TYPES OF SINGLE-STOREY INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS AND THE TYPES OF THEIR COATINGS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
one-storey industrial building / span / axis / column / flexible building / cover.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Serdyuchenko V., Kretinin K.

This article discusses the types of one-story industrial buildings and the types of coatings used in their construction. It has been established that to facilitate the construction of such buildings, it is necessary to design their simple shape (square, rectangular), it is obligatory to take into account the dimensions of the spans, the height of the building and carefully approach the choice of materials for their construction. It was also found that there are different types of roofs (gable and others).

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5. Rakoffnahoum S, Paglino J, Eslamivarzaneh F, et al. Recognition of commensalmicroflora by toll-like receptors is required for intestinal homeostasis. [J]. Cell,2004.118(2):229-241

6. Hu Wangming. Research status and development prospects of functional food. [J]. Modern food, 2008.88-89.

7. Лабораторний практикум з технологи хлiбо-пекарського та макаронного виробництв / за ред. В.1. Дробот. - К.: Центр навч. лггери, 2006. - 330 с.


Serdyuchenko V.

3rd year student of the faculty of architecture and construction

Kretinin K.

associate professor of the department of architecture Kuban state agrarian university named after I. T. Trubilin


This article discusses the types of one-story industrial buildings and the types of coatings used in their construction. It has been established that to facilitate the construction of such buildings, it is necessary to design their simple shape (square, rectangular), it is obligatory to take into account the dimensions of the spans, the height of the building and carefully approach the choice of materials for their construction. It was also found that there are different types of roofs (gable and others).

Keywords: one-storey industrial building, span, axis, column, flexible building, cover.

One-story buildings in industrial construction include buildings used for production processes, the manufacture of large-sized items, with the use of heavy bulky equipment [1, p. 25]. Such buildings are usually erected one-story.

To support coatings in such one-storey industrial buildings of a large area, it is always necessary to erect columns, which are usually arranged in regular rows. The columns divide the territory of the building into the required number of spans located parallel to each other.

In some cases, determined by the technological process of construction, a mutually perpendicular arrangement of spans is required. In this case, spans of one direction are called longitudinal, and perpendicular to them are called transverse.

In the plan, the main dimensions of the building are measured between the center lines. The axes running along the spans of the building are called longitudinal; crossing spans - transverse. The system of intersecting axes forms the alignment axes. Columns in such cases are placed at the intersection of the axes.

The distance between the longitudinal axes (span width) is called the span, the distance between the columns in the longitudinal direction is the column pitch. The usable size of the spans is determined by technological requirements, the level of development of construction equipment, the cost-effectiveness of the solution and other factors.

The dimensions of the spans and the spacing of the columns are strictly normalized in accordance with a single modular system in which the spans should be taken: for spans up to 12 m - multiples of the enlarged module of 3 m, and for spans over 12 m - 6 m. In other words, spans can be equal to 6; nine; 12; eighteen; 24; 30 m, etc. after 6 m, but usually no more than 36-42 m [2, p. 47].

The dimensions of the column spacing are taken as multiples of 6 m. The most commonly used spacing is 6 and 12 m. When the column spacing is enlarged,

the number of mounting elements of the frame and coating decreases, which allows not only to save production space up to 8-10% due to the sparse arrangement of the columns, but and increase the planning flexibility of buildings.

«Flexible» buildings are widely used in light industry, since in them the technological flow can be directed both along and across the spans, which allows, over time, to modify technological processes, to reinstall and replace equipment with a new or more modern one [3, p. 57].

In some cases, the column spacing has to be increased if large equipment is placed [4, p. 66]. For example, in modern open-hearth shops with spans of 2430 m, column spacing of up to 48 m is encountered.

The height from the floor to the bottom of the supporting structures of the covering of a one-story building is the general height dimension. The following range of sizes is established for the height of buildings: 3,6; 4,2; 4,8 m (module 0.6 m); 6,0; 7,2; 8,4; 9,6; 10,8 m (module 1,2 m); 12,6; 14,4; 16,2; 18 m and more (module 1,8 m).

To indicate the height, builders, in addition to the usual dimensions, use marks indicating the height of the location of one or another plane or line above the zero level (conventionally, this is the floor of the first floor). These marks can be positive or negative [5, p. 46].

The system of alignment axes and elevations forms a three-dimensional coordinate system that allows you to determine and fix the position in space of any point, line, plane in the technical drawing.

To simplify construction, when designing one-story buildings, it is necessary to strive for simple shapes of buildings in the form of a square or rectangle, the same height of spans and not allow the device of transverse spans. It is also necessary to strive to block

production, that is, to locate a larger number of workshops in one building, since one large production building is always cheaper than several small ones.

Here are some examples of one-story buildings.

Single-storey frameless buildings with load-bearing walls are used for relatively small spans (up to 12, rarely 18), low heights (up to 9 m), and in the presence of bridge cranes - with a lifting capacity of no more than 5 tons [6, p. 81].

In such buildings, the walls simultaneously perform two functions: fences and supporting structures (supports). To ensure the supporting function, the walls are positioned so that their inner edge is at a distance of 250 mm from the alignment axis.

The gable form of the coating provides a convenient drainage of rain and melt water. The main vertical dimension of the building is determined by the technological purpose of the building.

At a higher building height and in the presence of an overhead crane, the walls are reinforced with pilasters, which are placed between the windows on centerlines. In this case, the supporting structures of the covering are supported by pilasters and the walls are positioned so that the inner edge of the wall coincides with the alignment axis.

In a building with an overhead crane, the pilasters must be large enough to support the crane girders. In the absence of an overhead crane, the dimensions of the pilasters in the plan are prescribed based on the requirements for the strength and rigidity of the wall.

In single-storey industrial frame buildings with overhead cranes, it is fundamentally important to align the dimensions of the building in the transverse direction and in height with the standard dimensions of overhead cranes.

Such values are necessary so that the length of the «tail» part of the overhead crane, protruding beyond its span, is located between the axis of the crane girder and the inner edge of the upper part of the column with a gap of at least 60 mm wide. At the same time, the upper part of the column must have cross-sectional dimensions that ensure its strength. To do this, the outer side of the extreme column is taken from the alignment axis to the outside by an amount called anchor. In this case, the inner face of the wall also has the same snap. The dimensions of the bindings are observed very strictly in precast concrete structures.

A single-storey multi-span frame building with overhead cranes at a height of up to 9,6 m is characterized by a simple design scheme: the columns have a constant cross-section along the entire height, there are no crane beams. Suspended cranes move along steel girders suspended from the roof supporting structures. But such buildings have a drawback - it is the limited lifting capacity of overhead cranes, which currently does not exceed 5 tons.

In single-span buildings with a span of up to 2430 m, natural lighting and ventilation are provided by installing windows with opening sashes in the outer longitudinal walls. Removing rain and melt water from the coating is also not difficult.

In multi-span buildings with a width of up to several hundred meters, the solution to these issues is

somewhat complicated. Until recently, for such buildings, a multi-slope covering with longitudinal lanterns was used, which provided natural lighting and aeration of the middle spans, and rain and melt water was removed from the covering through internal drains into the sewer [7, p. 72].

In recent years, due to the pollution of glass in the lanterns and, consequently, the decrease in illumination, as well as the high cost of such buildings, they began to use coatings without lanterns.

In lampless buildings, artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps and artificial ventilation are used.

For easy drainage, the coating is made multi-slope with the same internal gutters as in buildings with lanterns, and flat (without slopes), with internal gutters or without gutters - based on the evaporation of rain and melt water. Flat surfaces without lanterns and without slopes are simple in design. However, the need to provide a higher reliability of the roof reduces the economic effect achieved by simplifying the structures.

In general, taking into account the initial costs and operating costs, buildings with and without lanterns differ in cost insignificantly and therefore, lampless buildings are advisable only for industries in which a certain temperature and air humidity are decisive for the quality of products. Such buildings are designed with air conditioning and no windows in the outer walls.

The coatings of industrial buildings are usually made without attic.

The enclosing structures of the coating are located on top of the load-bearing structures, and the load-bearing structures protrude into the building. The height of such rooms is considered to be the size from the floor to the bottom of the supporting structures.

With a high height of the supporting structures, the space within their height is used to accommodate auxiliary rooms (household, office, etc.) and bulky communications (large ventilation ducts).

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

- single-storey industrial buildings are recommended to be designed rectangular in plan, with the same spans, without height differences in order to avoid snow bags;

- the question of the choice of the material of the supporting frame should be decided on the basis of a technical and economic analysis;

- the main material for single-storey industrial buildings is precast concrete, from which up to 85% of production areas are erected, while from metal - 12%, from other materials - 3%;

- steel supporting structures are recommended for use with large spans and heights of the building, in buildings with heavy crane equipment, if it is necessary to install overhead cranes in two tiers, during construction in remote areas.


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Tupytskyi B.

Postgraduate, Department of Chemical Technologies and Water Treatment,

Cherkasy State Technological University Cherkasy, Ukraine


A study of the method of minimizing energy costs in the technology of sea water demineralization by reverse osmosis has been carried out. It is proposed to use the preliminary treatment of water by the method of electroac-tivation, as a complex effective process of demineralization with associated purification from organic substances and prevention of deposits on membranes. The dependences of the parameters of electrochemical action on the composition of seawater have been determined, graphical dependences of the degree of water purification on various parameters (current strength, voltage, distance between electrodes, time of electroactivation, volume of sampling of acidic water in the process of unipolar electroactivation) have been obtained. The analytical control of the process was carried out and the technology of demineralization was proposed as a method of using the electrochemical activation process in the preparation of seawater for the stage of membrane purification.

Keywords: sea water, electroactivation process, degree of purification.

State of the problem

One of the main problems of the integrated processing of seawater into technological (for example, for the Port Plant, Odessa) is their high mineralization, as well as organic and biological deposits during demin-eralization at the stages of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis.

Today, about 90% of the total capacity of desalination plants in the world is provided by distillation single-, multi-stage and thermocompression plants. The distillation method is energy-intensive, therefore, the use of installations is advisable in those regions of the world that have sufficient energy resources. If distillation, freezing or reverse osmosis are effective for water with a salt content of more than 10 g / l, then at a lower salt content (2 ~ 3 g / l), the ion-exchange method is recommended, and in the salt concentration range of 2.5~10 g / l - electrodialysis or reverse osmosis. Each of these methods has both positive and negative qualities and is applied within certain concentration limits. New developments carried out by the ICCWC of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the production of demineralized water offer complex multistage water purification schemes with the processing of concentrated brines. The most difficult part of the salt extraction technology is to reduce the content of. CO 32-, SO42-, Cl- ions with 25000 21000 mg/dm3 till 2500mg/ dm3. These processes are very energy intensive and costly. In addition, methods such as electrodialysis,

reverse osmosis, sodium cationization are economically feasible to apply only when the mineralization is below 2500+100 mg/dm3. Thus, the urgent task is to prepare seawater for membrane technology by preliminary demineralization.

Proposal of the problem solve

It is proposed to use the complex preparation of highly mineralized water by the method of electrochemical activation.

Electrochemical activation is a physical-chemical process, a combination of electrochemical and electro-physical effects on water in the space discharge zone on the surface of the electrodes. In this case, a nonequilib-rium state in the solution is achieved due to the transfer of charge across the "electrode - membrane - electrolyte" interface.

One of the advantages of the method is the directional movement of hydroxyl ions in the electroactiva-tor. Hydroxyl ions, which are formed on the electrode, when using permeable membranes, are not associated with hydrogen cations, but increase the pH of the cathode volume to 10-12. In this case, 70-80% of the current efficiency is achieved, for example, by reducing the hardness of the water. Several competing reactions occur under the influence of free hydroxyl ions in the cathode region and at the cathode surface:

Ca2+ + 2OH- ^ Ca(OH)2;

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