YAK 378.046.4
Inna Koulkova
Doctor of Economics, Professor in Ural State University of Economics Department of Labor Economics and Human Resources Management
[email protected] 70-232, 8th of March Str., Yekaterinburg, Russia, 620144 +7 (982) 62-40-400
Abstract: The paper studies the formation process of the professional training system in customs authorities of the Russian Federation. The evolution has been traced of the additional professional education development of Russian customs officers since 1994. The Soviet period of customs officers' professional training has not been studied in this article. In contrast to other authors who distinguish usually only three or four stages in the development of systems that are described in the article, we highlight the fifth stage, which continues to the present. The structure of the retraining and advanced training system in customs authorities is analyzes in the article, which consists of six subsystems. The characteristics features are described of the fifth stage in the retraining and advanced training systems development in Russia. The prospects for the development of this system are given in the coming years.
Keywords: training and retraining; advanced training; customs; training systems development; professional education.
JEL Code: M 12; H 52.
The growing shortage of highly qualified manpower resources is becoming one of the main brakes of the state bodies' development, including customs. Russian Customs continues to develop rapidly, although it has been around for fifteen hundred years. In the 21st century, a new stage of customs business development has started in Russia [1]. We live in a very dynamic world, where the "half-life" period of knowledge is about 2-5 years. These and many others facts form the demand for continuing education of customs staff.
The system of customs personnel professional training is aimed at ensuring the continuous improvement of the officials and customs workers expertise level [2]. Questions of customs personnel training remain relevant [3; 4].
The purpose of this article is the analysis of development stages, the evaluation of modern condition and determining the development prospects of the customs authorities' professional training system in Russian Federation.
Development stages of professional training system in customs authorities of Russian Federation
The meeting of the Russian State Customs Committee (SCC) Collegium in March 16, 1994, can be considered as the beginning of the formation of existing customs personnel professional education system. At this meeting, the Program of implementation the HR policy in Customs Service the Russian Federation was approved for 1994-1995, which determined the training, retraining and advanced training system of customs officers as an integral part of this policy. In pursuance of Collegium decisions the Russian SCC' order was issued in August 15, 1994 № 414 "On improvement of the customs bodies' personnel initial training and education system," which defined the legal establishment of a regional training system.
There were such educational units of this system as Institute for Advanced Studies and Law Enforcement Institute of Russian Customs Academy, advanced training faculties of Russian customs academy branches, Personnel Training Divisions (PTD) of Regional Customs Directorates (RCD), training staff departments and branches of customs. Departments were created in all the customs offices where the number of employees was more than 300 people; and were subordinated to PTD of RCD. The regional training systems main task at that stage was the problem of the initial training employees coming to work in the customs authorities, and training inspectors by own strength in their places. The Order approved the Model Provisions and the authorized strength of these units. PTD along with its head included four staff units.
The meeting of SCC Collegium, 24 of November 1995, was entirely devoted to professional training. In accordance with its decisions the Order of Russian SCC was issued on December 18, 1995 № 750 "On the Development of customs personnel professional education system in Russian Federation", which envisaged step-by-step transformation PTD of RCD into Regional Training Centers of the Russian Customs Academy. The Order approved the Model Regulations for the Regional Training Center of the Russian Customs Academy and typical staffing structure, introduced a unified qualification certificate of customs official. However, most of its provisions were not implemented.
Soviet customs had a good practice of staff training through a political and economic training system in the workplaces. In the transition years this form of training was practically lost. A peculiar kind of this form resumption, but at a new level, is "profucheba" - the training of customs officials at their workplaces. The current procedure of profucheba organization for officers and employees of customs bodies in Russian Federation was approved by the order of The Russian Federal Customs Service (FCS) dated November 25, 2004 № 329
For twenty years objectives which were standing in front of a professional training system in the customs services, had a different focus depending on the customs needs and the Russian legislation in professional training sphere. Table 1 presents the main periods in the development of professional training system in customs bodies of Russian Federation [5, p.3].
Tab. 1: The main periods in the development of professional training system in customs bodies
of Russian Federation
Period The main content of the activity on the stage
1988-1993 (adaptation of the Soviet professional training system to the conditions oi the Customs Service of the Russian Federation) - creation of the Institute of training and retraining personnel in customs agencies and the network of zonal and interzonal training courses; - training of new personnel in their workplaces through mentoring and in the form of economic studies; - organization of targeted thematic seminars as necessary; - creation of the Russian Customs Academy and its three branches (in Vladivostok, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don).
1994-1996 (The number of the customs authorities intensive growth is completed, the formation and development of professional training system in customs bodies of Russian Federation) - transformation of zonal training courses into the structural divisions of the Regional Customs Directorates - the departments of personnel training, some of them had the right to independence; - creation of personnel training departments in customs, where the number of employees is more than 300 people (in customs, where the number was smaller - units); - formation of educational-methodical bases and logistical support for the organization of educational process and the implementation of educational tasks; - training a large number of employees who join the customs authorities, using a program "initial training" (198 classroom hours and 9 weeks of training at the workplaces), advanced training of personnel.
1997-2002 (gradual reduction of personnel training units staff numbers) - development of scientific and methodological basis to ensure educational activities, searching for the most effective methods of learning; - increasing the number of programs for refresher courses for inspectors, heads of departments and top- management of customs; - tutors and methodologists training in PTD for the customs system; - organization of customs officials profucheba at their workplaces (2 hours per week).
2003-2012 (bringing the training system to the optimal number of members and improving its quality) - ensuring compliance with requirements of Russian legislation in the additional vocational education of public civil servants sphere; - introduction of new educational and personnel technologies in order to manage the process of employees professionalism development.
2013-2016 (the transition from personnel training to the system to its system development based on the improvement of competences) - regulation and supervision of the individual plans implementation for professional development of civil servants - forming a unified system of personnel development: requirements for the competence of officials are identified; recruitment (selection), adaptation (through mentoring), work with the personnel reserve, assessment of the state customs officers are regulated; - introduction of distance learning and knowledge testing; - active development of customs authorities' international cooperation. redactor@
The most important result of the first stage was the creation of the Russian Customs Academy and its three branches (in Vladivostok, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don) based at the Institute of customs authorities employees advanced training and retraining and the network of zonal and interzonal training courses. Training specialists with a higher education for the customs service was carried out only in universities of Law and Economics up to that time. The number of customs bodies was negligible; training new personnel was conducted in their workplaces through mentoring and in the form of economic studies (weekly lessons taught by their own specialists, like [6]).
The second stage was characterized by a sharp increase in the number of customs authorities. It became necessary to ensure training for first-time recruited to the customs authorities as soon as possible, which led to the task of creating special units training in the customs authority structure. During that period, the transformation was performed of zonal training into the structural divisions of the regional customs departments - Personnel Training Divisions of Russian Customs Academy; some of them are independent training centers, where full-time staff of over 300 people, and others are offices. For the implementation of the educational process practicing teachers from among the best specialists of the customs authority were involved for vocational training directly at customs by the original program (198 hours of theoretical training + 306 hours of training at the workplaces); educational and methodological base was formed, logistics were purchased.
Until 2002 (the transition to the new conditions of service) personnel training system was stable, with some reduction in the number of students who trained by the additional professional education program.
After the Federal Law dated 27.07.2004 № 79-FZ "On State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" came into force it became necessary to increase the bandwidth of the additional professional education training departments. The following measures have been proposed for this purpose:
- Improving the training departments structure of additional professional education, which provides for the creation of the Russian Customs Academy (RSA) branches on the basis of the training departments in Siberian, Ural and Privolzhsky customs administrations, as well as the strengthening of RSA Advanced Training Institute and its branches by human resources;
- Technical equipment of PTD classrooms and training places (in the customs authorities without such departments) to enable the use of distance learning based on telecommunications technology;
- The introduction of new forms and training methods, including distance learning;
- Development and approval of new educational programs.
Serious attention was paid to the personnel training at this stage, several meetings of the SCC Collegium, and then the Federal Customs Service of Russia (FCS) were devoted to their solution, which were aimed for further improvement of the educational process, implemented by RSA and bringing it more practical orientation.
At the fourth stage the following steps have been taken to improve the quality of professional training, retraining and advanced training of customs officials, improving the educational process, implemented by educational departments of FCS (RSA and its affiliates, departments training of regional customs departments and customs):
- introduction of new information technologies in the training of customs officials: Training Situational-Analytical Center was mounted in the RSA and its branches, which were equipped for video and teleconferencing; learning was carried out for the leadership of the FCS of Russia -management team of the central office and regional customs departments;
- creation of subsystems for distance education of customs officials (13 teaching computer-classes acted, which were placed in RSA and its branches, regional customs offices and some customs). Departmental telecommunication network was used for the operation of this subsystem, transport network IP VPN is formed for educational purposes;
- education programs and teaching-topical plans for training customs officials were regularly maintained and updated in the units of RSA.
One of the system training tasks at that stage was to organize learning foreign languages [7] by staff and to examine them for giving bonuses to the basic salary for the knowledge and application of foreign language in their official activities. On average, 350-400 customs officials receive such bonus each year.
As a result the system has formed for retraining and advanced training of customs authorities in Russia, which contains six sub-systems in its structure:
1) retraining subsystem (elementary education) for newly hired employees;
2) inspectors' advanced training subsystem;
3) middle commanding staff advanced training subsystem;
4) senior commanding staff advanced training subsystem;
5) lecturer' advanced training subsystem;
6) profucheba subsystem for customs officers (training at their workplaces).
There are specific indicators of training, retraining and advanced training activity in RF customs authorities; some experience has accumulated in this field. However, the system of additional professional education did not have a well-established and effective links with other
areas of human resource management on that stage.
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The analysis of changes occurring in the system of additional professional training in the customs authorities allowed us to identify the beginning of the fifth period in development [8]. It is characterized primarily by the fact that a uniform system of personnel development is building up:
- requirements for officials' competences are identified - the methodological tools for the qualification requirements establishment for the civil service positions were designed in 2013 by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation;
- staff recruitment process is regulated through the designing Methodological tools for the organization of staff selection for filling vacant posts of state civil service by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation in 2013;
- activity has been structured for adaptation newly hired employees through the working-out by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation methodological tools on the application of mentoring in the civil service in 2013;
- training activities of civil servants is regulated by: The Procedure for the organization of professional training of customs authorities' officers and employees and The Procedure for the organization of additional professional education of customs authorities' officials and employees;
- operation with personnel reserve is improving through the application of Provision on the organization Procedure of professional leading cadres reserve development in customs bodies (on December 24, 2008 № 653);
- assessment of the state customs officials has changed into the complex one, which includes a public assessment in accordance with the methodological tools for the implementation of the comprehensive evaluation system of civil servants professional official activities, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation in 2013.
Besides integrated approach to the development of civil servants which is so explicit, the fifth stage is also characterized by the active implementation of distance learning and knowledge testing; by development of international cooperation between customs authorities.
The interaction of Russian Customs Service with foreign customs in the training sphere through international cooperation, were developing during all the period of additional professional education establishment of customs in the framework of the Customs Union and the WTO.
In accordance with the main activity directions of providing customs authorities in Russia with staff the professional training systems improvement includes:
- optimization of additional professional education systems structure by improving the organizational structure of RSA and creating representations in the Ural, Siberian and Privolzhsky regions, as well as restoration and reinforcement of training subdivision in customs;
- usage of modern achievements in the sphere of educational technologies, the distance learning implementation based on telecommunications technologies;
- organization of special training for RSA scientific-pedagogical personnel based on international standards in sphere of customs activity considering the forthcoming Russia's accession to the World Customs Organization, the accession to the Kyoto Convention and the necessity of customs legislations and procedures' unification;
- increase the teaching level in RSA by attracting highly qualified experts from the customs authorities, as well as specialists with academic degrees and titles;
- expansion the practice of traineeship in customs bodies of the Russian Federation for the RSA faculty;
- development of specialized training types, including the direction of "Law Protection Activity" in RSA;
- improvement of the admission students' system to RSA based on a training contract between the applicants and the customs authorities, which are mainly located in outlying areas of the Russian Federation, with an indication the paragraph about compulsory serve for three years after graduation in the relevant customs authority;
- expansion of the inter-agency and international cooperation scope in the sphere of training and advanced training; lend the assistance in training of qualified personnel to the customs services of States CIS-members (like [9]);
- usage of RSA capacity as the Regional Training Center of the World Customs Organization for an internship of customs officials in Russian Federation;
- further logistical, educational and methodical development of educational centers (on example [10]) and other training units in regional customs departments and customs (updating and replenishment of the technical training aids, introduction of electronic teaching materials, etc.);
- organization of HR-units officials training in customs authorities as an independent type of additional professional education.
Nowadays one of the most important tasks in the sphere of training is the need to implement legislation in the field of civil servants additional professional education.
To summarize, we can conclude that the Russian government understands the importance of
customs officials training; it does not leave this activity without proper attention improving the
professional level of Russian customs. For this purpose training infrastructure and staff training
system are created in the State Customs Committee, which are supported by legal and regulatory
framework and financial resources. The customs authorities' task is to implement this possibility efficiently for creating a modern Customs Service by using these resources. The professional training system of customs authorities appears as developing structure, which resolves quickly the challenges posed by socio-economic changes in the country.
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4. Thomas, A. Intercultural training // Gruppendynamik und Organisationsbertung. - 2009. - Т.: 40. - Is.: 2. - Р.: 128-152
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6. Petersone, M.; Krastins, A.V.; Ketners, K. In-Service Training System Organization Improvement at Customs Administrations / 15th Eurasia-Business-and-Economics-Society (EBES) Conference Inst Univ Lisboa, ISCTE, Lisbon, PORTUGAL публ.: JAN 08-10, 2015 // Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics. - 2016. - Том: 3-1. - Р.: 201-216
7. Krupchenko, A.K. Construction of educational programs in system of continuous vocational training of customs officials (for example, foreign language learning) [Text]: Author. Dis. cand. pedagogic. Sciences. / A.K. Krupchenko. - M., 1999. 25 p.
8. Semenov, N.V., Kulkova, I.A. Process Control System for professional development of civil servants of customs authorities. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Ural Mountains. state. ekon.un Press, 2014. - 178 p.
9. Nesbitt, M.W. Cross-Cultural Training / International Congress on Technology & Technology. -Technology & the World Around Us.; Pittsburgh, PA, USA; 1984
10. Alekseeva, L.N. Organizational-didactic support vocational training of customs officials (On an example of customs) [Text]: dis. ... Cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01, 13.00.08 / L.N. Alekseeva. -Murmansk, 2004 190 c. RSL OD, 61: 05-13 / 1076
Кулькова Инна Анатольевна
Доктор экономических наук, профессор ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный экономический университет»
Екатеринбург, Россия
Аннотация. Статья посвящена изучению процесса становления системы профессиональной подготовки кадров таможенных органов Российской Федерации. Прослежена эволюция развития системы дополнительного профессионального образования таможенных служащих в России с 1994 года. Советский период профессионального обучения работников таможни в статье не изучался. В отличие от других авторов, которые выделяют только три или четыре этапа в процессе развития системы, которые в статье охарактеризованы, мы выделяем пятый этап, продолжающийся по настоящее время. В статье анализируется структура системы переподготовки и повышения квалификации кадров таможенных органов РФ, которая состоит из шести подсистем. Охарактеризованы особенности пятого этапа в развитии системы переподготовки и повышения квалификации в России. Указаны перспективы развития данной системы в ближайшие годы.
Ключевые слова: подготовка и переподготовка кадров; повышение квалификации; таможенные органы; развитие системы образования; дополнительное профессиональное образование.
JEL коды: M 12; Н 52.
1. Таможенная служба: экономические слагаемые успеха, курс на сотрудничество [Текст]: материалы Всерос. науч.-практ. конф. (Екатеринбург, 16-17 октября 2013 г.) / редкол.: В. А. Мясников, Г. А. Бойкина, А. А. Долгих и др. - Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал. гос. экон. ун-та, 2013. - 350 с.
2. Бакушев, В.В., Демидов, Ф.Д. Профессиональное образование в начале нового века и подготовка государственных служащих [Текст] / В.В, Бакушев, Ф.Д. Демидов. - М.: Изд-во РАГС, 2003.- 128 с.
3. Hou, C. An Exploration on Integration of Custom Course System Based on Customs Risk Management / 5th International Conference on Education and Sports Education (ESE 2015) Melbourne, AUSTRALIA публ.: JAN 19-20, 2015 // Lecture Notes in Management Science. -2015. - Т.: 46. - С.: 141-146
4. Thomas, A. Intercultural training // Gruppendynamik und Organisationsbertung. - 2009. - Т.: 40. - Вып.: 2. - С.: 128-152
5. Анализ системы подготовки кадров таможенных органов Российской Федерации (1993-2008 годы) [Текст]/ Управление государственной службы и кадров ФТС России. - 2009.
6. Petersone, M.; Krastins, A.V.; Ketners, K. In-Service Training System Organization Improvement at Customs Administrations / 15th Eurasia-Business-and-Economics-Society (EBES) Conference Inst Univ Lisboa, ISCTE, Lisbon, PORTUGAL публ.: JAN 08-10, 2015 // Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics. - 2016. - Том: 3-1. - С.: 201-216
7. Крупченко, А.К. Построение образовательных программ в системе непрерывного профессионального образования сотрудников таможенных органов (на примере иноязычного обучения) [Текст]: автореф. дис. канд. педагогич. наук. / А.К. Крупченко. - М., 1999. 25 с.
8. Семенов Н.В., Кулькова И.А. Система управления процессом профессионального развития государственных служащих таможенных органов. - Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал. гос. экон.ун-та. - 2014. - 178 с.
9. Nesbitt, M.W. Cross-Cultural Training / International Congress on Technology & Technology. -Technology & the World Around Us.; Pittsburgh, PA, USA; 1984
10. Алексеева, Л.Н. Организационно-дидактическое обеспечение профессионального обучения должностных лиц таможенных органов (На примере таможни) [Текст]: дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.01, 13.00.08 / Л.Н. Алексеева. - Мурманск, 2004 190 с. РГБ ОД, 61:05-13/1076
Кулькова Инна Анатольевна
ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный
экономический университет»
ул. 8-е Марта, 70, офис 232,
г.Екатеринбург, РФ, 620144