Aziz Hasan ugli Sultonov
Bachelors' student of Tashkent State Transport University
Jasur Kushokovich Choriyev
Bachelors' student of Tashkent State Transport University
Oybek Rustamovich Achilov
Scientific supervisor, senior teacher, Tashkent State Transport University
This paper analyzes the common technical problems in the construction of road and bridge, and puts forward the corresponding measures to ensure the quality of road and bridge construction. The construction quality of road and bridge has become an important work content of the transportation industry, therefore in this research it has been considered as a key point to discuss.
Keywords: Road and Bridge Construction, Quality Inspection Technology, Problems Fixation
The traffic industry must attach great importance to the bridge construction related issues, technology is the road bridge construction in the center of the important factors, road and bridge construction units should firmly grasp the key link of technology, the use of technical strengthening and technical measures to prevent the comprehensive To ensure the overall quality of road and bridge construction. Based on the actual construction of road and bridge construction, this paper illustrates the causes of construction problems of various types of road bridges, and provides the solutions to the problems of road and bridge construction technology. It is based on the angle of transportation construction and the level of technology Reconstruction of road and bridge construction industry. The construction quality of road and bridge construction can not be separated from the actual accumulation and summary of road and bridge construction. On the basis of scientific description of common problems in road and bridge construction, it is necessary to solve the problem of construction technology problem of all kinds of road and bridge construction and seek the solution of road and bridge construction technology Measures to transport the construction of the perspective and
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technical aspects of the road bridge construction industry deconstruction, as a whole to enhance the bridge construction technology capacity and level.
Analysis on the Cause of Construction Technology of Road and Bridge
The first concrete vibrations are insufficient. Due to the prestressed pipe in the web is too dense in the concrete pouring is extremely easy to cause the local location of the concrete vibrate the lack of density caused by concrete appear Ma, holes and other quality defects. Second, the impact of temperature stress in the early stages of concrete pouring cement hydration heat will accumulate in the concrete can not be distributed inside the internal temperature will cause the rise, causing the concrete surface expansion stress due to the initial tensile strength of concrete and the surface Of the tensile stress is easy to exceed the ultimate tensile strength of concrete, which will lead to concrete cracks reduce the strength of the road bridge. The third road bridge prestressed pipe in the construction of the lack of accuracy in the line so that the pipeline is not rounded or local bending, causing the location of the prestressed tendons and the actual location of the deviation, it is easy to cause cracks. The fourth road bridge contractor to a relatively low price contract to the project in order to obtain profits from the low quality and low cost of construction materials are applied to the project which shoddy construction machinery and equipment are also frequent failures.
Grouting method is through the air pressure or hydraulic grouting method to the foundation into the different materials of the slurry, the original ground of water or other discharge or with the original ground reaction, to achieve the purpose of changing the foundation and improve the strength of the foundation. This method is a more widely used method, suitable for all types of foundations, such as soft soil foundation, you can use split grouting method; Chong fill or collapsible loess foundation can use pressure casting method. [1]
Rotary spray method requires the use of rotary spray machine to produce rotary jet piles, rotary spray machine can be placed in the depths of the soil rotation of the special nozzle cement and other solidified liquid into the soil, and layer by layer to enhance So that the soil and cement curing solution combined hardened into a jet grouting pile, suitable for fine sand, red fill or soft clay and other soil foundation. [2]
The bridge was necessity since ancient days to cross rivers, valleys, hills etc ,the first bridge may be the fallen tree over these obstacles, further with the advancement of civil engineering so many types of bridges came into existence like "Steel and RCC bridges", and now a days it is symbol of development for any country. The necessity and various types of bridges included in this review with history of worldwide and Indian bridges and
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there classification based on material used for the purpose. A Bridge is a structure providing passage over an obstacle without closing the way beneath. The required passage may be for a road, a railway, pedestrians, a canal or a pipeline. The obstacle to be crossed may be a river, a road, railway or a valley. In other words, bridge is a structure for carrying the road traffic or other moving loads over a depression or obstruction such as channel, road or railway. A bridge is an arrangement made to cross an obstacle in the form of a low ground or a stream or a river without closing the way beneath. [3]
Though bridges generally have a design life of 75-100 years, there havebeen incidences where strengthening or rehabilitation of the bridges is required before their designed life span. The reasons may be many but in the case of Balad bridge, which is located on the National Highway no.21A near Baddi (Himachal Pradesh), the rehabilitation of the bridge was required due to deep scouring and lowering of the bed at one of the pier location. As the bridge was designed for the maximum anticipated discharge and corresponding scour depth such a deep scouring was never expected. Such an unexpected deep scouring forced to explore in detail any other possible reasons for the scouring. After gathering the information from the local people regarding similar problems in nearby other bridges, it appeared that there may be other factors associated with the problem and this necessitated the detailed investigations not only for the Balad bridge but also for other nearby bridges. [4,9]
Mixing method is to add the cement or cement slurry and other curing agent and stirring, so that the foundation and the curing agent between the physical or chemical reaction, the formation of the main and hard mixing, improve the overall strength and water stability of the foundation The This method has the advantages of short construction period and no negative influence on the surrounding buildings. [5]
A structure built to span a valley, road,river, body of water, or any other physical obstacle. Designs of Bridges will vary depending upon the function of the bridge and nature of the area where the bridge is to be constructed. The first bridges were made by nature itself—as simple as a log fallen across a stream or stones in the river. The first bridges made by humans were probably spans of cut wooden logs or planks and eventually stones, using a simple support and crossbeam arrangement. Some early Americans used trees or bamboo poles to cross small caverns or wells to get from one place to another. A common form of lashing sticks, logs, and deciduous branches together involved the use of long reeds or other harvested fibres woven together to forma connective rope capable of binding and holding together the materials used in early bridges. Hilly region pose unique problem for bridge construction. In a restricted hilly area
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ISSN: 2181-1385
Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1
itself climatic conditions, geological features and hydrological parameters vary considerably. [6,7]
Cryptography through the role of external forces to improve the density of the foundation of the foundation to achieve the purpose of strengthening the strength of the foundation, commonly used in a dynamic compaction method and vibration method. The dynamic compaction method uses a rammer with a weight greater than the specified load to give the foundation a vibration and an impact force, and the vibrating method uses a vibrator to vibrate inside the foundation and adds a Advances in Engineering Research (AER), volume 130 filler during the process to re Arrange and reduce the gap, thereby reducing its settlement value.Roadbed treatment technology control subgrade due to long-term impact load such as vehicles, if its density and other deficiencies, prone to compression deformation, therefore, need to minimize the roadbed compression deformation, in the construction need to do the following:Before filling the roadbed, remove the debris on the surface of the foundation to ensure that the degree of cleanliness of the foundation to avoid the roadbed mixed with debris caused by its structural stability; if the original land for the original, in addition to cleaning the surface, but also on the surface under the 150mm The soil is clean; if there are more holes in the foundation, you need to first flattened, and finally with the roller rolling, to ensure the density of the foundation.[8]
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ISSN: 2181-1385
Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1
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