DOI 10.14526/01_1111_161
Olga N. Stepanova - doctor of pedagogics, professor Moscow Pedagogical State University, 1/1 Str. Malaya Pirogovskaya, Moscow, 119991, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
Anastasia N. Volkova - additional education teacher Palace of Children and Youth "Undiscovered Island", 2/2, Angelov Lane, Moscow, Russia, 125310 E-mail: [email protected]
Annotation. During recent years the problem of different kinds of sport popularization, first of all the Olympic kinds of sport, was acknowledged an important state problem in Russia, which demands urgent solution. One of the prospective directions of this problem solution is an attractive image of this or that kind of sport creation and strengthening and it is possible only in case of taking into consideration those distinctive characteristics (both real and assignable), which reflect the perception of this kind of sport by targeted public. Research methods: questioning in the form of an essay and questionnaire, qualitative content-analysis of questioning results, methods of mathematical statistics (method of average values, correlative analysis, method of correlative pleiads, factorial analysis). Materials. The article gives modern teenagers' ideas analysis about the distinctive characteristics, which should have a popular kind of sport. Results. The list of distinctive characteristics, which are typical to popular kinds of sport, in the opinion of modern teenagers, is presented; the hierarchy of the revealed characteristics importance is determined; a statistical (factorial) model of a popular kind of sport is created. Conclusion. The results of the held research works helped to formulate a complex of pedagogical conditions of a kind of sport successful popularization among teenagers.
Keywords: popularity of a kind of sport, modern teenagers, distinctive characteristics of a popular kind of sport.
Introduction. As the results of the recent research works show, the problem of different kinds of sport popularization, first of all the Olympic kinds of sport, is acknowledged an important state problem in Russia, which demands urgent solution [1, 2, 4].
One of the most important directions in the work of this or that kind of sport popularization is its attractive image creation and strengthening. As it is known, image can be defined as a created in a mind of targeted public emotional image of an object with peculiar to it distinctive characteristics [5]. It becomes obvious, that the efforts taken to
popularize this or that kind of sport will be effective only in case of taking into consideration those distinctive characteristics (both real and assignable), which reflect the perception of this kind of sport by targeted public (those, who go in for sports, fans and/or people close to them).
Taking into account all mentioned above, before this research work the following objectives were set: 1) to set the list of distinctive characteristics, which are peculiar, in the opinion of modern teenagers, to popular kinds of sport; 2) to define the hierarchy of the revealed characteristics importance; 3) to create a statistical (factorial) model of a
popular kind of sport; 4) to formulate pedagogical conditions of a successful popularization of a kind of sport among teenagers as potential fans and those who go in for this kind of sport.
Research methods and research organization. In order to solve the first objective questioning was held among 56 teenagers (14-18 year-old), who go in for the Olympic kinds of sport. The respondents were offered to write an essay, in which they in a form of theses (no more than in 30 words, word-combinations or sentences) tried to answer the following question: "What distinctive characteristics should a kind of sport have in order to consider it popular?" The results of a questionnaire were handled with the method of qualitative content-analysis.
In order to define the hierarchy of the revealed characteristics importance the following steps were taken:
- a questionnaire was created, which included the following: a) the characteristics were enumerated, got according to the results of content-analysis of teenagers' (sportsmen) essays and added by the results of the similar research works, held among the students from physical culture faculty of Moscow Pedagogical State University [3]; b) a question: "How do you estimate the popularity degree of your own kind of sport for people around?";
- a questionnaire was held with the same teenagers. The respondents were offered the following: a) to estimate the importance of each characteristic of popularity according to 5 points scale (from 5 - extremely important, to 1 - absolutely not important); b) to estimate the degree of popularity of own kind of sport for people around (from 5 - extremely popular, to 1 - absolutely not popular).
The results handling was held with the help of the method of average values, correlative analysis (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was calculated) and the method of correlative pleiads.
In order to create a statistical model of a popular kind of sport factorial analysis was used (rotation method of the reference axes according to Varimax-criterion).
The results, received during the first three objectives solution, were the guiding lines for pedagogical conditions formulation of a successful popularization of a kind of sport among teenagers.
Research results and their discussion. The first column of table 1 presents the list of 23 distinctive characteristics of a popular kind of sport, received according to the results of content-analysis of the teenagers' (sportsmen) essays. The second column presents the results of the importance estimation of each revealed characteristic in a form X ± a; the list of the indices is built in descending order.
As it is seen from table 1, the most important characteristics of popularity, according to the respondents, are the following: the state of being relevant, prestigiousness and mass character of a kind of sport, its audience appeal, aesthetic quality and how it is covered in mass media, high results of native sportsmen, being the part of the Olympic Games. For teenagers it was also important that this kind of sport couldn't be called "funny" or "silly".
For teenagers harmony between a kind of sport and the inborn qualities of men and women (correspondence with gender peculiarities) and the absence of drug scandals is also very important.
Teenagers claimed a range of demands to the availability of a kind of sport: developed infrastructure (many place to train), correspondence with the financial abilities of people, physical, technical-tactical and coordinating availability ("doesn't demand special characteristics"), absence or, on the contrary, presence of gender restrictions in availability of training lessons.
The indices, which were estimated as "quite a bit above the average" included the characteristics, which reflected the correspondence of a kind of sport to the traditions and climate- geographic conditions of a country (region).
It should be noted that at the same level
of importance (X close to each other) there are the following indices: "the presence of the
elements of extreme" and "a low level of injury teenagers. One group considers a kind of sport factor of a kind of sport" and it proves that popular if it provides adrenaline, the other there are two typological groups among group- if it is not risky.
Table 1 - Distinctive characteristics of a popular kind of sport, received according to the
results of questionnaire among teenagers, and the hierarchy of their importance (n = 56)
Features (characteristics) X ± a, points
1. kind of sport) The state of being relevant (many people want to go in for this 4,41±0,78
2. Is interesting for teenagers and young people 4,39±0,73
3. A high level of audience appeal of a kind of sport (intrigue, exciting character, interesting to watch) 4,38±0,78
4. fans) Mass character (many people go in for this kind of sport, many 4,36±0,90
5. It is extremely covered in mass media 4,32±0,86
6. High sports results of native sportsmen 4,32±1,01
7. Good financing of a kind of sport 4,27±0,98
8. Is included into the program of the Olympic Games 4,23±1,31
9. It can't be called "funny" or "silly" 4,23±1,28
10. Developed infrastructure of a kind of sport 4,21±0,85
11. Prestigiousness of a kind of sport 4,21±0,99
12. Not expensive kind of sport (many people can afford) 4,20±1,02
13. Beauty and high level of aesthetic quality of a kind of sport (it gives pleasure to watch it) 4,13±0,99
14. Harmony between a kind of sport and the inborn qualities of men and women (correspondence with gender peculiarities) 4,04±1,13
15. No drug scandals 4,02±1,34
16. Availability (physical, technical-tactical, coordinating ) of a kind of sport - no need for special abilities to go in for this kind of sport 3,91±1,10
17. Is traditional for a country (region) 3,91±1,30
18. Is not harmful for health state 3,84±1,25
19. No gender restrictions ( a kind of sport both for men and women) 3,66±1,44
20. (region) Corresponds to climate- geographic conditions of a country 3,64±1,30
21. Has the elements of extreme 3,64±1,43
22. Low level of a kind of sport injury factor 3,59±1,29
23. Gender restrictions (a kind of sport only for men or women) 2,57±1,32
In order to specify the hierarchy and the list of the most important features of popularity of a kind of sport, Spearman's rank correlation
coefficients between the answers (question: "How do you estimate the degree of popularity of your kind of sport for people around?") and
the indices of importance of each attribute of popularity (column 1 table 1) were calculated
and then a correlative pleiad was created (picture 1).
9 2
Picture 1 - Correlative structure of the features, which determine the degree of this or that
kind of sport popularity in society
As it is seen form picture 1, a kind of sport, which wants to be popular in society, should, in the opinion of teenagers, have the following distinctive characteristics (given in a descending order of a calculated value of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (p), in a descending order of importance of the features):
■ no harmful influence on health state (p = 0,912; P < 0,01);
■ mass character, a lot of people should go in for this kind of sport, it should have a lot of fans (p = 0,885; P < 0,01);
■ correspondence with climate-geographic conditions of a country (region) (p = 0,872; P < 0,01);
■ not expensive (many people can afford it) (p = 0,795; P < 0,01);
■ no gender restrictions (p = 0,713; P <
■ prestigiousness (p = 0,710; P < 0,01);
■ has developed infrastructure (p = 0,644; P < 0,01);
■ traditional for a country (region) (p = 0,605; P < 0,01);
■ a high level of audience appeal (p = 0,570; P < 0,01);
■ has physical, technical, tactical, coordinating availability, no need for "special abilities" (p = 0,493; P < 0,05);
■ interesting for teenagers and young people (p = 0,467; P < 0,05).
The results handling, using the method of factorial analysis, helped to create a statistical (factorial) model of a popular kind of sport (table 2).
Ta ble 2 - Statistical (factorial) model of a popular kind of sport
Unit weight of a factor, % The content of a factor mentioning the volume of a load Factor identification
2 3 4
17,826 A high level of being relevant state (many people want to go in for this kind of sport) (0,808). Is interesting for teenagers and young people (0,784). Availability (physical, technical-tactical, Social recognition of a kind of sport
coordinating) - no need for "special abilities" (0,734). It is extremely covered in mass media (translations, programs, reports, films, advertising) (0,671). Developed infrastructure (0,646). Mass character (a lot of people go in for this kind of sport, it has a lot of fans) (0,536). Prestigiousness of a kind of sport (0,519). Good financing of a kind of sport (0,504).
Note: the indices are presented, which have statistically significant factorial loads
The end of table 2
2 3 4
10, 154 It can't be called "funny" or "silly" (0,840). Corresponds to climate- geographic conditions of a country (region) (0,732). Not expensive (people can afford it) kind of sport (0,538). A high image of a kind of sport; corresponds to climate- geographic and economic conditions of a country (region)
9,909 Low level of a kind of sport injury factor (0,849). Is not harmful for health state (0,577). Health protecting character of the training-competitive activity
9,767 A high level of a kind of sport audience appeal (intrigue, exciting character, interesting to watch) (0,851). Beauty and high level of a kind of sport aesthetic quality (it gives pleasure to watch it) (0,721). High results of native sportsmen (0,551). Beauty and a high level of audience appeal of a kind of sport, supported by high achievements of native sportsmen
9,7 12 Traditional for a country (region) (0,712). Is included into the program of the Olympic Games (0,656). Traditional for a country, included into the program of the Olympic Games
9,1 53 No gender restrictions (0,820). Has the elements of extreme (0,712). No gender restrictions in spite of the extreme character of sports activity
5,864 Gender restrictions (a kind of sport only for men or women) (0,807). Harmony between a kind of sport and the inborn qualities of men and women (correspondence with gender peculiarities) (0,515). Harmony between a kind of sport and the inborn qualities of men and women
As it is seen from table 2, statistical (factorial) model of a popular kind of sport
is difficult enough and is presented by 7 groups of characteristics.
The first factor with the unit weight 17,826% is presented by the following features: high mass character and a high level of being relevant state (many people want to go in for this kind of sport, including teenagers and youth), a high level of being covered in mass media and communication, prestigiousness, availability (many places to train; no need for "special abilities"), good financing. Such content of a factor helps to identify it as a wide social recognition of a kind of sport.
A unit weight of the second factor is 10,154%. The content and the sense load of included into it features helps to identify it as a high image of a kind of sport; correspondence of a kind of sport to climate- geographic and economic conditions of a country (region).
A factorial load of the 3rd component is 9,909%. This component reflects the demand of health-protecting character of the training-competitive activity (low level of a kind of sport injury factor, no ruinous influence on health).
The contribution of the 4th component is estimated by a summarized load 9,767%. It includes three indices, the content of which helps to interpret the factor as beauty and audience appeal of a kind of sport, supported by high results of native sportsmen.
The content of the 5th factor with a unit weight 9,712% reflects the following feature of popularity: traditional character for a country, being included into the program of the Olympic Games.
The features included into the 6th factor with the load 9,153%, help to interpret it as the absence of gender restrictions in going in for a kind of sport in spite of the extreme character of sports activity.
The 7th factor with a unit weight 5,864% is identified as harmony of a kind of sport with inborn qualities of men and women. It includes two features: gender restrictions (a kind of sport is only for men or women) and a
kind of sport correspondence to gender peculiarities of those who train.
As it is seen from the results in column 2 in table 2, total contribution of the factors is 72,385%. It is obvious that this number is less than 100%. This difference (27,615%) proves that the list and the content of the revealed factors can't be considered full - there is one group or several latent groups of popularity features, revelation of which will demand additional research works.
Conclusion. The results of the held research works helped to formulate a complex of pedagogical conditions of a kind of sport successful popularization among teenagers. The main of them are the following:
■ developed infrastructure - sports buildings and organizations, which provide availability and mass character of teenage sport; financial support of teenage sport;
■ health-protecting character provision of the training-competitive activity in teenage sport; taking into consideration gender peculiarities of those who train while educational-training process planning and realization;
■ the system of state propaganda of the kinds of sport (first of all, the Olympic kinds of sport, selection to which starts during teenage period) using the whole arsenal of mass information and communication means and technologies of work with public opinion.
■ scientifically substantiated and experimentally approved programs realization of negative influence overcoming and a favorable image of a kind of sport formation, which demand popularization among teenagers (at all levels - from federal to local);
■ the use of the arguments, themes in propagandistic campaigns, which correspond to the character of sports interests, needs (motivation) and personal-psychological peculiarities of teenagers;
■ (to whatever degree is possible) kinds of sport inclusion (first of all, the Olympic kinds of sport) into the system of physical upbringing (into a variative component of physical culture program or the system of pupils and students sectional work);
■ specialists, who are competent in the questions of work with youth, sports propaganda and image making and also the system of training these specialists at educational establishments of higher education and professional education of sports orientation.
The list of the concrete steps and measures concerning practical realization of each mentioned pedagogical conditions will be presented in our future publications.
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Submitted: 17.11.2016 Received: 20.11.2016
Olga N. Stepanova - doctor of pedagogics, professor Moscow Pedagogical State University, 1/1 Str. Malaya Pirogovskaya, Moscow, 119991, Russia, E-mail: [email protected] Anastasia N. Volkova - additional education teacher Palace of Children and Youth "Undiscovered Island", 2/2, Angelov Lane, Moscow, Russia, 125310, E-mail: [email protected]