Научная статья на тему 'Differential geometry of Walker manifolds'

Differential geometry of Walker manifolds Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Salimov Arif A., Iscan Murat, Turanli Sibel

В статье рассматриваются интегрируемость и голоморфность структуры Нордена-Уокера (M,gN+, φ), а также дается характеризация метрики Кэлера-Нордена-Уокера gN+.I

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n the present paper, we focus our attention on the integrability and holomorphic conditions of a Norden-Walker structure (M,gN+, φ). We also give a characterization of a Kahler-Norden-Walker metric gN+.

Текст научной работы на тему «Differential geometry of Walker manifolds»

Том 153, кн. 3


Физико-математические пауки


UDK 530.12


A.A. Salimov, M. Iscan, S. Turanli


In t.lie present, paper, we focus our attention ou t.lie iiit.egrabilit.y and liolomorpliic conditions of a Norden-Walker structure (M,gN+ ,ip). We also give a characterization of a KahlerNorden - Walker metric gN+ .

Key words: Norden Walker structure. Walker manifolds, pure tensor field, Käliler Norden Walker metrics, liolomorpliic tensor field, twin metrics.


Let M be a CX -manifold of finite dimension 4. We denote by 3rs(M) the module over F(M) of all CX-tensor fields of type (r, s) on M, i.e., of contravariant degree r and covariant degree s, where F(M) is the algebra of CX-functions on M.

A neutral metric wg on a 4-manifold M is said to be Walker metric if there exists a 2-dimensional null distribution D on M, which is parallel with respect to wg. From Walker's theorem [1], there is a system of coordinates with respect to which wg takes the local canonical form

wg = (w9ij I

0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1

1 0 a c

0 1 c b


where a, b, c are smooth functions of the coordinates (x,y,z,t). The parallel null 2-plane D is spanned locally by {dx, dywhere dx = d/dx, dy = d/dy.

In [2, Fact 1], a proper almost complex structure with respect to wg is defined as a wg- orthogonal almost complex structure ^ so that y is a standard generator of a positive n/2 rotation on D,ï.e., ydx = dy and ydy = — dx. Then for the Walker metric wg, such a proper almost complex structure y is determined uniquely as

/0 -1 -c

1 0 \{a-b)

0 0 0

0 0 1

\{a-b)\ c -1 0



In [3], for such a proper almost complex structure ^ on Walker 4-manifold M, an almost Norden structure (gN +, is constructed, where gN + ^s a metric on M, with properties gN ) = — gN +(X,Y). In fact, as one of these examples, such

a metric takes the form (see Proposition 6 in [3]):

+ =

( 0 -2 0

-2 0 -a

0 -a 0

\-b -2c i(l -ab)

-b \ -2c i(l - ab) -2bc


Wo may call this an almost Norden Walker metric. The construction of such a structure in [3] is to find a Norden metric for a given almost complex structure, which is different form the Walker metric.

In [3], for a given proper almost complex structure y, an another Norden - Walker metric GN + is also constructed:


/-2 0 -a -2c \

0 2 0 b

—a 0 ^(1—a2) —ac

y—2c b ~ -ac \{b2 - Ac2 - I))


The purpose of the present paper is to study Kahlor and qnasi-Kahlor conditions of Norden - Walker metrics gN + and GN + .

1. Kahler — Norden — Walker metrics

Let y be an affinor field on M, i.e., y G 9}(M). A tensor field t of type (r, s) is called pure tensor field with respect to y if

' 1 r

= i(xi,...,xs; y£,...,£)

= t(xi,...,xs; £,..., y£)

12 r ,

for any X1,X2,...,Xs G 9q(M) and £,£,...,£ G 90(M), where y is the adjoint operator of y defined by

( y£)(x)= £(yX),

X G3fi(M),£ G91(M).


We denote by 3rs (M) the module of all pure tensor fields of type (r, s) on M with respect to the affinor field y. We now fix a positive integer A. If K and L are pure tensor fields of types (p1,q1^d (p2, q2) respectively, then the tensor product of K L

K < L = (LSl'."rp


31■ ■ ■ 3q1

is also a pure tensor field.


We shall now make the direct sum 9(M) = ®r (M) into an algebra over the

c *

real number R by defining the pure product (denoted by <g) or " o ") of K G (M)


and L G (M) as follows:


< : (K, L) ^ (K<L)


ii...m\...ipi Lrl---rp2


for A < pi,

(A is a fixed positive integer),

j .. .. X. . ji LSi.. . £. . . rp2 for p < p2,qi

(p is a fixed positive integer), for pi =0, p2 = 0, for qi =0, q2 = 0.

In particular, let K = X e 9q(M^^d L e Aq(M) be a q-form. Then the pure


product X ® L coincides with the interior product iX L.

Definition 1 [4]. Lety e =o 9r(M) be a tensor algebra


over R. A map : 9(M) ^ 9(M) is called a ^-operator on M if

a) is linear with respect to constant coefficients;

b) ^ : 9*r(M) ^ »r+1(M) for all r, s;

c) ^(K ® L) = (^K) ® L + K ® ^Lfor all K, L e 9(M);

d) Y = — (LYy)X X, Y e 90(M), where LY is the Lie derivation with respect Y

e) (iyw) = (d(«Yw))(yX) — (d(«y (w o y)))(X) = (yX)(iyw) — X(ivyw) for all w e 9}(M) mid X, Y e 90(M), where iyw = w(Y) = w ® Y.

Let (M, wg) be a Walker 4-manifold with a Norden - Walker metric gN + and proper almost complex structure y. If the Nijenhuis tensor field Nv e 92(M) vanishes, then y is a complex structure and moreover M is a C-holomorphic manifold X2(C) whose transition functions are C-holomorphic map pings. Nv = 0 is equivalent to the condition Vy = 0, where V is a torsion-free affine connection. A metric gN + is a Norden - Walker metric [3. 5 8] if

gN + (yX,Y )= gN + (X,yY) (5)

for any X, Y e 90(M), i.e., gN + is pure with respect to the proper almost complex structure y. If (M, y) is an almost complex manifold with Norden- Walker metric gN +, we say that (M, y, gN +) is an almost Norden- Walker manifold. If y is integrable, we

say that (M, y, gN +) is a Norden - Walker manifold. *

Let t e 9r(X2(C)) be a complex tensor field on X2(C). The real model of such a tensor field is a pure tensor field t e 9S(M) with respect to y, which in general is

not C-holomorphic. When y is a proper complex structure on M and the tensor field


vanishes, the complex tensor field t on X2(C) is said to be holomorphic [9]. Thus


t X2 ( C) M


1 2 r

(^t)(X,Yi,Y2,...,Yr,£,£,...,O = 0

1 2 r

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for any X, Yq, ..., Yr e 90(M) mid e 90(M), where

(^ t) (X,Yi,...,Yr,£\...,£r) = (yX) t (Yi,...,Yr,£\...,£r) —


— Xt (yYi,..., Yr, e1,..., r) + t (Yi,..., (Lya y) x, ..., Yr, e1,..., er) —



— ]Tt(Yi,...,Yr,e},...,LvxeM — Lx(eM◦ y),...,er). (6)


In a Norden Walker (almost Norden Walker) manifold a Norden Walker metric gN + is called holomorphic (almost holomorphic) if

(^gN+)(X, Y, Z) = (yX) (gN+ (Y, Z)) — X (gN+ (yY, Z)) +

+ gN+ ((Lyy) X, Z) + gN + (Y, (Lzy) X) = 0

for any X, Y, Z G ^(M) .If (M, y, gN +) is a Norden - Walker manifold with a holo-morphic Norden - Walker metric gN +, we say that (M, y, gN +) is a holomorphic Norden Walker manifold.

In some aspects, holomorphic Norden Walker manifolds are similar to Kahler Norden Walker manifolds. The following theorem is an analogue to the next known result: an almost Hermitian manifold is Kahler if and only if the almost complex structure is parallel with respect to the Levi Civita connection.

Theorem 1. An almost Norden Walker manifold is a holomorphic Norden


respect to the Levi - Civita connection of gN + .

Proof. By virtue of (5) and with Vg = 0 we have

gN+(Z, (Vyy)X) = gN+((VYy)Z, X). (7)

Using (7). we can transform (6) as follows:

($vgN+)(X,Z1,Z2) = -gN+((Vx y)Z1,Z2) +

+ gN+((Vziy)X,Z2)+ gN+(Z1, (Vz2y)X). (8)

From this we have

($vgN+)(Z2,Z1,X) = -gN+((Vz2 y)Z1,X) +

+ gN+((Vziy)Z2,X)+ gN+(Z1, (Vxy)Z2). (9)

If we add (8) and (9). we find

gN +)(X, Z1, Z2) + ($vgN +)(Z2, Z1, X) = 2gN +(X, (Vziy)Z2). (10)

By substituing $vgN + = 0 in (10), we find Vy = 0. Conversely, if Vy = 0, then the condition $vgN + = 0 follows from (8). Thus the proof is complete.

Remark. Recall that a Kahler Norden Walker manifold can be defined as a triple (M, y, gN +) which consists of a manifold M endowed with a proper almost complex structure y and a pseudo-Riemannian Norden - Walker metric gN + such th at Vy = 0, where V is the Levi - Civita connection of gN +. Therefore, there exist a one-to-one correspondence between Kahler Norden Walker manifolds and complex manifolds with a holomorphic Norden Walker metric as they were defined in [9].

Let (M, y, gN +) be an almost Norden - Walker manifold. If

(^gN+)kj = ymdmg.N+ - yrdkgm+ + g^ym - dkyD + gN+djy^ = 0, (n)

then by virtue of Theorem 1 the triple (M, y, gN +) is called a holomorphic NordenWalker or a Kahler Norden Walker manifold. By substituting (2) and (3) in (11), we obtain

(*,gN+U = (^gN+U =(*,gN+Lt = (^gN+L* = -by + 2^

(*,gN+) xyz = (*,gN+) xzy = -«y, ($^gN+)= (*,gN+) ** = -b* - 2cy, = = = "5(«b)y + (ac)x,

xtt =4ccx - bbx - 2(&c)tf, ($vgN+) yxz = (^£N+)yzx = ay> (*,gN+)yxt = = bx + 2cy, (*,gN+)yyt = = -by + 2cx,

(*<e9N+)yzz=aay, {^gN+)yzt = {^gN+)ytz = k(ob)x + (ac)y,

{^9N+)ytt=4ccy - 66y + 2(6c)*> = (%gN+)zz:x=h - Ha ~ b)*>

= 2(bx - ax), = =2cx - ay + by,

($^+)sa!t= {$v9N+).tx = 2cbx -Ha- b)by + 2c, - cax - at + bcx,

{%gN+) zyy = 4cy, ) zyz = {%gN+) zzy = cax - aay + l(ab)y-at + 2cz,

= = 2bcy + 2ccx - bz - (ac)y + cby, (^gN+)zzz = abz,

= -^(a+5)ai-±(a-5)(a&)!, + (5c)z+acz, (12)

($vgN+)ztt = 2c(bc)x +4ccz - (a - b)(bc)y - 2cat - bbz, ($v£N+)txx = -4cx,

gN+)txy = (^£W+)tyx = bx-2cy - ax, = = at - acx-2cz,

($^Ar+)ixi= (*>p9N+)ttx = bbx ~ Hab)x - 2ccx - cby + bz, (%9N+)tyy = 2(by - ay), (%gN+)tyz = (%gN+)tzy=bz - i(a - b)ax - (ac)y, {%gN+)tyt= {%gN+)tty = (b - a)cx - 4ccy + 2cz - at - ±5(a - b)y,

+)tzz = aat - 2acz, ($vgN +)ttt = (b - a)(bc)x - 2c(bc)y + 2bcz - bat, (^>f9N+)tzt = (^>f9N+)ttz = — jia ~ b)(ab)x — ^c(ab)y-\-cat — 2ccz + ^(a + b)b~. From those equations we have

Theorem 2. The triple(M, y, gN+) is Kahler-Norden- Walker if and, only if the following PDEs hold:

ax = ay = cx = cy = bx = by = bz = 0, at - 2cz = 0. (13)

Example. Let c = 0 (for Walker metrics wg with c = 0, see [10]). Then the triple (M, y, gN +) with metric


( 0 -2 0 —b(t) \

-2 0 —a(z) 0

0 —o{z) 0 ±(1 - a(z)b(t.))

\-b(t) 0 ±(1 -a(z)b(t.)) " 0

is always Kahlor Nordon Walker.

Let (M, y, g) be an almost Hermitian manifold. The Goldberg conjecture [11, 12] states that an almost Hermitian manifold (M, y, g) must be Kahler (or y must be integrable) if the following three conditions are imposed: (Gi) if M is compact and (G2) g is Einstein, and (G3) if the fundamental 2-form is closed. Despite many papers by various authors concerning the Goldberg conjecture, there are only two papers by Sekigawa [13, 14] which obtained substantial results to the original Goldberg conjecture.

(M, y, g)

(G1^(G2^d (G3). If the scalar curvature of M is nonnegative, then y must be integrable.

Let now (M, y, wg) be an Hermitian - Walker manifold with the proper almost complex structure y and the metric wg (see (1)). From Theorem 1, we have

Theorem 3. Let (M, y, wg) be an Hermitian - Walker manifold, with the proper almost complex structure y. The proper almost complex structure y on a Walker manifold (M, wg) is integrable if + = 0, where gN + is a Norden - Walker metric defined by (3).

2. Twin Norden — Walker metrics

Let (M, y, gN +) be an almost Norden - Walker manifold. The associated NordenWalker metric of almost Norden Walker manifold is defined by

G(X,Y) = (gN + o y)(X,Y) (14)

for all vector fields X and Y on M. One can easily prove that G is a Norden - Walker metric GN + (see (4)), which is called the twin metric of gN + and it plays a role similar to the Kahler form in Hermitian Geometry. We shall now apply the -operator to the pure metric GN + :

(^GN +)(X, Y, Z) = (yX) (Gn + (Y, Z)) - X (Gn + (yY, Z)) + + GN + ((LYy) X, Z)+ GN + (Y, (LZy) X) = = (LvxGN + - Lx(GN + o y))(Y, Z) + + GN + (Y,yLxZ) - GN +(yY,LxZ) =

= (<^GN+)(X,yY,Z)+ Gn+(Nv(X,Y ),Z). (15)

Tims (15) implies the following

Theorem 4. In an almost Norden - Walker manifold (M, y, gN +), we have

= (<^gN+) o y + gN+ o (Nv).

Corollary 1. In a Norden - Walker manifold (M, y, gN + ) the following conditions are equivalent:

a) + =0,

b) + =0.

We denote by VgN+ the covariant differentiation of Levi-Civita connection of Norden metric gN +. Then we have

VgN + GN+ = (VgN + gN+) o y + O (VgN + y) = g^ O (VgN + y),

which implies VgN + GN + = 0 % virtue of Theorem 1 (VgN + y = 0). Therefore, we have

Theorem 5. Let (M, y, gN+) be a Kahler-Norden-Walker manifold. Then the Levi - Civita connection of Norden - Walker metric gN + coincides with the Levi - Civita connection of twin Norden - Walker metric GN + .

3. Quasi-Kähler — Norden — Walker manifolds

The basis class of non-integrable almost complex manifolds with Norden metric is the class of the quasi-Kähler manifolds. An almost Norden manifold (M, y, gN +) is called qnasi-Kähler [15] if

a gN +((Vxy)Y, Z) = 0,

X , Y

where a is the cyclic sum by three arguments.

By setting (Lyy)X = Ly(yX)-y(LyX) = Vy(yX)-VvxY-^(VyX)+y(VxY)

and using (8), we see that +)(X, Y, Z) may be expressed as

($vgN+)(X, Y, Z) = -gN+((Vx y)Y Z) + gN+((Vy y)Z, X) + gN+((Vz y)X, Y).

If we add +)(X,Y,Z^d +)(Z,Y,X), then by virtue of

+(Z, (Vyy)X) = +((Vyy)Z,X), we find

+)(X,Y,Z) + +)(Z,Y,X) = 2gN +((Vy y)Z,X).

Since + )(X, Y,Z) = + )(X, Z, Y), from last equation we have

($vgN+)(X, Y, Z) + ($vgw+)(Y Z, X) + ($vgN+)(Z, X, Y) = a aN+((Vxy)Y Z).

X, Y , Z

Tims we have

Theorem 6. Let (M, y, +) &e an almost Norden - Walker manifold. Then the Norden - Walker metric + is quasi-Kähler Norden Walker if and only if

+)(X, Y, Z) + +)(Y Z, X) + +)(Z, X, Y) = 0 (16)

for any X, Y, Z e 90(M2„).

From (1.) and (16) we have

Theorem 7. A triple (M, y, +) is a quasi-Kähler-Norden-Walker manifold if and only if the following PDEs hold:

bx = by = bz = 0, ay - 2cx = 0, Ox + 2cy = 0, (6 - a)cK - 2ccy + 2cz - at =0.

We thank Professor Yasuo Matsushita for valuable comments. This paper is supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TBAG-108T590).


А.А. Салимое, M. Исчаи, С. Тура,или, Дифферепциальпая геометрия многообразий Уокера.

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В статье рассматриваются интегрируемость и голоморфность структуры Нордепа Уокера (M,gN+,tp), а также дается характеризация метрики Кэлера-Нордена-Уокера


Ключевые слова: структура Нордепа Уокера, многообразие Уокера, чистое тензорное поле, метрика Кэлера Нордепа Уокера, голоморфное тензорное поле, двойная метрика.


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10. Matsushita Y. Four-dimensional Walker metrics and symplectic structure //J. Geom. Phys. - 2004. - V. 52, No 1. - P. 89-99.

11. Goldberg S.I. Integrability of almost Kahler manifolds // Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. - 1969. -V. 21. - P. 96-100.

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Поступила в редакцию 27.10.10

Salimov, Arif A. Doctor of Science. Professor. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Atat.iirk University, Erzurum, Turkey.

Салимов, Ариф Агаджан оглы доктор физико-математических паук, профессор отделения математики факультета естественных паук Университета Ататюрка, г. Эрзурум, Турция.

E-mail: asalimoveatauni.edu.tr

Iscan, Murât PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Atat.iirk University, Erzurum, Turkey.

Исчан, Мурат доктор паук, и.о. доцента отделения математики факультета естественных паук Университета Ататюрка, г. Эрзурум, Турция.

E-mail: jn.iscanMatauni.ejlu.tr

Turanli, Sibel Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Atat.iirk University, Erzurum, Turkey.

Туранли, Сибел аспирант отделения математики факультета естественных паук Университета Ататюрка, г. Эрзурум, Турция.

E-mail: sibelturanliOhotmail.com

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