17, tel.: +38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: tanya
UDC: 351:35.078.3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2020-1(21)-42-56
Lashkina Mariia Hryhoriivna,
psychologist-conflictologist, PhD in Public Administration, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of International Relations, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, 1, Prospekt Lyubomyra Huza, tel.: +38 (050) 397 2912, e-mail: maña. [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853
Лашкта Марiя rprnopisHa,
психолог-конфлжтолог, кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафе-дри журналттики, реклами i зв'язтв з громадсьтстю, факультет мiжнарод-них вiдносин, Нащональний авiацiйний утверситет, 03058, м. Кигв, пр. Любомира Гузара, 1, тел.: +38 (050) 397 29 12, e-mail: maria.lashkina@gmail. com.
ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853
Лашкина Мария Григорьевна,
психолог-конфликтолог, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры журналистики, рекламы и связей с общественностью, факультет международных отношений, Национальный авиационный университет, 03058, г. Киев, пр. Любомира Гузара, 1, тел.: +38 (050) 397 29 12, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-8331-1853
Bielska Tetiana Valentynivna,
Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshah Bazhanovа, [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700
Бельська Тетяна Валентитвна,
доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту i публгчного адмШстрування, Хартвський нащональний утверситет м1ського господарства iменi О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Хартв, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: +38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected].
ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700
Бельская Татьяна Валентиновна,
доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента и публичного администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: +38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700
Annotaion. The authors claim that the field of rationality has changed in the national governmental activity. They point out that a new technological reality destroys established rules of coexistence in the society, a logic of interaction, a decision-making system, political theories and practices. The authors determine that concepts of rational and irrational in modern management practices, advertising, public relations have their transformational social and psychological features.
The article substantiates that in the information space of Ukraine there are too much information noise, fakes, manipulative information messages that interfere with formation of rational thinking that influences decision making, both for each individual person and at the state level. It is argued that the archetypal methodology makes it possible to assume that relation between rational and irrational in the social consciousness of the Ukrainian society is unstable and variable and changes under external influences, in particular mass media. It is stated that in the society, having freedom and independence, we cannot be free from social influences. The authors predict that under such conditions a democratic principle of "free speech" effectively transforms an informational space of Ukraine into a sphere of influence of corporate interests of different political groups.
The authors assert that a cross disciplinary survey of the information space in regarding to formation of a concept of rational and irrational demonstrates an increase of influence on the irrational subconscious of the population. The article proves that there are attempts of media owners to influence processes of cognitive changes in the society, by the use of mythologization, prejudices and stereotypes of mass public consciousness; there is a shift to showcasing of political discourse, amplifying of information noise that leads to an increase in a number of people with a developed mode of irrational identity.
Keywords: archetype, management, influence, an informational space, decision making, rationality, irrationality, a Ukrainian school of archetype.
Анотацiя. Визначено, що в нащональнш державно-управлiнськiй дiяль-hoctí змшилося поле рацiональностi, i нова технолопчна реальнiсть руй-нуе усталенi правила сшвюнування у суспiльствi, логiку взаемодп, систему прийняття рiшень, полiтичнi теори та практики. Зазначаеться, що концепти рацюнального та iррацiонального в сучасних практиках менеджменту, ре-клами, зв'язюв з громадськiстю мають сво! трансформацшш сощально-пси-хологiчнi особливостi.
Обгрунтовуеться, що в шформацшному просторi Украши забагато ш-формацiйного шуму, фейкiв, манiпулятивних iнформацiйних повiдомлень, якi заважають формуванню рацiонального мислення, що впливае на прийняття ршень як кожною окремою людиною, так i на державному рiвнi. Стверджуеться, що архетипова методолопя дае можливiсть припустити, що стввщношення рацiонального та iррацiонального в сустльнш свiдомостi украшського соцiуму е нестшким та мiнливим й змшюеться пiд зовнiшнiми впливами, зокрема засобiв масово! комушкаци. Зазначаеться, що в сусшль-ствi, маючи свободу та незалежшсть, не можна бути вшьними вiд соцiальних впливiв. За таких умов, прогнозують автори, демократичний принцип "сво-боди слова" фактично перетворюе iнформацiйний простiр Украши на сферу впливу корпоративних штереав рiзних полггичних груп.
Доводиться, що оглядове мiждисциплiнарне дослiдження шформацш-ного простору на формування концепту рацюнального та iррацiонального демонструе шдвищення впливу на iррацiональну пiдсвiдомiсть населення. Вiдбуваються спроби власниюв засобiв масово! шформацп впливати на процеси когштивних змiн у сустльста, використовуючи мiфологiзацiю, забобони та стереотипи масово! сусшльно! свiдомостi; вiдбуваеться перехщ до шоутизацп полiтичного дискурсу, посилення шформацшного шуму, що призводить до шдвищення кшькосп людей з розвиненим модусом iррацiо-нально! iдентичностi.
K^40bí слова: архетип, управлiння, вплив, шформацшний простiр, прийняття рiшень, рацiональнiсть, iррацiональнiсть, Украшська школа ар-хетипiки.
Аннотация. Обозначено, что в национальной государственно-управленческой деятельности изменилось поле рациональности, и что новая технологическая реальность разрушает устоявшиеся правила сосуществования в
обществе, логику взаимодействия, систему принятия решений, политические теории и практики. Указывается, что концепты рационального и иррационального в современных практиках менеджмента, рекламы, связей с общественностью имеют свои трансформационные социально-психологические возможности.
Обосновано, что в информационном пространстве Украины много информационного шума, фейков, манипулятивных информационных сообщений, которые мешают формированию рационального мышления, влияет на принятие решений как каждым отдельным человеком, так и на государственном уровне. Утверждается, что архетипическая методология дает возможность предположить, что соотношение рационального и иррационального в общественном сознании украинского социума является неустойчивым и непостоянным и изменяется под внешними воздействиями, в том числе, средств массовой коммуникации. Указывается, что в обществе, имея свободу и независимость, не возможно быть свободными от социальных воздействий. При таких условиях, прогнозируют авторы, демократический принцип "свободы слова" фактически превратил информационное пространство Украины на сферу влияния корпоративных интересов различных политических групп.
Доказывается, что комплексное междисциплинарное исследование информационного пространства на предмет формирования концепта рационального и иррационального демонстрирует повышение влияния на иррациональное подсознание населения. Происходят попытки владельцев средств массовой информации влиять на процессы когнитивных изменений в обществе, используя мифологизацию, предрассудки и стереотипы массового общественного сознания; происходит переход к шоутизации политического дискурса, усиление информационного шума, что приводит к увеличению количества людей с развитым модусом иррациональной идентичности.
Ключевые слова: архетип, управление, влияние, информационное пространство, принятие решений, рациональность, иррациональность, Украинская школа архетипики.
"The government and media also play a role, protecting us from information,
which most strongly contradicts our views.....
Reporters and editors select, what materials should be presented to the public" From the Book "Social Impact," edited by F. Zimbardo, M. Leype, 2000,p. 157.
Problem statement. It should be tivity. Public-management practices of noted that the field of rationality has interaction in the information space are changed in a national governmental ac- very quickly transformed and take forms
that are unusual for humans. A new technological reality destroys established rules of coexistence in the society, logic of interaction, a decision-making system, political theories and practices. At the same time, the human psyche is arranged in such a way that it requires certain conditions and time to adapt to the new circumstances of the technological world. Development of technology today is already ahead of development of human skills and psyche, which do not have time to adapt to new circumstances of the technological world. Technologies affect all systems of human life, relationships, communication, decision-making, government, transformation and desa-cralization of scientific approaches, theories and concepts, etc.
The concepts of rationality and irrationality that derive from philosophical theories, were grounded in liberal economic theories, theories of cognition, and other developments in social and humanitarian knowledge. In today's context of interdisciplinary approaches and their application in scientifically applied management, advertising, public relations practices, the concepts of "rational/irrational" have their transformational social and psychological features. We propose to look at sustainable concepts from an interdisciplinary perspective by using of an archetypal methodology that explains irrational manifestations. The proposed research has a scientifically applied interdisciplinary character, based on the methodology of hermeneutics and content analysis practices.
In the article we will try to analyze how the concepts of formation of rational thinking and approach to one's life are reflected in the information space
of Ukraine, how rational is the information and communication discourse that is offered by mass communication to the Ukrainian society and how the psychological and cognitive possibilities of the Ukrainian society are able to digest that information cocktail. The study is based on a hypothesis that in the information space of Ukraine there is too much information noise, fakes, manipulative information messages that interfere with the formation of rational thinking that influences decision-making, not only for each individual person in their lives, but also at the state level.
Analysis of recent publications and unresolved issues. Relations of rational and irrational are considered in scientific discourse since the emergence of human philosophical thought on the theories of the existence of the society: Descartes, Spinoza, G. V. F. Hegel, B. Pascal, A. Schopenhauer, K. Jaspers, M. Foucault and others. In our study, we draw on the approaches of M. Weber, Y. Habermas, K. G. Jung, Z. Freud, A. Adler, M. Mafesoli, J. Duran and others.
Studies of modern Ukrainian scholars of the Ukrainian School of Archetype have contributed to the development of tools for the study of the modern holistic world, in particular: E. Afonin, A. Martynenko, O. Sushiy, O. Donchenko, S. Sibiryakova. Modern Ukrainian researchers consider the relation of concepts of rational and irrational in the development of history, in political processes, political ideologies and in a cyclical behavior of an electorate during electoral processes: D. Dodonov, V. Bogdanov, I. Galitsky, H. Slyusarchuk, A. Chorna.
The purpose of the article is analysis of the information space of Ukraine, prediction of its impact on the formation of rational consciousness of the population, determination of possibility of authorities to influence processes of cognitive change in the society.
Presentation of the main material. Philosophical interpretation of rationalism involves inclusion of intellectual, mental operations of each person to make decisions about own behavior in the society, the organization of own life and social interactions. Political theories and practices use a notion of rationality based on the philosophical interpretation of cognitive approaches to one's life. Ideological approaches to democracy, as a form of government, and liberalism, as the economic basis of democracy, are wholly based on rationalism.
The basis of democratic freedoms and human rights is a free choice and rational decision-making towards one's life. Rationality has helped mankind to arrange this world, and in this paradigm humanity has lived for many centuries. Rationality is build on calculations of mathematical and statistical grade that became a basis of all concepts, theories and strategies of public policy formation and interaction in the state. Human psychology is not based solely on a cognitive capacity that was first highlighted by Sigmund Freud in his research, where he showed a structure of an individual in which the subconscious plays an important role.
The subconscious mind is not based on rational processes, it involves a large number of irrational components — feelings, empirical experience, social traditions and influences of an envi-
ronment. Rationalization is already a manifestation of the psyche, one of mechanisms of psychological protection that provides secrecy, masking of true thoughts and motives. At the same time, unconsciousness of motives can be determined not only by social or individual unacceptability of the situation, but also by effects of hypnotic trance, acts in the state of affect or unconscious irrationality [1, p. 556]. That is, people begin to justify their irrational actions and feelings with rational thoughts and motives.
Interpretation of irrationality (from Latin. Irrationalism — unreasonable, unconscious) in various philosophical traditions is opposed to rational cognitive cognition, a reference to intuition, belief, instincts, stereotypes and traditions. All religious and philosophical tendencies are based purely on irrational perception of reality.
In the social aspect, effects of the irrational were described by Karl Gustave Jung in his writings, who drew attention to an archetypal component of personality that can not but influence decision making of a single person. Archetypes (from the Greek "beginning," "sample") in various scientific fields are interpreted as a proforma, a prototype, an initial sample. In literary works, archetypes are often repeated images that underlie literary subjects, folk motives; in art — an original that is a basis of myths, tales, culture itself. From a point of view of representatives of the School of Analytical Psychology (K. Jung) archetypes are universal mental structures that make up the collective unconscious and are reflected in our experience through certain ideas, motives, dreams, etc. [2, p. 251].
S. Krymsky noted that one of the main archetypes of the Ukrainian nation is cardiocentricity. An argumentation of the philosophy of the heart has been a constant in Ukrainian literature, spirituality and mentality. It is an archetype, that is, a through symbolic structure. Another archetype is wisdom, the same ancient Greek "logos" associated with mental operations.
But not in the sense of rational, but one that manifests in wisdom of things, which S. Krymsky calls sophistication. These features of the Ukrainian mentality suggest that a rational approach to life and rational management can hardly be expected from the society that consists of cardiocentric introverts [3, p. 166].
The archetypal methodology makes it possible to assume that relation between the rational and the irrational in the social consciousness of the Ukrainian society is unstable and changeable and changes under external influences, in particular mass media. The congestion of the information space leads to fatigue and loss of interest, a desire to switch off the TV, not follow the news, hide in your inner world and follow a stereotypical habitual decision making.
The Ukrainian society, in its world-view, is only beginning to emerge from the traditions of Soviet paternalism. A survey of the social well-being index, conducted by the Institute of Sociology since 1992, has for the first time recorded an improvement in the well-being of Ukrainians in 2018 [4]. Sociologists associate this phenomenon with awareness of Ukrainians of their independence in making decisions about their lives and reliance on their
own forces, without expectations of the state.
According to the monitoring of social changes conducted under the auspices of the Head of the Ukrainian School of Archetype E. Afonin, 46 % of the adult population of Ukraine is formed and ready to continue to reproduce its identity [5]. According to E. Afonin, an identity modus has already been formed in the majority of the population of Ukraine, which gives social optimism for further development and advancement on the way of reforming of the society, inclusion of citizens in solving social problems and transformation of the value-motivational sphere from paternalistic to rational, and means responsible.
The scientist believes that the number of citizens with rational and intuitive composition will only increase that gives hope for the "Ukrainian miracle," a breakthrough in all spheres of social and political life. In general, sharing the optimism of E. Afonin, do we want to see how much information space influences an increase of consciously of thinking people with a rational modus of identity?
In the society, having freedom and independence, however, we cannot be free from social influences. In the modern world, these influences become more prominent as we are surrounded by a large number of informational messages. The information space of a person is so wide and colorful that often we do not even realize where and how this or that thought came to our head. Development of the Internet and social networks have not only created a convenient space for social influences, but have in fact become influential
political players in public and political discourse. Beginning in the 1930's and 1940's, the mass media, which was developed as a place for news accumulation, became a platform for the technological formation of thoughts and ideas. Today, however, the technological revolution has transformed them into an instrument of manipulation, fakes, information wars and social influence. An example of changes is the election results in the United States, when Barack Obama became president. Funds and votes to support it were already collected through social networks. In 2015, the election of the next president of the United States social media information was used by professionals of advertising and marketing, and the impact was exercised through targeted advertising, based on user profiles that were created with a help of special programs for social networks. Each person received a targeted, emotionally charged, tailored picture of the world that influenced her/ his choice. Experts argue that the decision to withdraw from the European Union that was made by UK citizens in a referendum, can also not be called a uniquely independent and rational choice. During the parliamentary elections in Ukraine, users of the social network "Facebook" also noticed that political advertising offered them ma-joritarian candidates from a territory where they enter the network [6].
IN Ukraine until 2019, television was the main source of news and information for the public. The share of people that watch news on TV was 90 % in 2017. At the beginning of 2019, according to the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, 74 % of Ukrainians called
television a key news source. In February 2018, the share of these people was much higher — 86 % [7]. There are more than 800 broadcasters registered in Ukraine. Development of a digital and satellite segment of a television market allows us to talk about improving quality of a television signal and reaching of its distribution area, which automatically leads to an increase in viewership. Each household has one or more TV transmitters.
Most channels are owned by financial industry groups or representatives of the oligarchic sector. There is only one channel for Independent Broadcasting, the popularity of which is quite low. Three years ago, the Verkhovna Rada passed a law that obligates the media to disclose names of final owners and beneficiaries. However, according to the Institute of Mass Media, only 28 % of popular online media in Ukraine have provided information about the contacts, an editor-in-chief and an owner. information about real owners is generally unavailable on websites. Therefore, the media market in Ukraine is more opaque than transparent.
The most popular, according to the observations of Business Censor, are national channels of the StarLightMedia group owned by V. Pinchuk ("Novyj Kanal," ICTV, STB, M1, M2, "Otce"), R. Akhmetov's "Ukraine" channel and "1+1," which is part of I. Kolomoisky's "1 + 1" Media Holding. The total audience they reach can be seen in Table 1. According to the Industrial Television Committee, the top ten channels include only channels owned by oligarchs. Half of these channels feature daily news, weekly newspapers, and three feature political talk shows.
Popularity of Ukrainian channels [8]*
Channels Political person Percentage of total TV viewing, %
"Novyj Kanal," ICTV, STB, M1, M2, "Otce" Victor Pinchuk 27,66
"1 + 1" Media Holding Igor Kolomoisky 16,9
"Ukraine" Rinat Akhmetov 14,8
Inter Media Group, including Inter Dmitry Firtash, Sergey Levochkin 14
112, NewsOne, ZIK Viktor Medvedchuk 2,98
Pryamiy, Channel 5 neTpo nopoweHMD 1,26
* Source: https://biz.censor.net.ua/resonance/3133637/yak_olgarhi_rozdlili_teleefr_ukrani According to the Industrial Television Committee (ITC) for May 2019, audience 18-54 years old live in cities of 50 thousand population.
In July 2019, the return to "1 + 1" Channel of the popular "Swati" series, which first aired in 2012, increased its viewership to 22.8%, exceeding even the premiere of the series "Chornobyl," which was the most popular viewer of Ukrainian television in 2019 [9].
Monitoring of news reports, which is regularly done by the media organization Media Detector, shows that the channels feed information, disrupting a balance of opinions of their owners or the ideology of the party they support, neglecting journalistic standards of news coverage, and in weekly reviews they create such a polar picture of an event that is difficult to gauge the truth of the information. As an example, we can look at monitoring of the outcome programs of November 3, 2019, which highlights the event of the withdrawal of troops at the demarcation line [10].
Monitoring of talk shows of various channels, where the problem of land market reform is discussed, has shown that the problem, which is ex-
tremely painful and important for Ukraine, through many years of propaganda in the information space, has led to a change of opinion of citizens and sometimes just misunderstanding of what is happening [11]. Selection of news messages is simply terrifying in some news channels. In this sense, the channel "1 + 1" stands out the most. News items on this channel are sometimes based on a classic attention-grabbing formula: 90% of news items are those with six "S" and one "M" signs — scandals, sensations, sex, fear, death, laughter and money. Moreover, the principle of infotainment (informing to entertain) is characteristic of all topics presented in news. In fact, a news space is transformed into an entertaining one, and it makes it impossible to rationally evaluate what is happening to form a balanced picture of the day. The democratic principle of "freedom of speech" has in fact transformed Ukraine's information space into the sphere of influence of corporate interests of different political groups, drowning consumers with en-
tertaining content, manipulative messages and information noise.
A characteristic feature of the Ukraine's modern information space is its strong politicization and aggressiveness. Political talk shows have ceased to be an informative discussion platform, and politicians, using the media, try to constantly influence public opinion by broadcasting opposing, and often false messages and information. The information space is filled with rumors and fakes, often consciously, because the global introduction of information is a sign of the times, and the hybrid war, which is going on in the country, uses the information component.
The recent presidential election in Ukraine has shown another important phenomenon, which we refer to as "show politics." In our opinion, the show-shifting of politics means the use of elements of shows, entertainments, simplifications of political problems and processes in political discourse, a transfer of the vector of communicative interaction with the society from serious balanced rational dialogue into entertaining, simple, fun content. In fact, the principle of infotainment has shifted from the TV channel "1 + 1" to political discourse, the support of which is more than 70 % for the population (in September 2019, support for President Zelensky's actions is 71 % [12]). The new president of Ukraine has changed the rules of communication with an audience that has traditionally participated in elections by accessing it through social networks and "YouTube" videos.
In 2019, researchers first noted that Ukrainians began receiving most of the news from the Internet — 68 %.
The poll was carried out by InMind, a poll company commissioned by the international non-profit organization Internews, which determined the level of media credibility, the level of critical thinking and media literacy. A survey of media consumption showed that the share of Ukrainian Internet users has increased by 14 % compared to 2015. Today, 85 % of Ukrainians are online. Media literacy testing showed that only 11 % of respondents were able to correctly distinguish true news from false information among the three options presented. Respondents also noted that a level of information on reforms has decreased significantly, such materials become less visible in the informational space [13].
Increasing of Internet users and social networking is a worldwide trend, that shows that popularity of a traditional media is declining. At the same time, it testifies the existence of threats of influence and manipulation of public opinion, the use of emotional states of users of social networks, viral distribution of content.
Under uncertainty, to manipulate a choice is much easier, so manipulation technologies are becoming more popular, sophisticated, and invisible for people. A Ukrainian researcher S. Teleshun offered his own rating of manipulative influences, which is actively used before elections by politicians, among which he named: global or "cloud" fakes; social deafness syndrome when politicians ignore real social problems; information kaleidoscope; mosaic; sensationality and urgency; focus on minor; emotional grayness; technology "information boiler" and others [14].
Rating of professional standards of online media*
Channnels Political person Percentage of law enforcement (no violations), %
Ukrinform state news agency 98
The Mirror of the Week website Anatoly Gritsenko 94
RBC-Ukraine Joseph Pintus 86
Website Today Country Rinat Akhmetov 84 62
Site of the Channel 24 77% of the shares belong to the wife of Lviv Mayor Andriy Sa-dovy — Catherine Keith-Sadovy 82
Site 112 Viktor Medvedchuk 76
UNIAN together with TSN and Glavred sites (are included in Holding "1 + 1" Media) Igor Kolomoisky 74 72
Obozrevatel Michael Brodsky 70
Znaj Vadim Yakimets, Ludmila Pogiba 14
* Source: compiled according to the data of .Tlira.net [Ibid], rating as of October 17, 2019.
We can state that news programs and political talk shows, that have been analyzed by us, show that all these technologies are available in the modern information space. Adding here to social networks that broadcast meta-narratives of a large number of people and draw in their information galaxy, there is a picture of a continuous information flow where there is often no constructive content. All this does not help to form rational thinking, but only creates dangers, stirs up fears and panic that lead to an increase of a level of anxiety and pathopsychologi-cal conditions of the society.
We can also assume that there is transition to political showmanship, which was demonstrated by the results of the presidential election in Ukraine, reaction of the society, psychological reticence in humor and simplicity. Social networks have become a basis of
communication between the government and the society, which creates risk of losing meaning and meaningful discussions about the content of politics. Today, about 2 million people are subscribed to the pages with the participation of Volodymyr Zelensky on the social network Fasebook, 8.8 million on the Instagram network, while his posts and videos on the social network Instagram gained 5 million views. 987,000 users have watched videos of the President bathing in the pool since April 9, 2019, with a total audience of 3.5 million [15].
When there are conflicts or political issues that create tension in the society, the president uses a form of video chat that is also popular with social network users.
Recent events, which are covered in the news space with the participation of the country's top newsmaker, testify
to his sensitivity to public opinion and his use of populist ideas and approaches to political problems, which in turn do not promote rationality, but rather use memes and prejudices of the Ukrainian traditional and archaic consciousness.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Reviewing of interdisciplinary study of the information space in the contecst of formation of the concept of rational and irrational show increasing influence on the irrational subconscious of the population. Attempts by media owners to influence the processes of cognitive change in society, to use mythologization and mass public consciousness are noted. There is a shift to showcasing political discourse, amplifying of information noise that lead to an increase in the number of people with a developed mode of irrational identity. Perhaps, a more detailed study of the problem will allow proving the scientific conclusion of experts on the manifestations of this negative impact only on the part of the society that does not have high characteristics of rationality.
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