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Pidaeva Shahnoza Bahtiyorovna
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, senior teacher
Abstract: The article considers the need to use modern methods of teaching at university. The role of the teacher and the student in the educational process was determined. The use of modern teaching methods allows the teacher to create a positive microclimate in the group, which will create an atmosphere of free communication in the classroom. Recommendations for the implementation of effective methods in the educational process are proposed.
Keywords: current methods, interactive methods, innovations, training, higher education, communication training, discussion, heuristics, active learning, business games.
Аннотация: В статье рассматривается необходимость использования современных методов обучения в вузе. Определена роль учителя и ученика в учебном процессе. Использование современных методов обучения позволяет педагогу создать в группе положительный микроклимат, который создаст атмосферу свободного общения на уроках. Предложены рекомендации по внедрению эффективных методик в учебный процесс.
Ключевые слова: современные методы, интерактивные методы, инновации, обучение, высшее образование, коммуникативный тренинг, дискуссия, эвристика, активное обучение, деловые игры.
The following goals of higher education defines in the law of "Education":
- training of highly qualified personnel in all major areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state;
- meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications.
To achieve these goals, it is essential to develop and implement effective training methods.
The definition of the teaching method in scientific pedagogical research is defined in the form of ways of interaction between the teacher and the student, aimed at solving didactic problems. Didactic tasks are: familiarizing students with new material, consolidating the developed material, monitoring and evaluating the results of training.
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The concept of "Actual" is largely interrelated with the introduction and development of active learning methods. However, this does not mean that such forms of classes as lectures and seminars have become obsolete and do not need in the modern education system. On the contrary, they are undergoing modernization, which consists in the transition from the passive perception of the lecture material, when the teacher gives everything "on a platter", to the active search for the necessary information for students, conducting research on various problematic issues. If all of this activity of the student is directed in the right practical way in the form of generalizing role-playing games, then, undoubtedly, the goals of higher education will be achieved.
The object of the study is the process of interaction between the teacher and the student in the conditions of university.
The subject of the study is the search for relevant teaching methods in various forms of organization of the educational process.
The purpose of the study is to consider the impact of effective teaching methods on the process of training specialists in higher education.
The theoretical significance of the study is to justify the use of current methods to improve the quality of the learning process in order to train highly qualified specialists.
The ongoing processes in our country at the present stage determine the training of highly qualified specialists in various fields. The use of modern forms of education in teaching and management disciplines is due to a number of reasons: first, students must not only acquire certain knowledge, but also be able to apply it in a specific practical situation. Such forms of the educational process as "case method", "business games", "round tables" significantly activate the educational process. They promote active interaction between students and teachers. To improve and activate the educational process at university, it is of great importance to know and take into account those features of university education that make it necessary for students to restructure the stereotypes of academic work that have developed in school and arm them with new skills and skills of educational and cognitive activity.
The formation of actual training of students is one of the means of developing cognitive activity. The application of problem-based and developmental learning in practice has led to the emergence of methods called "topical". A.M.Matyushkin,
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T.V.Kudryavtsev, M.I.Makhmutov, I.Ya.Lerner, and M.M.Levy contributed to the development of actual and active teaching methods. But due to the fact that these studies on current and active methods were conducted mainly on the material of school education, which made it difficult to implement them in higher education, since a certain adaptation for the theory of current methods to the university didactic process was required. It should be noted that A.M.Matyushkin in his works not only justified the need to use relevant methods in all types of educational work of students, but also introduced the concept of dialogic problem-based learning as most fully conveying the essence of the processes of joint activity of teachers and students, as well as their mutual activity within the framework of "subject-subjective" relations [2]. At the same time, the basic principles of the theory of actual methods of teaching are based on the concept of "subject content of activity", developed by Academician A.N.Leontyev. This is why cognition is defined as an activity aimed at mastering the objective world. Therefore, by coming into contact with the objects of the external world, a person learns them and is enriched by practical experience of both knowing the world (learning and self-learning) and influencing it [3]. Based on the above and the approaches studied to the problem from the point of view of pedagogy, the methods of actual teaching, as a means of developing the cognitive activity of students, can be divided into three groups of methods that are most interesting for use in the management of the formation of thinking.
These are methods of programmed learning, problem-based learning, and interactive (communicative) learning. It should be only noted that during the lesson, much more activity and creativity is required from the teacher than when it takes place passively, in the form of retelling the truths read in books or long-known. Interactive methods will have the greatest effect not only for the student, but also for the educator, when the teacher will influence the discussion not only of statements from a scientifically reasoned point of view, but also by expressing his personal attitude to the problem, his worldview and moral position. The forms of participation of the teacher in the discussion of students can be very diverse, but in no case by imposing their opinion. It is best to do this by subtly managing the course of the discussion, through the formulation of problematic issues that require productive thinking, creative search for truth. This, as practice shows, is possible when the teacher expresses his point of view only in order to extract conclusions from the statements of students and reasoned refutation of erroneous judgments. Of course, his position may coincide with the opinions of the students, since they appeared as a
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result of leading questions from the teacher. But it is precisely with such techniques that it is possible not only to direct the meaningful, intellectual and cognitive side of the discussion of theoretical issues, but also to design joint productive activities, thereby influencing the personal position of students, transforming their educational activities into educational and educational ones. Current teaching methods encourage students to actively think and practice in the process of mastering the educational material. It is assumed to use such a system of methods, which is mainly aimed not at the presentation of ready-made knowledge by the teacher, their memorization and reproduction, but at the independent mastery of students ' knowledge and skills in the process of active thinking and practical activity. The features of current teaching methods are that they are based on the motivation for practical and mental activity, without which there is no progress in mastering knowledge. The emergence and development of relevant methods is due to the fact that new tasks have arisen before the training: not only to give students knowledge, but also to ensure the formation and development of cognitive interests and abilities, creative thinking, skills and skills of independent mental work. Actual training differs from ordinary training in a number of features, which, first of all, include the activation of students by creating special conditions that contribute to this activation regardless of their desire. Actual training is the organization and management of the educational process, which is aimed at the full activation of the educational and cognitive activity of students through a wide, preferably complex, use of both pedagogical (didactic) and organizational and managerial means (V. N. Kruglikov, 1998). Activation of training can be carried out both by improving the forms and methods of training, and by improving the organization and management of the educational process as a whole. They stimulate the cognitive activity of students and are based mainly on dialogue, which involves a free exchange of views on ways to solve a particular problem. The possibilities of different teaching methods in terms of activating learning activities are different, they depend on the nature and content of the corresponding method, the ways of using them, and the skill of the teacher. The use of such teaching methods allows the teacher to create a positive microclimate in the group, which will create an atmosphere of free communication in the classroom. In modern conditions of market relations, there are a variety of approaches to improving the quality of student training in higher education.
Moreover, there was a need to create such didactic conditions that would change the motivation of teaching for the better. The basis of the psychological
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theory of teaching is the active cognitive activity of the student himself, which leads to the formation of the ability to think creatively, using the professional competencies acquired in the course of activity. There are many relevant teaching methods in pedagogy. One of these is the interactive method.
I would like to clarify the very concept of interactive teaching methods. The word "interactive" comes from the English word "interact". "Inter" is "mutual", "act " is to act. Interactive means the ability to interact or is in a conversation mode, a dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (a person). Interactive learning is, first of all, interactive learning, during which the teacher and the student interact. The essence of interactive learning is that the learning process is organized in such a way that almost all students of the study group are not only involved in the process of learning, but they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think.
Thus, the methods of interactive learning can include: heuristic conversation, discussion method, brainstorming, round table method, business game method, case method, practical work competitions with their discussion, and some others used by individual teachers-enthusiasts of current teaching methods. Of course, each of them has not only value, but also its own characteristics. For example, heuristic conversation is a method that gets its name from the Socratic teaching method "heuristics" (find, discover, find). Since, by its psychological nature, heuristic conversation is basically taken for collective thinking or conversation (as a search for an answer to a problem), in pedagogy this method is considered to be a method of problem-based learning.
Discussion, as a method of teaching, began to be used in recent years, when publicity was proclaimed and prohibitions on pluralism of opinions were lifted not only on everyday issues, but also on problems of theory, politics, and ideology. Thus, the above-mentioned method is a specially programmed free discussion of the theoretical questions of the curriculum, which usually begin with a question statement. Moreover, it is used in group classes, seminars, workshops, interviews to discuss the results of tasks, in practical and laboratory classes, when students need to speak out. Sometimes lectures and discussions are also practiced, when the lecturer addresses the audience with individual questions that require short and quick answers in the course of presenting the material. The discussion in the full sense of the lecture can not unfold, but the question that caused several different answers from the
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audience at once, already creates a psychological atmosphere of collective reflection and readiness to listen carefully to the arguments of the lecturer who answers the discussion question, taking into account the current situation.
The method of "brainstorming" as a teaching method is not widely used in the practice of university teaching. Although, its name was born in the management system and in the field of scientific research. This method is widely used in economic management activities. The essence of the method is to find the answer of specialists to any complex problem through intensive statements of all sorts of ideas, guesses, and suggestions that come to mind. In addition, the "Golden Rule" of brainstorming is one thing - not to question or criticize anything said by the participants of the conversation, but to ensure complete freedom of expression of any ideas.
As for the "round table" method, it was borrowed by teachers from the field of politics and science. As a rule, they are organized to discuss a problem by representatives of different political and scientific trends. In training, the "round table" method is used mainly to improve the efficiency of mastering theoretical problems by considering them in different scientific aspects, with the participation of specialists of different profiles and areas of activity.
Special attention should be paid to the method of "business game", which originally appeared, oddly enough, not in the education system, but in the practical sphere of management. Now business games are used in research, in the process of project development, in collective decision-making, and in military affairs. In the university training of specialists of different profiles, the business game is most often used to teach management activities. The method of the business game as a method of teaching consists in the educational modeling of the situation of the activity that is to be taught to students in order to train future specialists to perform the corresponding professional functions on models, and not on real objects [2].
It is also necessary to pay attention to the "case method", which is the most effective and widespread method of organizing active cognitive activity of students. The method of analyzing specific situations develops the ability to analyze life and production tasks. When faced with a specific situation, the student must determine whether there is a problem in it, what it is, and determine their attitude to the situation.
Interactive activity in the classroom involves the organization and development of dialogue communication, which leads not only to mutual understanding, interaction, and joint solution of common, but also significant tasks for each participant. The fact is that in the course of dialogue training, students not only think
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critically, solve complex problems based on the analysis of circumstances and relevant information, but also weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, participate in discussions and communicate with other people. When using interactive methods, the most powerful influence on intellectual activity is the spirit of competition, competition, which manifests itself, especially when people collectively search for the truth.
Currently, the education system is constantly being improved. With the introduction of new state educational standards, the content of training also changes. First of all, attention is paid to such methods, teaching techniques, which require active mental activity of students, their ability to analyze, generalize, see the problem, formulate a hypothesis. Without these important qualities, the educational and cognitive activity of students is unthinkable.
The use of current teaching methods is largely interrelated with the use of various educational technologies, organizational forms of educational activities. At the same time, the interaction of students and teachers should be based on cooperation.
The question of the optimal choice of teaching methods remains relevant. The effectiveness of the educational process is influenced by the consistent and complex application of various educational methods.
Activation of training can be carried out both by improving the forms and methods of training, and by improving the organization and management of the educational process as a whole.
An important role is played by an effective system of control over the educational and cognitive activities of students. At first glance, it may seem paradoxical, but in the current control system, the role of the teacher as a "controller" should be minimal. The use of the point-rating system is the litmus test that allows you to fully evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching methods used by the teacher. The rating system is designed to ensure the systematic, highly motivated work of not only the student, but also the teacher. At the same time, we insist on the position that the system with evaluation criteria should be selected by each teacher individually, taking into account their work experience and the specifics of the academic discipline taught by them. This will help you to solve the problems that arise during the evaluation as quickly and efficiently as possible. The universality of the introduction
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of such a system leads to its "ossification", lack of flexibility of application. Students quickly adapt to it and find various "loopholes", which leads to a negative effect.
With the use of current forms and methods of teaching, the teacher implements not only teaching, but also other basic pedagogical functions: educating, developing, organizational and stimulating. With the successful implementation of these pedagogical functions, students develop general and professional competencies necessary for their future profession, and thus achieve the goals of higher education.
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