Научная статья на тему 'The models of the media educational concept of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness'

The models of the media educational concept of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Akmanova S.V., Kurzaeva L.V., Kopylova N.A.

The educational systems of many countries are subjected to standardization, the purpose of which is to create a single educational space of a country (Europe, the world). The education standardization process is largely due to the processes of globalization, the introduction of new information technologies, the growth of teachers and students

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Текст научной работы на тему «The models of the media educational concept of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness»

Copyright © 2019 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o.

K " *


Published in the Slovak Republic Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) Has been issued since 2005 ISSN 1994-4160 E-ISSN 1994-4195 2019, 59(1): 3-13

DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.1.3 www.ejournal53.com

The Models of the Media Educational Concept of Developing Lifelong Selflearning Individual Readiness

S.V. Akmanova a , L.V. Kurzaeva a , * , N.A. Kopylova b

a Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russian Federation b Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Russian Federation


The educational systems of many countries are subjected to standardization, the purpose of which is to create a single educational space of a country (Europe, the world). The education standardization process is largely due to the processes of globalization, the introduction of new information technologies, the growth of teachers and students' mobility, the increase of online educational forms, the active penetration of media technologies into various spheres of human life and, as a result, the continuous growth of new knowledge in all areas of science and technology . In addition, the modern media and information age dictates to each individual the need for constant self- learning, both at the household and professional levels. Therefore, the issue of developing lifelong self- learning individual readiness in a changing media environment becomes topical. The self- learning individual readiness is determined by the stages of its socialization and professionalization during the whole life; therefore, it has a level nature. We have previously developed and proved a media educational concept of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness, which contained a multiaspect model presentation of the development process such readiness. Revealing stages, phases and levels of selflearning readiness assumes the existence of a dynamic model of this concept. A pedagogical design of selflearning individual readiness in the course of university training should be based on the competence-based model of individual media educational training. The article presents and proves the dynamic and competence-based model of the media educational concept of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness, shows their interrelationship, and also corresponds to the normative model of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness.

Keywords: selflearning, a media educational concept, media competence, educational models.

1. Introduction

The successful work in the field of the most modern professions, as well as the harmonious existence of an individual in the modern world, are now almost unthinkable without the developed abilities of continuous lifelong selfeducation (selfstudy) (Toiskin, Krasilnikov, 2009).

The developed media educational concept of developing selflearning individual readiness involves "a way of understanding this readiness, implementing the ideas of media education and defining a set of key statements and constructive principles of its existence in reality and practical

* Corresponding author:

E-mail addresses: lkurzaeva@mail.ru (L.V. Kurzaeva)

realization in the processes of formal and non-formal education" (Akmanova et al., 2018: 43). We presented the structural and functional content of this concept in the form of the following normative model (Figure 1).

This model of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness demonstrates its static state. However, in order to study the development process of such readiness, it is necessary to present its dynamics, and therefore, be guided by a dynamic model of developing selflearning individual readiness. In addition, the content of selflearning individual readiness is characterized by specific knowledge, skills and personal traits; therefore, it has a level nature. The transition from level to level implies a qualitative increase and the change of knowledge, skills and personal qualities, therefore, a pedagogical design of developing selflearning individual readiness is impossible without building a competence-based model.

2. Materials and Methods of Research

Research materials: scientific achievements in the field of university students' selflearning and selfeducation, the development of their readiness to selflearning, as well as, in the field of national and world media education.

The object of the research is the professional students' training in a higher educational establishment and a person's media education training in the process of selflearning or informal education.

The theoretical and methodical basis of the research is the ideas of the media education and selflearning and selfeducation, among them by directed education systems (Akmanova et al., 2018 and others). The main research methods were an analysis, a synthesis, a generalization, a concretization, an abstraction, a modeling.

3. Discussion

Media education, recommended for introduction into the national curricula of all states, should be an element of lifelong individual learning (Marfil-Carmona, Chacón, 2017). This will improve the efficiency of an educational process and its management process (Rueda et al., 2017). But most importantly, it will help an individual to master the new in a rapidly changing reality, and therefore, will contribute to their continuous lifelong self- learning.

N. Eliason believes that anyone can be engaged in selflearning (selfeducation), and for this he does not need to have a higher education. It is enough to have a motivation for selflearning, to be able to use information and other media resources, as well as experiment, guess solutions of emerging issues and check these decisions using the feedback method through media, in particular (Eliason, 2018). He developed a method of continuous selflearning - the "sandbox method", where a sandbox means a microenvironment of a person in which the desired skill will be formed. A significant disadvantage of this method is the lack of a guaranteed result in achieving the goal, since it provides intuitiveness in finding solutions to problems, which is connected to the lack of scientific approaches to organizing selflearning, which suppose the presence of higher education and certain conditions that form selflearning individual readiness in any field of activity. The only thing that you can agree with the author of the "sandbox method" is that through media, for example, social networks, you can better develop skills for cooperative learning and it is easier to define the feedback of a student with a mentor or another competent person (Bal, 2017).

According to S. Wan and Z. Niu, success in selflearning through electronic resources is associated with individual selforganization (Wan, Niu, 2018). At the same time, it is important not to forget about the critical attitude to media resources used during learning and selflearning. So, for example, C. Dimitrios believes that "social platforms could positively affect anatomy education. However, further research was needed to study students' attitude or anatomy knowledge" (Dimitrios, 2018: 165).

British scientists' researches on the use of social media in vocational education using the example of training nurses have shown "that teaching about social media, and incorporating it into learning activities, may be beneficial for students. However, more research into the subject using an experimental design to assess changes over time would be useful" (Price et al., 2018: 76).

An objective unit

Social control: a graduate of a bachelor degree course / master's degree course with lifelong self-

learning readiness


A near objective - the development of lifelong self-learning readiness while expanding an information educational environment using the resources of an external educational media environment A further objective - providing self-learning readiness in conditions of changing a professional environment and a culture of life

Requirements to the level and content of lifelong self-learning readiness

Approaches: system, environmental, competence


a person ' s activity, goal-setting, individualization, problematicity, reflection, optimization


An organizational unit_

Pedagogical conditions

1) the actualization of a positive personality Self-concept;

2) expanding and consolidation of the interdisciplinary relationships during a project activity;

3) the active learners ' incorporation into a research activity;

4) the stimulation of a cognitive individual need in knowledge deepening and a way of proceeding;

5) the active and continuous individual incorporation into media educational processes_

Educational levels and stages

A bachelor degree course (stages: diagnostics, motivationally-orientational, educative, developmental, control-corrective)

A Master's degree course (stages: diagnostics, motivationally-orientational, developmental, control-corrective)

A content-technological unit


• traditional and innovative forms of formal education (individual and cooperative)

• forms of informal education (professional E-communities, webinars, roundtables,

eMOOC, cMOOC, taskMOOC, etc.)


emotional-intelligent stimulation,

• advanced trust,

• elitism,

• algorithmization,

• reflective

• training,

• dialogue.


• projects (research, productive-

practical, etc.); • open educational resources (OER);

• educational media resources;

• cases (chair, field); • exercises, tasks, questions; • games.

An evaluation unit


control-diagnostic methods and means


the level of developing lifelong self-learning

_individual readiness_

Fig. 1. The normative model of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness (at the stage of studying at Bachelor's degree course and Master's degree course)

A.D. Anders, on the basis of his research, came to the conclusion that "that networked learning — including the use of social media, blogs, and learning communities - offers unique affordances for supporting the development of self-efficacy. However, additional research is

- 5 '

needed to examine applications of networked learning that integrate professional contexts into academic learning experiences" (Anders, 2018: 13).

According to B.V. Ramani, "self directed learning has different meanings. It may be different to different people" (Ramani, 2013: 59). You can agree with this opinion only in the part that each person has his own goals of selflearning, individual experience of conducting selflearning, to one degree or another developed readiness for this process, but one cannot fully agree with this opinion, because competent organized selflearning on the basis of highly developed readiness to it - this is a definite science, which has its own laws that guarantee the success of this process.

Thus, the analysis of scientific advances in the field of individual selflearning through media technologies or in the conditions of a changing media environment showed, that at present this process is not fully examined.

In our opinion, individual selflearning readiness is a "dynamically developing individual quality, showed in the form of a system that includes: a) sustainable motivation for selflearning; b) developed selflearning skills; c) a developed volitional sphere" (Akmanova, 2004: 50).

Moreover, these components are closely interrelated. Indeed, the presence of sustainable motivation to selflearning will allow an individual to clearly understand the goal of selflearning, because the goal serves as a sample to which the results of selflearning process should satisfy. Having the developed selflearning skills will ensure the proper implementation of selflearning process, as it will provide an individual with rational methods and ways of implementing this process. The presence of a highly developed volitional sphere will allow an individual to carry out the process of selflearning systematically and consistently.

The technical side of selflearning individual readiness, including the context of media readiness, is made by developed selflearning skills, and they ensure the success of a selflearning process, being an operational component of an activity.

The development of selflearning individual readiness can be diagnosed in the presence of positive dynamics of the process' three components: motivational-valuable (the transition from curiosity to a steady desire to constantly improve their intellectual level), reflexive-volitional (in an effort to overcome emerging cognitive difficulties) and operational (the transition to a higher level of developing selflearning skills).

It should be noted that for the formation and development of selflearning individual readiness, it is necessary to understand both the dynamics and the content of this process. The content of selflearning individual readiness is based on competence knowledge that characterizes the results of selflearning.

The basis for the developing a competence-based model of selflearning individual readiness may be qualification frameworks. For this research the most interesting things are:

• International Qualification Frameworks: European Qualification Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF-LLL) and Qualification Framework for the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA);

• National qualification framework of the Russian Federation;

• Qualification framework for higher education in Chelyabinsk region.

The interest in these documents is determined by their tasks, which are subordinate to the goal: to solve the problems of promoting the learning strategy and the development of lifelong selflearning individual readiness to ensure personal and professional success and growth, namely:

1. Providing assistance to people preparing for professional activities or intending to change their activity type for a better understanding of the qualifications' content and ways of transition from a level to a level through formal, nonformal and informal education.

2. Promoting the development of lifelong learning and continuing vocational training, that is supporting all forms of learning and creating the conditions for assessing and recognizing all academic achievements, regardless of the form of their acquisition.

3. Promoting labor mobility, that is creating preconditions for the growth of professional and geographic mobility (Kurzaeva et al., 2013).

In EQF-LLL, descriptor "Learning Ability" for levels 6 and 7 (corresponding to Bachelor's and Master's levels) is presented in the following taxonomy: "Consistently evaluate your own learning and identify training needs" ^ "Demonstrate autonomy in learning management and a high degree of learning processes' understanding". At the same time, the presence of a reflexive component in the competence under consideration is traced here.

The National qualification framework of the Russian Federation, represented by the national qualification system and which is the basic element describing the continuity in the system of continuing professional education, does not have such a descriptor or a similar descriptor to EQF-LLL (National..., 2013). However, the level-by-level description of the requirements for learning results assumes the existence of knowledge and skills associated with individual readiness to selflearning for performing professional activities.

Indeed, the description clearly shows the cognitive and operational component of the discussed readiness (Table 1).

Table 1. A fragment of the National qualification framework of the Russian Federation

Level Margin of appreciation and responsibility (general competence) Complexity of an activity (nature of skills) Knowledge intensity of an activity (nature of knowledge)

6 Independent professional activities involving the setting of goals of their own work and / or subordinates. Ensuring the interaction of staff and related subdivisions. Responsibility for the work result at the department level or organization one (National..., 2013). Activities aimed at solving technological or methodological problems assuming the selection and variety of solutions. Development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and correction of the professional activity components (National., 2013). Synthesis of professional knowledge and experience (including innovative). Independent search, analysis and evaluation of professional information (National., 2013).

7 Defining the strategy, management of processes and activities (including innovative) with decisionmaking at the level of large institutional structures and their divisions (National., 2013). Activities involving the solution of development tasks, the development of new approaches, the use of a variety of methods (including innovative ones) (National., 2013). Synthesis of professional knowledge and experience. Creation of new applied knowledge in a certain area and / or at the interface of areas. Identification of sources and search for information necessary for the development of activities (National., 2013).

In the regional qualification framework developed during the Tempus project (Ovchinnikov et al., 2011), two descriptors "Adaptability" and "Motivation, development ability" are associated with selflearning individual readiness (for levels corresponding to Bachelor's and Master's programs, the learning results are presented in table 2).

Thus, the connection with the operational, motivational and reflexive components of selflearning individual readiness is shown.

The importance of developing selflearning individual readiness is also confirmed by the presence of the universal competence "UC-7 in FSES 3++. The ability to manage their time, build and implement the trajectory of self-development based on the principles of lifelong education", but here the emphasis is shifted towards the national component of selflearning individual readiness.

It should be noted that in the reviewed documents, using media education technologies in learning, selflearning, self-development, selfeducation is not highlighted, but from the requirements given in them it follows that their achievement in the existing information reality is impossible without using media resources and special media training. In particular, as Devrim Akgunduz and Orhan Akinoglu note, "media sites can enrich education by providing blended learning experiences" (Akgunduz, Akinoglu, 2016: 107). But in their opinion, for effective learning through media, special students' training is needed, since selflearning of an inexperienced learner using media shows worse results than blended forms of learning (Akgunduz, Akinoglu, 2016).

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Table 2. A fragment of the qualification framework for higher education in Chelyabinsk region

Adaptability Motivation, development ability

Carry out professional activities in terms of updating its content Evaluate the own role and make an active contribution to the organization's activities, select perspective areas of personal and professional development, taking into account its own vision and needs, selfeducate

Orient in terms of updating the goals and changing the content of educational and professional activities Evaluate the own role and the role of the group, make an active contribution to the activities of an organization, select perspective areas of personal and professional growth, selfeducate

Let us consider a dynamic model and a competence-based one of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness.

4. Results

According to E.M. Kharlanova, a dynamic system's model is "a model that describes a change in the system's state, the processes' development through the separation of phases, stages, levels" (Kharlanova, 2015). Considering a learner's personality as a self-organizing system, one must assume that the development of its selflearning readiness is subjected to the laws of a rhythm and a cyclic change of states.

Let's consider the dynamics of developing selflearning individual readiness in the period of university preparation, taking into account media educational tendencies of the society development in the process of integrating formal and non-formal education. To do this, let's present the process of developing selflearning readiness in the form of a spiral model, because such a representation assumes readiness development at a particular stage by analogy with the previous stage, but at a qualitatively new level. Let's carry out the construction of this model, focusing on the zone of the nearest social and professional development of a student.

When entering a university, an entrant has some selflearning skills, but, as a rule, at a fairly low level, therefore his/her selflearning readiness is not formed. While studying at the university, he goes through the following three stages of developing selflearning readiness: preparatory, operational-active, and professional active.

The preparatory stage of readiness development gives the foundation for knowledge on organizing selflearning in any field of activity and in its realization passes:

a) the phase of students' knowledge accumulation about the process of selflearning and readiness to it;

b) the phase of the motivational-volitional setting, during which the individual motivational- volitional sphere is formed, that is ready to carry out continuous lifelong selflearning;

c) the phase of media educational training as a necessary condition for implementing selfeducational activities in a continuously changing media reality.

The phase of knowledge accumulation assumes the students' acquisition by students of theoretical knowledge in the process of selflearning, its tasks, implementation methods, and the presence of the necessary selflearning skills. At this stage, the initial level of the student for selflearning readiness is diagnosed, the types of selflearning skills and their implementation algorithms are studied.

Having passed the first phase, a student becomes aware of the fact that selflearning is associated with a high degree of individual consciousness and organization; it is impossible in the absence of a sustainable motivation to learning new things and applying certain volitional efforts to achieve the goals of self-learning. Therefore, a student's passing the motivational-volitional adjustment phase will allow him to acquire the ability of conscious inner adjustment to intensify actions in order to achieve success in selflearning, as well as to increase the level of developing the volitional sphere, which will contribute to the systematic and consistent selflearning process. According to Geri Manning, "an individual is to assume the primary responsibility for planning, initiating, and conducting the learning project. Such behavior can be called either selfinstruction, self- education, independent study, individual study self- teaching, or self-directed learning" (Manning, 2007: 107).

In addition, the knowledge of self- learning process theory, the composition of selflearning skills, the characteristics of informational trends in human society development leads to the need for media educational student training, without which selflearning is not possible at present and in the future. According to B.B. Andresen and K. van den Brink "modern multimedia in combination with social media and open educational resources contribute to reaching one of the UNESCO main goals in education - to make quality education more accessible for all" (Andresen, Brink, 2013: 4). The phase of media educational training involves the formation of a student's media literacy, which refers to the ability to perceive, analyze and critically evaluate media texts, to gain knowledge of social, cultural, economic, scientific and political significance on their basis.

Operational-active stage of developing selflearning individual readiness provides the formation of the operational component of this readiness, namely the formation of selflearning skills on the basis of existing media technologies during learning activities. This phase assumes three phases of its implementation, namely:

a) the goal-setting phase, during which a student sets a goal - the formation of selflearning skills and their transferring into selflearning skills;

b) the phase of selflearning skills' formation as automated skills for self-obtaining, learning and creative processing of knowledge with a positively renewable result;

c) the phase of media readiness, during which the individual media competence is formed.

These phases are interrelated with the phases of the preparatory phase. The goal-setting

phase involves the development of the individual motivational-volitional sphere, which independently sets the goal of developing certain skills and plans its own activities for its realization, taking into account media reality. The phase of selflearning skills' formation is realized on the basis of the phases of knowledge accumulation and media education of students. The media preparatory phase is based on a student's media literacy and provides his preparation for the future professional field through media technologies, which contributes to a student's media competence, namely the development of skills to create his own media texts, safe behavior in the media space, and the analysis of complex media processes in society. Media competence is a key competence of higher education (Toiskin, Krasilnikov, 2009).

Professional-active stage of developing selflearning individual readiness goes through three phases:

a) the phase of a student's personal adaptation to future professional activities;

b) the phase of developing selflearning skills in the integration of formal and nonformal education;

c) the phase of realizing selflearning readiness in real media conditions.

During the adaptation phase, a student takes the position of a selflearning activity subject while mastering the elements of a future professional activity. The phase of developing selflearning skills assumes the process of quantitative and qualitative changes formed at the second stage of selflearning skills in the conditions of a quasi- professional activity - "the activity realized in a university, in which the conditions, content, dynamics of a professional activity are recreated" (Kharlanova, 2015). This activity may include, among other things, various forms of nonformal education, for example, webinars, round tables, professional e-communities and other things. The phase of realizing selflearning readiness provides the development of selflearning skills during educational and professional activities, which are carried out in a real professional environment within the framework of the university socio-cultural environment.

The realization of selflearning readiness conveys a student's personal results at the end of passing all the described stages of developing such readiness, taking into account the real media trends of social development. The achieved personal result assumes a certain level of developing selflearning individual readiness. We distinguish four levels of developing such readiness among students: low, below average, average and high. A student with a low or below-average level corresponds to the preparatory stage of developing such readiness, a student with an average level corresponds to operational-active one, and finally, a student with a high level of readiness corresponds to the professional-active stage.

Pedagogical maintenance of the dynamics of developing self- learning individual readiness in accordance with the normative model (Figure 1) is reflected in the organizational unit (approaches, principles, pedagogical conditions) and in the content-technological unit (forms, methods, techniques, means) of this model, while its realization occurs in stages and involves the integration of formal and nonformal education forms.

Since the discovery process of new knowledge, development of information and media technologies is continuously accelerated in time, the composition of selflearning skills may also expand over time, which means that the development of selflearning individual readiness in new conditions will require repeating the described stages of selflearning individual readiness dynamics.

Thus, a dynamic model of developing selflearning individual readiness (Figure 2) demonstrates the polycyclicity of this process, while its specific state implies a certain level of developing this readiness in a student, which is determined by special indicators for assessing the level of selflearning individual readiness. The structure of such criteria is determined by the selflearning individual competencies formed during the realization of the dynamic model.

The competence model of developing selflearning individual readiness is a model of learning results that presents the hierarchy and interrelation of its structural components that are necessary to ensure selflearning individual readiness in the conditions of formal and nonformal education.

The purpose of this model is to determine the requirements for the final result and targets for the development and realization of the pedagogical measures' system in relation to the process of developing selflearning individual readiness at Bachelor's and Master's levels.

The competence model is the basis for the development of indicators for assessing the level of developing selflearning individual readiness, as well as the informative content of the pedagogical support system of the discussed university process.

Such a model is, firstly, structural-informative, since it reveals the structural features of the phenomenon under consideration; secondly, level, as it describes a qualitative change in the requirements for the components' content of the competence under discussion, depending on the qualification level; thirdly, integrative, connecting the goal and the result of the developing self-learning individual readiness, both in terms of formal and nonformal education.

The basis for the development of this model was the requirements and recommendations of the documents discussed in section "Discussion". A variety of the requirements' aspects for selflearning individual readiness allowed to identify the structural body of the discussed competence on their basis:

• a cognitive component (knowledge possession);

• a motivational-valuable component (motives and values, a value attitude to professional and personal growth)

• an operational component (skills and experience formation );

• a technological component (the activity methods' development, including in the media environment);

• a reflexive component (the personal qualities' development in the field of selfanalysis and self- esteem).

The framework representation of the competence-based model is shown in Table 3.

On the basis of this competence-based model, the following indicators can be proposed for assessing the level of developing selflearning individual readiness:

• the knowledge the selflearning individual theory, including knowledge of the algorithms that compose the actions' content that implement selflearning skills, taking into account the real media conditions;

• the quality and speed of tasks' self-performance for using these skills in standard situations;

• the degree of the student's reflective position development;

• the performance of research and creative tasks in real media conditions.

Based on these factors, a student with a low level of developing selflearning readiness has a small knowledge of the selflearning theory, and orients badly in media space. When performing standard tasks for using selflearning skills, he sometimes makes mistakes and works at low speed, has a poorly expressed reflexive attitude, is not capable to perform research and creative tasks. A student with a below average level knows the algorithms that correspond to the selflearning skills; he orients in media space, correctly, rationally performs standard tasks for using selflearning skills, he has a reflexive attitude, but he cannot transfer skills to non-standard situations. A student with an average level of developing these skills productively use selflearning skills in standard situations, has some media competencies, has an underdeveloped reflexive attitude, a high level of aspiration to plan and solve search, research and creative tasks, but in some cases he performs them with mistakes. A student with a high level of developing these skills has good

selflearning knowledge, has developed media educational competencies, has a developed reflexive position, is ready to acquire knowledge independently, to process them creatively. Such a student is able to perform search, research and creative tasks, is capable to selflearning in continuously changing media conditions.

Current and perspective media educational trends ^_

in society devel°pment Professional-active


Phases of:

adaptation ^

developing self-learning skills in the integration of formal and non-formal

education ^

realizing self-learning readiness in real media environment conditions

The preparatory stage

Phases of:

knowledge accumulation ->


setting ^

media educational training


Operational-active stage

Phases of: the goal-setting

self-learning skills ' formation

media readiness to self-learning in the conditions of formal education





The components of self-learning individual readiness

Fig. 2. The dynamic model of developing selflearning individual readiness

Note that the requirements for preparing masters in the field of selflearning, as in any other field, are higher than for preparing bachelors, so the readiness development in many of them may begin from an average level, and in some cases, there may be a high level. But since mediareality is not static, then over time these students will need to acquire new selflearning skills, which means they will have to start selflearning from lower levels of readiness, which they will have to increase in future. Therefore, "the difference in readiness levels for bachelors and masters is due only to the peculiarities of the environment in which this development takes place" (Akmanova et al., 2018).

Table 3. The competence-based model for developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness

Formal Components of selflearning individual readiness


level cognitive motivational- operational technological reflexive


Bachelor's Knowledge and Motivation to The ability to Using media Assessing the

programme understanding of the self- set near goals environment level of your

lifelong education education of self- tools and professional

principles. process, education, as services for competence, the

Knowledge of understanding well as learning and choice of

activity and plan and selflearning. perspective

algorithms acceptance of realize areas of personal

realizing self- values activities to and professional

education skills associated achieve them. development,

and experience. with the taking into

independent account your

acquisition of own vision and

new needs.


Master's Knowledge and a Sustainable The ability to Confident use of Critical attitude

programme high degree of motivation to set near and tools and towards own

understanding of the process of tactical goals services of characterizations

learning and selflearning, of media and estimates of

lifelong understanding, selflearning, environment for other subjects,

selflearning acceptance plan and learning and selection of

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processes. and realize self- learning, perspective

Understanding hierarchization activities to the ability to areas of personal

the preconditions of values achieve them, transform and and professional

and principles for associated taking into enrich, create growth,

constructing with acquiring account the media selfeducation.

actions' new trends in the environment,

algorithms that knowledge. development including by

realize of creating your

selflearning skills professional own media

and experience. environment resources.

5. Conclusion

The article describes two models of the media educational concept of developing lifelong self- learning individual readiness: the dynamic and competence-based. These models are designed according to the previously developed normative model of developing selflearning individual readiness, which reflects the essence of a multi-aspect media educational concept of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness.

The dynamic model of readiness development demonstrates successive changes in the system of selflearning individual readiness as a set of preparatory, operational-active and professional-active stages, each of which passes through three phases: the preparatory stage (knowledge accumulation phase, motivational-valuable setting, media educational training), operational-active phase (phases of goal-setting, the selflearning skills' formation, media readiness), the professional-active phase (phases of adaptation, developing selflearning skills, realizing selflearning readiness in real media environment conditions). At each stage, a student has a certain level of developing selflearning readiness, which is determined by the factors for assessing the level of developing selflearning individual readiness.

The competence-based model for developing selfleaning individual readiness reveals the component structure of this readiness and sets the requirements for the final result and targets for the development and realization of pedagogical measures' system regarding the developing selflearning individual readiness at Bachelor's and Master's levels. On the basis of this model, factors for assessing the selflearning individual readiness development level are determined, the requirements' content for each level of this readiness development in accordance with them and the dynamic model of developing selflearning individual readiness is described. Therefore, both

models are interrelated and reflect different aspects of the media educational concept of developing lifelong selflearning individual readiness.


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