Abstract: the discussion is presented in the article as a way organically integrating the students' knowledge from different fields in solving a particular problem and contributing to the formation of the student's ability to process, analyze, and critically interpret information with highlighting the main idea in it for subsequent argumentation and reasoning of one's point of view. Also the features, conditions and requirements for the discussion; advantages of using this method at foreign language lessons are identified. The forms of conducting discussion: a round table, debates, conferences are presented.
Keywords: discussion, discussion lesson, foreign language teaching method, communicative competence, components of communicative competence.
Шарипова Махмуда Зоитовна - старший преподаватель,
кафедра интеграции языковых навыков, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: дискуссия представлена в статье как способ органичной интеграции знаний студентов из разных областей в решении конкретной проблемы и содействия формированию у студента способности обрабатывать, анализировать и критически интерпретировать информацию с выделением основной идеи в ней для последующей аргументации своей точки зрения, а также особенности, условия и требования к обсуждению. Выявлены преимущества использования этого метода на уроках иностранного языка. Формы ведения дискуссии: круглый стол, дебаты, конференции. Ключевые слова: дискуссия, дискуссионный урок, методика преподавания иностранного языка, коммуникативная компетентность, компоненты коммуникативной компетентности.
UDC 81-139
Introduction. An critical marker of the of a teacher's proficient competence is guaranteeing the viability of students' autonomous work, which is pointed at creating the inner potential of their identity, the arrangement of such fundamental life abilities as self-organization, self-education, which give the understudy with the opportunity for nonstop individual development. In understanding with the Show Instructive Program of Common Auxiliary Instruction, free work is a necessarily portion of the instructive prepare, and is additionally the most sort of cognitive action of understudies [4]. In advanced logical and methodological thinks about and administrative archives, autonomous work of understudies is given uncommon consideration, which causes instructors to make strides this sort of instructive movement of understudies, counting its shapes, substance and necessities to its organization.
Methodology. The premise of any discourse could be a issue, the choice of which is decided by pertinence, topicality on the one hand, and comfort and pertinence for the educational handle, on the other [3].
In this manner, the most guidelines for choosing a point ought to be:
- correspondence of the subject (issue) to educational assignments;
- esteem, convenience, noteworthiness for all individuals of society;
- readiness (ethical, enthusiastic, mental) of the members for the discourse.
- rationale, center.
It is prudent to utilize gather talks when considering points that don't have an unambiguous verifiable appraisal. A talk for instructive purposes has the taking after contrasts from a standard discussion: a discussion, as a run the show, covers a few subjects and has not one or the other confinements nor structure. Discourse, as an instructing strategy, tends to be constrained to one issue or theme and is organized in a certain arrange. A number of procedures for organizing a bunch talk of the trade of views, which are minimized shapes of talk, have ended up broad in world academic involvement [5]. These incorporate:
- conference symposium - a formal talk amid which members make introductions speaking to their focuses of see, after which they reply questions from the "audience" (course).
- circular table - a discussion in which "on an rise to balance" a little bunch of understudies (ordinarily almost five individuals) partakes, amid which an trade of sees takes put both between them and the "gathering of people" (the rest of the course). The "circular table" is expecting to not as it were profoundly uncover hypothetical or viable issues, but too to allow understudies a expansive sum of logical data;
- master bunch assembly («panel discussion») (as a rule four to six understudies with a chair named in progress), at which the expecting issue is to begin with examined by all individuals of the gather, and after that they state their positions to the full lesson. At the same time, the chairman communicates the foremost well known, by and large acknowledged point of see, at that point each member gives a message that's clearly directed. Master bunches may sit on the same theme or on distinctive issues distinguished from the common one.
- court session - a dialog recreating a court hearing (hearing), amid which there's a "defense" of one's point of see. - a debate could be a clearly formalized talk based on prefixed explanations by members - agents of two contradicting, equal groups (bunches) - and rejoinders.
We highlight the taking after preferences of a talk utilize at remote dialect classes [1]:
- Arrangement of dynamic and profound learning, understanding of fabric.
- Dynamic interaction between understudies, amid the talk understudies can check and compare their focuses of see.
- Improvement of communication aptitudes.
- Enhancement of understudies 'intellectual capacities and basic considering.
- Understanding cognitive issues in look of modern information.
- Incitement of understudies 'speech action.
The dialog session highlights the taking after steps:
I. Arrangements for the dialog. Definition of the subject (subject) of the dialog, the reason of its members; races of the pioneer, cast (secretary, commission, specialists, etc.). Selection of the motivation, directions, assurance of the arrangement of the questions submitted for talk. Choosing the subject of discourse is one of the foremost vital tasks facing the preparing bunch planning the dialog. It is alluring that the subject be associated with crucial issues of modern times or with logical interface of understudies, with their course and recognition works and be within the circle of competence of participants. A "conceptualizing" strategy can be utilized to choose a topic within the group, in which members are welcomed to precise as numerous choices as conceivable, counting the
foremost unordinary and indeed phenomenal. From the whole number of thoughts communicated, the leading ones are at that point chosen for assist talk [2].
II. Holding dialog. Exhibitions of members, talk about. Dialog of the draft choice, appropriation of the result archive [6].
III. Summing up. Talk and appraisal of a dialog. Comments on the conduct of the assembly, appraisal of the part of the have, assurance of the commitment of each member to the discourse. Arranging of advance dialogs [7].
Conclusion. Discourse can be utilized both as a strategy and as a frame, that's, can be carried out within the system of other classes, occasions, being their element. For illustration, a talk strategy, besides role-playing diversions, can go before a project strategy or be portion of a venture work. Diverse sorts of talk can be utilized within the auxiliary school handle.
References / Список литературы
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