Radjapova G.M.
faculty of preschool education Termiz State Pedagogical Institute
Annotation. In this article, we can learn about the system of work on the development of creative abilities in preparing preschoolers for schooling and how to carry out this work.
Key words: school, creativity, nature, thought, game, art, creativity, complex, leadership, imitation, green school.
It is of particular importance that children of preschool age acquire school knowledge well in the future, adapt to school easily, prevent problems that may arise in the child's personality, and involve children in preschool education organizations and include them in education. has According to scientific observations and researches, 70% of all the information that a person receives during his life is taken by the age of 5 years. In fact, during this period, a human child understands the world, learns his mother tongue, develops love for his parents, family, neighborhood, Motherland, and prepares the ground for the knowledge he will acquire throughout his life. The content and methods of preschool education are organized in an environment where the processes of the formation of the child's personality and his recognition as an independent person take place.
The preschool period is the period when the child develops motivation, self-expression, self-development, the ability to apply oneself, the desire to do something, and the desire to do something. During this period, the foundation is created for the development of the child as a person. It is in the pre-school period that universal human qualities are formed that help the child to be successful in all future activities and in life in general. Despite the fact that most of the psychological processes are developing in the form of a child, at each stage it rises to a new level, and the development of creative abilities obeys different laws. And by 5-6 years, reaching the peak of their development, they begin to fall. If, according to the results of these diagnostic methods, preschool children read 90% of the initial answers, by the age of 10 this number will decrease to 20%.
Adults are usually no more than 2%. Thus, if you do not pay attention to creative development, their development may not even stop from the beginning. It's fine to let kids create and play on their own, but sometimes you might want to change how the game works and use more senses in different ways. Give lots of praise for whatever your child does, be it singing or dancing. A holistic approach to education helps develop a child's unique gifts and talents while strengthening
all areas of intelligence. There are opportunities for children to grow emotionally, physically and intellectually through daily learning activities. Classrooms engage children in caring, learning "live" approaches that allow children to become confident problem solvers. Appreciate daily rhythms, which provide a sense of balanced structure, allowing children to feel, know and respond to the next situation. Arrange everything to contribute to the development of "child will" by setting children's perspectives and setting guidelines that teach children to expect.
We contribute to the same qualities in each child's "heart", responsibility, respect and compassion. Social skills are developed based on awareness; children feel warm in the classroom atmosphere, which encourages kindness and compassion, instills a sense of care and concern for themselves and others; we understand that a small child first of all gets acquainted with example and imitation. Ability to improve problem solving and creativity through creative free play. Listening and language learning through stories, music, poetry and fingers, music, everyday circles. Music integrates and harmonizes school life through a curriculum designed to develop each child's natural musicality - singing is integrated into everyday life. Strong and motor skills are enhanced through creative play, yoga, outdoor play, classroom activities, sewing, painting, crafts, art decorating, and writing tools in the oldest classroom.
We recognize that a young child learns primarily by imitation and example. Special attention is paid to creating an environment that contributes to the development of leadership and cooperation in the child's imagination and in the world. This week is rhythmically structured to include storytelling and puppetry, creative work and play, song and creative action, finger plays and games, crafts, artwork and stories. Ways to develop children's creativity are very simple. It is easy to organize them at home, even if the child does not even go to kindergarten or other preschool educational institutions. It requires minimal funds and equipment. Activities performed in this way are interesting not only for children, but also for adults.
Developing creativity and creative thinking in young preschool children is certainly not an easy task. However, parents will be successful if they approach the issue with a sincere desire to show their abilities in childhood. From a psychological point of view, preschool age is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities, because at this age children are very inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. Parents and teachers contribute to the expansion of children's experiences by stimulating curiosity, providing them with knowledge, and involving them in various activities. Accumulation of experience and knowledge is a prerequisite for future creative activity. In addition, the thinking of preschool children is much freer than that of older children. He is not yet "crushed" by stereotypes. Preschool childhood is also a sensitive period for the development of creative imagination. Thus, preschoolers provide excellent opportunities for the development of creativity.
And the creative potential of adults largely depends on how these opportunities were used in childhood. One of the most important factors of creative development of children is to create the following conditions: Early physical development of the child. It should be age appropriate. Creating an environment that is ahead of children's development. As much as possible, it is necessary to surround the child with such an environment and a system of relationships that will stimulate his most diverse creative activity and develop what he is most capable of developing at that moment. efficient. Give the child the opportunity to complete the task on his own, or help him by giving hints rather than ready-made answers and solutions. Giving the child more freedom in choosing an activity, in alternative situations. Don't turn freedom into permission.
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