growing with differentiated amount of floor space per bird in

starting growing period in order to increase of meat production and resource saving; development of new technological methods of broilers production of different weight categories considering market demands; building the lightning systems in poultry houses on the LED-based lighting equipment; development of regulatory documents in reference to LED-based lighting; development energy saving modes of lightning for broilers-chicks with different growing period; development of new environmentally friendly manufacturing methods of broilers growing with BAS (Biologically Active Substance) (probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, phytopreparations, natural enterosorbents, zeolites of the Khotynets natural occurrence of the Orel region, etc.); development of the existing and creation of new nuclei of the 2-nd order for complete satisfaction of requirements of incubation egg at the account of own manufacturer. It allows decreasing economic and import dependence of poultry branch; strict observation of standards of breeding poultry reproduction and its genetic potential realization on the base of feeding with application of computer programs of compilation and optimization of rations; obtaining meat processing volumes not less than to 60% with creating at the poultry plants and processing enterprises modern segments on intermediate production and ready made products from poultry meat; production of new functional food products of medical and preventive direction (eggs and poultry meat, enriched with selenium, iodine, vitamine E, carotinoids, omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid; provision of ecological safety in the area of implementation of new technological projects on processing and poultry waste reclamation.

Figure 1 - Scheme of broilers meat production functioning

Main directions of increase efficiency in poultry production manufacturing are development of cooperation and integration of branches with sphere of production, processing and realization of production, and also usage of possibilities of highly intensive large poultry plants and medium-size enterprises. With their participation poultry breeding integrated structures, holdings, production systems that must become the center of implementation of new resource saving technologies can be created. Strategic development of poultry in Russia must persecute the prime object - competitive growth and industry profitability.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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