y^K 911.3:33
Xudoyberdiyeva I.A.
PhD. Teacher at Navoi State University
Nazarova Z. Sh.
Navoi State University Basics of geography and economic knowledge
2nd year student
Abstract: This article describes the natural conditions, demographic situation, agriculture, industry, and service sectors of the district based on the geographical approach to the Kattakurgan district of the Samarkand region. Also, scientific proposals and recommendations are presented for the economic and social geographical development of the population.
Keywords: District city, population, agriculture, industry, transport, service, reservoir, migration.
Main part. Kattakurgan district is located in the southern part of the Samarkand region, the area of the district is large, and the size of the area compared to other districts has a great impact on the economic and social life of the residents of this area. It is also one of the largest districts of the Samarkand region, and it is significant due to its proximity to the city of Samarkand, the regional centre.
It is the name of a city and a rural district in the Kattakurgan-Samarkand region. The district is located on the left bank of the Narpay canal in the plain part of the Zarafshan valley at an altitude of485. Excavations have been carried out here by archaeologists since ancient times, and this indicates a rich ancient culture. "Assyrian spool coffins" were found during the archaeological excavations conducted by B.Kastolisky. The toponym is made up of the words big and korgon. E.Mirzayev connects the word "big" with the Persian word "big" which means "hill".
Kattakurgan district was established on September 28, 1926, and borders several other districts, i.e. from the north with Nurobod district of Samarkand region, from the west with Narpay district, from the east with Pastargham, from the north - in the west, bordering Navoi region, the total area is 1.47 thousand km, and the population is 189 thousand people. There are 3 cities in the district, their names are Kattakurgan, Kadan, and Payshanba, and the district consists of 17 villages. These are Abulqasim, Uyshun, Shorak, Alijan, Durbesh, Kattakorpa, Omonboy, Moybulok, Koshtepa, Murtak, Zarafshan, Girdikorgan, Jumaboy, Saraykorgan, Kiyikmindon.
Residents of the district mostly live in rural areas. The demographic change of the population changes due to migration and other factors. The majority of the
population of the district are young people and young people who can work. The main part of them organizes internal migration to the cities of Samarkand, Tashkent, and Navoi for education, while some of them go abroad, mainly to Russia, Kazakhstan, and other CIS countries due to labour migration. The population of the district increased steadily between 2010 and 2024 (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Population of Kattakurgan district in 2010-2024 (thousands of people)
The population of the district is mainly engaged in agriculture, they are engaged in farming horticulture and animal husbandry. In agriculture, the cultivation of cotton, grain, and vegetables is widely developed in this district. In horticulture, fruit trees, especially grapes, apples and other fruits are grown, and in animal husbandry, dairy and meat breeding is well established.
Also, the industrial sector is growing in the district. In particular, jobs are being created in light industry, production of building materials and other sectors. The administrative centre of Kattakurgan district is the city of Kadan. This district is one of the largest industrial districts in the Samarkand region. In the district, there are oil-oil, meat, milk-oil, bread, flour combines, "Pakhtamash" factory, which produces machines for cotton production, brick, cotton ginning factories, fruit canning, confectionery, local industrial enterprises, lime, furniture, artistic pottery workshops, branches in the fields of cultural trade and household services are operating.
In the district, the production of artistic ceramics has been going on for a long time. In the Kattakurgan district, a tungsten processing and beneficiation plant, namely "Ingichki Metals" JV, is operating. There is a drama theatre named "Abdulhamid Majidi" in Kattakorgan district, which continues its activities to this day. This theatre has been helping the residents of the district to provide cultural entertainment. In addition, several construction organizations, general education and music schools, colleges, national craft lyceums, cultural houses, hospitals, recreation parks, libraries, and maternity hospitals operate in the district.
The service sector, i.e., trade, transport, tourism, etc., is developing well in the district. This leads to the improvement of the social condition of the population. In particular, due to the geographical location of the Kattakurgan district, its proximity to other districts of the region and the city of Samarkand, it also occupies an important place in the field of transport. The district has a network of highways
and railways, which ensures its economic integration. There are also shops, markets and shopping centres in the cities and villages of the district. Trade in food and industrial products is highly developed in Kattakurgan.
A water reservoir was built near Kattakurgan and it is known as the Kattakurgan reservoir. Today, during the construction of this reservoir in 1946, there are underground chambers like a labyrinth with ventilation and several clay chambers. it is reported that a large Zoroastrian tomb similar to the appearance was found. Today, this reservoir is a hydro-technical facility. It is the first water reservoir built in Uzbekistan, and it was built at a medical depth. It provides water to cultivated fields in the Zarafshan valley. The Kattakurgan reservoir was built and put into use in 1940-1951. The Kattakurgan Reservoir consists mainly of dams that supply water, drain water, and release water. The volume of this reservoir is increasing year by year. In the project of 1954, we can see that it reached 662 mln. m3, 1956 In 2008, the channel bringing water to the reservoir was repaired and reconstructed, and the water transfer capacity was increased to 100 m3 per second. With such water in the reservoir, 94 thousand lands in the Samarkand and Bukhara regions are irrigated, except for Zarafshan lands. Water from the Kattakurgan reservoir flows into the Karadarya through a canal. Fishing is developed in the reservoir, and it plays a key role in supplying the population with fish products. The natural conditions of the Kattakurgan district are favourable for the population to live and for the social and economic development of the region. That is the relief consists of flat plains, with an average height of 450 m, sloping from west to east. The climate is continental, summer is hot and dry, and winter is moderate and cold. The average annual temperature is -1.9 C in January, 29.1 C in July, the maximum temperature is 44 C, and the minimum temperature is -35 C. The first cold days of autumn begin in the first ten days of October. Days without a cold are 177 days. Southeast and east winds blow in Kattakurgan. The average annual precipitation here is 282 mm. Precipitation occurs mainly in spring and winter. The soils are normally grey, and light in colour. Soil fertility in this area is the basis for the development of all branches of agriculture. This makes it an important profession in rejuvenating the population's employment in agriculture and the economic situation of the region.
Conclusion. Kattakurgan district plays an important role in agriculture, animal husbandry and transport directions of the Samarkand region economically and geographically. The district is rich in natural resources and due to the availability of water sources, its economic development is characterized by continuous growth, especially in the agricultural and agrarian sectors. Geographical location and transport connections create an opportunity to further expand the economic activity of the district.
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