Научная статья УДК 69.009.1
иХосейн Мехди Заде.
Хаваранский университет Мешхеда, г. Мешхед, Провинция Разави Хорасан, Иран [email protected]
Аннотация. Правильный выбор подрядчиков для любого проекта является одним из наиболее важных элементов принятия решений, поскольку результаты этого выбора окажут значительное влияние на выполнение проекта с точки зрения качества, времени и стоимости. Цель данного исследования состоит в изучении факторов, влияющих на выбор подрядчика в проектах развития муниципалитета г. Мешхеда, на основе использования модели Кано. Статистическая группа исследования состоит из 232 человек, которые являются руководителями и исполнителями программ развития муниципалитета г. Мешхед. Размер выборки определялся с помощью таблицы Моргана и простой процедуры случайной выборки. Для сбора данных использовалась стандартная анкета, основанная на модели Кано. Среди факторов выбора подрядчиков в модели Кано рассматривались: базовое качество, качество исполнения и удовлетворенность. Статистический анализ проводился в программе SPSS, для проверки гипотез использовались одновыборочные t-тесты Стьюдента, тест отношений (Z-тест) и критерий Фридмана. Внутренняя согласованность характеристик опросника, определявшаяся с помощью коэффициента альфа Кронбаха, составила 0,926. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что качество исполнения и удовлетворенность являются важными при выборе подрядчиков в проектах развития муниципалитета г. Мешхед на основе 95 % уверенности в базовом качестве. Согласно результатам исследования наиболее важным фактором, определяющим выбор подрядчиков в проектах развития муниципалитета г. Мешхед на основе модели Кано, является фактор «базового качества».
Ключевые слова: подрядчик, работодатель, строительный проект, модель Кано, основные качества
Для цитирования: Хосейн Мехди Заде. Определение важности факторов при выборе подрядчиков в строительных проектах на основе модели кано (на примере муниципалитета г. Мешхед) // Науч.-аналит. журн. «Вестник С.-Петерб. ун-та ГПС МЧС России». 2022. № 4. С. 70-80.
^Hossein Mehdi Zadeh.
Khavaran university of Mashhad, Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran
Abstract. The proper selection of contractors for any project is one of the most critical decision elements, as the outcomes of these selections will have a significant impact on the project's execution in terms of quality, time, and cost. This study aims to investigate the factors that influence contractor selection in Mashhad Municipality development projects using the Kano Model. The study's statistical population consists of 232 persons, who are all managers and executors of Mashhad Municipality development programs. The sample size was determined using
© Санкт-Петербургский университет ГПС МЧС России, 2022
the Morgan table and a simple random sampling procedure. The number of samples was 142, according to the statistical population. A standard questionnaire based on Kano Model was used to collect data. The Kano Model's dimensions are as follows: (basic quality, performance quality and excitement quality). One-sample t-student tests, ratio test (Z test), and Friedman test were used to analyze the SPSS program and test the hypotheses. The content provided the validity of the measuring instrument (questionnaire), and the total reliability of the research tool was 0,926. The findings suggest that performance quality and excitement quality are successful in the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects, based on the degree of relevance and 95 % confidence in the basic quality. The status of basic qualities, performance quality and excitement quality is greater than the average level, according to the sample t-test. The most important element determining the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects based on the Kano Model, according to the research findings, «is the issue of basic quality».
Keywords: contractor, employer, construction project, Kano model, basic qualities
For citation: Hossein Mehdi Zadeh. Determining the effective factors in the selection of contractors in construction projects based on the kano model (case study Mashhad municipality) // Scientific and analytical journal «Vestnik Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia». 2022. № 4. P. 70-80.
Development projects are important indications of a country's progress and development. The project execution phase of a building project is where the most money is spent. The wrong selection of contractors in construction projects is one of the leading causes of financial resource loss and project failure. One of the most important considerations that managers and decision-makers must make is which contractor to choose. There is currently no effective process for selecting a contractor that is based on modern management concepts, and little attention is paid to relevant scientific methodologies and procedures. Undoubtedly, there are various quantitative and qualitative indications in establishing contractor qualifications, such as the capacity to perform work, appropriate economic strength, quality, and so on, all of which are crucial for employers [1]. Contractors are regarded as an important and integral component of the project execution process when external forces are used. The proper selection of contractors for any project is one of the most critical decision elements, as the outcomes of these selections will have a significant impact on the project's execution in terms of quality, time, and cost [2].
Every year, the Mashhad Municipality assigns a significant number of projects to contractors who, as a result of not picking the correct contractor, experience failure or challenges in project implementation, either directly or indirectly. The lowest bid price is currently one of the most prevalent strategies for selecting contractors. However, it is evident that several quantitative and qualitative indications, all of the variable values in evaluating a contractor's qualification and rating, must be examined in the decision-making process. Since contractors are one of the primary pillars of construction projects and the key factor in transforming resources into the end product, managing the contractor assessment and selection is an important component of the building process. Considering that executive operations consume the majority of a construction project's budget, each project's execution necessitates the hiring of a qualified contractor, one with the requisite competencies to complete the project on schedule, within budget, and to the desired quality [3]. We can mention the technique of evaluating the criteria, not prioritizing the criteria, employing fewer multi-criteria decision-making tools, and so on, as examples of previous study challenges. The Kano Model is used to evaluate and choose contractors in this study. The variables impacting contractor evaluation and selection may be grouped into three categories using the Kano Model: quality, Excitement Quality, and motivating requirements. The Kano Model has several advantages, including a better understanding and identification of criteria, determining the priority of criteria, and making it easier for the primary contractors to make decisions [4].
The parameters determining the selection of component contractors are first determined by evaluating previous studies. The Kano Model questionnaire is then created utilizing the stated criteria. The criteria are divided into three categories using the weighted mean frequency analysis method: basic quality, functional requirements, and motivating requirements of the Kano Model.
Fereshtian [1] used neural networks to study the primary components while recruiting component contractors in order to maintain quality and save project time. In research, Kateb [5] used the fuzzy Delphi approach to identify the dimensions, components, and criteria for assessing the competence and selection of contractors in municipal development projects in Tehran's third district, ranking and weighing them using the best-worst method. Karbakhsh Ravari et al. [6] took a calculated selection while selecting project managers. Russell and Skibniewski [7] conducted research in Hong Kong on how to choose a contractor for minor construction projects. Through a thorough empirical study done in the United Kingdom, Ang and Slaughter [8] investigated the divergence of arbitration (decision) criteria used by various consulting companies in pre-evaluating contractors. Considering the foregoing, and given that the management evaluation and selection of a contractor for construction project outsourcing is an important component of the construction process, construction projects are considered one of the most important projects in Mashhad Municipality because of their strategic importance and high costs of implementation. As much as improving the quality of such projects is strategically and socially important for the municipality, it is equally important to implement and operate them on time and with quality. As previously said, one of the most serious issues in building projects is the imposition of additional expenditures on project employers if proper contractor selection is neglected. The greatest challenge in building projects is the unpredictability of work being completed on time and on budget, which may be addressed by employing adequate management tools to pick the correct contractors. It is vital to perform more scientific research in this respect due to the necessity of selecting suitable contractors for Mashhad Municipality development projects. As a result of the absence of necessary research in this sector in Mashhad Municipality, such a study is required to properly evaluate and analyze all elements of the issue, as well as to explain the link between these key variables. In addition, to give acceptable solutions for Mashhad Municipality management based on the research findings so that they may review and plan to pick suitable contractors for building projects.
As a result, the current research provides an answer to the following major question:
What variables influence contractor selection in Mashhad Municipality development projects using the Kano Model?
The current research was descriptive-correlational. All 232 managers and operators of development projects in Mashhad Municipality were included in the study's statistical population. The sample was chosen using a basic random sampling procedure. The sample size was determined using the Morgan table. The number of samples is 142 managers and executives of Mashhad municipality development initiatives, according to the statistics population.
The standard Kano Model questionnaire, which comprises three dimensions (basic qualities, functional requirements, and motivational requirements), was utilized to gather data in the field component of the questionnaire. The following are the items 1 to 25 of the questionnaire linked to the factors influencing contractor selection in Mashhad Municipality development projects based on the Kano Model:
The dimension of basic qualities is connected to indicators (1 to 8) of the questionnaire of variables impacting the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects.
The dimension of performance quality is connected to indicators (9 to 17) of the questionnaire of variables impacting the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects.
The dimension of motivating needs is connected to indicators (18 to 25) of the questionnaire of variables impacting the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects.
The research instrument was authorized by reputable supervisors and consultants, as well as a number of professionals in the field of research, to ensure that the questionnaires were legitimate. Following the acquisition of the point of view, it was rectified before the final questionnaire was developed. The material has been used to determine the validity of the measuring tool (questionnaire).
The questionnaire's reliability was determined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. In the program output, this result is 0,926, indicating the questionnaire's overall dependability.
In SPSS software, descriptive statistics such as dispersion indices and inferential statistics such as one-sample t-student, ratio test (Z test), and Friedman test were used to examine the data.
Since the hypotheses were tested using SPSS software, correlation coefficient and regression procedures were employed. This method's assumptions must be examined and authorized before it can be used. The assumptions are based on maximum likelihood and generalized least squares techniques, as well as the existence of distance variables and a normal distribution. As a result, it is important to confirm the normal distribution of the obtained data in order to utilize the program. The data was checked for normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Table 1 shows the results of these tests, which were computed using SPSS software.
Table 1. The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to determine the normal distribution
of the main variables
Excitement quality Performance quality Basic quality
142 142 142 Sample volume
65 % 65,4 % 72,2 % Mean Normal distribution parameters
0,517 0,352 0,580 Standard deviation
0,136 0,175 0,123 Test statistics
0,73 0,078 0,065 Significance level
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was performed with a 5 % error threshold. In this scenario, the data can be judged to be normal if the significance level in this test is more than 0,05. Otherwise, the data distribution cannot be described as normal. The assumption of normality of all study variables is validated by the above table and significance level values.
Factors affecting the selection of Kano Model-based contractors
According to the Kano Model, the following factors influence contractor selection in Mashhad Municipality development projects (basic qualities, performance qualities and excitement qualities).
Fig. Comparing the mean factors affecting the Kano Model-based contractors selection from the view of respondents
According to the data in Figure, the basic quality factor has the greatest average, and the motivating factor has the lowest mean among the factors impacting the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects based on the Kano model. Considering the range used in the scores of this variable, the average score of scores can be considered as 50 % and thus, the average scores obtained for all factors affecting the selection of contractors in the development projects of Mashhad Municipality based on the Kano model is higher than average. As a result, the most significant criteria in selecting contractors for building projects in Mashhad Municipality should be the fundamental requirements (project safety, dependability, and durability).
Ranking of factors affecting the Kano model-based contractors selection
From the perspective of respondents, the Friedman test was used to rank the factors influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects based on the Kano model. The Friedman test is a prioritizing test that compares the mean ranks of k variables within a group (groups). The null hypothesis in this test is that the mean rankings of the groups are comparable or that the null hypothesis is rejected if there are at least two significant differences between the groups. Table 2 shows the results of the computations and the statistics for this test.
Table 2. The results of the Friedman test to compare the factors affecting the selection of contractors
44 Mean Chi-square test Degree of freedom P-value
Basic quality 69
Performance quality 62,4 62,629 4 0,000
Excitement quality 66,2
Since the probability of the Friedman test is less than the significance level of the test, which is 0,05 (P-value=0,05), ranking the factors affecting the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality construction projects based on the Kano Model considering the Friedman test is significant at the error level of 0,05, according to the results obtained from Table 2.
As a result, Table 3 shows the prioritizing of the three Kano model variables (fundamental qualities, performance qualities, and excitement qualities) based on the respondents' judgments in order of priority (according to the mean Friedman test scores) in the continuation of this section. The table's results show which factor is the most significant to the respondents. The basic qualities component is the most significant factor determining the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality building projects based on the Kano Model, according to the data obtained in the above table.
Table 3. Friedman test results to prioritize the factors affecting the selection of contractors from the view of respondents
Variable Rank mean Priority
Basic qualities 69 First
Performance qualities 62,4 Third
Excitement qualities 66,2 Second
The excitement quality element comes in second after the essential quality component, while the performance quality factor is the least important. As a result, with a 95 % confidence interval, it can be claimed that «the element of basic qualities is the most significant component among the three variables determining the selection of contractors in the development projects of Mashhad Municipality based on the Kano model».
Hypotheses testing
1. The selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is influenced by basic qualities.
To assess which of the sources of human error is above average, the sample t-test is employed to answer the above hypothesis (50). Indeed, the following are the test's hypotheses: The basic qualities affecting the selection of contractors are below average. The basic qualities affecting the selection of contractors are above average.
|Ho :j< 50 [H1 : j > 50 '
The statistics of this test is t-student which is as follows:
t _ x - ju ° s/Vn'
where x - the mean of the basic qualities influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects; s - standard deviation of the obtained data or the degree of dispersion in the opinions of the respondents; n - sample size or number of respondents; / - the assumed value in the community means, which is equal to 50 points and is deemed the average of the data interval; t0 - the value of the test statistic, which follows the t-student distribution with the (n - 1) degree of freedom.
The findings are provided in the table below, based on the previous explanations and after estimating the appropriate parameters and computing the test statistics.
It is feasible to compare the test statistic with the value of the t-student distribution table or P-value , more conveniently, the probability test to assess the significance of the mean score of the respondents with a value of 50 so that if:
P - value <a_ °.°5, t0 > tn-i,i-„ _ t214,0/95 _198.
At the level of significance of the test, the zero-statistical hypothesis, or more precisely, the hypothesis of the low status of the basic quality influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects, was rejected. It can be inferred that the status of the basic qualities influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is better than average.
The descriptive statistics for the variables, as well as the result of the t-student test to determine the significance of the influence of the subjects' mean scores, are presented in the table below.
Table 4. Student test to check the status of the basic qualities factor affecting the selection of contractors
Factors affecting the contractors selection Number Mean Standard deviation Degree of freedom t-statistics value P-value
Basic qualities 142 72,2 0,580 140 35,21 0,000
Table 4 shows that the quantity of Student's t-statistic and P-value acquired about the status of the basic qualities determining the selection of contractors in Mashhad municipal development projects is above average, based on the views and opinions of the selected respondents since the calculated probability value, or P-value is less than the test's significance threshold (P-value=0,000<0,05). As a result, it can be inferred, with a 95 % confidence level, that basic qualities impact the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects.
2. The selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is influenced by performance quality.
To assess which of the sources of human error is above average, the sample t-test is employed to answer the above hypothesis (50). Indeed, the following are the test's hypotheses:
The factor of performance qualities affecting the selection of contractors is below average.
The factor of performance qualities affecting the selection of contractors is above average.
IX: / 50 ;
[H1: /> 50
t _ x - J
° s /4n
The findings are provided in the table below, based on the previous explanations and after estimating the appropriate parameters and computing the test statistics.
It is feasible to compare the test statistic with the value of the t-student distribution table or P-value , more conveniently, the probability test to assess the significance of the mean score of the respondents with a value of 50 so that if:
P - value <a_ °.°5, t0 > tn-u-a_ t214,0/95 _198.
At the level of significance of the test, the zero-statistical hypothesis, or more precisely, the hypothesis of the low status of the performance qualities influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects, was rejected. It can be inferred that the status of the performance qualities influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is better than average.
The descriptive statistics for the variables, as well as the result of the t-student test to determine the significance of the influence of the subjects' mean scores, are presented in the table below.
Table 5. Student test to check the status of the performance qualities factor affecting the selection of contractors
Factors affecting the contractors selection Number Mean Standard deviation Degree of freedom t-statistics value P-value
Performance qualities 142 65,4 0,352 141 29,53 0,000
Table 5 shows that the quantity of Student's t-statistic and P-value acquired about the status of the performance qualities determining the selection of contractors in Mashhad municipal development projects is above average, based on the views and opinions of the selected respondents since the calculated probability value, or P-value is less than the test's significance threshold (P-value=0,000<0,05). As a result, it can be inferred, with a 95 % confidence level, that the performance qualities impact the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects.
3. The selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is influenced by excitement quality.
To assess which of the sources of human error is above average, the sample t-test is employed to answer the above hypothesis (50). Indeed, the following are the test's hypotheses:
The factor of excitement qualities affecting the selection of contractors is below average.
The factor of excitement qualities affecting the selection of contractors is above average.
|H : j< 50 ;
[H1 : j > 50
t _ x - j
° s /4n
The findings are provided in the table below, based on the previous explanations and after estimating the appropriate parameters and computing the test statistics.
It is feasible to compare the test statistic with the value of the t-student distribution table or P-value, more conveniently, the probability test to assess the significance of the mean score of the respondents with a value of 50 so that if:
P - value <a _ °.°5, to > tn-11-a _ t214,0/95 _198.
At the level of significance of the test, the zero-statistical hypothesis, or more precisely, the hypothesis of the low status of the excitement qualities influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects, was rejected. It can be inferred that the status of the excitement qualities influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is better than average.
The descriptive statistics for the variables, as well as the result of the t-student test to determine the significance of the influence of the subjects' mean scores, are presented in the table below.
Table 6. Student test to check the status of the excitement qualities factor affecting the selection of contractors
Factors affecting the contractors selection Number Mean Standard deviation Degree of freedom t-statistics value P-value
Excitement qualities 142 65 0,517 139 30,75 0,000
Table 6 shows that the quantity of Student's t-statistic and P-value acquired about the status of the excitement qualities determining the selection of contractors in Mashhad municipal development projects is above average, based on the views and opinions of the selected respondents since the calculated probability value, or P-value is less than the test's significance threshold (P-value=0,000<0,05). As a result, it can be inferred, with a 95 % confidence level, that the excitement qualities impact the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects.
Discussion and conclusion
In the project implementation phase, as construction projects get larger and more complex, the need for more human, equipment, and financial resources becomes apparent. Contractors, as the project's executive arm, face these issues now more than ever. To address these issues, businesses should modify and enhance their assessment method for contractor selection under current conditions and replace it with newer and more relevant models. The majority of the research on the subject of contractor assessment and selection has been done by defining criteria and weighing them through experts and specialists rather than using a model that can categorize and rank these criteria. The Kano Model was used in this study to categorize and prioritize the parameters impacting the selection of contractors for Mashhad municipal construction projects. The Kano Model is utilized in the field of measuring consumer satisfaction with products.
Since the probability of the Friedman test is less than the significance level of the test, which is 0,05 (P-value=0,000<0,05), it was used to rank the factors affecting the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects based on the Kano model from the perspective of respondents. As a result, ranking the factors influencing contractor selection in Mashhad Municipality building projects using the Kano model and Friedman test is significant at the 0,05 error level. As a result, the most important element influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects based on the Kano model is the fundamental needs component. The excitement qualities component comes in second after the basic quality factor, while the performance quality factor is the least important. With a 95 % confidence interval, it can be claimed that: «The basic quality factor is the most significant component among the three factors determining the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality's development projects based on the Kano Model».
The findings revealed that the basic qualities have an impact on the selection of contractors for Mashhad Municipality development projects. The sample t-test was applied and examined to answer the aforementioned hypothesis. At the level of significance of the test, the statistical zero hypothesis, or more precisely, the hypothesis of the low status of the basic qualities determining the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects, was rejected. Consequently, the status of the basic qualities determining the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is higher than average. Since the probability value or P-value obtained is less than the level of significance of the test, the status of the essential conditions determining the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is greater than the average level (P-value=0,000<0,05). As a result, the basic criteria influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects may be concluded, with a 95 % confidence interval, from the respondents' point of view that the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is influenced by basic qualities. The findings of this theory are consistent with those of Fereshtian [1] and Zaki et al. [9].
According to the findings of the study, performance qualities have an impact on the selection of contractors for Mashhad Municipality development projects. The sample t-test was applied and examined to answer the aforementioned hypothesis. The zero-statistical hypothesis, or more precisely, the hypothesis of the low status of performance qualities influencing contractor selection in Mashhad Municipality construction projects, was rejected at the level of significance of the test (i.e. a=0,05), and it can be concluded that the status of performance qualities influencing contractor selection in Mashhad Municipality development projects is higher than the average level.
Since the probability value or P-value obtained is less than the level of significance of the test, the status of the basic qualities impacting the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is greater than the average level (P-value=0,000<0,05). With a 95 % confidence interval on the respondents' perceptions of the state of the performance qualities influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects, it can be inferred that: contractor selection in Mashhad Municipality development projects is influenced by performance qualities. The conclusions of this theory are comparable to those of Fereshtian [1] and Sadrabadi et al.'s investigation [10].
The hypothesis of the low status of excitement qualities affecting the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality construction projects has been rejected at the level of significance of the test (i.e. a=0,05), and it can be concluded that the status of the basic qualities affecting the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is higher than the average level. Because the probability value or P-value obtained is less than the level of significance of the test, the status of the basic qualities impacting the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is greater than the average level (P-value=0,000<0,05). As a result, using a 95 % confidence interval and considering the respondents' perspectives on the state of the excitement qualities influencing the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects, it can be determined that the selection of contractors in Mashhad Municipality development projects is influenced by their excitement levels. The conclusions of this hypothesis' findings are comparable to those of Zaki et al.'s investigations [9]. According to the findings of the study, the municipality should pay greater attention to the discussion of the contractor's capacity to complete the project. In reality, research shows that the skill of the contractor is the most crucial factor to consider when hiring a contractor. Innovation, the utilization of new technology, optimal performance, and the contractor's expertise should all be taken into account in this scenario. The research's statistical population is confined to managers and executives working on Mashhad Municipality development initiatives, making it impossible to extrapolate the findings to other firms. Other multi-criteria decision-making approaches might be used in a future study to rank and pick the best contractor, with the findings compared to the Kano model assessment method.
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Информация о статье:
Статья поступила в редакцию: 31.10.2022; одобрена после рецензирования: 22.11.2022; принята к публикации: 28.11.2022
The information about article:
The article was submitted to the editorial office: 31.10.2022; approved after review: 22.11.2022; accepted for publication: 28.11.2022
Сведения об авторах:
Хосейн Мехди Заде, департамент инжинирингового управления в строительстве Хаваранского университета Мешхеда (Иран, Провинция Разави Хорасан, г. Мешхед, бульвар Фаллахи, д. 4), e-mail: [email protected]
Information about the authors:
Hossein Mehdi Zadeh, construction and execution management engineering department from Khavaran university of Mashhadm (Iran, Razavi Khorasan Province, Mashhad, Fallahi Blvd, 4), e-mail: [email protected]