УДК 364:368.4
O.S. Mironova
The article is dedicated to questions of theoretical and methodological grounds of structural organization problems and functioning of the Russian pensionary system. The author, using a system approach, reveals economic essence of the pensionary system, establishes its functional elements.
Key words: pensionary system, pensinoary insurance, pensionary ensurance.
O.C. Миронова
Статья посвящена вопросам теоретического и методологического обоснования проблем структурной организации и функционирования пенсионной системы России. Автор, используя системный псдхсд, раскрывает экономическую сущность пенсионной системы, устанавливает ее функциональные элементы.
Ключевые слова: пенсионная система, пенсионное страхование, пенсионное обеспечение.
During the last twenty years the pensionary system of Russia is under reformation. In spite of undertaken measures, the tasks of improving of the economic stability of pensionary system and increasing the level and qaulity level of life of pensioners are not solved yet. One of the reasons is aging of population that causes worsening of qualitative proportion between employed and pensioners.
In our opinion, scientifically grounded definition of the economic essence and content of pensionary system should precede the formation of the optimum strategy of pensionary reformation. It is connected with the issue of economic nature, structure and characteristics of those social-economic elements, iteraction of which shapes and fixes the attitudes to the current pensionary protection of the population. There are several approaches in economics to solve this problem.
Financial approach proponents consider pensionary system as totality of financial ralations to fill Pension fund, to realize its budget policy, stimulate nongovernmenal pension funds, voluntary pensionary insurance, and financial safety, and risk lowering. Financial character between the subjects of pensionary system is especially emphasized due to the fact, that "Financial form of cost movement aimed at redistribution and cover of pensionary risks is the most convenient" [10, p. 34].
The proponents of organizational-structural approach focus on the problems of the organizational structure of pensionary system and fictional chains of its management. On the basis of such approach they insist that pensionary system is the totality not only of financial-economic, but legal and organizational-management relations, "established under fulfillment of long-run state commitments to provide pensionary insurance" [9, p. 7]. Efficiency of pensionary system in the current paradigm is connected with quality of functional links and relations between the hired employees, employers and state. The idea that the state itself represents a large employer is not considered. .
Some authors consider pensionary system in the light of institutional - juridical provision of its links functioning. There is a point of view that pensionary system is a totality of institutions and norms, the aim of which is to ensure guarantees of observance of rights of disabled people to get material support [2]. In this case, it is considered that quality of legislative base is a leading link and factor, deter-
mining the structure and state of pensionary system. The problem of improving of pensionary system is offered to solve through modernization of legal provision of pensionary system functioning.
The subject of analysis of institutional-economic paradigm's proponents is the measures, norms and rules, instruments, mechanisms, determining the national model of pensionary system as social institution, the aim of which - "material ensurance of the citizens of certain age, loss of breadwinner, or in case of disability" [7, p.117]. The pensionary system is proved to be "a complex of formal norms and rules, officially established to support disabled at the given moment population" [1, p. 27]. From the institutional point of view, pensionary system performs functions, inherent to the institutions, and namely, regulative, connected with the organization and management of pensionary protection processes [5, p. 22]. The researchers define a specific role of juridical and economic spheres of society, consider social-economic and institutional factors of pension fund development, pensionary ensuring, pensionary insurance as elements of pensionary system institution.
Analysis of the given approaches shows, that they reflect two contradictory directions in the research of pensionary system. In some cases, pensionary system is regarded as integrity of relations, in other cases as totality of institutions and norms. However, in our opinion the approaches under study, do not consider interdependence of the whole complex of institutional-juridical, financial-economic social relations, inherent to pensionary system, secondly in all these cases there is no such important characteristic as qualities different in comparison with qualities of its elements. The pensionary system includes material, human, institutional, procedural, spiritual and other components, interaction of which makes pension sphere as integral and due to the "system effect" gives integrative qualities to it. Using the system analysis methodology [4, p. 160], pensionary system should be regarded as complex, multilevel, dynamic, probabilistic, open social-economic system, representing a complex of interacted elements and relations between them in realization of pensionary protection of the population.
The current pensionary system represents a complex social-economic system, interacting with society and economy, e.i. external environment. It shows the necessity of
synthesis of the state pensionary system conception and idea of social protection of the population.
Pensionary system as a subsystem of the social protection possesses a relative independence, its own internal structure, rules of functioning and development. The elements of pensionary system are interdependent parts, internal division of which leads to destruction of its functional links. As a result, pensionary system is a whole consisting of some subsystems, each of them may be examined as independent system, and relations, links and interactions seem to be system-shaping factors, i. e. uniting all the subsystem elements. Thus, definition of the content of the notion "pensionary system" has a scientific and practical meaning in the frames of integrity of subsystems: structure, infrastructure of pensionary system and social-normative subsystem.
The pensionary system structure is determined by a systematic position and share of social-economic elements, providing functions to protect population's pension. Pensionary system consists of totality of subjects 9state, employers, employees, self-employed), who take part in formation, distribution and using of funds of pensionary ensur-ance (insurance). They are connected by a system of legal, social-economic and economic-managerial relations. Pensionary insurance resources, in the for of pensions, payment to the citizens when they reach a particular age, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for long service and special merits before a state, is the object of these relations.
From the point of functional task in a pensionary system structure one may distinguish the pensionary branches, imposed with a particular function: pensionary insurance and provision of pension. These pensionary subsystems are characterized by a hierarchical management structure and different levels of financial resources: state and public sectors of economy.
The organization of pensionary system infrastructure may be represented in a form of interrelated bodies, enterprises and establishments, aimed at provision of its function, management, regulation and control at different hierarchical levels: federal (macro level), regional (areal), managing subject level (micro level). The main function of the pensionary system infrastructure is to improve interaction of the subjects of pensionary relations, organizational registration of these relations to in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness of pensionary protection of the population.
Pensionary system interacts actively with the external environment. From the one hand, the environment affects it through economic-legal and social norms and rules, imposing certain forms of pensionary protection, different procedures connected with implementation of norms and rules ensuring pension, and sanctions for violators. From the other hand, the internal structure and quality of pensionary system affect the level and quality of life of the essential part of the population (pensioners), and conditions of the economic subjects' functioning. Pensionary systems are connected with the structure and parameters of the state budget, financial state of the other subsystems of social protection (social program of support of the poor, unemployed, employment assistance).
Economic essence of the pensionary system is revealed through the functions of its structural components. The use of "function" category in the economic analysis implies "recognition of structural-functional analysis, un-
der which the phenomenon under study is viewed from the point of its dynamic involvement in the system in which it is a necessary element of the whole" [3' p.67]. Thus, the functional aim of the pensionary provision is to support a definite level of welfare of the citizens and their family members in case of retirement due to the age, disability or loss of a breadwinner with the help of special funds, founded in a society, in cases, and under terms, established by legislature. Formation of centralized budget and nonbudget funds of finance through realization of fiscal functions of the state is planned for financing of the pensionary provision. In this case pensions are set on non-equivalent but standardized, or alimentary (free of charge) basis, not considering labor activity and contribution payment. Pensionary provision implies two kinds of pensionary payments: social and labor pensions. Social pensions are set in case of absence of right for labor pension (usually in case of length of service). Labor pensions are set to the workers reached a certain age, length of service or loss of a breadwinner. Function of labor pension is shifting of the part of income of the workers from able-bodied period of their lives to disabled period of life. In this sense, a labor pension is a kind of social compensation for those who leave labor market and can't get wages due to the age. As for non-governmental provision is concerned, pension is a saved income due to investment of pensionary savings through different financial instruments.
The subsystem of pensionary insurance provides, the principle of personal responsibility for risks minimization, connected with age, disability, loss of job or any other case of disability, is combined with a principle of public solidarity [8, p. 27]. Pensionary insurance unlike pensionary provision may have a goal to create a higher level of material protection of the pensioners. It may be obligatory and voluntary.
Therefore, sectional pensionary subsystems (pensionary insurance and pensionary provision) perform a single target function - to meet needs of the population in protection of the pensionary risks.
The economic character of the structural components of the pensionary system is determined by "their connection with the income of population the amounts of which essentially modify the state of the pensionary system elements, and mainly personal obligation of the social insurance" [7, p. 14]. Thus, a high level of payment affects positively the development of personal pensionary insurance, as it happens in USA, Germany. The average level of payment, as a rule, promotes development corporative pensionary insurance in the form of additional pensionary protection alongside with obligatory pensionary insurance as in France and Great Britain. In the countries with relatively low level of payment state pensionary provision prevails (Russia, China). Thus, relations within a state pensionary provision are characterized by a certain specifity, caused by different sources (governmental and non-governmental) of financing of pensionary commitments.
The efficient functioning of the pensionary system components allows it to perform a social function - defense from poverty and partial compensation of the lost revenues. National model of revenue redistribution depends on the economic policy of the state. The fiscal function of the state serves to redistribute revenue through time (inter-generation solidarity) and between the population categories (horizontal solidarity).
The important economic condition of the pensionary system functioning is redistribution of the revenues from wealthy citizens to the needy ones through a taxation system of the social insurance. The purposes of the economic constituent of pensionary system functioning are related to the advantages of economic efficiency and financial stability.
Both, economic, social and institutional factors are the means to reach these purposes. For example, GDP, and its share, directed to pensionary provision, which is substantially lower in Russia (5,2%) than in Germany and France (13%), Italy and Austria (15%), GDP structure (share of labor payment in it), income taxation, - have a great impact on the state of pensionary system.
So, pensionary system, being a part of the social protection of the population, is a complex of interconnected elements and relations between them to provide pensionary protection of the population, the state of which is determined by the level of the social-economic development of the society and tendency of social and economic policy of a particular state. Therefore, analysis of pensionary system must consider system interconnections between the institutions of social protection, character of distributional relations in the society and dynamics of social-economic characteristics. Thus, pensionary system is a part of social protection of the population system, a part of complex interdependent elements and relations between them,
aimed to realization of pensionary protection of the population, the state of which is determined by social-economic development of society, economic policy of a particular state. That's why pensionary system must consider system interconnections between the institutes of social protection, character of a distributional system in a society and dynamics of changes of social-economic indicators.
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удк 338.47:657 A.V. Miroshnik
The problem of improvement of services quality of local telecommunication has important economic value both in theoretical and practical aspects. Together with scientific and technical progress it continuously became complicated due to constantly increasing needs. Now the problem of maintenance of a telecommunication service quality is especially vital.
Key words: quality, system of management quality, competitiveness, process, checking, standard, certification.
A.B. Мирошник
Проблема повышения качества услуг местной телефонной связи имеет важное экономическое значение как в теоретическом, так и в практическом плане. В параллели с научно-техническим прогрессом она непрерывно усложнялась с учетом постоянно возрастающих потребностей. В настоящее время проблема обеспечения качества услуг связи особо актуальна.
Ключевые слова: качество, система менеджмента качества, конкурентоспособность, процесс, контроль, стандарт, сертификация.
Service quality has always been the essential part while evaluating the activity of communication enterprise. In the frames of transition form planned to market economy it requires a special meaning, it was proved by adoption of the RF law on "Protection of consumers' rights". Service quality becomes an important factor, defining success of the operator on the service market of communication industry. That's why ISO standard provides quality manage-
ment system of the communication operators to supply higher quality service.
Quality management system consists of two components: administrative and technical. Administrative component includes organizational work to provide service quality: placement of personnel, creation of good labor conditions, encouragement for reaching of high quality service, analysis of the results of work to improve quality,