Научная статья на тему 'Broiler poultry of Russia: achievements and perspectives of development in the WTO conditions'

Broiler poultry of Russia: achievements and perspectives of development in the WTO conditions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Buyarov A. V., Buyarov V. S.

The article presents the analysis of the condition of national poultry development and the ways of the main branch problems solution are outlined. It is stressed that according to quality indicators the Russian market is practically provided with poultry meat. The main problem for the nearest future is to create the conditions to provide high quality and safety of production, to take measures to increase its competitive capacity in the WTO conditions. To realize it is necessary to master new resource saving technologies of keeping and feeding, which allow using maximum genetic potential of poultry effectiveness. The authors developed the scheme of profit calculation in broiler production as a relation of income from a production unit (from 1m² of poultry house) to a time unit (for the feeding cycle or for one year).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Broiler poultry of Russia: achievements and perspectives of development in the WTO conditions»

UDC 636.5.033(47): 339.543.622:061.1WTO


Buyarov V.S., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Buyarov A.V., Candidate of Economical Sciences Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia Phone: +7 (4862) 43-19-81, E-mail: [email protected]


The article presents the analysis of the condition of national poultry development and the ways of the main branch problems solution are outlined. It is stressed that according to quality indicators the Russian market is practically provided with poultry meat. The main problem for the nearest future is to create the conditions to provide high quality and safety of production, to take measures to increase its competitive capacity in the WTO conditions. To realize it is necessary to master new resource saving technologies of keeping and feeding, which allow using maximum genetic potential of poultry effectiveness. The authors developed the scheme of profit calculation in broiler production as a relation of income from a production unit (from 1m2 of poultry house) to a time unit (for the feeding cycle or for one year).


Poultry industry; Innovative development; Competitive capacity; WTO; Production.

Poultry is one of the most important branches of agriculture that has to supply the population with dietary food products: eggs and poultry meat, characterizing with large protein content of animal origin at low calorific capacity. In general amount of protein consumption the poultry meat and eggs protein is more than 27%. The continuously increasing demand in poultry meat and eggs is explained with their consumer properties and low level of consumer costs in comparison with other types of animal production. Poultry products production is concentrated mainly in agricultural enterprises. The portion of farm enterprises and population holdings is 22,0% of eggs production and 9,8% - poultry meat [3,4,7].

Today Russia meat poultry is represented with 180 broiler enterprises, 12 poultry plants on turkey operation, 6 - on geese operation, 4 - duck operation. The Agro Industrial Complex development measures, adopted on the state level, participation of poultry enterprises of meat and egg directions in realization of prior national project « Agro Industrial Complex development», State program of agriculture development and regulation of agricultural production market, raw and food for 2008-2012 (further - State program for 2008-2012), and also target program of “Development of poultry in the Russian Federation for 2010-2012” department provided the attraction of about 250 bln. rubles investments into the branch. It allows putting into exploitation new objects, reconstructing and modernizing more than 400 objects объектов providing the increase in output [10, 11, 20].

For 2006-2011 poultry meat production increased by 1,8 bln. tons in slaughter weight (more than in 2 times), eggs - by 3,9 bln. pieces. (10,5%). Poultry meat import supplies are reduced more than 2,5 times.

The portion of poultry meat in overall meat volume has reached 43 % versus 18 % - in 1990, that corresponds to the world tendencies. More than 2 times in comparison with 1990 average per capita consumption of poultry meat has increased: from 12,5 kg to 25,0 kg at the recommended standard - 30 kg. Eggs consumption corresponds to 273 pieces per year.

3587 thous. tons of poultry meat in slaughter weight and 42,0 bln. pieces of eggs with increase in comparison with the previous year by 383 thous. tons (12,0 %) and 0,9 bln. pieces (2,2 %) (Table 1) were produced in 2012.

At the same time, unfavorable weather conditions in 2010 and 2012, result in considerable feed prices increase and annual increase of prices on consumed resources (electro energy, fuel, petrol) negatively reflect on the finance condition of poultry enterprises. At the same time purchasing capacity of the population does not allow to increase the factory prices for end product - poultry meat and eggs. As the result the industry average earning capacity of the realized production decreases from 17,6 % in 2005 to 11% - in 2011, that is negatively reflected on the investment attraction of the branch.

In the conditions of earning capacity decrease poultry enterprises have to provide credit resources repayment, being attracted in the frame of realization of prior national project of Agro Industrial Complex and State program and State program for 2008-2012.

Table 1 - The main indicators of development of poultry branch in the Russian Federation

(by Rosptitsesoyus data)

Indicators 2005 2009 2010 2012 2012 in % to 2005 2012 b % to 2009

Poultry meat, thous. tons in slaughter weight 1388 2555 2847 3587 2,58 p. 140,4

Eggs, pieces 37,1 39,4 40,6 42,0 113,2 106,6

From July, 1 2011 The Custom Union of Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan functions in full scale. It was formed to create the common custom territory in the frame of which common customs tariff and unified measures of trade with the 3rd countries are used. From January 2012 The International Treaty Frame Work of Common Free Market Zone is put into force. It is supposed that it will be transformed into the Eurasian Union. The Eurasian Economic Commission is organized. It is a supernational body which will be gradually given national authority [8].

In 2012 the Russian Federation joined the World Trade Organization (further - the WTO). Conditions of Russia entering the WTO are functioning customs duties on import meat delivery (within the frame of quota 25% and 80% for extra quota deliveries). But according to the adopted liabilities, tariff quota volume is increased from 330 thous. tons in 2012 to 364 thous. tons (growth 10%). Terminal date of tariff quoting mode at poultry meat import is not defined [14].

The branch program «Poultry Development in the Russia Federation for 2013-2015» (further - the Program) is developed by the Rosptitsesoyus specialists (head of composite author is Bobyleva G. A.), and the specialists of scientific research institutes and the leading enterprises of the branch according to the instruction of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation from August, 6 2012. № HO-24/199 [3,9]. Realization of the program measures will be done in new conditions. Program is directed to create the conditions providing the food safety of the Russian Federation according to the Russian Federation Presidential Decree from January, 30 2010 №120 «About the affirmance of doctrine of food safety of the Russian Federation» [2].

The Program realization is done in the framework of the State program of agriculture development and regulation of market of agricultural production, raw and food for 2013-2020 affiliated with the Russian Federation Government Resolution from July, 14 2012 № 717 [1].

The Program is directed to achieve by 2015 high level of economical development of poultry branch. The achievement of the preset objective envisages innovative type of development on the basis of rational resource usage improvement, providing competitive capacity of the produced poultry production, complete satisfaction of domestic demand and export access (Table 2).

All this requires formation of complex approach to realize coordinated measures and to solve the following problems: poultry meat production increase on the ground of breeding of high productive and technological poultry crosses; creation of modern selection and genetic centres on the ground of breeding farms; renovation of poultry basis, building of new enterprises, reconstruction and modernization of operating enterprises; increase of the level of competitive ability of the branch production on the ground of production quality increase

and decrease of expenditures connected with its production taking into consideration Russia’s annexation into the WTO; product expansion and development of deep processing of poultry meat and eggs accounting the requirements of different consumers groups (children, school, functional, specialized and others nutrition types); provision of implementation of the tracing system of food production to guaranty production quantity and safety and supply possibility for export.

Table 2 - Basic target indicators of the Program [3]

Indicators 2012 2013 2014 2015

Meat poultry production, thous. Tons in slaughter weight 3587 3700 3900 4000

Meat poultry production per capita, kg 25,0 25,8 27,2 27,9

Egg production, bln. pieces. 42,0 42,3 42,5 43,0

Egg production per capita, pieces 273 275 276 279

In the report of proceedings at meeting of Committee of Directors of the Rosptitsesoyus from June, 27 2012 is stressed that with Russia’s annexation into the WTO the basic objective for the nearest future is the condition development to provide high quality and safety of animal products. In these conditions it is necessary to realize the following measures complex: take steps to increase the production efficiency; at realizing the food industry production processes connected with the requirements of its safety, work out and implement procedures, based on the principles of the HACCP (TP TC 021/2011 «About the food production safety of the Customs Union» from December, 9, 2011); provide implementation of the tracing system of food production to guaranty production quantity and safety, and also the possibilities of production outcome to foreign markets, implement modern resources saving technologies of keeping and feeding animals, and also new equipment; implement the veterinary science and practice achievements into the production.

In the sphere of technology of broiler meat production the perspective directions are: development of progressive operations of broiler growing with differentiated poultry amount of floor space per bird in the starting period of growing to increase the meat production volume and resource saving, creation of modern equipment for this technology; the usage of LED bulbs to grow broilers, replacement chicks, and parent stock of meat hens; usage of different light period duration with different lightning intensity at broilers growing; usage of elecroactivated water in the poultry industry at poultry meat processing, disinfection of hatching eggs and equipment.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences V. I. Fisinin stresses that today the key notion of any production is efficiency. It is necessary to use actively the achievements of fundamental sciences, but to base on the interaction of practical sectors of animal breeding and related branches [18].

The only leader of branch in the Orel region is JV Factory on poultry meat production JSC of Agro Industrial Complex «Orlovskaya Niva» (Table 3).

The 11 thousand tons poultry farm of broilers meat in live weight in a year is the enterprise with the closed production cycle which structure includes the following shops: parental herd (loud-speaker 2 orders), incubations, two platforms of broilers cultivation, slaughter and processing shop (“Linco” firm equipment, Denmark). Besides, at the factory there are necessary auxiliary areas and services. On poultry farm the modern resource-saving equipment is applied: floor equipment of firms "Big Dutchman" (Germany) and "Facco" (Italy); energy saving systems of providing a microclimate in hen houses -heatgenerators "Jett Master", the GP-70, GP-80, GP-95, GP-120 models; the automated systems of providing a microclimate, the systems of ventilation operated by MC-36A and fx-76 computers; lighting system "Gazolek Orion" (Netherlands).

The priority directions of development of broiler poultry farming in the Orel region in the conditions of the WTO are: formation of effective, competitive production of the poultry-farming production ensuring food safety of the region, and also integration of branch into logistic infrastructure and the food markets; the organization of innovative self-regulating

model of the poultry farming which is based on specialization of participants of the market and development of integration of the branch enterprises, country (farmer) and personal subsidiary farms in the vertically integrated formations; development of line technology of cultivation of broilers with a differentiated amount of floor space per bird of landing during the starting period of cultivation for increase in output of meat and resource-saving; development of new processing methods of production of broilers of different weight categories taking into account requirements of the market; creation of systems of lighting in hen houses on the basis of the LED lighting equipment; development of standard documentation regarding LED lighting; development of energy saving modes of lighting for broilers with a various duration of cultivation; development of new ecologically safe processing methods of cultivation of broilers with BAS (Biological Active Supplements) application (probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, phytopreparations, natural enterosorbents, zeolites of the Hotynetsky field of the Orel region, etc.) ; development existing and creation of new loud-speakers of the 2nd order for full satisfaction of requirement for incubatory egg at the expense of own producer that will allow to lower economic and an import dependency on branch of poultry farming; strict observance of standards of reproduction of a breeding bird and realization of its genetic potential on the basis of feeding with application of computer programs of drawing up and optimization of diets; to finishing of volumes of processing of meat not less than to 60% with creation on poultry farms and the processing enterprises of modern sites for production of semi-finished products and finished products from fowl; production of new functional food of the treatment-and-prophylactic direction (eggs and the fowl, enriched with selenium, iodine, vitamin E, carotinoids, an omega - 3 fatty acids, folic acid) [6,7,12].

Table 3 - Production and economic indicators of JV Factory on poultry meat production JSC of Agro Industrial Complex “Orlovskaya Niva” 2012.

Indicators value

Number of hen houses 25

amount of floor space per bird, heads/m2 19-20

Average monthly livestock, thous. of heads 570

Period of growing, days 38,5

The average live mass of 1 head at the end of fattening, g 2151

Average daily gain, g 54,9

Costs of a forage of 1 kg of a gain, kg 1,76

Safety of broilers, % 96

Live mass in total, t 11473

Slaughter weight in total, t 8438

Slaughter yield, % 73,5

obtained live weight from 1 m 2 the hen house areas, kg 40

EFE - European Factor of Efficiency, units. 305

The modern technology tends transfer with cellular on the floor contents. At the same time about 20% of broilers on poultry farms of Russia contain in cellular batteries. In this regard the special attention should be paid to cultivation of broilers as to them the specified system of the contents most often intends. Experience of broiler production in Russia and developed countries of the world testifies that its further development and competitiveness are possible only at large-scale development of the resource-saving technologies allowing as much as possible to use genetic potential of efficiency of a bird. One of reserves of growth of meat production is put in system of meat chickens sagination in cage batteries. It is a return to the past, but it is the innovative direction [5, 13, 16].

It is established that the main zootechnical indicators at broilers growing in cages of different designs are almost identical. However forages costs of 1 kg of a gain of the broilers which have been grown up in cage batteries 2B-3A, are 0,05-0,07 kg lower, than at the broilers fattened in a cage of BKM-3D. It is connected with constructive decisions of feeding supply system and feedings of a bird. Economic efficiency of broilers growing in cage batteries 2B-3A (new option) in comparison with growing in BKM-3D batteries (basic option)

for one technological turn makes 187460 rub. At a manufacturing lead time of 7 turns in a year expected economic effect will make 1312220 rub.

We conducted researches on a comparative assessment of cellular and floor cultivation of broilers. It is established that the highest zootechnical and economic rates were received when using cage KP-8L batteries. General industrial index - the European factor of efficiency was the highest at growing of chickens in cages of KP-8L-285-310 of unit that testifies to rather high level of an intensification of broiler production in cage batteries. KP-8L.

This indicator at floor growing of broilers was slightly lower - 268-280 units. It caused the highest level of profitability of broilers production in KP-8L cages - 14% whereas at the floor keeping it was slightly lower and corresponded 10%.

Now in broiler poultry farming of the world the separate growing of chickens and cockerels from daily age is used. According to our data, forage expenses at separate growing on a floor decrease in comparison with joint growing by 4 - 8%, and live weight increases at cockerels by 2,5 - 7%, and at chickens - by 4 - 12%.

This processing method is especially perspective at the broilers cage keeping. At separate growing on a floor an important question is the definition of optimum terms of slaughter, amount of floor space per bird, and the feeding and watering front. Amount of floor space per bird at broilers growing of cross of "Ross-308" depending on live weight is specified in Table 4.

The analysis of literature allows assuming that the growing systems, especially alternative (not intensive) and organic, are essential part of the modern production technology of broilers meat. They are important factors in management of efficiency characteristics (growth, forage conversion, safety of a bird) and quality of meat (percent of slaughter yield, an output of separate parts of a carcass, organoleptic indicators, and a chemical content of meat). For the last years the growing systems of a bird gained value not only in respect of scientific researches, but also about the purpose of their practical application. Products of the improved quality, welfare of birds and environment protection is the all essential reasons (provided by precepts of law and rules in many countries) to raise interest to innovations in systems of cultivation and to introduction of new systems in real production. Increase of production efficiency of broilers meat is possible only at introduction of the latest energy saving processing methods, one of which, is the rational program of lighting in hen house [15,23,24,25,27].

Table 4 - Standards of amount of floor space per bird for broilers

Alive weight, Kr amount of floor space per bird, heads/m2

1,0 34

1,4 24-25

1,8 19,0-20

2,0 17-18

2,2 16

2,6 13

3,0 11

3,4 10,0

3,8 9,0

In our researches it is established that application of monochromatic fluorescent lamps of low power of green and blue color for illumination of hen houses promoted decrease in expenses for the electric power in 8,5 times in comparison with traditional lighting by incandescent lamps. Besides, energy of growth, safety of chickens increased, forage conversion improved.

Economic efficiency of growing of broilers in the hen house equipped with system of illumination of "Gasolec ORION", in comparison with usual lighting, for one technological turn was 32684 rub. At a manufacturing lead time of 6,5 turns in a year expected economic effect will be 212446 rub.

At floor growing of broilers of average type with a live weight not less than 2 kg in 42 days during the period from 1st to the 6th day of life it is necessary to use a mode of

continuous lighting (23C:1T), from the 7th to the 35th day - a faltering light mode (5C:1T)*4, from the 36th to the 42nd day - (23C:1T).

Large meat cockerels are recommended to be grown up on a laying before achievement of the live weight of 3,5-3,7 kg at the age of 55 days with application of a faltering light mode: (23C:1T) during the period from the 1st sagination on the 7th day, 18C:6T) from 8 to 14 day, (4C:4T)*3, during the period from the 15th to the 24th day, (18C:6T) from the 25th to the 29th day, (20C:4T) from the 30th to the 52nd day, (23C:1T) from the 53rd to the 55th day of life.

For sagination in the cage batteries of broilers of portion type reaching at 35-day age with a live weight of 1,7-1,8 kg, the applications of a constant mode of lighting (23C:1T) from the 1st to the 6th day of growing, and a faltering mode of illumination (3C:1T)*6 from the 7th to the 28th day of life of and from the 29th to the 35th day - (23C:1T) are most suitable.

Application of the developed programs of lighting at broilers growing in the conditions of poultry farms promoted increase of economic efficiency, increase in profitability of production of poultry by 3,32% (at average type broilers growing), by 2,96% - large meat chickens and by 1,61% - at sagination of chickens of portion type.

Use in poultry feeding biologically active supplements, refusal of fodder antibiotics for receiving ecologically safe production are the most important elements of modern technology of cultivation of broilers [5,12,17,22]. So probiotic use "Laktobifadol" has positive impact on average broilers daily gain (by 3,73% higher, than in control), safety (by 2% higher) and costs of a forage per 1 kg of a gain of live weight (by 3,8% lower, than in control). Economic effect of "Laktobifadol's" use on a livestock of 61100 broilers for one cycle of growing was about 500 thous. rub. At a manufacturing lead time of 6,5 turns in a year expected economic effect will be 3,25 bln. rub.

Inclusion of a probiotic of "Provagen" in technology of broilers growing provided increase of energy of growth, safety of the young growth, significant improvement of conversion of forage. Economic effect of "Provagen's" use on a livestock of 60800 broilers for one cycle of growing corresponds to 371844 rub. At a manufacturing lead time of 6,5 turns in a year expected economic effect will be 2,42 bln. rub.

Introduction in technology of broilers chickens growing of cross "Ross-308" of the complex preparation "Ekofiltrum" in a dose of 0,8 kg per 1 t of combined feed during the whole period of growing allowed to gain the following technical and economic effect: as a result of increase of efficiency and safety of broilers, improvement of conversion of a forage at "Ekofiltrum's" usage, the prime cost of 1 kg of broilers meat in new growing variant was by 4,05 rub or by 6,14% lower, than in basic variant. Profitability of production in new growing variant was 6,7% higher in comparison with the basic variant; economic effect of use of the complex preparation "Ekofiltrum" on a livestock of 3000 broilers for one production cycle of growing was 18561,15 rub (65,94 rub. - 61,89 rub.) x 4583 kg. At a manufacturing lead time of 6,8 turns in a year expected economic effect will be 126215,82 rub (18561,5 rub. x 6,8 turns).

We developed the scheme of profit calculation in broiler production. At profit calculation got by production of meat of broilers, it is necessary to consider the following essentially important positions: technological indicators of efficiency (an average daily gain, forage conversion, a carcass output) that are not profit unit; the accounting of prime cost only on the above indicators of individual efficiency of poultry does not guarantee financial success; structural unit of efficiency in poultry farming is the hen house, instead of a bird itself.

Therefore the profit (P) should be considered as the relation of the income from a unit of production (from 1 m2 hen house) to a unit of time (a cycle of sagination or in one year) (fig.). Key production indicators in broiler poultry farming are: live weight (kg/m2) during growing; costs of forage of 1 kg of a gain (kg); European factor of efficiency (units). The main control levers of key production indicators are: amount of floor space per bird; age of a bird at slaughter (days); safety (%); sanitary period (days) European factor of efficiency (units).

Meat output

Market segment

P (m2 /da ) - [(Poultry income/m2) - (total expenses / m2)]

cycle period of feeding

Slaughter agea

Sanitary period

Figure 1 - The scheme of profit calculation in broiler production

European Factor of Efficiency (EFE) is defined by the formula:

M * C

E03 = K*n *100, (1)

where M - average live mass of a broiler (kg); C - viability (%); K - fodder expenses per 1 kg of gain (kg); n - growing period (days).

Despite dynamic development of poultry farming in Russia, branch modernization still far is not complete. The most part of the equipment for poultry farming and poultry processing are morally and physically old fashioned and needs replacement. Annual economic effect of introduction of new the floor or cage equipment can be calculated by a formula:

3r = (BK - 3K) - (Bh - 3h), (2)

where Bh and Bk - revenue per unit of production before equipment introduction, rub.; 3h u 3k -unit costs before and after equipment introduction, rub.

Modern technologies of poultry farming branch allow in short terms not only quantitatively to increase volumes of national production of poultry meat and eggs, but also to reduce their prime cost. Production of domestic poultry farming will be able to possess not only absolute competitiveness in comparison with import, but also and potential for export to foreign countries.

Besides, necessity of development of poultry farming is caused: existence of raw materials base, in particular the grains, one of which main consumers is the poultry farming branch; existence of land resources for placement of the enterprises taking into account the requirements ensuring veterinary and sanitary safety; existence of rather developed formula-feed industry; existence of fuel and energy resources (considering power consumption of branch); existence of the qualified human resources, etc.

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In the conditions of updating of market economy and development of the competitive beginnings those poultry-farming enterprises which constantly work over problems of economy, finding out and uses of production reserves are considered to be the most effective ones. Objectivity of the productivity assessment of functioning of the poultry-farming enterprises is an important condition of their competitiveness.

Table 5 presents data on production of eggs and poultry meat in the Orel region according to the Program "Poultry Farming Development in the Russian Federation on 2013-

2015". Efficiency of the Program implementation is calculated on the basis of dynamics of values of two indicators: productions of poultry meat for slaughter in the live weight (thous. tons), productions of eggs (bln. pieces). Efficiency calculation is done by the following formula:

3np = —— x B1H—— x B2

—i 1 —2 2, (3)

where 3np - efficiency ratio of the Program realization; A1 - target indicators of production gain of poultry meat in the target year to level of 2012; A2 - target indicators of production gain of eggs in the target year to level of 2012; A1^, A2$ - the actual indicators of production gain of poultry meat and eggs in the target year to level of 2012; B1 , B2 - weights of production indicators of poultry meat and eggs.

The Program is considered successfully executed at values of efficiency ratio of the Program implementation ranging from 0,9 and above.

The main condition of profitable work of the poultry-farming enterprises is intensive maintaining branch with introduction of resource-saving technologies of the keeping and feeding of poultry, the modern methods of breeding work providing high efficiency, safety and forage conversion, the organization of deep production processing, the most strict saving mode of expenses on all areas of production and skillful marketing.

Researches testify that without providing innovative type of development the economic growth of poultry-farming branch is impossible. Innovations have to become a subject of state regulation of science and practice. It is necessary to increase innovative activity consistently and steadily and it is rational to use investments for mass modernization of branch.

Table 5 - Forecasting of poultry meat and eggs production in the Orel region (all categories of enterprises)

Indicators 2012 (report) Forecasting 2015 to 2012

2013 2014 2015 % +/-

Production poultry meat of all types, thous.t 18,2 21,3 22,8 25,7 140,8 7,4

Eggs production, bln. pieces 163,1 170,3 170,4 170,4 104,5 7,3

Value of indicators B1 and B2 is the following:

Indicators Weight value of indicators

Production of poultry meat for slaughter in alive weight 0,6

Eggs production 0,4

In this connection on this stage it is important to form a departmental network of research establishments, institutes, laboratories, the centers, for development and implementation of modern methods of the researches conforming to the international requirements, and also for preparation of scientific justifications to adopt the relevant decisions within the WTO.

Only thus it will be possible not only now, but also in the future to solve the difficult complex problems facing the poultry farming branch.


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