i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Khomyakov S.A.

The article analyzes and compares prepositional-case meanings in Russian and Persian in the system of teaching in a foreign audience that studies Russian as a foreign language and speaks Farsi. When comparing the verbal control, the dependence of the expression of a specific meaning on a preposition in Persian, in contrast to Russian, is noted. The relevance of this study is determined by the lack of such a comparative analysis in the context of teaching Russian as a foreign language. As a result of a comparative analysis, the main similarities and differences in meanings were established, which are conveyed by the Russian six cases and their similar semantic implementation in the Persian language. Ways to solve the problems faced by teachers working with Iranian students are proposed, and a table of the most complex verbs with a prepositional and case system is given.

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.18454/RULB.2020.24.4.25



Научная статья

Хомяков С.А. *

ORCID: 0000-0002-5388-8969, Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет им.А.И. Евдокимова, Москва, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор (khomjakov.sergey[at]mail.ru)


В статье анализируются и сопоставляются предложно-падежные значения в русском и персидском языке в системе преподавания в иностранной аудитории, изучающей русский язык как неродной и владеющей фарси. При сопоставлении глагольного управления отмечается зависимость выражения конкретного значения от предлога в персидском языке в отличие от русского. Актуальность данного исследования определена отсутствием подобного рода сопоставительного анализа в контексте преподавания русского как иностранного. В результате сравнительного анализа были установлены основные сходства и различия в значениях, которые передают русские шесть падежей и их аналогичная семантическая реализация в персидском языке. Предлагаются способы решения проблем, встающих перед преподавателями, работающими с иранскими студентами, дается таблица самых сложных глаголов с предложно-падежной системой.

Ключевые слова: русский как иностранный, предложно-падежные значения, фарси, семантика падежей, методика преподавания.



Research article

Khomyakov S.A. *

ORCID: 0000-0002-5388-8969, Moscow state medical and dental University. A. I. Evdokimova, Moscow, Russia

* Corresponding author (khomjakov.sergey[at]mail.ru)


The article analyzes and compares prepositional-case meanings in Russian and Persian in the system of teaching in a foreign audience that studies Russian as a foreign language and speaks Farsi. When comparing the verbal control, the dependence of the expression of a specific meaning on a preposition in Persian, in contrast to Russian, is noted. The relevance of this study is determined by the lack of such a comparative analysis in the context of teaching Russian as a foreign language. As a result of a comparative analysis, the main similarities and differences in meanings were established, which are conveyed by the Russian six cases and their similar semantic implementation in the Persian language. Ways to solve the problems faced by teachers working with Iranian students are proposed, and a table of the most complex verbs with a prepositional and case system is given.

Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, prepositional-case meanings, Farsi, case semantics, teaching methods.


Verb control (type, mood) and the semantics of cases, as well as the determination of the factors of their use in specific constructions is one of the most promising areas in linguistics, and many researchers, relying on certain meanings that are expressed in specific communicative situations and syntaxemes, have built their classifications , which was reflected in the works of A.M. Peshkovsky [7], A.A. Shakhmatova [10], G.A. Zolotova [4, P. 118], M.V. Vsevolodova [2], E.V. Paducheva [6, P.18].

The purpose of this article is to point out some of the features and differences in the verbal management in Russian and Persian, which will allow the teacher not only to form grammatical skills and prevent mistakes, but also to explain to the student what the difference between the languages is. In addition, the article will be useful for those who start teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Among the various types of phrases — coordination, adjoining and control — the most complex are prepositional-case constructions, in which close — sometimes synonymous — meanings can be expressed in different cases (for example, I live in a house, on the street, behind a house, under a bridge, where the implementation specific case is predetermined by both the semantics of the case and the meaning of the verb), which causes great difficulties for foreigners [9, P.183-185]. However, it happens that in the student's native language, certain case meanings are absent or a different construction is used to implement it. For successful work, the teacher needs to point out both the similarities in prepositional-case constructions in the native language, and their differences.

One of the most difficult tasks for a linguist is to describe the syntax of a language in terms of form, meaning and unity of all components, thanks to which the meaning of the entire sentence is formed. In synthetic Russian, the unity of morphology and syntax is of great importance, which is explained by the use of such tools as the "model of the subject perspective of the statement", "the concept of the communicative register of speech" and "taxis as a technique of interpredicative relations in the text» [5, P.108].

Speaking about the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, it is necessary to say about syntaxemes — free and connected — in the system of the linguistic model. In the Persian language there are related syntaxemes, the unity of which is prompted by the logic of their use, however, the existing differences in prepositional-case relations can cause enormous difficulties for a native speaker of Persian.

At the initial stage of training, each case is entered in the meanings that are necessary to solve the most simple communication problems. The teacher begins teaching students the cases in a strict sequence that can be called traditional. Following the proposed and comprehensive classification of case semantics proposed by G.A. Zolotova, let us take only those values that the teacher talks about at the initial stage of training.

1. The nominative case, as in Russian, indicates the subject of the action.

1.1. nominative (various names) Kievskaya station: истга «Киевская»-Ь.1£^£ »l&Lyl)

б) predictable subject (student solves a problem: данешамуз хальмиконад масале ра-lj jU jjJ ^¡l')

1.2. subject-carrier of a passive predicative feature (Documents are signed by the director: (Мадареки эмзамишаванд тавасотэ модир-

^ ■ - j" 'j'miu 1 ■ l

1.3. the object is the causator of an emotional or intellectual value relationship (I liked the film: Фильм дустдарам- ^ fjl' "j')

1.4. predicate in qualification-assessment models (Water is the basis of all life: Аб асасе хаме джандаран хаст-

il^il jljl^jl^. ^ 4_аа ^A^il ^ll)

е) predicate in models characterizing the environment (It is raining outside: дар хиабан баран аст-i^l jljlj jbUi j')

1.5. vocative (Maxim, where are you going ?:Максим, куджа мири?? ^JJ* l^^ l ^Inl^bi)

2. The accusative case is given in the following meanings [8, P. 4-8]: time (exact, days of the week, time period, as well as the time spent on the commission or completion of the action), movement, object of the action. There are no difficulties with temporal expression in prepositional-case constructions in Russian and Persian — you can easily point out the similarities in use. In the Persian language there are no so many verbs of movement, and any movement in space is conveyed by the verb go (равтан - infinitive). In addition, there is no difference between the prepositions v / na to indicate the place of movement (I go to the house and I go to the street; * Ман мирам бе хане-4-^ 4 ^j.^ ц*: Ман мирам бе хиабун- 4 fjj* jljl^). However, difficulties are caused by some verbs, which after themselves require the accusative case in Russian, and in Persian there is a different realization of the meaning: for example, through a prepositional-case construction. The following meanings of the Accusative case are distinguished at the initial stage of teaching Russian as a foreign language:

2.1. tempora in various meanings (I read it three days; 5 minutes before the start: пишаз 5 дагиге та шуру- l" ^jj jl Jk..

2.2. intensive (every hour, every Wednesday: хар саат-^Ь ja; хар чаршанбэ-4-jj-^jl^- ja)

2.3. action object (build bridge: пол сахтан-ц^Ь Jj.)

2.4. directives (to come to the city: амадан бе шахр-js" 4 j^l)

2.5. transitive (drive through the city:убур кардан аз шахр-js" jl j'jS jjc)

2.6. tool (look in the mirror: диде шодан дар айне-4-ijJ j' u^"

2.7. trasgive (included in: варед шодан дар сахтар-jtj^ j' ji" 'jlj)

2.8. quantitative (twice: до бар-jljj')

2.9. qualitative (striped shirt: лебас чохархане-4-il^jl^-

Some meanings are given only at the level of memorization or examples.

3. The prepositional case is used to express the following meanings: location in space (static) (My friend lives in the house = Дуст ман дар хане зендеги миконад-^^ к^о j' t> iji); object of conversation or perception; vehicle; time (week, month, year) (last year^ap сале гозаште-4"^ Jb j'). The main meanings possessed by the prepositional case can be presented in the following sequence:

3.1. locative (in Moscow, in the park, in the house: the gift of Mosco-j£^> J',дар парк-^jb. J',дар хане-4-iU- j')

3.2. deliberative (about brother, about life: дарбаре барадар-j'lj ^ °jljj'; дарбаре зендеги-к^о ^ »jljj')

3.3. temporific (in August, last century: дар агуст-^j^ j'; дар гарне гозаште-4^"^ jJ j')

3.4. thematic (the program does not cover: дар барнаме диде немишавад-

'j ni.u' йЛр 4_*ljjj j')

3.5. physical or emotional state (in anger, in sleep, in anger: дар хашм-, ^ J'дар хаб-, ^lj^ J'дар асабанийат- j'

i " n't 4 i

3.6. a feature component denoting the outer covering of a face or object (in a shirt, in socks: дар пирахан-uAljjj. j', дар джураб- ^ljj^ j')

ж) limiting (used in chemistry, not accepted in relationships: эстефаденемишавад дар шимми-'jA^ fliU j')

3.7. mediation (by boat, by car: ба гайег-,^ Ьба машин-цн^ lj)

и) causative (provided that: дар шарайете-,-Ц>.^ J'дар ноэ-^jj j')

4. The dative case at the initial stage of learning is given in the following values: age, addressee of the message; specialty, occupation, time (end of action by a certain date; cyclicity (on Mondays = дошанбе ха-lA 4jj"jj / хар (every) дошанбе- ja 4jj"j')); source of information movement in open space (I'm walking down the street = Ман мирам аз хиабун-

f J^ jljl^ jl u*); movement (to something or to somebody (I go to a friend = Ман мирам пише дуст-i^j' ^jj. f jj^ u>). The main meanings of the dative case can be presented in the following sequence:

4.1. addressee (letter to mom: наме бе мадар-j'l* 4*U)

4.2. subject of any state (I'm dreaming, I'm tired of: ман хаб мибинам-,^^ ^lj^ ц*ман немихам-flj^j t>)

4.3. subject of causal action (I'm bored: барам хасте конандас-

Ci^l ejjjS 4'шЛ fljj)

4.4. subject-carrier of age (I am 20 years old: Ман 20 (бист) саламе-

4.Ли1 ' "bujj j-)

4.5. modal value (I need, I had to, I succeeded = correlative value I have to: Ман лазем дарам-^jb fjV о-Ман Нияз дарам-^ jb jbj о-Ман даряфт миконам-^^%> cibjj ц-)

4.6. directives (come to a friend, to the house: рафтан пишет дуст-,^^ ^jj jia Jпише ханэ-4-it^ ^jj.)

4.7. correlative (glasses to face: ейнак бе сурат-^jj^ 4 ^jp)

4.8. intensive (came to the conclusion: расидан бе натидже-4-^ 4j uJh j)

4.9. transitive (along the road, along the bottom: аз рах-^lj ^рузане-^О^)

4.10. rubricative (in chemistry: шими-<^н)

4.11. causative (by mistake, unknowingly: бе эштебах-'bi"! 4j)

5. The instrumental case is given in the following meanings: together (with somebody or something); compatibility; tool, tool (I write with a pen and pencil); profession (I work as a teacher); way of travel (I travel by train;); location in space (The book lies next to / under / above / behind / in front of the table); congratulations (Happy New Year!сале но мобарак- j Jb ^Ы). It is with the grammatical expression of the meaning that most of the errors are associated: in the Persian language, the accusative case is used without any prepositions instead of the instrumental case. The main meanings of the instrumental case can be presented in the following sequence:

5.1. temporific (day, day) (рузане — 4_iljjj(adjective), собу), but: from new day = рузе джадид-j.^ jjj

5.2. locative (behind / in front of / above / under the house, between trees: пошт-Ci¿J/джолое-JWбалае-VЬ/зире-J:0— хане-,4-Л^бейне дарха-1ь jj jjj)

5.3. instrumental (do it yourself: ба дастхае ход-А>- L)

5.4. mediation (go by train: равтон ба гатар-jt-^ lj jiaj)

5.5. passive models (signed by the director: эмза мишавад тавасоте модир-—^ji JjAi- l^-l)

5.6. models with a quality value (differ in character, have intelligence, are characterized by decency: мотамаезбудан- jb>i-lpjd

5.7. object (run a factory, rule oneself, be interested in music, do chemistry: конторолкардан кархане-4-^ jlS jJjS JjijS)

5.8. objective-quantitative value (filled with water: поршодан ба аб-^l lj и" jj)

5.9. object-instrumental (wave hand: текан даданэ даст-c^ ¿jb ¿l£i)

5.10. deliberative meaning (sore throat, pain). There are no equivalents in Persian language.

5.11. the object-causator of an emotional relationship (to be proud of a person: эвтахаркардан бе адам- fi 4 jjjS jUial)

5.12. directives (follow the leader, for the thoughts: донбалкардан модира-jJjS JbjJ)

5.13. temporific (at lunch, between exams: габл аз Назар,бейне эмтеханат-^^-! jjj ' jl d^)

5.14. finitive (for a gift, for flowers: барае кадо-jJS ^^,барае голь-J^ ^Ijj)

5.15. causative (for lack of a handle: бехатере набуд ходкар-jlSjj^ ^jjj jil^j)

5.16. committing (with love, with joy: ба эшг-j"» L, ба шади-^l" lj)

5.17. modal qualification of action (rest is prohibited: эстрахаткардан дар нахие мамнуэ-4-cjj— 4iki- jj jjjS c^ljU)

5.18. subject-partner, accomplice (to argue with the father: шартбандикардан ба педар-jJj jJjS ij")

5.19. deliberative-causative (congratulate you on the holiday: табрикговтан джашн бе шума- 4 ^jjfi).

6. At the initial stage of training, students are introduced to the following meanings of the Genitive case: belonging of something to someone; lack of something or somebody (after the word no); after 2,3, 4 + Gen. case (units), after 5-20 + Gen. case (plural) reverse movement (from something or from somebody) after a lot, a little, a little, a lot, how much, etc. + Gen. case (plural); comparative design; date (number) of the event (no preposition); event time; object / subject attribute; reason (because of, from), while the main semantic load is carried by prepositions. The main meanings of the genitive case can be presented in the following sequence:

6.1. date (1st May 1995: авале май сале 1995- Jjima)

6.2. number (three houses:се хане-4-^ (1.Nominative case))

6.3. in negative constructs (there was no book: кетаб надаштан-ц"1^

6.4. affiliation (friend's book: кетабе дустам-^jJ ^S)

6.5. trait carrier (beauty of nature: зибаие табнат-"л;;Ь ^¿j)

6.6. precomparative (above me: боландтар аз ман-о- jl jj ¿Л)

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

6.7. sign (without help: бедуне кумак-^-S jjju)

6.8. destination (for parents:барае валедейн-ц^ь ^ijj)

6.9. finitive (for speed: барае сорат-Ccj^

6.10. directives:

6.10.1. with an endpoint (home: та хане-4Л^ li)

6.10.2. with a starting point (from home: аз хане-4-it^ jl)

6.10.3. starting point (from home: аз хане-4^ jl)

6.10.4. point with an obstacle (because of the cabinet: аз поште комод-^ c^j jl), (from under the bed: аз зире тахт- jl c^i j.j)

6.11. temporative

6.11.1. limited time (before breakfast: та сопхане-4-jW^ ti)

6.11.2. from the starting point (from lunch, from the lesson: аз нахар-jt-sjjl, аз класс-^S jl)

6.12. dimension (up to 30 degrees, up to two meters: та си дарадже-4-^jJ ^ Ij, та до метр-ji- jJ li)

6.13. intensive (until the end: та ахер-j^l li)

6.14. fabricated (from metal, from apple juice: аз ахан-цЬ jl, аз абе сиб-^н jl)

6.15. sursiv (from school diary: a3 ga^Tap HyMpe-»>>j JiSJ jl)

6.16. generative (from a family of doctors: a3 xaHeBagee goraop- j&j ^ aJljjU. jl)

6.17. instrument (from a pistol: a3 TO^am- ^ji" jl)

6.18. Kay3aTHB (out of fear, out of hunger, out of boredom: a3 Tapc-^jj' jl, a3 ropocHera-^^j^j^ jl, a3 xacrerH-^i^- jl)

6.19. locative (between houses, opposite the house, among the room: 6eHHe xaHexa-^ ajU. Oh, py6epye xyHe-4-^ ^jj Aj jj, Bacare OTar- (jfl

6.20. destination (leaf from a tree: 6apr a3 gepaxT-^jJ jl ^jj)

6.21. subject of the sender (from parents: a3 BagegeHH-u^lj jl)

6.22. potensive (hide from children: Max^mapgaH a3 6anaxa-^ a^j jl ¿pj£

6. 23. distinguish (a book from a manual: MaH MugoHaM Ta^OBOT pa)

6. 24. directives (go against the wind: pa^TaH gap xaga^e g^axaTe 6ag-

Jlj ' jj o^sj)

6.25. deliberate (against weapons, war: 3ege cegax-^^ —

6.26. directives (from Russian to Persian: a3 pycu 6e ^apcn-^jlS aj ^^jj jl)

6.27. locative (at / near the house: name xaHe-4-^ / Ha3guK xaHe-Aj^- ^jjjj)

6.28. the subject of the state (I have happiness: MaH xomxagaM-^^>- t>)

In Russian, when expressing the meaning of an object, the accusative case is most often used without a preposition in the presence of a transitive verb, in the presence of a return verb with the same meaning — the creative case, in Persian these meanings are transmitted using the prepositional case construction, mainly the preposition "k" and the dative case or preposition "ro" and the genitive case. The main semantic load is carried by prepositions. For foreigners who learn Russian and have the grammatical system of their mother tongue as the main one, the main difficulty, along with the endings, is different prepositions than in their native language. Thus, the teacher will face certain mistakes (especially at the initial stage) that will be caused not by a lack of knowledge, but by the influence of the grammatical system of the mother tongue. In particular, Persian may contain both the meaning of the object and the cause, so the teacher, building an exercise system, must first select lexical material, the prepositional and case constructions of which coincide with the native language (for example, the accusative case without a preposition), then select verbs that use the creative case with the preposition "c" in At the same time, it is very important to give a synonymous meaning with a grammatical difference when explaining the value that the case carries.

The main meanings of the creative case are always expressed, unlike in the Russian language, with the help of the preposition "c" — at this point, the teacher faces a difficult task — to form a skill that will not mix two grammatical systems. An important distinguishing feature of an expression of a certain meaning is the presence of a preposition in Persian, but certain difficulties can arise when expressing the same meaning by means of the same preposition: for example, in Persian, the preposition "from" denotes both directives and the addressee. If the pretext is used correctly, the student may use the wrong case form in Russian, which will also be caused by the influence of the mother tongue.

The main difficulties in most cases are the presence of a preposition in Persian in the absence of one in Russian. Below is a comparative table, thanks to which a teacher working with Iranian students will not only be able to predict an error, forms certain competencies, but also systematize verbs, and decide to include them in a particular stage of study.

Table 1. - Differences in case use in Russian and Persian verbs

verb case and preposition in Russian case and preposition in Persian

to influence На + Accusative (without preposition) + Accusative

to fall in love В + Accusative (without preposition) + Accusative

to get married (for woman) За + Accusative C + Instrumental

to vote on За + Accusative (without preposition) + 3

to guess О + Prepositional (without preposition) + Accusative

to suppose, to admin Accusative K + Dative

to complain На + Accusative 0 + Prepositional

to take care, to worry О + Prepositional (without preposition) + Accusative

to be sick Instrumental № + Genitive

To afraid Genitive № + Genitive

To shave Instrumental C + Instrumental

To deprecate Dative C + Instrumental

To perform в/на + Prepositional B + Accusative

To criticize Против + Genitive C + Instrumental

To be proud Instrumental Dative

To prepare К + Dative ^ga + Genitive

To threaten Dative Accusative

To give Accusative; Dative Accusative, k + Dative

To choke Instrumental Accusative

To give a present Dative K + Dative

To trust Dative K + Dative

Continuation of table 1. - Differences in case use in Russian and Persian verbs

verb case and preposition in Russian case and preposition in Persian

To wait Genitive Accusative

To touch До + Genitive К + Dative

To wish Dative Для + Genitive

Genitive Accusative

to get married (for man) На + Prepositional С + Instrumental

To have breakfast Instrumental Accusative

To give a task Dative К + Dative

To have a snack Instrumental С + Instrumental

To practice Instrumental Accusative

To sign up в/на + Accusative Для + Genitive

To get infect Instrumental С + Instrumental

To greet с + Instrumental Dative

To misuse Instrumental Из + Genitive

To be interested in Instrumental С + Instrumental

seems Dative + Instrumental Dative + Accusative

To touch on Genitive Accusative

To slander Accusative О + Prepositional

To feed Accusative К + Dative

To shout Genitive Из + Genitive

To deprive Accusative; Genitive Из + Genitive; Accusative

To flatter Dative Accusative

To admire Instrumental К + Dative

To wave Dative Для + Genitive

To disturb Dative Accusative

To be silent Genitive Из + Genitive

To take revenge Dative Из + Genitive

To reward Accusative; Instrumental К + Dative; Accusative

To bother Dative Из + Genitive

To attack Accusative К + Dative

To fill Instrumental Accusative

To insist На + Prepositional Для + Genitive

To dispose oneself На + Accusative Для + Genitive

To go numb Genitive Из-за + Genitive

To like Nominative; Dative Accusative

To take offense На + Accusative С + Instrumental

To exchange Instrumental Accusative

To service Accusative К + Dative

To announce Accusative; Dative Accusative; к + Dative

To explain Accusative; Dative Accusative; к + Dative

To acquire Instrumental К + Dative

To reply Dative К + Dative

To refuse Dative к + Dative

To deny От + Genitive Accusative

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

To open Accusative; Instrumental С + Instrumental

To report Перед + Instrumental К + Dative

To pay Dative Для + Genitive

To give way Dative С + Instrumental

To suggest Dative К + Dative

To emphasize Accusative Dative

To congratulate Accusative Dative

To transform В+ Accusative Dative

To warn Accusative К + Dative

To overcome Accusative Dative

The end of table 1. - Differences in case use in Russian and Persian verbs

verb case and preposition in Russian case and preposition in Persian

To ask Accusative № + Genitive

To let Accusative Dative

To be jealous * Accusative; к + Dative K + Dative

To follow За + Instrumental Accusative

To laugh Над + Instrumental Dative

To shoot Accusative Dative

To trade Instrumental Accusative

To oppress Accusative Dative

To teach Accusative Dative

Note: *Persian does not represent the meaning of the address object: be jealous off all to Maxim.

This typology of prepositional and case meanings in Persian, as well as its comparison with the Russian system, will be useful for young teachers who start working with Iranian students. In addition, this study can be relevant in the development of a specialized textbook for Iranians studying Russian as a foreign language, which will avoid certain mistakes and contribute to the rapid assimilation of Russian grammar and the formation of the necessary skills and abilities. This manual can be based on the differences between the Russian and Persian prepositional and case systems.


When comparing the prepositional-case systems in Russian and Persian, it becomes noticeable that many meanings that are expressed by the accusative case in Persian are represented in the genitive case in Russian, while various forms without prepositional structures (including in the genitive case), presented in Russian, requires a preposition in Persian. The ending in Russian also conveys a certain meaning, which implies possible variation in Russian as opposed to Persian. Due to the fact that in the Persian case, nouns do not have endings, the semantic load is taken on by prepositions that convey a certain shade of meaning in syntaxemes in a particular situation. The Iranian language is not such a complex prepositional-case system as in Russian, therefore it is difficult for students to differentiate the shades of meanings, due to the fact that Russian cases and the entire prepositional-case system perform huge syntactic functions.


The author of the article expresses his deep gratitude to Ahmadreza Rasouli and Mohammadhossein Rasouli from Islamic Azad University, Tehran Dental Branch for her help in translating the illustrative material into Persian and for the valuable comments made during the work on the article.

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

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