Consumer preferences and quality of services in the field of physical culture and sports
UDC 796
Dr. Hab., Professor I.Yu. Gorskaya1' 2
PhD, Professor T.A. Kravchuk1
Dr. Hab., Professor A.I. Kravchuk1
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Belyakova1
1Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports, Omsk
2Omsk State Transport University, Omsk
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received by the editorial office on 11.09.2023
Objective of the study was to analyze consumer opinions on issues of interests and motivation for physical culture and sports, the quality of physical education and health services in the Russian Federation.
Methods and structure of the study. The materials of the scientific work were received at the Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports in the process of fulfilling a state assignment on the topic "Development of a standard model for the provision of physical education and health services by non-governmental organizations, including the procedure for monitoring their quality and methodological recommendations for their implementation" (2023). Methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of data from scientific and methodological literature, questionnaires, comparison, generalization, structuring, analysis and synthesis. The survey was conducted using Google forms (using a developed questionnaire of 20 questions) during 2023 with the participation of 5,550 people of different ages living in different regions of the Russian Federation.
Results and conclusions. The analysis made it possible to identify the preferences of different age groups of the population when choosing the type, form, place for physical culture and sports at the present stage. The most popular types of physical activity were identified (exercises in the gym, fitness club and swimming pool, playing team sports, running and Nordic walking, winter sports). Problematic aspects have been identified that limit the involvement of people in regular physical culture and sports, including reduced motivation to exercise, an insufficient number of sports facilities in the immediate vicinity of their place of residence or work, and the rather high cost of classes for a certain part of people.
Keywords: physical education and health services, physical activity, physical culture, sports, population of the Russian Federation.
Introduction. At the present stage, meeting the needs of the population of the Russian Federation for physical activity is implemented in a wide variety of forms and types of activities: sports training, additional forms of physical education for children and adolescents, fitness, classes in health clubs, online classes, etc. Researchers note the importance of a multilateral consideration of the problem involvement of the population in regular physical education and sports, including economic, logistical, managerial, social aspects [1-6]. To achieve the planned indicators of population involvement in physical education and sports, indicated in the program state documents of the Russian
Federation, a detailed analysis is necessary interests and preferences of different age groups of the population in this area, identifying the reasons and problematic aspects that limit the expansion of the number of people involved in sports.
Objective of the study was to analyze consumer opinions on issues of interests and motivation for physical culture and sports, the quality of physical education and health services in the Russian Federation.
Methods and structure of the study. The materials of the scientific work were received at the Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports in the process of fulfilling a state assignment on the
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I December I № 12 2023
topic "Development of a standard model for the provision of physical education and health services by non-governmental organizations, including the procedure for monitoring their quality and methodological recommendations for their implementation" (2023). Methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of data from scientific and methodological literature, questionnaires, analysis of statistical materials (report of the Ministry of Sports 1-FC for the Russian Federation for 2022), comparison, generalization, structuring, analysis and synthesis. The survey was conducted using Google forms (based on a developed questionnaire of 20 questions) during 2023 with the participation of 5,550 people of different ages living in different regions of the Russian Federation (a total of 8 federal districts were covered: Central (148 people), Northwestern (1081 people), Southern (45 people), North Caucasian (126 people), Volga (162 people), Ural (1981 people), Siberian (1519 people), Far Eastern (364 people)).
Results of the study and discussion. The survey conducted made it possible to identify current trends in the field of physical culture and sports in the regions of the Russian Federation. It was revealed that only about 33% of respondents practice different types of physical activity in their daily life. At the same time, 24% of respondents prefer independent studies (Table 1). Swimming pool activities are the most popu-
lar (except for the North Caucasus Federal District), however respondents note an insufficient number of swimming pools located within accessible proximity to their place of residence or work in their regions.
Among respondents involved in physical education and sports, almost half (46.6%) prefer an independent form of exercise. Online classes, which have become quite widespread in the last 5 years, are practiced by 2.2% (Table 2).
An analysis of respondents' interests when choosing a type of physical activity showed that the most popular are exercises in the gym, fitness club and swimming pool (Table 3). A fairly large proportion of people choose to engage in team sports, running and Nordic walking, and winter sports.
A study of the reasons limiting the inclusion of a sufficient amount of physical activity in the life cycle of citizens of the Russian Federation showed that only about 4% of people do not feel the need for regular exercise, about 33% are involved in physical education and sports, the rest of the respondents indicated various reasons that prevent them from engaging in physical culture and sports (Table 4). A significant portion of the respondents indicated financial difficulties, laziness, and lack of willpower as such reasons. However, such reasons indicate reduced motivation to exercise, which leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to search for effective approaches in this direction. More
Table 1. Consumer preferences when choosing a place for physical education and sports (%)
Federal district Fitness club/ studio By yourself Club at your place of residence State institutions Private organizations Online Pool Stadium Park area Your own answer
Central 16 24 3 12 9 2 18 6 8 2
Northwestern 13 22 5 12 6 2 18 11 8 3
Southern 14 18 6 8 9 3 20 16 3 3
North Caucasian 14 25 7 17 5 1 7 15 6 3
Privolzhsky 17 21 2 18 4 3 14 9 9 3
Ural 10 27 5 12 6 3 17 10 6 4
Siberian 13 23 6 16 5 2 17 9 7 2
Far Eastern 12 25 5 12 6 2 10 16 7 5
Russian Federation 12 24 4 13 6 2,5 17 10 7 3
Table 2. Respondents' preferences when choosing the form of organizing physical education and sports classes (according to survey data in the Russian Federation, n=5500 people)
Answer options Number of persons %
By yourself 2528 46,6
With an individual trainer 903 16,6
I prefer group classes 1876 34,6
I prefer online classes 119 2,2
Table 3. Respondents' preferences when choosing the type of physical activity (according to survey data in the Russian Federation, n=5500 people)
Answer options Number of persons %
Exercises in the gym 1803 17,1
Hall of active group programs (steps, fitballs, aerobics) 807 7,7
Hall of calm group programs (yoga, Pilates, stretching) 706 6,7
Dance hall (various directions) 407 3,9
Hall for team sports (volleyball, basketball, football, badminton, tennis) 986 9,3
Spa center (swimming pool, sauna, massage) 949 9
Pool 1996 18,9
Ski center 352 3,3
Winter sports (figure skating, hockey, cross-country skiing) 782 7,4
Running, Nordic walking 817 7,7
Martial arts 280 2,7
Your own option 661 6,3
Table 4. Distribution of respondents' answers to the question "What prevents you from doing physical education and sports?" (according to survey data in the Russian Federation, n=5500 people)
Answer options Number of persons %
Nothing bothers me, I'm working on it 2399 33,9
I don 't want 300 4,2
Lack of information 141 2
Health status 482 6,8
Material difficulties 698 9,8
Laziness, lack of willpower 883 12,5
Lack of free time 1953 27,6
Your own option 231 3,3
than 27% of respondents indicate a lack of free time, which also apparently indicates a lack of motivation for classes and the need to expand the forms of professional-applied classes, as well as classes organized in close proximity to the place of residence or work.
A number of questions in the questionnaire covered problematic aspects of the quality of service provision in the field of physical education and sports. In particular, an analysis of respondents' satisfaction with the conditions for the implementation of classes was carried out. It was revealed that almost 20% of respondents consider the price of services to be too high (Table 5). A fairly large proportion of respondent's point to the distance from home or office of sports facilities (14%), as well as to the insufficient number of sports facilities (13%). This information also correlates with the answers to the question - "What factors are the most significant for you when choosing a place/organization for physical education and sports?", since about 17% indicated that the price of classes is the determining factor when choosing a place for classes,
and 20% of respondents named the location of the sports facility as such a factor. About 10% of respondents are not satisfied with the equipment and inventory (outdated or poor quality), about 6% of respondents indicate non-compliance with sanitary standards in halls, locker rooms and other premises. It should be noted as a problematic aspect the low qualifications of the trainer or instructor, which was noted by almost 7% of respondents (Table 5).
A study of the involvement of children and adolescents aged 3-15 years in regular sports activities was carried out according to the summary report of the 1-FK for the Russian Federation for 2022. In particular, it was revealed that 17.3% of children and teenagers 3-15 years old, which is not a high enough indicator; an even lower percentage of children of this age are engaged in children's and teenage clubs (2.6%).
Conclusions. The conducted research made it possible to identify the preferences of different age groups of the population when choosing the type, form, place for physical education and sports at the
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I December I № 12 2023
Table 5. Distribution of respondents' answers to the question "What does not satisfy you when doing physical education and sports?" (%)
Federal district Central NorthWest South North Caucasus Privolzhsky Ural Siberian Far Eastern Russian Federation
High price 23 21 19 15 18 18 20 18 19,4
Low qualification of 7 6 9 7 9 6 8 6 6,9
Far from home/office 13 14 4 19 14 13 16 12 14,2
Unconvenient working 11 10 12 12 12 12 11 10 11,2
Old/poor quality equip- 10 9 10 10 11 10 10 10 10,2
Failure to comply with 8 6 5 3 7 6 8 6 5,9
sanitary standards in
halls and locker rooms
Lesson programs do not 4 4 4 1 3 4 3 4 3,2
take age into account
The load is too high for 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 2
Uninteresting/ 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 2,7
monotonous activities
Few sports facilities/ 9 15 11 15 9 14 10 16 13,1
halls, etc.
There are no programs 6 4 5 4 3 5 3 7 4,6
for my age and skill level
Your own option 4 7 7 10 9 7 6 5 6,5
present stage. The most popular types of physical activity were identified (exercises in the gym, fitness club and swimming pool, playing team sports, running and Nordic walking, winter sports). Problematic aspects have been identified that limit the involvement of people in regular physical education and sports, including reduced motivation to exercise, an insufficient number of sports facilities in the immediate vicinity of their place of residence or work, and the rather high cost of classes for a certain part of people. It should be noted that there are insufficiently high rates of involvement of children and adolescents in regular sports activities. The identified problematic aspects can serve as material for the formation of immediate and long-term plans aimed at ensuring wider involvement of the population in physical education and sports.
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