SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(3), March, 2023
The purpose of this work is to assess the effectiveness of the task-based learning approach on reading ability as well as the students' perceptions of its implementation. A task-based approach had a major influence on students' reading skills. Additionally, throughout reading classes, students displayed enhanced excitement, curiosity, confidence, inventiveness, and collaborative learning skills. The study's findings support the use of a task-based approach in the teaching of English as a foreign language.
Key words: Task-based learning (TBL) approach, reading, fluency in reading, reading comprehension, types of reading
Целью данной работы является оценка эффективности подхода к обучению, основанного на задачах, на способность к чтению, а также восприятие учащимися его реализации. Подход, основанный на задачах, оказал большое влияние на навыки чтения учащихся. Кроме того, во время занятий по чтению учащиеся демонстрировать повышенное волнение, любопытство, уверенность, изобретательность и навыки совместного обучения. Результаты исследования поддерживают использование подхода, основанного на задачах, в обучении английскому языку как иностранному.
Ключевые слова: Подход к обучению на основе задач (TBL), чтение, беглость чтения, понимание прочитанного, виды чтения
Ushbu ishning maqsadi o'qish qobiliyati bo'yicha topshiriqlarga asoslangan ta'lim yondashuvining samaradorligini, shuningdek, talabalarning uni amalga oshirish haqidagi tasavvurlarini baholashdan iborat. Vazifaga asoslangan yondashuv o'quvchilarning o'qish qobiliyatiga katta ta'sir ko'rsatdi. Bundan tashqari, o'qish darslari davomida talabalar hayajon, qiziquvchanlik, o'ziga ishonch,
Atadjanova Surayyo Raimbaevna
senior teacher of Urgench State University
Azadova Asaloy Jakhongir kizi
Student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages Urgench State University
Urgench, Uzbekistan [email protected]
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(3), March, 2023
ixtirochilik va hamkorlikda o'rganish qobiliyatlarini namoyish etdilar. Tadqiqot natijalari ingliz tilini chet tili sifatida o'qitishda vazifaga asoslangan yondashuvdan foydalanishni qo 'llab quvvatlaydi.
Kalit so'zlar: Vazifaga asoslangan ta'lim (TBL) yondashuvi, o'qish, o'qishda ravonlik, o'qishni tushunish, o'qish turlari
There are four main language skills, listening, reading, writing and the learners of foreign languages must master speaking that as their L2. Reading is a skill that must be developed and can be only developed by means of extensive and continual practice. In reading, the students are expected to be knowledgeable and familiar with what the teacher has explained in the context, whereas in comprehension the students are expected to have more skills than to explain individual texts or passages after comprehending them. The purpose of reading comprehension is to get some skills in understanding the text. So, they can master English well. Reading comprehension involves the students' ability to find some information in reading the text of English.
Anderson et al. defined reading as the process of making sense of written texts. This requires a harmony of many related sources of information. According to Wixson, Peters, Weber, and Roeber (1987), reading is a process of creating meaning that includes: the reader's existing knowledge, textual information, and reading context. Grabe defined reading as an interactive process between readers and texts that results in reading fluency. Readers interact with texts in an attempt to extract meaning, and there are different types of knowledge: linguistic or systems knowledge and schematic knowledge. Purhosein Gilakjani and Ahmadi stated that the main purpose of reading is to get the right message from the text, to determine reading comprehension. According to the RAND Reading Study Group, comprehension is the process of identifying and making sense of what has been read through interaction and engagement in written language. McNamara and Magliano emphasized that this process is the task of both the reader and text factors that take place within the larger social context. Duke (2003) stated that comprehension is a process in which readers make sense by interacting with a text through a combination of prior knowledge and previous experiences, information in the text, and readers' opinions related to the text. The goal is to better understand the text than to learn the meaning of individual words or sentences. The result of reading comprehension is a mental representation of the meaning of the text, which is combined with the reader's previous knowledge. This is called a mental model (Johnson-Laird, 1983) or situational model (Kintsch, 1998). This model determines what has been learned (RAND Reading and Study Group,
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
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2002). Keenan, Betjemann and Olson (2008) noted that reading comprehension requires the successful expansion and ordering of multiple lower and upper-level processes and skills. Accordingly, there are many sources of possible impairment of comprehension, and these sources differ depending on the skill level and age of the readers.
Types of reading. There are two different kinds of reading. This is an extensive and intensive reading. Extensive reading. Regular reading in a foreign language helps in expanding vocabulary, general development of language skills and increasing motivation to learn a foreign language. The improvement of subjects was somehow related to the discovery of many lexical, syntactical and textual features of reading materials, as well as the nature of extensive reading materials. Hedge (2003) stated that intensive reading differs depending on student motivation and school resources. A highly motivated and well-prepared teacher can certainly choose the right materials and tasks for his students. Intensive reading. In this type of reading, students read a page to find its meaning and become familiar with writing strategies. Through this reading, students can gain fundamental practice in executing these strategies through a series of materials. Either these strategies can be text-related or learner related. The first includes recognition of text organization, and the second includes strategies such as linguistic, schematic, and metacognitive strategies. According to Waring (1997), intensive reading is very important for learning vocabulary and understanding how text is formed. Stahl (2003) found that there is a relationship between intensive reading and language proficiency.
As the main goal of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of a task-focused learning approach in improving students' reading abilities, such as reading comprehension and fluency. It was revealed that the method TBLT significantly affected their ability to read by various ways. In addition, the students exhibited a variety of positive learning skills such as creativity, flexibility, excitement, problemsolving and confidence. The findings that I have find out in the process of writing this article support the use this approach in the teaching and learning of English not only enhances learners' reading skills but also it integrates with other language skills and help them to obtain new language materials easily. In addition to these it also eases teachers' work in how to work with each student by finding out the students' weaknesses and strong sides in solving the test types in reading skill, and then teachers can assess students' abilities in reading comprehension.
Furthermore, teachers also can use modern techniques and methods to make their students to obtain and grasp the text. One of them is "Jigsaw technique" which
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(3), March, 2023
is very helpful learners to work collaboratively with their classmates. Here students are divided into some groups with 5-6 members, Jigsaw reading is an organization technique that breaks up longer texts into smaller chunks of text (one-two paragraphs) that students work together in groups to become experts on. Each student then moves into a new group, in which every member has become has become an expert on a different part of the text.
Reading: A2
A message to a new friend
Read a direct message on social media to practice and improve your reading skills.
Before reading: Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.
Preparation task. Choose the sentence (a or b) that is correct. 1. a. It was so nice to know you last week. b. It was so nice to meet you last
Reading text: A message to a new friend
Hi Lucia
How are you? It was so nice to meet you last week in Sydney at the sales meeting. How was
the rest of your trip? Did you see any kangaroos? I hope you got home to Mexico City OK. Anyway, I have the documents about the new Berlin offices. We're going to be open in three
months. I moved here from London just last week. They are very nice offices, and the location
is perfect. There are lots of restaurants, cafés and banks in the area. There's also public transport; we are next to an U-Bahn (that is the name for the metro here). Maybe you can
come and see them one day? I would love to show you Berlin, especially in the winter. You
2. a. I hope you got home OK.
3. a. Here's a photo of me.
4. a. Good memories.
5. a. Please send me your email address. me.
6. a. Bye until soon.
b. I wait you got home OK. b. Here a photo of me. b. Good remembers.
b. Bye for now.
b. Please send your email address
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, (E)ISSN:2181-1784
educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7 3(3), March, 2023
said you have never seen snow - you will see lots here! Here's a photo of you and me at the restaurant in Sydney. That was a very fun night! Remember the singing Englishman? Crazy! Please send me any other photos you have of that night. Good memories.
Please give me your email address and I will send you the documents.
Bye for now
Task 1. Match the sentences (a-d) with the places (1-4).
Places Sentences
1.......Berlin a. Mikel and Lucia met here.
2.......London b. Mikel's new offices are here.
3.......Mexico City c. Mikel used to live here.
4.......Sydney d. Lucia lives here.
Task 2. Are the sentences true or false?
1. Mikel and Lucia were friends from school. True False
2. They work for a company that sells things. True False
3. The new offices are in a very good location. True False
4. There is a metro next to the offices. True False
5. Mikel has never seen snow before. True False
6. Mikel and Lucia had dinner together. True False
7. Mikel doesn't have Lucia's email address. True False
8. Lucia wants to send Mikel some documents. True False
How do you make plans with friends?
The given text, A2 level Reading tasks, was handed out to two 6th-grade students of the school which is situated in the center of Urgench. From both classes participated 8 students for doing the Reading tasks in TBLT, and the total number of participants who were tested was 16. The text, which were used in the experiment, was taken from the British Council site, and the deadline for reading and completing the tasks was 40 minutes. Approximately average results indicate the followings, which are demonstrated in the Table for A2 level text.
Question types Results
True/False 4/8
Multiple Choices 3/6
Matching 3/4
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
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Overall, the results said that if one student deals with in doing "Multiple choice" with "Gap filling" but his or her weak point is in the section "True/False/Not Given" or "Matching Headings" and vice versa. For instance, Student A from 9th grade dealt well with Multiple Choices, but his/her weakness was in True/False questions. To overcome the weak sides of students in reading and to achieve best results, mostly, in each parts of question tasks, teachers should integrate different methods such "Jigsaw technique" which is the concept of jigsaw reading is an approach that involves breaking up long texts into smaller pieces. The students then form groups and become experts on a specific part of the work. As it helps students to not only understand and obtain the main and detailed meaning of a text by scanning and skimming but also enhances their collaborative skill within the reading skills: comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, awareness and decoding.
All in all, I can say that through the TBL approach students can improve not only their reading skills but also their other language skills - listening, writing, speaking as well as their life skills, such as communication and interpersonal skills, comprehension and understanding, creative and critical thinking, decision-making and problem-solving skills, empathy.
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3(3), March, 2023
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