Ma'mura Imom qizi Oblayeva
AIFU 2-kurs ingliz tili va adabiyoti yo'nalishi magistranti Ilmiy rahbar: f.f.d., Professor Djumabayeva Jamila Sharipovna [email protected]
This paper work highlights the importance of employing diverse approaches to developing students' reading skills in today's digital age. It discusses several approaches, such as the coaching approach, making multimodal inferences, using stories, the cloze procedure technique, learning cells, the look and say method, and quizzes. Each approach is supported by research studies that demonstrate their effectiveness in improving students' reading skills. The annotation also emphasizes the benefits of incorporating corpus-based approaches, such as quantum learning and the use of English corpora, in enhancing reading comprehension and fluency. It highlights the advantages of accessing authentic language samples and exploring language patterns and collocations through corpora. Overall, the annotation provides a comprehensive overview of different approaches to developing students' reading skills and highlights the relevance and benefits of a corpus-based approach in today's educational landscape.
Keywords: corpus-based approach, corpora, cloze procedure technique, corpus analysis, traditional approach, coaching approach, data coach, quantum learning
Ushbu maqola bugungi raqamli davrda o'quvchilarning o'qish ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish uchun turli yondashuvlarni qo'llash muhimligini ta'kidlaydi. Unda mu-rabbiylik yondashuvi, multimodal xulosalar chiqarish, hikoyalardan foydalanish, yopish protsedurasi texnikasi, o'rganish hujayralari, qarash va aytish usuli va viktori-nalar kabi bir nechta yondashuvlar muhokama qilinadi. Har bir yondashuv talabalarn-ing o'qish ko'nikmalarini oshirishda ularning samaradorligini ko'rsatadigan tadqiqot ishlari bilan qo'llab-quvvatlanadi. Izoh, shuningdek, o'qishni tushunish va ravonlikni oshirishda kvant o'rganish va ingliz korpusidan foydalanish kabi korpusga asoslangan yondashuvlarni kiritishning afzalliklariga urg'u beradi. U asl til namunalariga kirish va korpuslar orqali til naqshlari va birikmalarini o'rganishning afzalliklarini ta'kid-
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laydi. Umuman olganda, izoh o'quvchilarning o'qish ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish bo'yicha turli yondashuvlarni har tomonlama ko'rib chiqadi va bugungi ta'lim sharoi-tida korpusga asoslangan yondashuvning dolzarbligi va afzalliklarini ta'kidlaydi.
Kalit so'zlar: corpus-based approach, corpora, cloze procedure technique, corpus analysis, traditional approach, coaching approach, data coach, quantum learning
In today's digital age, where information is abundant and literacy extends beyond printed text, employing diverse approaches to developing students' reading skills is of utmost relevance. The traditional approach may meet early literacy needs, but corpus based approach, addresses the demands of a rapidly evolving society. By nurturing critical thinking, collaboration, and digital literacy, corpus-based approach is able to equip students with skills required for academic success, career readiness, and lifelong learning. Before discussing the advantages of using corpora in developing students' reading skills, it would be useful to consider several other approaches.
Developing students' reading skills is a complex task that requires adopting varied approaches that suit the dynamic nature of education. By embracing some numbers of reading approaches, educators can empower students to become competent readers, critical thinkers, and effective communicators. As we navigate the ever-changing world, let us continue to explore and implement innovative approaches to ensure our students' reading skills remain relevant and adaptable for the challenges that lie ahead.
1. Coaching Approach: The coaching approach focuses on actively engaging students in their reading practice. It involves providing guidance, feedback, and support to students as they navigate through different texts. This approach helps students develop their reading skills by teaching them strategies such as making predictions, questioning, summarizing, and making connections. The relevance of the coaching approach lies in its emphasis on building independent readers who are equipped with necessary skills to comprehend and analyze various types of texts. "Additionally, Jim Knight (2011) added up other four crucial components of coaching which included equality, voice, reflection, and praxis. Coaching was also aimed to lead students to successful learning. Importantly, coaches should have experience and be expert in what they coach and be accepted from the learners. Coaches do need to have communicative skills, good manners, flexibility, wide vision, confidence, and reflective thinking. Killion (2009) indicated the roles of coaches were data coach, resource provider, mentor, instructional specialist, learning facilitator, catalyst for
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change, and learner."1
A data coach helps teachers analyze and interpret data to inform instructional decision-making. They assist teachers in identifying areas of growth and improvement based on data-driven evidence. As a resource provider, coaches share tools, strategies, and materials that support effective teaching and learning practices. They stay up-to-date with current research and resources in education to provide teachers with the most relevant and effective resources. Coaches also act as mentors, providing guidance, support, and encouragement to teachers. They help teachers reflect on their practices, set goals, and develop strategies to meet those goals. In their role as an instructional specialist, coaches support teachers in implementing best practices in instruction. They provide feedback and co-planning opportunities to help teachers enhance their instructional strategies. Coaches also facilitate learning by creating opportunities for teachers to collaborate, learn from each other, and engage in professional development. They encourage a culture of continuous learning and professional growth. As catalysts for change, coaches help initiate and sustain change within the school or district. They support teachers in adopting new practices or approaches and help overcome resistance to change. Lastly, coaches are learners themselves. They continuously seek professional development opportunities, stay updated with research and best practices, and engage in reflective thinking to improve their coaching skills.
In summary, coaches play multiple roles in supporting teachers and students. They provide data analysis, resources, mentoring, instructional support, learning facilitation, change facilitation, and continually invest in their own learning. All of these components contribute to the overall effectiveness of coaching and ultimately lead to successful student learning.
2. Making Multimodal: This approach involves incorporating multiple modes of communication, such as visuals, audio, and video, into reading activities. By presenting information in various formats, students are able to enhance their comprehension and engagement with texts. This approach is particularly relevant in today's digital age, where students are exposed to a wide range of multimedia resources. Utilizing multimodal techniques can help students become more critical readers who can analyze and interpret information from different platforms.
Research on the topic "Developing students' reading skill through making multimodal inferences" by Vina Nurviyani, Didi Suherdi, & Iwa Lukmana published in "Journal of English Education" in 2020. studied the development of students' reading skills by
'"Developing Students' Reading Skill and Attitude Toward Reading Using Coaching Approach" Thepsatri Rajabhat, University, Thailand
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making multimodal inferences. In addition, students' difficulties in making multimodal conclusions were studied. This study applied classroom action research by involving twenty students studying in an English language education program in West Java. Three instruments covering multimodal inference making, classroom observations, and questionnaire reading tests were administered as the data set of this study. The results of this study show that students' reading skills improved significantly after making multimodal inferences.
In my opinion, it is one of the important issues to refer to the corpus in the implementation of this "multimodal inferences" approach, since the collection of reading models, i.e. newspapers, magazines, scientific and fiction literature, and even interviews, are taken from the corpus base. .
3. Stories: Using stories as a method to develop reading skills can be highly effective, especially for young learners. Stories captivate students' attention and make reading enjoyable. Reading stories exposes students to vocabulary, sentence structures, and narrative elements, thereby helping them improve their reading fluency, comprehension, and imagination. The relevance of this approach lies in its ability to foster a love for reading and enhance students' overall language development. This research process revealed that using stories as a tool can greatly benefit high school students in improving their English reading skills. The benefits include learning grammar in context, acquiring new vocabulary, and improving reading comprehension. The investigation also identified the importance of motivation, as reading should be an enjoyable activity that captures the students' attention. Previous research on this topic has also focused on using stories to develop English reading skills. Additionally, the research confirmed that students need more practice in reading English and suggested that reading stories can be an effective strategy. The findings of the study led to providing recommendations to address any potential issues and it is expected that this information will be helpful for future investigations.
The research project "STORIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH READING SKILLS" by Claudio Claudio Victor Patricio shared their experience of using stories to develop students' reading skills and gave a number of recommendations to teachers. According to him, it is recommended to analyze how stories can benefit the development of English reading skills, so that teachers can learn how to use them effectively in the classroom. After analysis, teachers can use the stories in their lessons for middle school students.
"It is recommended for the next researchers to continue with more investigations and deepen in the search of new theories about reading skill and stories because thought this, it will be possible to contribute with new findings which can help to im-
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prove the teaching and learning of English reading skill." 2 It can be seen from this recommendation that there are a number of difficulties in using stories to develop students' reading skills in class. Their solution maybe to take many stories from the Corpus base and use them in classes according to the students' language proficiency level
4. Cloze Procedure Technique: The cloze procedure technique involves removing certain words from a text and asking students to fill in the missing words based on the context. This approach enhances students' reading comprehension, vocabulary, and grammatical knowledge. By engaging students actively in text completion, the cloze procedure technique encourages careful reading and helps students make connections between words and their meanings. Its relevance lies in its ability to provide targeted practice for students to strengthen specific reading skills. According to Hendra Eka Putra3 "Through this method, the students automatically ought to increase their speed and fluency in reading." The cloze procedure has been used in various ways in education. Firstly, it can be used as a diagnostic tool to assess students' comprehension levels and determine the difficulty of materials. Additionally, it is effective in developing letter, word, and meaning identification, particularly in the context of reading comprehension. Lastly, the cloze procedure can also be utilized as a teaching technique to improve reading comprehension by encouraging students to guess and take risks, even if their guesses may sometimes be incorrect. Overall, the cloze procedure has proven to be a valuable tool in the field of education.
This procedure can be an important factor in the development of reading, but when used in the classes of A1 and A2 students, not using the Corpus may not justify itself in the development of their reading skills.
5. Learning cell: In this approach, students are divided into small groups or "learning cells." Each cell works collaboratively to improve their reading skills through discussions, debates, and shared reading tasks. This promotes peer-to-peer learning and encourages students to actively engage with the text4.
6. Look and say method: This traditional approach involves students learning to recognize and pronounce words by sight, rather than sounding them out. It emphasizes memorization of high-frequency words and aims to improve students' reading fluency and speed.
2 "STORIES FOR DEVELOPING ENGLISH READING SKILL" Research project by Claudio Claudio Victor Patricio, Latacunga - Ecuador, October 2017
4 IMPROVING STUDENTS' READING SKILL BY USING LEARNING CELL by Ana Arfiani Hidayah*, Ngadiso, Dahlan Rais English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, 2012.
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Based on the findings of "IMPROVING READING SKILL THROUGH LOOK AND SAY METHOD" by Sitti Aisyah, it can be concluded that the use of the look and say method was successful in improving the students' reading skills. Before the treatment, the majority of the students scored at a "fair" level, with only a few scoring at "fairly good," "poor," and "very poor" levels. However, after the treatment, there was a noticeable improvement in the students' reading skills, with the majority scoring at a "good" level and a few at "fairly good" and "poor" levels. The t-test results also support the significant difference in the students' test scores before and after the teaching and learning process using the look and say method. Therefore, it can be argued that the first year students of SMAN 1 TANRALILI MAROS have indeed improved their reading skills through the use of the look and say method.
7. Quizzes: Quizzes are short assessments that test students' reading comprehension and help reinforce their understanding of the text. They can be used to identify areas where students need improvement and provide opportunities for further discussion and explanation.
Based on the The Use of Quizizz in Improving Students' Reading Skill by Di-ah Ayu Manik PradnyaDewi and Putu Enik Kristiani, the use of Quizizz as a learning media in schools has been successful in improving students' motivation in reading and their learning outcomes. It has been found that Quizizz has a positive impact on students' reading comprehension as it provides various learning opportunities that engage students in learning more effectively.
The implementation of Quizizz as a learning media for teaching reading involves several steps. Firstly, teachers can conduct reading activities by using Quizizz for around 15-20 minutes. Secondly, students are asked to enter the join code to access and join the Quizizz. Thirdly, students answer the questions provided in the Quizizz application. Finally, the results are recorded to assess the effectiveness of Quizizz in improving students' reading skills.
The advantages of using Quizizz as a learning media in teaching reading include improving students' motivation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Teachers can also monitor students' learning quality by analyzing their statistics and answers. Quizizz promotes independence in learning as it provides random questions, preventing students from cheating. Additionally, Quizizz offers customizable features, real-time progress updates, and gamification tools, making it a student-centered and engaging learning tool.
Other advantages of using Quizizz in teaching reading include reducing students' stress through the use of music while reading and answering questions, as well as motivating students to improve their reading skills through rankings and competi-
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Various previous studies have supported the effectiveness of Quizizz in improving students' reading skills and motivation. These studies found that Quizizz increased students' motivation in learning, improved reading comprehension, and enhanced reading competency. Students also perceived Quizizz as a positive tool that contributed to their reading skill development.
In conclusion, Quizizz is a valuable learning media for teaching reading in schools. It offers numerous features and benefits that enhance students' motivation and learning outcomes. Teachers are encouraged to incorporate Quizizz as a teaching tool to create a creative and enjoyable learning environment, and to meet the digital literacy requirements of the 21st century.
8. Quantum learning: This approach focuses on creating an engaging and supportive learning environment through various strategies, such as cooperative learning, visual aids, and kinesthetic activities. It aims to enhance students' reading skills by immersing them in a dynamic and interactive learning experience. Quantum learning combined English corpora could be a valuable tool in developing A2 level students' reading skills. By using a large and diverse collection of English texts, students can be exposed to a wide range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and topics. This can help them improve their reading comprehension and fluency, as well as expand their knowledge of the English language.
Additionally, the quantum learning approach emphasizes engaging students in active learning experiences, such as exploration, inquiry, and reflection. This can be incorporated into reading activities by encouraging students to interact with the texts in meaningful ways, such as through discussions, analysis, and application of the knowledge gained.
The use of corpus based approach allows for authentic and current language examples, which can help learners connect their reading skills to real-life communication. This can also support their language production and writing skills. In conclusion, incorporating quantum learning with English corpora can help A2 level students develop their reading skills in a dynamic and effective manner. It provides authentic language input, encourages active learning, and promotes a deeper understanding of English language usage.
9. Jigsaw: The jigsaw method involves dividing the reading material into smaller parts and assigning each part to different students or groups. Each student becomes an "expert" on their assigned part and then shares their knowledge with the rest of the class. This approach promotes comprehension, collaboration, and active involvement in the reading process.
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Based on research findings of "IMPROVING READING SKILL USING JIGSAW5", it has been concluded that reading plays a critical role in the teaching and learning process. Through reading, students can enhance their knowledge and access the information they require. The jigsaw method, a cooperative learning approach, has been identified as an effective strategy to engage students in classroom activities, thereby preventing boredom during the teaching and learning process. This research specifically aims to enhance students' reading abilities, focusing on understanding the generic structure, language features, and types of narrative texts using the jigsaw method. The teaching and learning process was successfully conducted over two periods, involving three tests and four treatments in a vocational high school (SMK) in Bandung.
10. Guided reading: In guided reading, students work in small groups with a teacher or facilitator who provides personalized support, guidance, and instruction. The teacher selects appropriate reading materials based on individual students' reading levels and guides them through comprehension strategies and skill development.
Guided reading has long been utilized as an essential tool for supporting students in their literacy journey. It involves a teacher working with a small group of students, providing individualized support, and guidance as they read texts at their instructional level. This approach offers numerous benefits, including the opportunity for students to engage in meaningful discussions about the text, improve their comprehension, and receive targeted feedback from a knowledgeable instructor.
Guided reading also allows teachers to assess students' progress and tailor instruction to meet their specific needs. Furthermore, it fosters independence and a love for reading, as students are empowered to actively participate in the learning process. However, while guided reading undeniably holds value in developing reading skills, the utilization of corpora - large collections of written and spoken texts that serve as linguistic databases - can offer distinct advantages.
Corpus-based approaches provide access to a vast array of authentic language samples, enabling learners to encounter diverse texts that authentically represent the language as it is used in real-world contexts. By interacting with a wide range of texts within a corpus, students can develop a deeper understanding of vocabulary usage, syntax, and discourse patterns. This exposure to authentic language aids in the development of more advanced reading skills, such as inferencing, critical analysis, and the ability to comprehend and interpret complex texts.
Furthermore, corpora allow for the exploration of language patterns and collo-
5 "IMPROVING READING SKILL USING JIGSAW" by Fadhil Muhamad Sofyan(1), Khoulah Uswatun Hasanah(2), Acep Haryudin(3) Project, Pprofessional Journal of English EducationVolume 2, No. 5, September 2019 pp 745-751
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cations, guiding learners in understanding the nuances of language use and expanding their lexical repertoire. Through the use of concordance tools and other corpus-based resources, students can gain insights into how words are used in different contexts, further enhancing their reading comprehension skills.
In conclusion, while guided reading is a valuable instructional approach, the incorporation of corpus-based techniques can significantly enhance the development of reading skills. Corpus-based learning provides learners with exposure to authentic language usage, enabling them to hone their comprehension abilities and develop a more nuanced understanding of the language. By leveraging both guided reading and corpus-based methods, educators can create a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction that empowers students to become proficient and critical readers.
11. Corpus-based approach: This approach focuses on students analyzing large collections of texts, or corpora, to enhance their reading skills. It involves utilizing technology to access and explore various written materials for vocabulary acquisition, sentence structure comprehension, and text coherence understanding. Each of these approaches has its own relevance in developing students' reading skills. The choice of approach depends on factors such as students' age, reading level, preferences, and the specific learning goals of the classroom. It is often beneficial to employ a combination of these approaches to cater to the diverse needs of students and create a comprehensive reading program.
There are several approaches to developing students' reading skills, including : traditional methods, Coaching Approach, Making Multimodal , Stories, Cloze Procedure Technique , Learning Cell, Look and Say, Quizzes, Quantum learning , Jigsaw, Guided reading, extensive reading, and a corpus-based approach. However, the corpus-based approach is considered the most effective and relevant for developing reading skills.
The corpus-based approach uses a database of authentic language samples, known as a corpus, to develop students' reading skills. This approach focuses on analyzing language patterns, vocabulary usage, collocations, and grammar structures in authentic texts. Here's why it is the best approach:
a. Authenticity: The corpus-based approach exposes students to real-world texts, which reflects the language they will encounter outside the classroom. This exposure helps develop their ability to deal with different genres, writing styles, and language variations.
b. Language patterns: By analyzing patterns within the corpus, students gain insights into language structures, collocations, and usage. This enables them to develop a deeper understanding of how texts are constructed, improving their reading
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comprehension and analytical skills.
c. Vocabulary development: Corpus-based analysis helps students identify common collocations and word combinations. This focus on real language usage aids in vocabulary development and enhances students' ability to choose the appropriate words and phrases in different contexts.
d. Contextualization: The corpus-based approach enables students to understand how words and phrases are used in specific contexts. This allows them to grasp the nuances of meaning and improves their overall comprehension of texts.
e. Active engagement: Unlike traditional approaches, the corpus-based approach encourages active learner engagement. Students are actively involved in searching, analyzing, and interpreting language data from the corpus, promoting a deeper understanding of reading strategies and skills.
f. Self-directed learning: A corpus-based approach encourages learners to take an active role in their own learning. By exploring corpora and analyzing texts independently, students develop critical thinking skills and become better at identifying patterns, making connections, and solving problems in their reading.
The corpus-based approach is the best method for developing students' reading skills due to its focus on authenticity, language patterns, vocabulary development, contextualization, and active learner engagement. By using real language data, students are better equipped to handle authentic texts and improve their overall reading comprehension abilities. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to language learning and skill improvement. Different methods work for different individuals. However, a corpus-based approach can be beneficial for improving A2 level students' reading skills.
The scientific novelty of research work on developing English level students' reading skills through a corpus-based approach lies in its use of corpus linguistics, a relatively new area of study in language research. Corpus linguistics involves the collection and analysis of large-scale, computer-readable corpora (collections) of language data.
Traditionally, reading skills have been taught through the use of coursebooks and authentic texts. However, corpus-based approaches offer a unique advantage by providing a rich database of language in use. By analyzing authentic texts from various sources, such as newspapers, academic articles, or online forums, researchers can identify patterns, collocations, and typical language structures. This ensures that students are exposed to realistic and current language use.
Additionally, a corpus-based approach allows for a more data-driven and evidence-based teaching method. Rather than relying solely on intuition or personal prefer-
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ences, teachers can base their instruction on empirical evidence gathered from the corpus analysis. This approach enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of reading skills development.
Furthermore, the research work on developing students' reading skills through a corpus-based approach can contribute to the field of language acquisition and pedagogy. It may provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of this approach, its impact on language learners, and potential strategies for integrating corpus-based activities into language classrooms.
Overall, while a corpus-based approach can be beneficial for improving reading skills, it should be complemented with other methods, such as extensive reading, guided reading, and comprehension exercises. The key is to provide a well-rounded approach that caters to the individual needs and learning styles of A2 level students.
1. Developing Students' Reading Skill and Attitude Toward Reading Using Coaching Approach Thepsatri Rajabhat, University, Thailand
2. Nurviyani, V., Suherdi, D., & Lukmana, I. (2020). Developing students" reading skill through making multimodal inferences. English Review: Journal of English Education, 8(2), 11-18. doi: 10.25134/erjee.v8i2.2998.
3. Claudio Claudio Victor Patricio "STORIES FOR DEVELOPING ENGLISH READING SKILL" Research project Latacunga - Ecuador, October 2017
4. Hendra Eka Putra, Improving the Students' Reading Skill Through Cloze Procedure Ta'dib Volume. 13, No. 1 (Juni 2010)
5. IMPROVING STUDENTS' READING SKILL BY USING LEARNING CELL CELL by Ana Arfiani Hidayah, Ngadiso, Dahlan Rais English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, 2012.
7. The Use of Quizizz in Improving Students' Reading Skill by Diah Ayu Manik PradnyaDewi and Putu Enik Kristiani, The Art of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Vol .1 No. 2 2021 p-ISSN : 2656-8942, e-ISSN : 2684-8546
8. IMPROVING READING SKILL USING JIGSAW" by Fadhil Muhamad Sofyan(1), Khoulah Uswatun Hasanah(2), Acep Haryudin(3) Project, Pprofessional Journal of English EducationVolume 2, No. 5, September 2019 pp 745-751
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