CURRENT ISSUES OF MODERN ENGLISH LEXICOGRAPHY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
lexicography / dictionaries / word meaning / descriptive material / compilers / frequency of meaning use.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gulshodaposhsho Maxmutali Qizi Mirazizova, Ulugbek Yarashovich Elmurodov

This article provides an overview of the contemporary challenges and developments within the field of modern English lexicography. It explores the intersection of theory and practice, traditional methodologies, and emerging trends in lexicographical research.Modern English lexicography faces a plethora of challenges amid the ever-evolving landscape of language use and technology. This annotation delves into key issues such as: Digital Transformation: The advent of digital technologies has revolutionized the way lexicographers collect, analyze, and present lexical data. The annotation discusses the impact of electronic dictionaries, corpus linguistics, and computational tools on modern lexicography, highlighting opportunities for enhanced accessibility and data-driven insights.

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Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik



Gulshodaposhsho Maxmutali qizi Mirazizova

Student, Chirchik state pedagogical university [email protected]

Scientific adviser: Ulugbek Yarashovich Elmurodov

Senior teacher, Chirchik state pedagogical university saman-sardor@mail .ru


This article provides an overview of the contemporary challenges and developments within the field of modern English lexicography. It explores the intersection of theory and practice, traditional methodologies, and emerging trends in lexicographical research.Modern English lexicography faces a plethora of challenges amid the ever-evolving landscape of language use and technology. This annotation delves into key issues such as: Digital Transformation: The advent of digital technologies has revolutionized the way lexicographers collect, analyze, and present lexical data. The annotation discusses the impact of electronic dictionaries, corpus linguistics, and computational tools on modern lexicography, highlighting opportunities for enhanced accessibility and data-driven insights.

Semantic Analysis and Representation: With the increasing complexity of language usage, lexicographers grapple with the task of accurately capturing the nuanced meanings and semantic relations of English words. This section explores theoretical frameworks and computational models employed in modern lexicography to address semantic challenges and ensure the relevance and precision of lexical entries. Multi-lingualism and Globalization: In an interconnected world characterized by linguistic diversity, the annotation examines the role of modern English dictionaries in facilitating cross-linguistic communication and cultural exchange. It discusses strategies for creating inclusive and culturally sensitive dictionaries that cater to the needs of diverse language users while promoting linguistic equity and understanding.

The basis of scientific research is dedicated to the problems of creating a dictionary, their solution, and issues such as their meeting in Uzbek lexicography are covered. It is devoted to discussions of the difficult task of developing the main corpus of popular dictionaries in the study of their structural types.

Keywords: lexicography, dictionaries, word meaning, descriptive material,


April 23-24, 2024

Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


compilers, frequency of meaning use.


В этой статье представлен обзор современных проблем и разработок в области современной английской лексикографии. В ней исследуется пересечение теории и практики, традиционных методологий и новых тенденций в лексикографических исследованиях.Современная английская лексикография сталкивается с множеством проблем в условиях постоянно меняющегося ландшафта использования языка и технологий. В этой аннотации рассматриваются такие ключевые вопросы, как: Цифровая трансформация: Появление цифровых технологий произвело революцию в способах сбора, анализа и представления лексических данных лексикографами. В аннотации обсуждается влияние электронных словарей, корпусной лингвистики и вычислительных инструментов на современную лексикографию, подчеркиваются возможности повышения доступности и понимания на основе данных.

Семантический анализ и репрезентация: С ростом сложности использования языка лексикографы сталкиваются с задачей точного улавливания нюансов значений и семантических отношений английских слов. В этом разделе исследуются теоретические основы и вычислительные модели, используемые в современной лексикографии для решения семантических задач и обеспечения актуальности и точности лексических записей. Многоязычие и глобализация: Во взаимосвязанном мире, характеризующемся языковым разнообразием, в аннотации рассматривается роль современных словарей английского языка в содействии межъязыковой коммуникации и культурному обмену. В нем обсуждаются стратегии создания инклюзивных и учитывающих культурные особенности словарей, которые удовлетворяют потребности различных языковых пользователей, способствуя при этом лингвистическому равенству и взаимопониманию. Основа научного исследования посвящена проблемам создания словаря, их решению, а также освещаются такие вопросы, как их соответствие узбекской лексикографии. Оно посвящено обсуждению сложной задачи разработки основного корпуса популярных словарей при изучении их структурных типов.

Ключевые слова: лексикография, словари, значение слова, описательный материал, составители, частота употребления значения.


April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik

Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari

Ushbu maqolada zamonaviy ingliz leksikografiyasi sohasidagi zamonaviy muammolar va o'zgarishlar haqida umumiy ma'lumot berilgan. Bu nazariya va ama-liyotning kesishishi, an'anaviy metodologiyalar va leksikografik tadqiqotlarda paydo bo'lgan tendentsiyalarni o'rganadi.Zamonaviy ingliz leksikografiyasi tildan foydala-nish va texnologiyaning tobora rivojlanib borayotgan manzarasi sharoitida ko'plab qiyinchiliklarga duch kelmoqda. Ushbu izoh quyidagi kabi asosiy masalalarni ko'rib chiqadi: raqamli transformatsiya: raqamli texnologiyalarning paydo bo'lishi leksiko-graflarning leksik ma'lumotlarni to'plash, tahlil qilish va taqdim etish usulini inqilob qildi. Izohda elektron lug'atlar, korpus tilshunosligi va hisoblash vositalarining zamonaviy leksikografiyaga ta'siri muhokama qilinadi, bu esa kirish imkoniyati va ma'lumotlarga asoslangan tushunchalarni kengaytirish imkoniyatlarini ta'kidlaydi.

Semantik tahlil va vakillik: tildan foydalanishning murakkabligi oshib borishi bilan leksikograflar inglizcha so'zlarning nozik ma'nolari va semantik munosabatlari-ni aniq ushlash vazifasi bilan kurashadilar. Ushbu bo'lim semantik muammolarni hal qilish va leksik yozuvlarning dolzarbligi va aniqligini ta'minlash uchun zamonaviy leksikografiyada qo'llaniladigan nazariy asoslar va hisoblash modellarini o'rganadi. Ko'p tillilik va globallashuv: lingvistik xilma-xillik bilan ajralib turadigan o'zaro bog'liq dunyoda izoh zamonaviy ingliz lug'atlarining tillararo aloqa va madaniy al-mashinuvni osonlashtirishdagi rolini o'rganadi. Unda lingvistik tenglik va tushunishni targ'ib qilishda turli xil til foydalanuvchilari ehtiyojlarini qondiradigan inklyuziv va madaniy jihatdan sezgir lug'atlarni yaratish strategiyalari muhokama qilinadi.

Ilmiy tadqiqotlarning asosi lug'at yaratish muammolari, ularni hal etish masala-lariga bag'ishlangan bo'lib, ularning o'zbek leksikografiyasida uchrashi kabi masalalar yoritilgan. U mashhur lug'atlarning asosiy korpusini ularning tarkibiy turlarini o'rga-nishda rivojlantirishning qiyin vazifasini muhokama qilishga bag'ishlangan.

Kalit so'zlar: leksikografiya, lug'atlar, so'z ma'nosi, tavsiflovchi material, kompilyatorlar, ma'nodan foydalanish chastotasi.


The field of theoretical and practical principles of lexicography is called lexicography (from the Greek lexion - dictionary and grapho - to write). Experts who create dictionaries are called lexicographers. The task of lexicography is to develop the principles and methodology of creating a dictionary, to organize the work of lexicographers, to create card files that will be the basis for creating a dictionary, to systematize them and to save them.


The problems of modern lexicography are related to: 1) selection of lexical

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


units; 2) location of selected lexical units; 3) adjusting the recording; 4) selection and arrangement of word meanings; 5) definition of meanings; 6) visual material. The problem of choosing lexical units. Selection of lexical units for inclusion in dictionaries is one of the first problems faced by the lexicographer. For this, the lexicographer takes into account the following; a) what types of lexical units are selected for inclusion; b) the number of these elements; c) what can be selected and what can be deleted in the dictionary; d) which form the dictionary should reflect, spoken or written, or both; e) the dictionary should contain obsolete units, technical terms, dialectisms, colloquialisms, etc.

The choice of different answer options from these options depends on the type of dictionary, the purpose of the compilers, the future user of the dictionary, the size of the dictionary, the linguistic understanding of the dictionary compilers, and some other considerations. For example, Longman's Dictionary of Modern English (2nd ed. 1987), a basic dictionary of modern international English for teachers of aims to provide relevant information about the basic vocabulary of the English language.

Therefore, this dictionary contains about 56,000 words and phrases, including scientific and technical language, business and computer terms, literary words, informal and idiomatic usage. It is mainly American and. Covers the main varieties of British English. Every time lexicographers release a new edition of the Longman Dictionary of Modern English (fifth edition- 2009), their goal. is always the same: what can they do with the dictionary for a higher level of English support?

Inclusive units can be taken from other dictionaries or from reading material or spoken language. For example, the New Oxford Dictionary of English uses the British National Corpus extensively. (A corpus is a collection of language data collected for linguistic analysis.)

Location of lexical units. There are 2 types of record presentation, alphabetical and clustered; that is, the included units are divided into types based on one or another principle. For example, in synonym books, words are placed in synonym sets, and its main member acts as the head word of the entry. Entries, such as some general explanatory and translation dictionaries, can be grouped into word families with the same root. The main rates are given as the main entries appearing in alphabetical order, while the words and phrases of the word are given as suffixes or in the same entry done in alphabetical order.

Record setting. The most complex type of entry in general explanatory and translation dictionaries of the synchronous type. In such dictionaries, the entry usually shows the following information: accepted spelling and pronunciation; grammatical features, including the part of speech of each person, whether nouns are countable

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


or not, transitive-intransitive verbs, and grammatical forms; types of meaning; illustrative examples; phraseology; etymology; sometimes synonyms and antonyms.


The same type of dictionary can choose other settings of the standard entry: they can omit some elements or add others, choose a different order of location or a different way of presenting the same information. For advanced learners, compare the entries in Machmilian's Dictionary of English and Longman's Dictionary of Modern English.

Macmillan Longman

excel/iksel/verb(intransitive) to do something exteremely well: We aim to give every student the opportunity to excel. Excel verb past tense and past participle excelled, present participle excelling I (intiransitive, not in progressive) to do something very well, or much better than most people

excel in/at: Robbie had always excelled at sport. excel at/in: Rick has always excelled at foreign

Visual material. Descriptive materials depend on the type of dictionary and the purpose set by the compilers (compiler). They can describe the first and last known occurrences of the input word, successive changes in its meaning, as well as graphic and phonetic forms, typical word combinations; they place words in context to determine their meaning and usage. Illustrative examples can be taken from various sources, for example, classical or modern literature, or compiled by the compilers themselves.

In conclusion, the problems of lexicology still exist today, but the solution depends on the approach of the lexicographer. Dictionary definitions should give an idea of the truth expressed by the word and should be free from ambiguity. When describing a word in a dictionary, the compiler must reveal the true semantic properties of the word under its lexical meaning. Therefore, the interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word remains one of the most important theoretical issues of modern lexicography.


April 23-24, 2024

Chirchik State Pedagogical University Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti


Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari


1. Admaska-Salaciak A. 2006. Meaning and the blingual dictionary: The case of English and Polish. Frankfurt am Main.

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3. Atkins B.T.S. Rundel M. 2008. The Oxford guide to practical lexicography. Oxford. Chandler. D. 2002. Semiotics. The basics. London.

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5. Devcin V. D. Dictionary, which were not published // 'Linguistic question ' No1, 2001-y, 85-96

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April 23-24, 2024

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