ISSN: 2181-1385
Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1
Abrorbek Baxodirjon ugli Shakirov
Bachelors Student of Tashkent state transport university
Shahruzbek Shavkat ugli Khudoyberdiyev
Bachelors Student of Tashkent state transport university
Oybek Rustamovich Achilov Scientific supervisor, Tashkent state transport university senior teacher
In terms of modern prospective type of construction, it can be stated that suspension bridge with overhead cables supporting its roadway may decorate any urban or rural area. Modern suspension bridges are light and aesthetically pleasing and can span longer distances than any other bridge form. Suspension bridges can be made for freight trains, automobile traffic, therefore the article includes main information about construction of suspension bridges on different areas.
Keywords: bridge, cable, type, span, tower, girder, deck, steel, suspender, arch, foundation.
A suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the deck is hung below suspension cables on vertical suspenders. The first modern examples of this type of bridge were built in the early 1800s. Simple suspension bridges, which lack vertical suspenders, have a long history in many mountainous parts of the world.
The suspension cables must be anchored at each end of the bridge, since any load applied to the bridge is transformed into a tension in these main cables. The main cables continue beyond the pillars to deck-level supports, and further continue to connections with anchors in the ground. The roadway is supported by vertical suspender cables or rods, called hangers. In some circumstances, the towers may sit on a bluff or canyon edge where the road may proceed directly to the main span, otherwise the bridge will usually have two smaller spans, running between either pair of pillars and the highway, which may be supported by suspender cables or their own trusswork. In the latter case, there will be very little arc in the
outboard main cables.
November, 2022
A typical suspension bridge is a continuous girder suspended by suspension cables, which pass through the main towers with the aid of a special structure known as a saddle, and end on big anchorages that hold them. Fig. 1. shows the essential structural members and elements of typical, including tower, hanger, main girder, and the anchorage. The main forces in a suspension bridge are tension in the cables and compression in the towers. The deck, which is usually a truss or a box girder, is connected to the suspension cables by vertical suspender cables or rods, called hangers, which are also in tension. The weight is transferred by the cables to the towers, which in turn transfer the weight to the anchorages on both ends of the bridge, then finally to the ground[1,6].
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ËL Main girder M
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Fig. 1. Image of the suspension bridge.
The curve shape of the suspension cables is similar to that of arch. However, the suspension cable can only sustain the tensile forces, which is different from the compressive forces in the arch. Also because of this, the cable will never "buckle" and highly efficient use of high strength steel materials becomes possible. The use of suspension bridges makes longer main spans achievable than with any other types of bridges, and they are practical for spans up to around 2 km or even larger. The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge crosses the busy Akashi Strait and links the city of Kobe on the mainland of Honshu to Iwaya on Awaji Island, in Japan. Since its completion in 1998, the bridge has had the longest central span of any suspension bridge in the world at 1991 m. The central spans of the top 10 largest suspension bridges are longer than 1300 m, indicating the incomparable spanning capability of this bridge type. The suspension bridge will be discussed in detail[2,7].
Types of Suspension Bridge
❖ Cable-stayed Suspension bridge:
The cable-stayed bridge, just like the span, supports the route with huge steel cables, however in a very different manner. The cables run directly from the route up to a tower, forming a singular "A" form.
❖ Simple Suspension Bridge:
November, 2022
ISSN: 2181-1385
Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1
These bridges are ordinarily created with materials like a rope. These bridges do not have towers or any huge foundation. Because of this, simple suspension bridges are not effective. The materials used are simply swayed by wind most cannot last a natural disaster of any kind. This can be why simple suspension bridges are accustomed cowl smaller distances and are not as well-liked as other suspension bridges.
The under-spanned span may be a rare variety of span that was created within the early 19th century. This bridge is comparable to the simple suspension bridge, but its trusses situated below the deck that will increase strength. This bridge also solely spans smaller areas and is usually made up of iron.
❖ Stressed Ribbon Bridge:
This Bridge contains cables embedded within the deck and contains a touch of an arch. This span is stressed in traction that permits it to be a lot of durable than an easy span. This bridge is created from steel rope, concrete, or treated wood.
❖ Self Anchored Suspension Bridge:
This span is extremely like common trendy suspension bridges. It is one major distinction that is not anchored to concrete or rock-like different bridges, this bridge has cables that are anchored to its deck. This puts a lot of tension on the bridge itself that makes it less reliable within the finish[3,8].
Classification according to Girder Type
The classification according to the girder type is based on the degree of freedom of the suspension bridge girder. The 3 hinged stiffening girder type is interpreted as a statically determinate structure, and the 2 hinged stiffening girder and continuous girder type are interpreted as statically indeterminate structures. Continuous girder types are used when external loads are large, such as in road rail bridges, because they increase the stiffness of suspension bridges and reduce the amount of deflection.
Under-spanned Suspension Bridge:
November, 2022
When bridges requiring piers are built over a body of water, foundations are made by sinking caissons into the riverbed and filling them with concrete. Caissons are large boxes or cylinders that have been made from wood, metal, or concrete. In the case of suspension bridges, towers are built atop the caissons. The early suspension-bridge towers were stone, but now they are either steel or concrete. Next, the anchorages are built on both ends, usually of reinforced concrete with embedded steel eyebars to which the cables will be fastened. [4,5,9]. An eyebar is a length of metal with a hole (or "eye") at the ends. Cables for some of the first suspension bridges were made of linked wrought-iron eyebars; now, however, cables are generally made of thousands of steel wires spun together at the construction site. Spinning is done by rope pulleys that carry each wire across the top of the towers to the opposite anchorage and back. The wires are then bundled and covered to prevent corrosion. When the cables are complete, suspenders are hung, and finally the deck is erected—usually by floating deck sections out on ships, hoisting them with cranes, and securing them to the suspenders.
November, 2022
Encyclopaedia Britannica
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November, 2022 Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal