Definition of english phrases through ontological substation
Daniyeva M.
Определение английских словосочетаний путем онтологической субстанции
Даниева М. Д.
Даниева Майсара Джамаловна /Daniyeva Maysara Djamalovna - старший преподаватель, кафедра английского языка и литературы, факультет иностранных языков, Каршинский государственный университет, г. Карши, Республика Узбекистан
Abstract: the linguistic status of English phrases is defined in the article. The process of definition ofphrases through ontological substation is also analyzed. Using of sociolinguistic, connotative and emotional-marking characteristics of substantive phrases is clarified.
Аннотация: в статье определяется лингвистический статус английских субстантивных словосочетаний. Также анализируется процесс их определения путем онтологической субстанции. Рассмотрены социолингвистические, коннотативные и эмоционально-оценочные характеристики словосочетаний в их употреблении.
Keywords: analysis, phrases, connotative, ontology, emotional colour, status, nominative function. Ключевые слова: анализ, словосочетание, коннотативный, онтология, эмоциональная окраска, статус, номинативная функция.
Definition of the linguistic status of English phrases attracted the attention of many linguists and many opinions were said by them on the structural complexity, nominative function, consisting of phrases of free components, etc. But the categorical features of phrases were not described deeply yet.
While defining the status of phrases we should rely on one of the directions of dialectics - the ontological substation because of being phrases very complicated linguistic phenomenon. In the process of definition of phrases through ontological substation the secondary features of the object stand far away giving way to the general and deep meaning, or saying in other words giving way to the definition of substance. In its way it gives an opportunity of analyzing of the object as the system and step by step [1]. The phrases have linguistic substation and this category means the consequence of form and meaning. As consisting at least of two components the phrases have their certain forms and at the same time while having their own forms they have their meanings too. All the processes and relationships appearing in the language system based on the fact that every linguistic unit carries any kind of information. In its turn the substantial features of phrases are marked with their informative value. It means that in the process of forming of linguistic sign in the base of another linguistic sign the new substation is made with new information. For example, the phrase is formed from separate words [2: 17]. At the result the substantive (with Noun), verbal (Verb), adjective, adverbial phrases are differed from each other.
Using of phrases is connected with the atmosphere, place, time, and aim of the communication. It indicates to another categorical feature of phrases- their sociolinguistic phenomenon. All humans send and receive information about the events happening in their everyday life. They do it from their point of view. They form and use phrases from their own life style, experiences, and social demands; they treat to these or those parts of speech while forming the phrases [3: 101-102]. Researchers say that all kinds of phrases have sociolinguistic characteristics. To clarify their meaning one should know the cultural realities, existing conditions of certain people whom belongs this or that phrase. As the example can be given the following extract explained by S. G. Ter-Minasova: What is not a quick, though, is Rhode's treatment of the so-called «Cold war». This, he says, was more a deadlock in international relations than a series of actual events-and he goes on to discuss American films made in response to the «red scare».
To understand the meaning of phrase Cold war, the reader, as the narrator should be informed about the social atmosphere of the past century, about the contrast or opposite relationships between the capitalistic and socialistic countries.
So, the system of phrases must be studied taking into consideration their appearing conditions, social features, only in this situation the categorical features can be imagined clearly.
One more categorical feature of phrases is the connotative category. It means that each linguistic unit together with sending information may influence on reader or listener. It concerns phrases also. Phrases have the value of expression of some emotional marking meaning. In the following example the phrase carries only
logical information: The brightly lit scene revealed through the doorway had a crudely unreal quality; The top of the George was wild and overgrown and lumpy, and I remember it also thickly wooded.
In other cases the meaning of phrases are rich in emotional-marking colour: They'll put some awful creature into your room, either one of the old hot water brigade or some debasingly bright young person from the lounge set; And then he came scuffling back, so maddingly deliberate that his wife's eyes began rolling round with sheer impatience.
Next categorical feature of phrases is their reforming and reusing (reproduction). This feature differs with the formation of phrases by modeling. Some linguists connect this feature with phrases' appearance as «cliché». Such kind of phrases are formed with participating of terms: The Carter administration has refused to recognize the Palestinian Arabs' people's rights or to talk with the PLO; Ask your Toyota dealerfor details of our credit card scheme.
The feature of «cliché» of underlined phrases is seen in their constant structure. Any phrase can become «cliché» at the result of being used for a long time and many times, including such phrases as: awfully sorry, jolly good, highly strung. It can be noticed partially: strictly private, widely scattered, highly probable, deeply anxious, perfectly familiar, abundantly clear.
With the getting strong of the feature of «cliché» of the phrases, the degree of idiomatic character of the meaning expressed in phrases grows. And the opportunity of differing of separate meanings of the components shortens. According to what they are divided into idiomatic, unidiomatic and half-idiomatic groups.
So, the phrases are linguistic phenomenon having their own structure and functions. And their investigation demands taking into consideration their semiotic, semantic, structural, nominative and cognitive features.
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Развитие научно-теоретических взглядов в исследовании сложных слов
в кыргызском языкознании Ураимов К. О.
Ураимов Кубанычбек Омуралиевич / Uraimov Kubanychbek Omuralievich — старший преподаватель, Кызыл-Кыйский горно-технологический колледж, г. Кызыл-Кыя, Кыргызская Республика
Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются определенные этапы развития научных взглядов и концепций относительно сложных слов в кыргызском языке, составляющих особый лексический пласт в тюркских языках в целом. Автором анализируются основные концепции и определяются малоизученные проблемы по данному вопросу.
Ключевые слова: сложные слова, составные слова, парные слова, слитные слова, словообразование, словосложение, компонент.
Первые краткие научные сведения о сложных словах в области кыргызского языкознания встречаются в трудах основателя кыргызского языкознания, первого красного профессора Касыма Тыныстанова. В его первых учебниках констатировался факт, что в кыргызском языке часто встречаются категории особых слов, но при этом автор не обозначает их термином «сложные слова». В частности, в труде «Биздин тил» («Наш язык»), изданном в Ташкенте в 1927 году, вопросы сложных слов рассматривались в разделе «Слова и окончания слов»: «Слова по внешнему строю делятся на два