UDC 81-139
Galina A. Аsonova
Senior Lecture of the Russian as a foreign language of the department of Russian language and culture of speech, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russian Federation, Moscow, e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. In the given article the speech goes about specifics of teaching participles as one of the main and complex topic in grammar of Russian. The author of the article shares her own experience as an example of teaching Russian at the international group at the preparatory faculty in 2017. The article provides the reader with different types of games and exercises on the topic of participles are given, the peculiarities of the topic and the result which can be led by students. The present article draws attention to the methods of an effective reaching of comprehension are analyzed in the article, the role of the learning game and visual means is explained in the learning participles, which lead an activation of thinking and developing communicational skills with using participles in constructing sentences. The data of the present theme are given in the tables which denote specifics of the teaching participles to foreign students.
Keywords: thinking activation, Russian as a foreign, direct speech, dialogue, monologue, exercises.
Асонова Галина Анатольевна
Старший преподаватель кафедры русского языка и культуры речи, ФГБОУ ВПО «Российский экономический университет
имени Г. В. Плеханова»;
Российская Федерация, Москва, e-mail: [email protected]
В предлагаемой статье речь идёт о специфике изучения причастия как одной из главных и сложных тем в грамматике русского языка как иностранного. Автор статьи делится собственным опытом на примере практики преподавания русского языка в интернациональной группе на подготовительном факультете (курс 2017 года). В статье приведены различные типы упражнений
игр, их функции, особенности их применения, результат, к которому они могут привести. В статье анализируются способы эффективного достижения обучающимися понимания темы причастия, обосновывается роль учебной игры и наглядных средств обучения, способствующих активизации мышления и развития навыков коммуникации с применением причастий в речи. Данные исследования темы представлены в таблицах, отображающих специфику обучения причастиям.
Ключевые слова: активизация мышления, русский язык как иностранный, прямая речь, диалог, монолог, упражнения.
Для цитирования:
Аsonova, G. A. The ways of teaching grammatical category of participle as an important part of Russian grammar of the level B1 // Гуманитарная парадигма. 2018. № 2(5). С. 13-20.
Participles are one of the most important and a complex part of speech with their special system of formation in the Russian as a foreign language. It's formed from a verb depending on its tense and function. Foreign students who need to possess the B1 knowledge of Russian are given the learning materials of participles at the second term of the academic year at the preparatory faculty in Russia.
It's especially noted that despite the fact participles are highly structured and explained, foreign students still find them difficult to remember due to variety of their forms and meanings. The words by famous Russian linguist L. V. Sherba are to be remembered1: «A form is inseparably connected to its meaning, and through that — to its essence» [4, p. 79].
This leads to another statement when an aspect of time is laid in an action that is defined by a participle. Participles of Russian give the characteristics of time conducted in a moment of speech. The characteristics of this part of speech are following:
It's form from a verb
It can be active or passive depending on an object or a subject to be producing an action
It can be created in two grammatical tenses: present and past
The system of active participles and passive participles denotes their existence with the suffixes which gives participles form and meaning.
Being the big part of the official and business lexis participles are used there to implement the business style of speech in Russian. In comparison to this statement should be noted that participles are rarely used in the colloquial speech.
1 In Russian literal words it was said by L. V. Sherba: «Форма неразрывно связана с содержанием, а через него — с сущностью».
The most important technologies of how to better memorize the participles are recommended in the following steps:
The repetition of forms: allows students to do 20 exercises or more for one particular type of participles of one suffix in it.
Systemization of verbs: is necessary for understanding participles or dividing verbs into groups; for example, verbs of emotions, verbs of joy, verbs of sadness, verbs of work and others to be done in different ways of forming participles.
Contextual repetition of forms (is equal to repetition of participles in a context): allows students not only to remind the right form of a participle but also to use it in different contexts. Visual improvisation is also recommended to be regarded at the lessons.
Creating interrogative sentences: allows students to find out about which participle was/is used in speech: «У мальчика, живущего на пятом этаже, есть породистая собака». The following question must be done: «У какого мальчика есть породистая собака?». This exercise helps students get better orientation when asking for information. For this matter tables are highly recommended.
Game play or role-play games: allow students to create and think of any participles based on the pictures or any visual context. Games can be conducted in pair work of students under control of a teacher.
Exercise-reduction: this type of exercise allows students to correct the grammatical endings of participles, to find the right tense and suffix and to use it in a context. Students should be given the materials in advance by a teacher to do these exercises.
Direct speech exercise: this type of exercise allows students to create their own vision on things or topics using participles in sentences. A way to do this exercise could be done in a form of an interview, a monologue, a dialogue between students under control of a teacher. Participles can be created in a moment of speech by students. Verbs can be written down on the whiteboard by a teacher in advance.
Reading exercises that are conducted by students while reading of the newspapers or fragments from fiction and so on at the lessons.
As the title implies the given article the following methods must be presented denoting the methodology of teaching participles in Russian as a foreign language: a) traditional method; b) innovative method; c) mixed method. It should be stressed that those methods were historically approved and used. The peculiarities of teaching participles at the preparatory faculty have to be marked:
Traditional method belongs to classic part of teaching grammar system of the Russian as a foreign of 60-s of the 20 century when in Moscow appeared the University of people's friendship. Teachers who were starting working there had been the graduates of the Moscow State University (MSU). They tried to find the
way to explain not only participles but the whole Russian grammar itself while teaching it to students from different countries of the world such as Zimbabwe, Benin and other countries of Africa, Morocco, China, Iran, Iraq, Syria and others. Those times are marked by different efforts of researches of the Russian language grammar. Professors as A. I. Shirochenskaya, S. A. Khavronina, T. V. Shustikova based their ideas and theories on the researches by the greatest linguists of Russia such as V. V. Vinogradov, L. V. Sherba, I. A. Boduen de Kurtene and other classics and linguists. The main works appeared by methodology of the head of the department of the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute in Moscow, as well. Such names as N. D. Burvikova, V. G. Kostomarov, Yu. E. Prohorov, A. M. Shukin developed their own way of investigation the language and participles as its part [1, p. 46; 6, p. 35]. The MSU professors and teachers were also doing their own research.
Innovative method of teaching participles lays in the principle of using modern technologies and white board, interactive board, different tasks and colorful tables that are of a great help to students. Grammar in its traditional way is not hesitated, but is preferred to be used in a new series of exercises. Types of exercises have changed so far. They become more challenging and variable. Format of presenting the exercises has changed with the usage of modern technologies and visual means of learning as cards, pictures, learning games. The games play a huge role in modern teaching especially role-plays or vocabulary games [2; 5]. As an example, the game «Participles house» can be given. Students are supposed to learn participles with their forms and meanings and then distinguish them into parts.
Table 1. The paradigm denoting the game «Participle house».
The meaning of the game lies in choosing any part of the table 1, then answer questions that are written on special cards. Cards can be following:
Card 1
1. In which house the participle живущий live? Why?
Card 2
2. What's the special
characteristics of the participle?
Card 3
3. Create the right participle from the verbs: бежать, нравиться, мечтать, if it lives in the first floor of the participle house
The interest to this game is defined by the abstracting the attention of students from the book into the other surface and field of a knowledge. The more cards will be regarded and used for giving answers by students the better they will realize the system of «life» of a participle. It's important to make students understand first of the idea of participles itself.
Table 2. Explanation of the participle's nature.
Mixed method supposes to teach participles with the ability for students to distinguish them in a variable manner. Therefore at the first stage of learning participles students are given the idea of this part of speech in comparison to the sentences with the word «который». Then students are being explained the case system of the participles, the way participles function in different cases:
«Это студент, который понимает по-русски очень хорошо» (Nominative case) — «Это студент, понимающий по-русски очень хорошо» (Nominative).
«Я говорю о студенте, понимающем по-русски очень хорошо» (Prepositional).
«Я говорю со студентом, понимающим по-русски очень хорошо» (Instrumental).
«Я говорю студенту, понимающему по-русски очень хорошо» (Dative).
«У студента, понимающего по-русски очень хорошо, есть семья» (Genitive).
«Я вижу студента, понимающего по-русски очень хорошо» (Accusative).
After explaining the system of cases teacher gives the common table of endings like in table 3.
Table 3. Cases of participles and questions for them:
Cases Он/оно Она Они
Nominative читающИЙ/читающЕЕ читающАЯ читающИЕ
(какой? какое?) (какая?) (какие?)
Genitive -ЕГО -ЕЙ -ИХ
(у) какого?) (у) какой?) (у) каких?)
Dative -ЕМУ -ЕЙ -ИМ
(какому?) (какой?) (каким?)
Accusative -ЕГО/ИЙ/ЕЕ -УЮ -ИХ/ИЕ
(какого? какой? какое?) (какую?) (каких?/какие?)
Instrumental -ИМ -ЕЙ -ИМИ
(с) каким?) (с) какой?) (с) какими?)
Prepositional -ЕМ -ЕЙ -ИХ
(о) каком?) (о) какой?) (о) каких?)
A mention should be made that the next exercises can be of a great help in acquiring the participle, as well, and can be divided into three categories:
Traditional exercises: «open the brackets», «write the correct form of the participle»;
Exercises-charts: «Insert the right ending of the participle into the right column»;
Exercises with the deduction method: «Exclude three odd endings», «Find the mistake in a sentence in a form of a participle».
Table 4. Results in learning participles between the two groups of students at the preparatory faculty during the second term learning:
Students' Comprehension Comprehension Lack of Result of
name of participles' of participles use memorizing the
formation abilities as a problem to learn participles second term's test
Li Sin 30% 30% 50% 40%
Yu Chen 70% 75% 20% 70%
Phen Sin 50% 57% 30% 55%
Zhulio 80% 85% 10% 85%
Rim 70% 55% 30% 77%
The score system in the table 4 allows to analyzing the way the participles' comprehension by students goes. As it shown in the given table memorizing of participles' forms and function help students better use participles in the communication, understand them while reading learning materials and texts. The role of reading texts is underlined by researches E. L. Loshakova, E. A. Zozylya and A. S. Kaplunova due to acquiring texts as a way to «develop communicative skills of learners» [4, p. 44]. Modern researches E. V. Lavrushina, O. O. Boldina, T. M. Buiskih consider that «learning and strengthening study material on principally new lexical material which is close to real situation of the business communication» helps to better fix knowledge and of participles, as well [3, p. 71].
In conclusion it is important to say that participles present themselves as an interesting complex system that can be learned due to memory abilities of students and by conducting special exercises in grammar with the communication practice under control of a teacher.
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