Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
Yekaterina Vadimovna Faleeva
Assistant teacher, Department of Second Foreign Languages Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages Email: faleyevakatya9393 @mail .ru
The article examines the features of the presentation of neolexics in the English language using the example of the electronic version of the Cambridge dictionary. Particular attention is paid to modern trends in compiling online dictionary entries with neologisms.
Keywords: neologisms, neolexics, online lexicographic sources, electronic dictionary entry, lexical and semantic features.
Modern electronic dictionaries set one of their tasks to reflect new vocabulary, taking into account a versatile approach to the study of pronunciation options, stylistic features, the presence of illustrative material from other dictionaries, newspapers, and "colloquial fund" [3; 541], changes at the lexical level in the era of neo-lexicography [4; 71], the emergence of various types of crowdsourcing dictionaries [1; 7], analysis of definitions from the point of view of the overlap of linguistic and extralinguistic factors [2; 11], etc.
Currently, well-known English-language online versions of lexicographic sources with a large corpus of neologisms include: Collins English Electronic Version [6], Electronic Version [7], Educalingo Dictionary Electronic Version [8], Macmillan Dictionary Electronic Version [9], Merriam -Webster Dictionary Electronic Version [10], Oxford Dictionaries Electronic Version [11], Urban Dictionary Electronic Version [12], etc.
Let's consider the features of the presentation of neologisms in the Cambridge Dictionary Electronic Version (CDEV) [5]. Printed and electronic versions of the Cambridge Dictionary are popular among various age groups. The online version of the dictionary can become an indispensable assistant not only for linguists and lexicographers, but also for a wide range of specialists, since the dictionary strives to reflect the entire diversity of the English language, including specialized vocabulary of various professional groups, and not excluding the non-normative lexical composition of modern English. Before adding a word to the online dictionary, the
April 23-24, 2024
Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari
dictionary user has the opportunity to familiarize with the future definition, which is only in the addition status.
Regarding neolexics, the dictionary strives not only to reflect the meaning of this group of words, but also to draw special attention to them through the introduction of a separate "New Words" functionality. In this functionality, with the presentation of data on the dates of addition of words to the dictionary, a complete etymological reference is provided on the history of the origin of the word with an explanation of various data (i.e. an explanation of geographical names, cultural events, terms, historical events, a description of the biographies of individual celebrities, if they participated in the creation or served as the basis for the creation of new words and expressions, etc.).
Cp. an approximate version of the electronic dictionary definition of the neologism tour tourism from January 29, 2024 before its official inclusion in the dictionary: tour tourism means "traveling outside one's country (abroad) in order to watch a musical performance of one's favourite group or singer (in live form)" [5 ]. Analysis of dictionary definitions of neologisms reveals the presence of a fairly voluminous definition, which is predetermined by the fact that a recently entered word often does not have a synonym and is deciphered only thanks to a detailed description.
There is an additional definition in addition to the main dictionary definition. The purpose of which is to develop some extra information block (eg. explaining the etymology). Thus, there is information about the singers participating in the entry of the neologism into more active use among the audience (Taylor Swift, Beyonce) in the part of additional material on the lexeme tour tourism.
Before the main definition, there is information concerning the grammatical side of the language (grammatical lexicographical marks). Cp: n. - noun (information concerning the belonging of a neologism to a certain part of speech), U. -uncountable (attribution of a noun to a group of words with the morphological category "uncountable").
The dictionary (CDEV), as one of the authoritative English-language dictionaries, contains transcriptions of two pronunciation variants of the English language (British variant of the English language and American variant of the English language). Compare: 1) pronunciation option from British English: "/itus 'to9.ri.z3m/" [5] and 2) pronunciation option from American English: "Mor 'tor.i.z3m/" [5]. The use of written transcription may be added by voiced one. So, if the neologism becomes a part of the lexicographic source, it can be voiced for both
April 23-24, 2024
Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
varieties of the English language, which is a significant advantage in comparison with printed analogues of dictionaries.
In addition to the traditional definition, which can also include a number of examples from various sources, online dictionaries are equipped with a number of unusual functionality that dictionary users can use. First of all, these are various game components developed with the participation of the dictionary editors and programmers. Game material in the form of crosswords, puzzles and quizzes allows you to consolidate new linguistic information.
In addition, the intensification of the development of additional tasks and materials for the dictionary entry is associated with the goal of collecting diverse data requested from dictionary users to improve both the appearance of the online source and its internal components. Thus, the Cambridge Dictionary Electronic Version provides, in addition to the neologism tour tourism, a survey consisting of just one question, namely "Is it necessary to add the above word to this dictionary?" Only three answers are given as answer options (a) a positive answer ("yes") information about the recognition of a new word as a result of repeated reading or repeated listening); b) a negative answer ("categorically no, definitely not") (supported by an exclamation mark to express confidence in the refusal to include the word in the dictionary entry); c) "uncertain answer" ("let's wait to see if people often use this word in conversation"). All of the answer options predict the receipt of information from users about the particular use of a new word as part of their communicative activity. After voting (it seems possible to select only one of the options in order to reflect accurate data, without the effect of duality), the results of all votes are visible. Thus, at the time of 02/01/2024, the following statistical data (375 votes) were presented on the frequency of operation of tour tourism: 1) the leading position was taken by the last answer (166 votes (i.e. 166 people chose this option), which is 44.27% from the total number of votes); 2) the second position was taken by the option of agreement with the inclusion of a neologism in the dictionary (151 votes or 40.27%) and 3) the last position was taken by a negative answer (58 votes or 15.46%) [5]. In addition to the results of votes based on the frequency of use of neologisms at the time of voting, the user is given the opportunity to find out the final result by sending a newsletter to an email address when specifying the latter.
The word can be included in the dictionary with indication of additional extralinguistic information. For example, pictures and photographs are provided related to deciphering the meaning of new words.
In addition, the "New Word ... (indicating a specific date)" functionality provides the meanings of other words that were added at the same time. For example,
April 23-24, 2024
Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari
for the date - January 29, 2024, new words such as slowcation and dry tripping were added.
Thus, the analysis of the micro- and macrostructure of the dictionary, taking into account the fund of borrowed vocabulary, becomes important part of linguistic analyses. Lexicographers and linguists are faced with the task of systematizing the neofund of active and passive vocabulary, taking into account classification parameters. Modernization and adaptation of a lexicographic source for a new audience, aimed at obtaining a constantly updated electronic product, transforms dictionaries into resources with an encyclopedic orientation.
2. Бушуй Т.А. Современный словарь как продукт определенной научной концепции // ILM-FAN YANGILIKLARI KONFERENSIYASI. - 2023. - Т. 1. -№. 1. - B. 10-11.
3. Фалеева А.В. Лексико-Семантические И Деривационные Особенности Коллоквиальных Акронимов И Бэкронимов В Современных Печатных И Электронных Лексикографических Источниках // Miasto Przyszlosci. - 2023. - Т. 35. - С. 540-543.
4. Фалеева Е.В. НЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ БУМ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ: ПРОБЛЕМЫ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ // International scientific review. - 2022. - №. LXXXVI. - С. 70-74.
5. Cambridge Dictionary Electronic Version. URL:
6. Collins English Dictionary Online. Electronic Version. URL:
7. Electronic Version. URL:
8. Educalingo Dictionary Electronic Version. URL:
9. Macmillan Dictionary Electronic Version. URL: https: //www.
10. Merriam-Webster Dictionary Electronic Version. URL:
11. Oxford Dictionaries Electronic Version. URL:
12. Urban Dictionary Electronic Version. URL: https: //
April 23-24, 2024