For citation: Zhao Jia, Zhang Meng-ying, Luo Wei, Cui Xiao-long, Chai Xv-hui, Yang Li-ye. Design of intelligent home control system based on ZigBee // URL: http://rectors.altstu.rU/ru/periodical/archiv/2020/1/articles/4_13.pdf DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2020.01.021
UDK 004.896
Design of intelligent home control system based on ZigBee
Zhao Jia1, Zhang Meng-ying1, Luo Wei1, Cui Xiao-long1, Chai Xv-hui1, Yang Li-ye1
1 Hubei Digital Textile Equipment Key Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation,
Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430073, China E-mail: [email protected]
mmm^rnmm cm scs) mmimm,
mm^mmmm, mmmmim^mmmmm^mmm. mm m, mmrntm^m^^imtt
ma aum^m^mmm^
ffi^ [1]. r^m mmm^mm^m^ pc,
mmm (+£) mrnm&m, mmmmx mmmmmm,
mmrn^mmmm [2]. mmmm^mmm^ pc (if®^) #
mmim^m, mm^mrn, ¿m m®,
Figure 1. General design
2 шшяш
IAR810 ШОД^ЙЛ TI (ШШ^) CC2530
ШМШМ, USB ^фиш^, шштш^шш
ш^тттш. CC2530 ieee 802.15.4 я
Наука и образование Большого Алтая» 159 ВЫПУСК 1'2020
ZigBee/Pro CC2530 ^^Ift^WTO I/O,
Wft^^M [3]. Zigbee "HomeRF Lite", "RF- EasyLink" ^ "firefly" %
gmm^ Zigbee [4]. iM ZigBee, AiDfflMUHM®
mmmrn Zigbee [5].
^M^ ZigBee
(coordinator) ^P^rn (End Device), LED3
IWffl USB iEt^« (coordinator) fr^
m 2 m^m^m
Figure 2. Physical hardware diagram
ZigBee fû^ÉWM^ (coordinator), fgM
[6]. (End Device)
(End Device)
«Grand Altai Research & Education»
m 3 m^rnm
Figure 3. Software flow chart
otwm^ (coordinator) n, t^T&MAmmimmmmm wmm, (coordinator) mffift^ffig-^&^m&aam,
M^tm (End Device) If,
wm^m mmmmmm-^rnmmmmmm, mmmrnmma
po_5 □, m&, po_5 ^mmx o, wa mswma t, mma '0', m
a, mktmm (End Device) wfM^s®, mM^amam^^^-^am, ^
mmmmmm^mmmmn-im^mimmw '0' m 'i', m^s
ies^mM-^am^« (coordinator).
Наука и образование Большого Алтая»
Grand Altai Council of HEI Chancellors Network Edition
Figure 4 upper computer interface
mmtmmm^m^mmmbmmmmm, m^sa
ZigBee rnm&msmm, pc
ti^mmm iim af mmMmm^
mm^&mmm 7. ^««^»«^aima,
m^^n&m 20, ^«aimm %
mRm^mm, mmmmimRmMmM,
LED fifi^k.
4 mm^^m^s
^^ ZigBee fi^mm^mmmrnm^^ 2 ^ ZigBee m, -^A «1 -wmim^, s pc a ®
IAR810 ^afrfi, wm^ (coordinator)
®a usb mmm pc tr^p, m^&m
fm^t^?, ffl USB (coordinator), m^t^ffi,
^fr^p, (End Device) stemi^^^m^p
?£wabt, wabt,
«Grand Altai Research & Education»
m5 mm^m m6 m^rnm
Figure 5. Experimental system Figure 6. Flow chart of experiment
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