For citation: Shu Xing, Ding Junwu. The Study on laser marking glass fiber material // URL:
DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2020.01.014
UDK 520.874
The Study on laser marking glass fiber material
12 12 Shu Xing ' , Ding Junwu '
1 School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430073, China; 2 Hubei Digital Textile Equipment Key Laboratory, Wuhan, 431700, China; E-mail: [email protected]
0 Slg
mm, rn^, ttmL
asm m&nx^^m, [2].
mmmmmmM^mmm^x^nxm^r^mmm, mm^^m
m^immmmm, [3].
m. mmmmm-xrn^mm [4].
m i ft^^x^rnam
1 - X-iMft; 2 - &mk 3 - Y-iMft; 4 - 5 - 6 - F-0 iMft; 7 -
Figure 1 Working principle of fiber laser machine 1- X-galvo mirror; 2 - reflector; 3 - Y-galvo mirror; 4 - laser beam; 5 - marking pattern;
6 - F-0 galvo mirror; 7 - Laser
femmmmm, mmm^mmMm^mmmmmamimA, s mmmumm^mmm^nmAimm, «ffim^mrni
^^ D/A ^^W^Mmi«, x y
rnmimrnti [5].
f-0 MmM^at^rn.
, ^^^^ SiO2, B2O3, Na2O,
Al2O3, CaO, MgO m.
mmmm, mmuwrnxu ^m^mum^mmm^R^mrnm^
m, imm
тттжлнш, мшмяш&тт, ттш, шшшш
■Ш^ВДПХ&ШЭЖ [7].
m 2
Figure 2. Laser marking effect on glass fiber material
wftrnm, B/wm^M^m ma ^w^: mmmm^^mm^; ioow, 220V,
MME 0^s, ^ME 150^s, ^ME 100^8, ^MME 0^s.
«Mfm^M^x^x, m^m, rnmrn,
mmm^^, -nu^mA^mm^uum logo",
b, , : M^m 100%, n
2000mm/s, E^M^ 67KHz, Q 250ns.
Figure 3. Fiber laser Figure 4. Glass fiber raw materials
100W, ffi^WlHm ^Mmotw^J, x 100%.
mi. ^mMft^mrmrnM
Table 1. Marking effect at different laser powers
«ft^* (W) (KHZ) ffftfSS (mm/s) »tf ffiS (ns)
100 67 2000 250 mmmrm
90 67 2000 250
80 67 2000 250 immmt
70 67 2000 250 m-femm, ^t^s
60 67 2000 250
'tlkV lui«
m 5 TOM^ wra^f*^
Figure 5. Laser marking effect at different laser powers
t^mmm^mmrn^, mm®
Table 2. Marking effect at different pulse frequencies
ЖЛЙ* (W) Е^Щ^ (khz) ff te®® (mm/s) Е?ФЙ® (ns)
90 50 2000 250
90 67 2000 250
90 80 2000 250
90 85 2000 250 МММ, ЙЙ^м
mul l и-.л! •
IT* * ».- •
Шг-^г н-ш
... -
m6 ^»^MWimxii^M
Figure 6. Laser marking effect at different pulse frequencies
3.3 ff
тз. ^шшштттм
T rable 3. Marking effect at different marking speeds
Ж^Й* (W) Е^®^ (khz) ff te®® (mm/s) Е^Й® (ns) ffte^S
90 67 1000 250
90 67 2000 250 щшМ, fe^^^, штт
90 67 3000 250
90 67 4000 250 Mfem ШХВДЖ
90 67 6000 250 ГШШ,
m 7
Figure 7. Laser marking effect at different marking speeds
Table 4. Marking effect under different pulse widths
(W) JEW» (KHZ) ffte&K (mm/s) EWS® (ns)
90 67 2000 100
90 67 2000 175
90 67 2000 200
90 67 2000 300
90 67 2000 400
100ns' 2( )0n.' » • 0 4
• i 11 • î * ' M ' 1 h4«««t*l• • , « « t » • « » <» • ♦ 1
. i f i 1 i 1
m 8 ^iiETO^ftim^&m
Figure 8. Marking effect at different pulse widths
(1) 90%, ^
tTfÄl^tWM, 80%-90% HH^gffÄ
(2) E^MMÄ, fi^Ää 80KHz,
67kHz .
(3) 1500mm/s, «J^W
2000mm/s ^SfM^.
(4) ^^ÄT^mi^^^im fi^ 175ns ^^PJMMh,
B/WÄ 175ns.
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