Научная статья на тему 'DEMINERALIZATION OF SEA WATER'

DEMINERALIZATION OF SEA WATER Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
sea water / electroactivation process / degree of purification.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Tupytskyi B.

A study of the method of minimizing energy costs in the technology of sea water demineralization by reverse osmosis has been carried out. It is proposed to use the preliminary treatment of water by the method of electroactivation, as a complex effective process of demineralization with associated purification from organic substances and prevention of deposits on membranes. The dependences of the parameters of electrochemical action on the composition of seawater have been determined, graphical dependences of the degree of water purification on various parameters (current strength, voltage, distance between electrodes, time of electroactivation, volume of sampling of acidic water in the process of unipolar electroactivation) have been obtained. The analytical control of the process was carried out and the technology of demineralization was proposed as a method of using the electrochemical activation process in the preparation of seawater for the stage of membrane purification.

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Текст научной работы на тему «DEMINERALIZATION OF SEA WATER»

2. Serdyuchenko V. Features of the architecture of high-rise buildings // V. Serdyuchenko / The Scientific Heritage. - 2021. - № 60-1 (60). - C. 45-48.

3. Ivanov AV Industrial buildings and structures. examination // A. V. Ivanov, L. A. Akimova, V. N. Lisitsky, V. V. Markov, N. N. Suleimanov / Modern science: actual problems and ways to solve them. -2016. - No. 1 (23). - S. 56-59.

4. Serdyuchenko V. M. Mathematical modeling in construction // V. M. Serdyuchenko, A. E. Sergeev / Trends in the development of science and education. 2020. - № 61-3. - S. 64-67.

5. Serdyuchenko V. Improving the human environment through neopositivist and environmentally friendly building materials // V. Serdyuchenko, A. By-chkov / The Scientific Heritage. - 2020. - №° 46-1 (46). - C. 46-47.

6. Murkin VV One-story industrial buildings made of prefabricated reinforced concrete // VV Murkin, II Shishov / Student Forum. - 2019. - No. 20-1 (71). - S. 81-82.

7. Kostin V. I. Industrial buildings with efficient use of energy // V. I. Kostin, V. I. Kostin / Proceedings of higher educational institutions. Building. -1999. -№ 9 (489). - S. 70-73.


Tupytskyi B.

Postgraduate, Department of Chemical Technologies and Water Treatment,

Cherkasy State Technological University Cherkasy, Ukraine


A study of the method of minimizing energy costs in the technology of sea water demineralization by reverse osmosis has been carried out. It is proposed to use the preliminary treatment of water by the method of electroac-tivation, as a complex effective process of demineralization with associated purification from organic substances and prevention of deposits on membranes. The dependences of the parameters of electrochemical action on the composition of seawater have been determined, graphical dependences of the degree of water purification on various parameters (current strength, voltage, distance between electrodes, time of electroactivation, volume of sampling of acidic water in the process of unipolar electroactivation) have been obtained. The analytical control of the process was carried out and the technology of demineralization was proposed as a method of using the electrochemical activation process in the preparation of seawater for the stage of membrane purification.

Keywords: sea water, electroactivation process, degree of purification.

State of the problem

One of the main problems of the integrated processing of seawater into technological (for example, for the Port Plant, Odessa) is their high mineralization, as well as organic and biological deposits during demin-eralization at the stages of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis.

Today, about 90% of the total capacity of desalination plants in the world is provided by distillation single-, multi-stage and thermocompression plants. The distillation method is energy-intensive, therefore, the use of installations is advisable in those regions of the world that have sufficient energy resources. If distillation, freezing or reverse osmosis are effective for water with a salt content of more than 10 g / l, then at a lower salt content (2 ~ 3 g / l), the ion-exchange method is recommended, and in the salt concentration range of 2.5~10 g / l - electrodialysis or reverse osmosis. Each of these methods has both positive and negative qualities and is applied within certain concentration limits. New developments carried out by the ICCWC of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the production of demineralized water offer complex multistage water purification schemes with the processing of concentrated brines. The most difficult part of the salt extraction technology is to reduce the content of. CO 32-, SO42-, Cl- ions with 25000 21000 mg/dm3 till 2500mg/ dm3. These processes are very energy intensive and costly. In addition, methods such as electrodialysis,

reverse osmosis, sodium cationization are economically feasible to apply only when the mineralization is below 2500+100 mg/dm3. Thus, the urgent task is to prepare seawater for membrane technology by preliminary demineralization.

Proposal of the problem solve

It is proposed to use the complex preparation of highly mineralized water by the method of electrochemical activation.

Electrochemical activation is a physical-chemical process, a combination of electrochemical and electro-physical effects on water in the space discharge zone on the surface of the electrodes. In this case, a nonequilib-rium state in the solution is achieved due to the transfer of charge across the "electrode - membrane - electrolyte" interface.

One of the advantages of the method is the directional movement of hydroxyl ions in the electroactiva-tor. Hydroxyl ions, which are formed on the electrode, when using permeable membranes, are not associated with hydrogen cations, but increase the pH of the cathode volume to 10-12. In this case, 70-80% of the current efficiency is achieved, for example, by reducing the hardness of the water. Several competing reactions occur under the influence of free hydroxyl ions in the cathode region and at the cathode surface:

Ca2+ + 2OH- ^ Ca(OH)2;

deposits), as well as membrane biofouling, which is effective for water purification technology with further use of the reverse osmosis stage.

The advantages of the method are - the possibility of using the method under atmospheric pressure, in the presence of organic compounds; replacement of semipermeable membranes with permeable ones; simplicity of design; the possibility of improving the design.

Purpose of the work

Study of the electroactivation reduction of the salinity of seawater by 45-50% and the development of a technology for complex purification and demoralization of highly saline waters at the stage of pretreatment by the method of unipolar electrochemical activation to prevent various deposits at the stage of final deminer-alization of water by membrane methods.

Main material presentation. For the study, we took the seawater of the Tiligul estuary (near the city of Odessa).

Water analysis was carried out by the following methods: total water hardness was determined according to DSTU ISO 6059:2003 (ISO 6059:1984, IDT) Water quality - Determination of the sum of calcium and magnesium - EDTA titrimetric method); for determination of in the studied water was applied Silver nitrate titration with chromate indicator (Mohr's method) method in accordance with DSTU ISO 9297: 2007; he dry residue was determined by the gravimetric method according to GOST 18164-72; the sulfate content was determined by the turbidimetric method according to GOST 4389-72, and the determination of pH was carried out by potentiometric method.

Table 1

The composition of water from the Black Sea near the Tiligul estuary

Cations The content of cations

mg/l mg-eq/l

Ca2+ 370 18,5

Mg2+ 715 58,8

Na+ 2985 128,6

K+ 730 18,7

Total 4773 224,6

Anions The content of anions

mg/l mg-eq/l

Cl" 868,77 19,8

SO42- 1,092 47,5

HCO3" 341 5,6

Всього 2301,77 72,9

2Ca2+ + 2OH- + SO42- ^ Ca(OH)2 SO4 OH + HCO3- ^ CO32- + H2O ;

Ca2++ CO3 2- ^ CaCO ;

Mg2+ + 2OH- ^ Mg(OH)2;

Fe3+ + 3OH ^ Fe(OH)3.

Due to the high concentration of the chlorine ion in the anodic region the CI- and on is oxidized and a number of oxygen-containing ions are formed according to the known mechanisms of electrode reactions:

2Cl - - 2e~ + H O ^ 2ClO + 2H+ ; 6Cl- + 6OH- - 6e ^ 2ClO3- + 4Cl- + 3H2O

An increase of the active chlorine concentration leads to the disinfection of seawater. The synthesized hypochlorite ion oxidizes dissolved organic substances in the anode region, suppresses the vital activity of microorganisms, which simplifies the technology of water treatment. The drop in the concentration of organic compounds is also associated with their adsorption and coprecipitation on freshly formed colloidal particles of hydroxides of the cathode region.

Thus, the electrochemical purification method is a universal method for preventing calmatation (sulfate

The total mineralization of water is P = 7075 mg/l or 7,1 g/l; рН of the water is 7,5.

Figure 1 shows a laboratory installation for seawater treatment by electroactivation. Before feeding the test water to the installation, it was pre-filtered through a paper filter to remove coarse suspended solids.

A laboratory demineralizer has been developed and created, its operation has been studied in various modes using model solutions. The research results were used to create a stand apparatus - an electrochemical activation reactor.

1 - electroactivator case (cathode) 2, 3 - electrodes (anodes) 4,5 - tarpaulin bags for electrodes; 6 - tank for anolyte; 7, 8 - pumps; 9,10 - taps for anolyte sampling; 11 - power supply unit; 12, 13, 14, 15 - anolyte sampling pipes.

With a current of 6 A, a voltage of 10 V, the water was purified from a number of impurities. The research results are listed in Table 2.

Table 2

Purification degree of model solutions.

Indicators Purification degree, %

Experiment №1 Experiment №2 Experimen №3

Salt content 45,3 50,64 59,39

Hardness 48,05 67,21 74,15

Oxidation 76,06 78,40 80,10

Sulfates 40,4 54,89 56,22

Chlorides 49,28 58,61 58,99

Bicarbonates 80,40 81,60 87,00

Ca2+ 69,70 69,50 70,45

Mg2+ 56,30 58,12 60,11

Fe3+ 95,2 96,2 98,4

Complex cleaning of model solutions is made at the following technological indicators: current density 1,0 - 1,5 A/dm2, the amount of electricity by experiments (kW-h /m3): №1 - 2,5, №2 - 3,8, №3 - 5,1. As follows from table 2, a high degree of primary demin-eralization of the source water is achieved with one-stage treatment. The power consumption according to

the experiments was (kW-h /m3): №1 - 4,6, №2 - 8,9, №3 - 14,2

For stand tests, a continuous flow apparatus with electrodes of a special design was developed, which allows processing 3 m3 /h aqueous solution.

Figure 2. Photo of a stand installation of water electrical activation.

Figure 3. Scheme of a stand installation of electrical activation 1 - power supply; 2 - main container; 3 - container for catholyte; 4 - tank for anolyte; 5 - test water container; 6 - tap 7 - water drainage chamber; 8 - water supply chamber; 9 - choke; 10 - anolyte sump. During chemical electroactivation, various param- Figure 4 shows the data on the reduction of the or-

eters were changed: amperage (I, A), voltage (U, V), ganic compounds and microorganisms content. time (t, s), acid water sampling volume (V, dm3), as well as the distance between the electrodes (L, mm).

Figure 4 Dynamics of the decrease in the organic compounds content to time (in minutes).

Concentration of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions decreases in heavy metals - by 67-72%; organic compounds - by 58-time by a factor of 10 in the process of electrical acti- 65%, microorganisms - by 89-94%. vation of seawater; solids content - by 28-30%; the con- The data obtained were summarized in Table 3.

centration of sulfate ions decreases by 73-75%; bicarbonate ions - by 67- 69%; concentration of iron and

Table 3

Results of primary water purification by the method of electroactivation

Water quality indicators Test results

Source water После очистки методом электроактивации degree of purification, %

Dry residue, mg/dm3 9806 4665 52,4

Sulfates, mg/dm3 450 270 40

Chlorides, mg/dm3 2958 700 76,3

Total hardness, mg/dm3 43,8 20,5 53,2

Electricity consumption for demineralization and A technological scheme for desalination, disinfec-

water purification is equal 12,0-12,8 kW-h /m3. This is tion and reduction of organic matter content in catho-the sum of energy consumption for the transportation lyte and anolyte after seawater purification is proposed. of water at the stage of electroactivation and electrodi-alysis, 38-45% of which falls on the stage of electroac-tivation.

Figure 5 Technological scheme of seawater purification using an electroactivator

The water coming from the seawater collector is directed to the collector 1... The pump is fed through the filter 2 to the water seal 3. then it is fed into the electroactivators 4,8 where the primary cleaning process occur. During the cleaning process, gas is formed in the anode space, which flows through the pipeline into the gas holder 17. The gas formed at the cathode enters the gas holder 18. The formed anolyte enters the collection of the anode water flow 5,9; catholyte solutions - into the collecting tank of cathode water 6,10. Add coagulant from hopper 7 to the collection of cathode solutions. After that, after settling and filtration, the anolyte and catholyte enter the neutralizers 20, where water is mixing and neutralized. Further, purified water is prepared for the membrane desalination stage. The purified water flow enters through additional sedimentation tanks 11,12 and quick filters 13,14 in the collector of purified water 15. by pump through the filter 18 from the tank 15 enters the stage of demineralization by reverse osmosis.

The resulting sludge from the settling tanks 11,12 is sent for disposal.

Conclusion. When using the electroactivation stage as the primary stage of water preparation for the membrane system, it is possible to reduce energy consumption by 35 -40%.


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Hrabina K.,

Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine Danchenko O.,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Systems Analysis of

Cherkasy State Technological, Cherkasy, Ukraine

Shendryk V.

Associate Professor of Computer Science Head of Information Design Technologies Section, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine


The article presents the definition and concept of the developed system of target models for integrated risk management for IT-projects management. There is presented the mathematical model for the developed system of target models for integrated risk management for IT-projects. It is considered the complex nature of risk with corresponding distinguished components related to project constraints. There are performed calculations for the ordinary IT-project within detected threats and opportunities based on the developed approach. The analysis of the small IT-project was carried out taking into account the developed system of target models for integrated risk management.

Keywords: risk management, integrated risk management, risk, threat, opportunity, IT-project.

Introduction. There is a vast variety of the models for the risk management that helps to achieve project success [8, 9]. However, there is the room for improvement for any project. That is why it was decided to research the complex nature of the risks, both threats and opportunities, and use the approach for target models applying to the risk management with the analogy of medicine. The target models of the integrated risk management concept originated from the targeted therapy for the cancer treatment in the medicine [7]. Each risk whether this is threat or opportunity should be ranked and placed in the target model for each project constraint to calculate the sum risk for each project constraint and make the decision for project management.

Review of publications on the topic. The analogy of the medicine and project management has been established in the various papers. The authors have a classification of deviations based on the "diseases" from threats in projects, which built by analogy with

the classification of diseases in medicine [4, 5, 6, 10]. Also, there was developed a model that allows to estimate the relative and absolute synergistic effects of deviations from threats and opportunities in the project and general synergetic effect between threats and opportunities in the IT project [5, 9]. The author has certain analogies between project management and medicine, as well as features of deviation management in projects that allow such analogies [10].

The aim of this study is to develop and apply the target models of the integrated risk management for the IT-project based on the complex nature of risks depending of the project constraints.

Results and discussion.

The classical risk management identifies risk as an uncertain event or condition, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project's objectives [1]. This statement could be described by the following formula Ri = YH=iPrVi (1)

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