For citation: Yang Jinyu. Design of the automatic doffing car for the single-side small cloth roll //
URL: http://rectors.altstu.rU/ru/periodical/archiv/2021/2/articles/4_5.pdf DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2021.02.014
UDK 004 + 677.054
Design of the automatic doffing car
for the single-side small cloth roll1
Yang Jinyu1'2
■¿Z.snZ'^ 1,2
1 Hubei Digital Textile Equipment Key Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation,
Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073, China 2 Yichang Jingwei Textile Machinery Co., Ltd., Yichang 443000 E-mail: [email protected]
i "mmmx^, ««^-raKi^fi^^ts, ^u 430073
2 ^n 443000
E-mail: [email protected]
0 B\m
m&ffim [2],
1 ^^^^
^ [1]. gsMf^^^Tm-^^^: -^Mrrftm
^xTfm rrfm^MT^«^, f^^rfm
XT»; AGV /Jv£,
1 This paper was supported by the Chinese Research Foundation: 51175385; 2012AAA07-02; 2014BHE010.
2 ъ-шш-шттъшцттш [2019AEE011].
Наука и образование Большого Алтая Выпуск 2(15)'2021 87
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) AGV /J^; 7) fiB
Fig. 1. Dropping mechanism 1) Cloth roller hook; 2) Cloth doffing machine base; 3) Universal wheel; 4) Active sprocket; 5) Lifting unit guide plate; 6) AGV trolley; 7) Cloth roller
2 fcWftft&tt 2.1
^mm. ^m^m^n^, mmm, mrm ¿mm^m+i m^, s ^ma^M^^«^^, mmm{mm^mn±.Tfm,
® 2 ^msimbffl
1) 2) mm; 3) 4) mm^; 5) ^^^ Fig. 2. Simplified diagram of the transmission device 1) Chain; 2) Drum; 3) Drive sprocket; 4) Reducer; 5) Electric motor
2.1.1 ШШШШ
яяшзд^эд, тштшшшж
ШЖЛШ Т ШМШ. [3], т=30 MPa, Ao ^/Nt, Ao=112mm,
dmin = А0Т = 112 X3¡955-4 = 12.1mm
Щ^ШтЖ, dmin=16mm.
°са =
_ ¡МЕ+(аТl)2 _ ^-6032.622 + (0.75X--886)2 _ = 0.1X353
= 7.85 MPa
^ТЖЧШ, mm 45 ^Ш^ШЗД^, Ш^ЩЩ G-i=60MPa.
3 Я^:
Наука и образование Большого Алтая
m 3 3EzM$É Fig. 3. Drive sprocket
2.2 frft^^^KftW
m 4
Fig. 4. Lifting unit guide plate
тш^тшл agv шй^м^, жштжт, хшта, шщ
^тшм, [4]. шщтт^шшшшш, agv
ш. 48vdc тшшя agv ттмтм, шшшпъ, шшшт 4 ^тшжъ [7]. шш 5 тк
Ш 5 МЖЛ^ AGV Fig. 5. Two-way embedded AGV
4 ятяшляк
«»зд^ляя^п, ^ш^зшл^мшшл, матей
^^©-^ЙТ^Л, 1000N. т
45 ^»ШШда.
Fig. 6. Finite element analysis results of cloth roller hooks
Наука и образование Большого Алтая
^flMXMn 1000N ft^Att, A A 36MPa, l&m 45 530MPa, 0.29, W
530MPa/[2X(1+0.29)]=242MPa. ^«WA^AA ^ 242MPa. i^^. 6 15
f 6.2,
, tea
m [6], ^MArrf^a-^m^mrn
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