Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7
Bobokalonov Ramazon Rajabovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Bukhara State University, [email protected],
Ochilova Yulduz Ruzikulovna, Bukhara State University, Master of Linguistics (French) 2 levels, [email protected]
Speech culture is one of the young areas of Uzbek linguistics. It was formed as an independent department of this science under the influence of fundamental social changes that occurred in our country. Speech culture is a social phenomenon that develops in close connection with the development of society, science and technology, cultural and literary life. As a person's cultural level increases, his speech is polished and polished, improving in accordance with the rules and norms of speech culture. Art, literature, radio, television and the Internet occupy a special place in the formation and development of speech culture. The fields of discourse science, psycholinguistics, and paralinguistics, in particular the rules of interpretation, spelling and pronunciation, are of great importance in the development of speech culture.
This scientific article contains opinions on speech culture and its attractiveness, linguistic and neuropsycholinguistic features, factors in the formation of speech culture.
Key words: speech culture, paralinguistics, neuropsycholinguistics, human character, linguoculturology, psycholinguistics, communicology, discoursesology, sociology, culturology, neurology.
In the conditions of new Uzbekistan, the field of neuropsycholinguistics is also important for the culture and charm of speech. There are sayings in our people: "Pay attention to the language - pay attention to the hand", "Tilga is the key to the heart". Through these proverbs, we understand that language makes a person honorable, happy, strong and healthy. Everyone needs to learn not only the language of another nation, but also its national culture. In this respect, folk culture and the charm of speech are very relevant for world linguistics. Based on this, it is permissible to emphasize the theoretical and practical importance of this topic.
SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7
In linguistics, the study of the language system from an anthropocentric point of view is mainly manifested in semantics, linguocultural studies, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, pragmatics, and neuropsycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics is a science that studies speech activity from the point of view of the relationship between the content of the speech act and the intention of the speaker. It helps to automate mechanisms such as methodologically correct use of language skills and speech configurations, perception of the discourse process, acceptance and decoding of speech codes, as well as their analysis and appropriate use of words. Accordingly, the speaker creates a speech and clearly defines his intended intention based on certain language tools and methodological rules, and gives an answer to the listener. While receiving the speech, the listener extracts the meaning reflected in the external form of speech expressions. Therefore, the focus of neuropsycholinguistics is always a healthy linguistic person and a charismatic person who can show himself in the process of communicative communication.
The emergence and development of fields such as discursive analysis, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, neuropsycholinguistics, pragmalinguistics, and linguoculturology in world linguistics led to the emergence of serious theoretical views on speech culture and the interpretation of the text creation phenomenon. In particular, an anthropocentric approach to text analysis has become one of the leading directions of today's linguistics. It is emphasized by many researchers that the triad of "speaker - text - listener" (text author - text - recipient) should be the main object in text research, which is considered a complex and diverse phenomenon [2; 9j.
This topic has not yet been studied separately in the neuropsycholinguistic, linguocultural, communicological, discourselogical and paralinguistic layers of modern linguistics. As we know, language and culture are interrelated. Language is a formative tool of this culture. Speech culture is the main expression of human culture. If a person's spirituality is not high, his speech will not be beautiful and attractive. In this regard, linguocultural science, which is considered one of the branches of modern linguistics, studies the skills of language etiquette, speech culture, and the main qualities of speech. Due to the need for an attractive expression of speech, the appropriate use of language units, and the need to set its boundaries in a certain pattern, the need for neuropsycholinguistics with a scientific basis is emerging. Interest in the field of neuropsycholinguistics is growing in Uzbek linguistics, and the number of researchers working in this field is expanding. As we know, neuroscience deals with the activity of the human brain and its health, and psycholinguistics deals
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with the issues of speech perception and the correct use of language skills in the discourse process. Linguistics focuses on language and speech, while the task of neuroscience and psychology is to educate the linguistic personality in a healthy body and in a healthy environment. Therefore, the factor of a charismatic personality is an important condition of neuropsycholinguistics, which is being formed in all three branches of science. In general, it is desirable for a neurologist, linguist, and psychologist to study this field together [3;4j.
The subject of neuropsycholinguistics and psycholinguistics is the person and the object of speech. Unlike psycholinguistics, neuropsycholinguistics deals with the dimensions of "nerve+consciousness+thought", while psychology serves to automate personal abilities in the unity of "mental state+consciousness+speech". When defining the subject of psycholinguistics, it is appropriate to cite the views of some psycholinguists. American psycholinguist P. Fress explains psycholinguistics as "the science of the relationship between our expressive and communicative needs and tools" fl2j.
The demand for a charismatic person in front of the society is increasing. A charismatic person clicks every word in his speech. Pays attention to the charm of speech. He glorifies his native language and does not spoil its purity, because in this respect, it is necessary for every person to be the author of his own speech. Hazrat Navoi did not say for nothing that "The word comes first, then the world, and then the world and space." So, the word is a divine gift. Knowing its charm and keeping the mother tongue sacred, using it appropriately in speech, and honoring it has existed for the nation since ancient times. The magic of words can be learned from Alisher Navoi's works such as "Nasayim ul-muhabbat", "Muhokamat ul-lughatayn", "Nazmu ul-javahir". Thus, Hazrat Maulana described the essence of words and speech with poetic allusions.
In wonderful verses, he emphasizes the need to think before speaking, that is, to choose the right words, to find their place in the speech, and to be smart and understanding. Words can make a person's heart happy or, on the contrary, destroy it. Navoi wrote the author of the speech in recognition of his attention and responsibility to the language. In fact, speech culture and charm are equally important in all languages - English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and other languages.
A. A. Leontev, the founder of the theory of Russian psycholinguistics, writes: "Psycholinguistics is a science that studies the relationship between the language system and linguistic ability" [8j. A. A. Leontev emphasizes that language is social, speech is individual, language is abstract, and speech is a concrete (concrete) event based on Ferdinand de Saussure's "distinction between language and speech". It is
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difficult to combine these two opposites within the framework of only two concepts. However, therefore, a third concept is needed here, the concept of "linguistic ability" that exists even in F. de Saussure himself [2; 3j. Unlike language, which is a social phenomenon, language ability belongs to each individual. However, without neuropsycholinguistics and psycholinguistics, it is impossible to clarify the different situations in the language/speech opposition. The linguistic ability of a linguistic person constitutes a private (individual) speech. A person's linguistic ability is a bridge that allows abstract language tools to pass from the social language box to concrete individual speech. [4; 5j.
Because in speech, not directly social language, but a limited copy of consciousness and thinking existing in the mind - linguistic ability is realized. According to A. A. Leontev, the subject of psycholinguistics is the interaction between social language and individual linguistic ability. Describing psycholinguistics in a more comprehensive way, he notes: "The laws of speech activity and its complex modeling are the subject of psycholinguistics" [8j. Therefore, in some literature, the term "theory of speech activity" is used as a synonym of the term psycholinguistics. The scientist says that the term "theory of speech activity" more clearly defines the range of issues that psycholinguistics deals with.
According to Charles Osgood, "Psycholinguistics studies the process by which the speaker's intention becomes a signal received in the code (language) of a particular culture and these signals are reflected again in the listener's interpretation. In other words, psycholinguistics deals with the encoding and decoding processes of "message" - communication. It should be noted that the research subject of psycholinguistics is not only the code (language) structure and signal, but also the processes related to text creation and understanding, and covers all complex factors in human communication.
A linguistic person is born with the ability to fully master the language. However, to realize this opportunity, he will have to be healthy, intelligent, capable and intelligent. To understand how this happens, we turn directly to neuropsycholinguistics. Factors affecting the development of children's speech are diagnosed. With the help of this science, speech activity and the mechanisms of its movement process, brain activity, existence of neurological and mental defects and ways of their treatment, mental deficiency, causes of abnormal mental state are studied. Speech defects of adults and children are eliminated.
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Neuropsycholinguistics is sometimes defined as the study of language and thought. Its main purpose is to determine the structures and processes related to the mind, brain and mental state underlying the human ability to speak and understand language. Neuropsycholinguistics is interested in language interactions between people. This science tries to study the phenomena that take place in the psyche of a linguistic person. There are conflicts between linguists interested in this field. Some linguists say: "The problems of psycholinguistics can be very interesting. But this is not linguistics.
It is appropriate to give an example of the following contradiction of modern theoretical linguistics noted by the Russian psycholinguist L.V. Sakharny: "The linguist declares that language is a means of communication and thinking of people, but language speakers are not needed at all in the study of language. The language structure is described independently of the human activity that created it and uses it. In other words, the contradiction of modern linguistics is that linguistics that studies human language works without humans" [l0j.
Human is the focus of neuropsycholinguistics. Neuropsycholinguistics determines not only speech, but most importantly - the language itself, and the character of a person. Its most important feature is the human factor - the linguistic personality. Human speech as a language factor has its own models. Therefore, a person creates his own speech and perceives it. Speech is realized under signs on the basis of language judgments. Accordingly, the situation became complicated at the beginning of the 20th century when F. de Saussure (1857-1913) and his followers divided speech activity into "language" and "speech", concrete and abstract, social and individual phenomena[3j.
As long as neuropsycholinguistics and psycholinguistics deal with the human ability to speak, paralinguistic tools also have their place in this process. In establishing a dialogue, not only naturally following the speech, but also the secondary means that complement the speech are manifested. That is, along with verbal means, non-verbal means are involved in speech. When a person uses language to express his thoughts, he also uses auxiliary (non-verbal) tools that are close to language in the process of conveying certain information to the listener.
Paralinguistics is a science that studies various gestures and body movements to express the purpose along with communication. Paralinguistic tools are tools that represent non-verbal communication in linguistics, the situation that arose in speech, the limitation of gesture actions due to social distance, the transition to a passive state in everyday communication, or the increasing demand for some of them, the creation of new forms of it. We can say that non-verbal communication can serve to increase
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the attractiveness of speech. Facial expressions, eye and hand movements are important in attracting the listener's attention to the speaker.
Uzbek folk writer Pirimkul Kadyrov: "Each word represents a certain thing or concept in life. So, the more vocabulary a person has, the deeper a person knows the language, the richer his inner world is. Every nation is equally proud of the valleys it has developed and the linguistic wealth it has created. Because every language, like cities and villages, is created during the entire history of this nation, like prosperous valleys, it is polished for centuries," he commented. In his work entitled "Language and People", he expressed the opinion that "We should preserve the language not only from the point of view of language, but also from the point of view of history, national values, customs, and enjoyment of the heritage of our great ancestors" (10).
Whether a person uses a scientific, journalistic, artistic or conversational style, it is required to control his mental state and inner experiences when conveying a message in a lecture or a simple speech. He should pay attention to the volume of the voice, with calmness, emotion or enthusiasm. After all, as the American orator and psychologist Dale Carnegie said: "Speech that is not watered with the warmth of the heart is nothing, and an orator is no one" (7, 3-720).
The speaker prefers to pay attention to the thoughts and content of what he is speaking, to speak them with full heart and of course with emotion. In addition, he should be ready to feel the culture of the speech, the listener's mental state, pain and passion. Only then the communication will be attractive and refreshing, will have meaning and will be pleasing to the listener.
We know that people of different professions, young and old, and children speak differently. The charm of the teacher's speech is that he speaks according to the norms of the language. It focuses on grammatical, phonetic and lexical units of the language. The student will be able to convey his thoughts clearly and fluently. He pays attention to the culture of speech and communication with the student, he polishes his speech to the extent that he can be an example to everyone. And the medical worker treats the patient not with medicine, but first of all with sweet words. He looks for an opportunity to influence the human spirit by any means. Shares the pain of the patient, takes him out of the situation, etc.
In the family, parents, grandparents, children and also in the speech between them, the charm of speech and speech etiquette are followed. Every person, regardless of his profession, should have attractive words in his speech: "I'm not a linguist and I can't speak beautiful words, but I know the value of one word." Parents instill respect, trust and of course love in the heart of their child: "- Hello, - Good day,
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- Have a good start, - I love you very much, - Have a good rest, - Bon appetit" repeats speech expressions. This is a symbol of national culture.
In Uzbek households, it is considered a sign of respect to address children and adults as you. However, in French or other nations, it is customary to talk to each other and it cannot be considered a sign of lack of culture. The speech culture of the French people is no different from the Uzbeks: speech expressions such as "Bonjour", "S'il vous plait", "Pardon", "Je t'aime", "Madame", "Monsieur", "Mademoiselle" are the most active lexicon in their speech. serves as Such is the standard of French speech culture in communication.
In general, to feel linguistic units such as language, word, speech, sound, letter, to understand its influence and convey it to the listener, to encode and decode speech in a discursive relationship, to skillfully use the word from the point of view of ideological purpose always the linguistic personality should be in the center of attention.
In the discourse situation, the word has its place, value, weight, its own meaning and gloss, the scope and scope of the word, and even its subtle smell. It is also important to note that human body language - non-verbal means - plays an important role in increasing the attractiveness of speech. Human speech makes his identity and cultural level invisible. There is a lot of talk about the need to know vocabulary.
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720 бет.