Научная статья на тему 'Dynamic performance of freight cars on bogies model 18-1711'

Dynamic performance of freight cars on bogies model 18-1711 Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Bubnov V. M., Myamlin S. V., Mankevych N. B.

Purpose. To analyze the results of study of dynamic parameters of the tank-car model 15-1900 and gondola car model 12-1905, equipped with the bogies model 18-1711 with axle loading of 25 ton and unified according to major parts and joints with the cars of previous generation. According to results of the study to conclude about the possibility of using bogies model 18-1711 as the running parts of the freight rolling stock of the new generation of 1520 mm track with increased axle loading. Methodology. The dynamic performance of the rolling stock running parts directly affects the safety of railway traffic. Experimental studies of the car dynamic qualities are an important step in the modernization of existing bogie constructions and in the creation of the new ones. These tests allow one to confirm the results of theoretical studies and to check the correctness of the constructive solutions. Findings. Basic results of dynamic studies are presented as the graphs of dynamic performance dependencies on the motion speed of the experimental train. Results show that the freight cars on the bogies model 18-1711 have satisfactory dynamic properties meeting current regulatory requirements. Originality. The dynamic characteristics of freight cars on bogies model 18-1711, which give a complete view of the car loading allow us to estimate the dependency of the car dynamic performance on the bogie design parameters. Practical value. The bogie model 18-1711 with axle loading 25 ton can be used as a freight car undercarriages of the new generation of 1520 mm track.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Dynamic performance of freight cars on bogies model 18-1711»

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2013, вип. 4 (46)

UDC 629.


1 *LTD «Main Specialized Design Bureau of Car Building named after V. M. Bubnov (MSDBCB)», Mashinostroiteley Sq., 1, 87535, Mariupol, Ukraine, tel. +38 (0629) 51 86 43, e-mail [email protected]

2Dep. «Wagons and Wagon Facilities», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan Str., 2, 49010, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, tel. +38 (056) 776 84 98, e-mail [email protected]


Purpose. To analyze the results of study of dynamic parameters of the tank-car model 15-1900 and gondola car model 12-1905, equipped with the bogies model 18-1711 with axle loading of 25 ton and unified according to major parts and joints with the cars of previous generation. According to results of the study to conclude about the possibility of using bogies model 18-1711 as the running parts of the freight rolling stock of the new generation of 1520 mm track with increased axle loading. Methodology. The dynamic performance of the rolling stock running parts directly affects the safety of railway traffic. Experimental studies of the car dynamic qualities are an important step in the modernization of existing bogie constructions and in the creation of the new ones. These tests allow one to confirm the results of theoretical studies and to check the correctness of the constructive solutions. Findings. Basic results of dynamic studies are presented as the graphs of dynamic performance dependencies on the motion speed of the experimental train. Results show that the freight cars on the bogies model 18-1711 have satisfactory dynamic properties meeting current regulatory requirements. Originality. The dynamic characteristics of freight cars on bogies model 18-1711, which give a complete view of the car loading allow us to estimate the dependency of the car dynamic performance on the bogie design parameters. Practical value. The bogie model 18-1711 with axle loading 25 ton can be used as a freight car undercarriages of the new generation of 1520 mm track.

Keywords: dynamics of the railcar; dynamic tests; axle loading; structure unification; cars of new generation


Dynamic characteristics of the running parts of railway rolling stock directly affect the safe operation of trains in different modes of car loading and in the entire range of their motion speeds. That's why scientists and designers during improvement and construction of the new bogies of the rolling stock paid great attention to such junctions and elements the providing of necessary quality of the car course with the least resistance to its motion depends on [1, 4, 7, 9, 12].

Application of spring group in the construction of upgraded and new bogies with bilinear force characteristics and increased flexibility under the tare and gross rail load can improve the vertical dynamics parameters, promote traffic safety, as well as to provide the lesser sensitivity of the empty car dynamic parameters to the wedge wear.

In this case installation of the springs with increased altitude under the friction wedges allows one to create the necessary pressing force to provide both the better damping and increased resistance to the bogie side frames lozenging.

The use of non-metallic insertions between the friction wedges and bolster eliminates the «metal on metal» contact and stabilizes functioning of the shock absorbers [14]. Increase of the friction wedges width or their form changing from the flat to the spatial one increases the side frames cohesion with the bogie bolster. It reduces the degree of the side frames lozenging and thus promotes the motion stabilization. Installation of the double-row tapered bearings, which do not require maintenance and repair on the wheel sets increases the overhaul life of the cars. Installation of elastic wear-proof insertions between the bearing adapter and supporting surface of the side frame axle-box nozzle protects the supporting and thrust surfaces of adapter and the side frame from the wearing. Thus the system of bogie primary suspension is created. The elastic insertion of adapter dampers the high frequency vertical oscillations and brings the wheel set back to its original position after oblique setting during motion in the curved track sections. This has a positive effect on the side frame durability [13, 15].

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2013, вип. 4 (46)

Installation of fixed contact bearings on the bolster provides an effective oscillation damping and reduces the wheel sets wearing. This significantly decreases the level of dynamic loading of the car center pivot and reduces the negative impact on the track [2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 16].

A number of these design solutions are implemented in the new generation of bogies with an axle loading of 25 tnf, including the models 18-1711 (Table 1).

car dynamic qualities are an important step in the modernization of existing bogie designs and in the construction of the new ones. Experimental data can confirm the results of theoretical studies and check the correctness of the design decisions. Therefore, the following algorithm can be determined as a research methodology: design engineering of the freight car bogie, theoretical research performing, experimental studies of freight car dynamic loading on the bogies of new construction in

Table 1

Technical features of bogies

Bogie model (designer)

Name of design 18-194-1 Barber-S-2-R Motion Control 18-9800 18-1711 PJSC

features 18-9855 18-9836 «Azovmash»

(UVZ) (NVTs «Cars») (Amsted Rail) (VNIKTI) («GSKBV»)



- power

characteristic Bilinear Bilinear Bilinear Bilinear Bilinear

- spring number

of the spring set

(including the

double-row ones) 7(7) 9(9) 9(4) 7(7) 7(7)

- wedge form Flat Spatial, composite Spatial with in- Flat c with in- Spatial

structure creased width of creased width

working areas of working


Type of the elastic Elastic

fixed contact bear- spring type, Elastic spring Elastic spring Elastic Elastic spring

ings or the elastic type type elastomeric type

roller one

Presence of elastic


- in the axle-box

nozzle Yes No Yes Yes No

- on the wedges No No No Yes No


The purpose of the article is the study of car dynamic qualities. According to the study results the use possibility of bogie model 18-1711 as the freight car running gears was evaluated.


Running gears dynamic parameters of the rolling stock directly affect the motion safety parameters of the freight cars on the basis of wheel and rail interaction conditions. Experimental studies of

comparison with the serial ones, results analysis, and decision preparation about the possibility of using the bogies with new designs.


This paper presents the dynamic running tests of the tank car model 15-1900 and the 12-1905 open car model equipped with bogies 18-1711, with an axle loading 25 tnf, which were carried out according to the papers [8, 10]. These types of cars are the most common types of the freight vehicle

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2013, вип. 4 (46)

on the track 1520 mm. The prototypes for these cars were respectively the tank car model 15-1547-03 and the 12-1704-04 open car model produced by PJSC «Azovobshchemash» for many years. Body researched cars also on most parts and components are unified with the previous generation cars. Bodies of the researched cars are also unified with the cars of previous generation according to the most parts and components.

During the tests the general working capacity of the vehicle in motion was examined. There were determined and evaluated the parameters of running characteristics of cars, which were equipped with bogie model 18-1711. The different motion speeds, including the speed exciding the design speed by 10% and different loading modes for the specific track sections with the corresponding construction and the current technical conditions were taken into account as well.

The technical characteristics of the studied cars are presented in the Table 2.

Table 2

Technical characteristics of the cars under tests

Index value

Name of index (parameter, size) Tank-car, model 15-1900 Open car, model 12-1905

Carrying capacity, tn, no more than 73.5 75.5

Tare weight, tn 26.0 24±0.5

Static design loading from the wheel set on the rails, kN (tnf) 245.0 (25.0)

End the table 2

Name of index (parameter, size) Index value

Tank-car, model 15-1900 Open car, model 12-1905

Size according to the State Standard 9238-83 1-VM

Tank volume (body), m3 87±0,4 90±0,5

Body width, mm 3260 3204

Body length (tank), mm 11260 13130

Distance between truck centres, mm 7800 8650

The car length of the coupler pulling face, mm 12020 13920

The height of the car gravity center from the rail top level, mm - in the empty condition - in the loaded condition 1.561 2.499 1.191 2.221

The minimum radius of curving, m: 1) when moving in tractive connection - connection section of the tangent and curve track section - S-shaped curve 2) during circular curving of the single tank 80 120 60

The test results of cars are presented as graphs of dependencies of the ride quality basic indices on the motion speed in Fig. 1-9.

Fig. 1. Vertical dynamic coefficient DC of the tested car bodies:

a - empty car; b - loaded car



Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2013, вип. 4 (46)

Fig. 2. Vertical dynamics coefficient DC of the non-spring elements of the car bogie frames under tests:

a - empty car; b - loaded car

90 100 110 120

peed oí I In ! il in km/h

Open car 12-1905

Fig. 3. Frame forces of the bogies H of cars under tests:

a - empty car; b - loaded car


Fig. 4. Vertical acceleration of the bogies g of the cars under tests:

a - empty car; b - loaded car


Fig. 5. Horizontal acceleration of the bogies g of the cars under tests:

a - empty car; b - loaded car






Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2013, вип. 4 (46)

Fig. 6. Frame forces in fractions of the axial loading H/P0 of cars under tests:

a - empty car; b - loaded car


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Fig. 7. Vertical accelerations of unsprung elements of the bogie frames g, of the tested cars:

a - empty car; b - loaded car


Fig. 8. Horizontal accelerations of unsprung elements of the bogie frames g, of the tested cars:

a - empty car; b - loaded car


Fig. 9. Derailment stability coefficient: a - empty car; b - loaded car






Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2013, вип. 4 (46)

Originality and Practical Value

The dynamic characteristics of freight cars with the bogie models 18-1711 are obtained. These characteristics give a complete idea of the car loading and allow us to estimate the dependency of the car dynamic performance on the bogie design. Two-axial bogie model 18-1711 with axle loading 25 tnf can be used as the freight cars running gears of the new generation of 1520 mm track.


1. The test results show that the studied cars have satisfactory dynamic qualities.

2. Maximum commonality of parts and components of their running gears and bodies with the previous generation of cars ensures their maintainability on the existing infrastructure of railways of the 1520 mm track.

3. To ensure the traffic safety during manufacturing and repairing of new generation cars, components and details, of which are unified with the previous generation of cars, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of "reverse installation", i.e. the installation of the new generation car parts with obsolete design. For this purpose there are many methods of control, such as logic control through the information-analytical system of railway computer centers.


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Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету з^зничного транспорту, 2013, вип. 4 (46)



1*ТОВ «Головне спецiалiзоване конструкторське бюро вагонобудування ш. В. М. Бубнова (ГСКБВ)», пл. Машинобудшниюв, 1, 87535, Марiуполь, Украша, , тел. +38 (0629) 51 86 43, ел. пошта [email protected] 2Каф. «Вагони та вагонне господарство», Дшпропетровський нацiональний унiверситет залiзничного транспорту iменi академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, 49010, Дшпропетровськ, Украша, тел. +38 (056) 776 84 98, ел. пошта [email protected]


Мета. Виконати аналiз результатiв дослвдження динамiчних показнишв вагона-цистерни моделi 15-1900 та шввагона моделi 12-1905, обладнаних вiзками моделi 18-1711 з осьовим навантаженням 25 тс та утфшо-ваних за основними деталями й вузлами з вагонами попереднього поколшня. За результатами дослщжень зробити висновок про можливють використання вiзка моделi 18-1711 як ходових частин вантажного рухо-мого складу нового поколшня коли 1 520 мм зi зб№шеним осьовим навантаженням. Методика. На безпеку руху на залiзницях безпосередньо впливають динамiчнi показники ходових частин рухомого складу. Експе-риментальнi дослiдження динамiчних якостей вагошв е важливим етапом при модершзацп iснуючих i ство-ренш нових конструкцiй вiзкiв. Данi випробувань дозволяють пiдтвердити результати теоретичних досль джень i перевiрити правильнiсть прийнятих конструктивних рiшень. Результати. Основнi результати дина-мiчних дослiджень наведено у виглядi графiкiв залежностi динамiчних показнишв вщ швидкостi руху екс-периментального по!зда, вони сввдчать про те, що вантажнi вагони на вiзках моделi 18-1711 мають задовiльнi динамiчнi якостi, що вiдповiдають сучасним нормативним вимогам. Наукова новизна. Отримано динамiчнi характеристики вантажних вагонiв на вiзках моделi 18-1711, якi дають повне уявлення про навантаженiсть вагона й дозволяють оцшити залежнiсть динамiчних показнишв вагона ввд параметрiв конструкцii вiзка. Практична значимiсть. Двовiсний вiзок моделi 18-1711 з осьовим навантаженням 25 тс може бути використаний як ходовi частини вантажних вагонiв нового поколшня коли 1 520 мм.

Ключовi слова: динамжа вагона; динамiчнi випробування; осьове навантаження; унiфiкацiя конструкцш; вагони нового поколiння


'*ООО «Головное специализированное конструкторское бюро вагоностроения им. В. М. Бубнова (ГСКБВ)», пл. Машиностроителей, 1, 87535, Мариуполь, Украина, тел. +38 (0629) 51 86 43, эл. почта [email protected] 2Каф. «Вагоны и вагонное хозяйство», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, 49010, Днепропетровск, Украина, тел. +38 (056) 776 84 98, эл. почта [email protected]


Цель. Провести анализ результатов исследования динамических показателей вагона-цистерны модели 15-1900 и полувагона модели 12-1905, оборудованных тележками модели 18-1711 с осевой нагрузкой 25 тс и унифицированных по основным деталям и узлам с вагонами предыдущего поколения. По результатам исследования сделать заключение о возможности использования тележки модели 18-1711 в качестве ходовых частей грузового подвижного состава нового поколения колеи 1 520 мм с увеличенной осевой нагрузкой. Методика. На безопасность движения на железных дорогах напрямую влияют динамические показатели ходовых частей подвижного состава. Экспериментальные исследования динамических качеств вагонов являются важным этапом при модернизации существующих и создании новых конструкций тележек. Данные испытаний позволяют подтвердить результаты теоретических исследований и проверить правильность принятых конструктивных решений. Результаты. Основные результаты динамических исследований представлены в виде графиков зависимости динамических показателей от скорости движения экспериментального поезда, они свидетельствуют о том, что грузовые вагоны на тележках модели 18-1711 обладают удовлетворительными динамическими качествами, отвечающими современным нормативным требованиям. Научная

Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету з^зничного транспорту, 2013, вип. 4 (46)

новизна. Получены динамические характеристики грузовых вагонов на тележках модели 18-1711, которые дают полное представление о нагруженности вагона и позволяют оценить зависимость динамических показателей вагона от параметров конструкции тележки. Практическая значимость. Двухосная тележка модели 18-1711 с осевой нагрузкой 25 тс может быть использована в качестве ходовых частей грузовых вагонов нового поколения колеи 1 520 мм.

Ключевые слова: динамика вагона; динамические испытания; осевая нагрузка; унификация конструкций; вагоны нового поколения


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D. Sc. (Tech), Prof. O. M. Savchuk (Ukraine); D. Sc. (Tech), Prof. O. A. Beihul (Ukraine) recommended this article to be published

Received: May 21, 2013

Accepted: Jul. 30, 2013

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