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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Narzullayeva D.S.

The paper considers the essence of the notion of interactive learning. The author proposes a threefold interpretation of this concept, that is as one of the principles of modern language teaching science, as instructional techniques, as well as an approach to organize foreign language teaching in a vocational higher learning school. The article focuses on the third meaning of interactivity as an important way to compensate for lack of expertise and professional experience of students required to learn a foreign language for tourism industry and hospitality. The proficiency in multiple foreign languages is a basic prerequisite for successful communication in the tourism industry, as well as for mutual understanding among students involved in the exchange programs with different universities, especially in foreign countries. In this regard, tourism and mobility play a significant role, while intercultural contacts contribute to the development of intercultural dialogue. Raising awareness of the importance of foreign language proficiency as well as fostering the development of intercultural competence in the area of tourism and hospitality industry is extremely important.

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Zh.Je. Kinzhigalieva. Uchebnoe posobie po nauchnomu stilju rechi dlja inostrannyh studentov farmacevticheskogo fakul'teta (bazovyj i I sertifikacionnyj urovni) [Textbook on scientific style of speech for foreign students of the faculty of pharmacy (basic and I certification levels)]. - Astrakhan, Publishing house of the Astrakhan State Medical University, 2016. - 90 p.

6. Shhukin A.N. Obuchenie rechevomu obshheniju na russkom jazyke kak inostrannom [Teaching speech communication in Russian as a foreign language]. Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie dlja prepodavatelej russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo [Educational and methodological guide for teachers of Russian as a foreign language]. - Moscow, Russian language. Courses, 2012. - 784 p.

УДК 811.111:378-042.004 DOI 10.17021/2021.

D.S. Narzullayeva Д.С. Нарзуллаева



The paper considers the essence of the notion of interactive learning. The author proposes a threefold interpretation of this concept, that is as one of the principles of modern language teaching science, as instructional techniques, as well as an approach to organize foreign language teaching in a vocational higher learning school. The article focuses on the third meaning of interactivity as an important way to compensate for lack of expertise and professional experience of students required to learn a foreign language for tourism industry and hospitality. The proficiency in multiple foreign languages is a basic prerequisite for successful communication in the tourism industry, as well as for mutual understanding among students involved in the exchange programs with different universities, especially in foreign countries. In this regard, tourism and mobility play a significant role, while intercultural contacts contribute to the development of intercultural dialogue. Raising awareness of the importance of foreign language proficiency as well as fostering the development of intercultural competence in the area of tourism and hospitality industry is extremely important.

Keywords: communicative competence, online training, pre-career education, intercultural communication, multilingualism, linguistic diversity, linguistic awareness.

В статье рассматривается сущность понятия интерактивного обучения. Автор предлагает тройное толкование этой концепции, которая является одним из принципов современной языковой педагогики, методики преподавания, а также подхода к организации обучения иностранному языку в профессиональной высшей школе. Статья посвящена третьему значению интерактивности как важному способу компенсации недостатка знаний и профессионального опыта студентов, необходимых для изучения иностранного языка для индустрии туризма и гостеприимства. Знание нескольких иностранных языков является основной предпосылкой для успешного общения в индустрии туризма, а также для взаимопонимания между студентами, участвующими в программах обмена с различными университетами, особенно в зарубежных странах. В этой связи значительную роль играют туризм и мобильность, а межкультурные контакты способствуют развитию межкультурного диалога. Повышение осведомленности о важности владением иностранным языком, а также содействие развитию межкультурной компетенции в сфере туризма и индустрии гостеприимства чрезвычайно важны.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативная компетентность, онлайн-обучение, преддипломное образование, межкультурная коммуникация, многоязычие, языковое разнообразие, языковая осведомленность.


The importance of knowing foreign languages is a necessity and multilingualism is viewed as an investment in the future. With the continued expansion of the European Union, European language policies are moving towards the teaching of 'at least two foreign languages from a very early age' and describe the knowledge of foreign languages as a 'basic skill'.

In the increasingly mobile and multilingual Europe, knowledge of foreign languages plays an important and sometimes a decisive role in the employability of graduates. It is also important to state that in today's world of globalization, tourism and mobility have a significant and important role, where intercultural contacts contribute to the development of intercultural dialogue. The knowledge of foreign languages has evidently the key role in the development of tourism which has a multiple role and is viewed as economic, social and cultural activity. Therefore, it is indisputable to state that it represents one of the most important activities of the modern, contemporary society around the world, but especially in Europe.

The emergence of ideas of interactive technologies in education was a large extent prepared by a number of already well-known educational strategies (approaches) and tactics (methods). In particular, the idea that the learner should be an active participant in the learning process was the basis of the cognitive approach to

learning a foreign language (W. Rivers, J. Bruner), which uses mainly active teaching methods. In accordance with the communicative-activity approach, the student should be in the center of learning as a subject of learning, independently setting and solving specific educational tasks. (E. F. Tarasov, Yu. A. Sorokin, L. L. Fedorova, L. Loveday, etc.). This idea is consonant with the new development of the concept of "learning by action" Reginald Revans (action learning), based on a special way organized by self- and mutual analysis of trainees' professional actions in order to identify and fill gaps in their own competence using special interactive techniques.

A new competence-based approach has shown the need for students to develop specific sets of practical skills, including professional ones, for productive interaction in the business environment. Modern social order of society dictates a new, personal-activity, approach to teaching foreign languages, that is, for a non-linguistic specialized university, this is about the formation and development of professionally oriented communicative competence, taking into account personal aspirations and priorities, as well as the abilities of students with a special emphasis on autonomous nature their trajectories of the process of knowledge.

Since communication is communication, learning professional communication should be based on the laws of communication, namely, as interaction, this is the "interactivity" of the English interaction (interaction). Let us try to comprehend the concept of interactivity that is so often used today from the point of view of teaching foreign language for professional purposes in the field of tourism. Today, it is not enough to be an active participant in the process, it is necessary to integrate into dialogue or dialogue with partners or a computer, be able to quickly navigate and cooperate productively in the process of communication in a foreign language. Interactive learning is the transformation of students from passive contemplators and listeners into active participants in joint activities, during which they are required to support voice contact, act as an initiative partner, direct the conversation, speech improvisation, organization of interaction (when working in small groups), and so on. With this approach, the activity of the trainer gives way to the activity of the trainees [1].

Main part

In a broader sense, interactive learning provides an opportunity for a student to influence the content of his or her training, the choice of appropriate courses, modules from the proposed set of disciplines, create and adjust their own training package for the discipline, express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the educational product or process. For the teacher, interactivity of learning also means sensitive reflection in relation to the reaction of the trainees, and not straightforward adherence to their learning goals. In this sense, interactivity can be understood as one of the modern and highly relevant principles of teaching foreign languages. The key to understanding interactivity is "the availability of operational feedback" [2].

Methods: interactivity is similar to the degree of response and is investigated as a process of communication, in which each message is associated with previous messages and with the relation of these messages to the messages preceding them [3].

It is the direct awareness by the learner of the success or non-success of their speech behavior that is a sign of the interactivity of learning a foreign language. The principle of interactivity finds the most diverse forms of manifestation in the corresponding methodical techniques and interactive means of teaching in classes in a foreign language. We present only some of these forms of classroom work. Interactive linguistic games are based on the partnership in communication and the speed of reaction of participants. These are games for speech etiquette formulas, circle dialogue (mini-dialogues along the chain, when each participant becomes not only a reacting, but also an initiating link), sentence-generator, contest of business cards, and contest of commercial ads. All games contests are accompanied by clear evaluation criteria for a substantive discussion and evaluation of the best results.

Computer interactive technologies are also used when learning a foreign language. Interactivity here refers to the interaction of the student with a computer program or other participants in communication in cyberspace. These technologies materialize in various forms:

• the practice of communicating in a foreign language with students over the Internet in order to coordinate the independent work of students in between the

classrooms classes, that is, the creation of a cyber cabinet, for example, for instructing students, mailings the materials for them to view and complete assignments, as well as checking students' home and creative works with markings and marking errors using the "Notes" function and sending back to the student by email for revision;

• tasks of test assignment for self-examination of the assimilation of a specific language material;

• multimedia programs and training courses with interactive tasks ("see and listen - read and repeat in pause"; "Listen to the task, speak, repeat the correct option "), with prompts (help), control, links to the material to be prior to learning, with the definition of the student's progress (such is, for example, a DVD to a new textbook The Business);

• mobile learning technologies using special devices (smart phones, netbooks, i-pads, touch-pads) enable remote interactive training, which is very much in demand in the field of tourism and hospitality today. So, special software applications for mobile devices offer phone versions of grammars with the pronunciation of the correct variants.

The Wordless feature allows you to send text or video material, as well as assignments from the teacher's mobile phone to students' cell phones, and download material from the Internet. The LMS (learning management system) system allows the teacher to keep track of whether the student visited the necessary page, how much time was spent there and what the result of his work was, since the student's navigation protocol in the system is kept. Interactive resources allow the teacher during distance learning to see the progress of assignments: completed assignments are marked with one color (for example, green), and outstanding ones - with another (for example, red);

• electronic textbooks in a foreign language (authentic electronic textbooks of an interactive nature in English for the tourism industry are not yet known to us - note by the author) may contain all the necessary material, including interactive tasks in

real time with elements of automated control or control by the teacher, and in delayed time mode - with keys;

• Internet resources are an excellent source for enriching their thematic vocabulary with the ability to highlight any vocabulary by computer using the specified parameters from any text from the outside. This tool allows students to turn from passive recipients selected vocabulary teacher in the active co-authors of their own professional and thematic lexicon, constantly replenishing it;

• Web-quests or Internet projects with extensive reading of a variety of material in order to perform an oral presentation. Web quests allow you to effectively teach undergraduate students to write creative projects [4];

• an interactive whiteboard in combination with multimedia products helps students not only demonstrate presentations, but also actively work with information in various modifications: correct and underline in the text, connect the scheme with arrows, display the desired object on the screen using a hyperlink, animate text and photo materials, and more others.

Methodical forms such as role-playing games and simulations have become traditional. However, to effectively conduct such games in a tourist university requires serious preparatory work not only for working out the actual grammatical structures and lexical units, but also for explaining the optimal speech tactics to students who are not yet familiar with the industry and with special disciplines.

For example, when booking a tour, the manager needs to know that he should inquire about the client's budget, his preferences, travel time, propose several suitable options, explain what the tour price includes, tell about the rules and deadlines for paperwork, about the peculiarities of behavior in the country of travel and others. The student can be given this information by a teacher or an educational source recommended by the teacher. Business games can be conducted with a prescribed and exemplary scenario, only with the designation of the professional situation and problems.

The game mood corresponds to the essence of speech interaction and helps to solve managerial and creative tasks in the process of communication.

Consider the design technology in the form of student group projects in a foreign language. Creating a group project requires students to search for an objectively existing problem, formulate their own tasks to solve it within the project, jointly coordinate efforts to find information and solutions, to listen and hear each other during discussions, to argue and persuade, object and make critical comments. In other words, with the help of a foreign language, teamwork skills are developed; individualism and the shortage of inter-subject synthesis skills are overcome.

However, it seems that the modern concept of interactivity of learning is not limited to the above-mentioned interpretation, such as the principle of learning or the corresponding forms of learning. Under the conditions of a specialized university, interactivity implies something more, namely, multifaceted interaction in extracurricular time with a professional foreign language environment, which serves as a source of assailable experience in order to solve communicative and professional problems. According to lingua-didactic specialists, a high level of communicative skills is not yet an indicator of professional competence [5].

In conditions of pre-career training, in contrast to professional development or advanced training of working professionals (in-career training), with a lack of professional experience and knowledge of business from students, they have to be taught a foreign language in parallel with basic training. business concepts and features of the tourism industry and the hospitality industry. The need for unity and interpenetration of educational and professional activities of trainees in teaching a foreign language for professional purposes has already been noted in the scientific literature (L. A. Shestoperova, A. K. Krupchenko, etc.) [6, 7].

From the very first weeks, foreigners of first-year students are taught on the background of "Immersion" in the profession that accompanies the student from the first to the last year and manifests itself in different forms and activities. Let's name some of them.

1. Visit or work on specialized tourist exhibitions.

2. Meetings with domestic travel industry experts, highlighting practical subtleties of work, followed by discussion in a foreign language in the audience.

3. Lectures of invited native speakers on professional topics, followed by informal communication with students in question-answer form and with the final discussion in the classroom with their teacher. Such meetings are an integral part of the learning professional environment; stimulate the interest of students and to the profession, and to learn a foreign language.

4. Specially organized independent work of students: routing through professional foreign language websites and social networks (for example, to get feedback on travel and hotels) [9]; independent viewing of films on video or DVDs

Professional tourist Internet resources in in a foreign language at home on professional topics with specific tasks etc. a foreign language are used for interactive reading, that is, reading in a non-linear mode, with hyperlinks, that is, as a person usually thinks, with the ability to learn more about interesting parts and personalities, to communicate with the authors of publications , exchange views with other readers in a foreign language, make an oral presentation on the results of reading.

5. Work with professional periodicals, both in foreign and in Russian (New York Times, The Financial Times, The Independent, Tourist Trade Gazette, Business Travel, Hotel Business, Hotel, Food and Society , "Restaurant sheets", etc.). At the same time, Russian-language periodicals serve as a competent source of modern terms and professional idioms in Russian, as well as a source of relevant information and perspectives for design works in a foreign language.

6. Scientific and practical student conferences in a foreign language with the development of independent projects on the hotel and tourism issues and their presentation.

7. Videoconferencing in a foreign language in real time with students of related departments of the tourist profile from foreign universities.

8. Foreign internships in the country of the language being studied with training and visits to industry enterprises with study tours (tourist information centers, hotels, spa, holiday villages, etc.), as well as practice in the work and study

format. Such a systematic and well-designed interactive game gives a good synergistic effect and the possibility of forming a secondary language personality competent in a professional sphere within a limited time.

Based on the results of the survey, we have partially rejected our initial hypothesis.


We came to conclusion we have found few statistically significant differences among students from different years of study with regard to the role of the most important foreign language in the hospitality. We haven't found any statistically significant differences among students from different years of study with regard to the role of the most important foreign language, as well as with regard to the importance of certain types of tourism and the importance of the knowledge of different foreign languages for different types of tourism. No statistically significant differences among students from different years of study have been found with regard to the importance of the knowledge of foreign languages for elite and mass tourism, while only one statistically significant difference has been found with regard to the importance of the knowledge of foreign languages for different institutions and organizations. There are some statistically significant differences among students from different years of study with regard to the importance of the knowledge of certain foreign languages for different services, while the fourth year ACMT students, as compared to the third year students, consider German to be more difficult to learn. Therefore, our initial hypothesis can be partially confirmed. A key finding of our research about the differences among students from different years of study with regard to the importance of the knowledge of certain foreign languages is that, as compared to younger students, fourth year students consistently attach greater importance to the knowledge of foreign languages. Since in most variables we have not found statistically significant differences, this conclusion cannot be. This survey has indicated the need for continuous promotion of learning various foreign languages at an early age with a view to establishing efficient communication which

would allow for opinion exchange and awareness rising about the importance of multilingual education for different areas of human activity, such as tourism and business. In this regard, it should also be mentioned that one of the most important skills in tomorrow's Europe will be the ability to communicate in more than one language. Encouraging people to learn other languages and get to know other cultures will help improve their communication and mutual understanding. It is also well known that being able to communicate directly in a foreign language might also bring cultural and economic benefits to all participants in the communication process. Therefore, raising awareness of the importance of foreign language proficiency as well as fostering the development of intercultural competence in the area of tourism and hospitality industry is extremely important.


1. Azimov E.G., Shchukin A.N. Novyj slovar' metodologicheskih terminov ponjatij (teorija i praktika prepodavanija jazykov) [A New Dictionary of Methodological Terms of Concepts (Theory and Practice of Teaching Languages]. -M.: IKAR, 2009. - pp. 83-84.

2. Kolesnikova I.L., Tamashevich M.V. Professional'no-pedagogicheskaja kompetentnost' uchitelja inostrannogo jazyka: harakteristika i struktura [Professional and pedagogical competence of a teacher of a foreign language: a characteristic and structure] // Traditions and innovations in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. SPb Karo, 2007. - pp. 77-84.

3. Krupchenko A.K. K voprosu o professional'noj lingvodidaktike [On the issue of professional linguodidactics] // Modern theories and methods of teaching foreign languages. M.: Exam, 2004. - pp. 243-245.

4. Siry V., Yarkov S., Sokiryansky F. Sostojanie sistemy podgotovki kadrov dlja industrii gostepriimstva [Status of the personnel training system for the hospitality industry] // Hotel business. 2008. - No. 4. - pp. 64-69.

5. Shestoperova L.A. Videoprezentacija kak odin iz vidov distancionnogo obuchenija v ramkah kursa «Anglijskij jazyk dlja professional'nyh celej» [Video

presentation as one of the types of distance learning in the framework of the course "English language for professional purposes"] // Modern theories and methods of teaching foreign languages. M.: Exam, 2004. - pp. 270-273.

6. www.tripadvisor.com (appeal date: 09/23/2011).

7. http://ru.wikipedia.org (appeal date: 09/25/2011).

8. www.blackcat-cideb.com (appeal date: 09/25/2011).

9. www.britishcouncil.org / eltecs. htm (appeal date: 09/25/2011).

10. www.britishcouncil.org / learnenglish-podcast-professionals-hotel-english. htm (appeal date: 09/25/2011).

11. http://ru.wikipedia.org (appeal date: 09/25/2011).


1. Азимов Е.Г., Щукин А.Н. Новый словарь методологических терминов понятий (теория и практика преподавания языков). - М.: ИКАР, 2009. - С. 83-84.

2. Колесникова И.Л., Тамашевич М.В. Профессионально -педагогическая компетентность учителя иностранного языка: характеристика и структура // Традиции и инновации в методике преподавания иностранных языков. - СПб Каро, 2007. - С. 77-84.

3. Крупченко А.К. К вопросу о профессиональной лингводидактике // Современные теории и методики преподавания иностранных языков. - М.: Экзамен, 2004. - С. 243-245.

4. Сиры В., Ярков С., Сокирянский Ф. Состояние системы подготовки кадров для индустрии гостеприимства // Гостиничный бизнес. - 2008. - № 4. -С. 64-69.

5. Шестоперова Л.А. Видеопрезентация как один из видов дистанционного обучения в рамках курса «Английский язык для профессиональных целей» // Современные теории и методики преподавания иностранных языков. - М.: Экзамен, 2004. - С. 270-273.

6. www.tripadvisor.com (дата обращения: 23.09.2011).

7. www.blackcat-cideb.com (дата обращения: 25.09.2011).

8. www.britishcouncil.org / eltecs. htm (дата обращения: 25.09.2011).

9. www.britishcouncil.org / learnenglish-podcast-professional-hotel-english. htm (дата обращения: 25.09.2011).

10. www.britishcouncil.org / learnenglish-central-themes-travel-holiday. htm (дата обращения: 25.09.2011).

11. http://ru.wikipedia.org (дата обращения: 25.09.2011).

УДК 615.322:83'373.6 DOI 10.17021/2021.

А.О. Синицина A.O. Sinitsina



This article is devoted to the study ofphytonymic vocabulary of Latin, English and Russian languages. The author analyzes the names of plants, the etymology and motivational signs, which lie in the origins of the nomination in a comparative aspect. Analysis is revealing various approaches to plant nomination in Latin, English and Russian languages, which allowed them to be divided into 3 groups: the exact match of motivational signs, partial match of motivational signs and complete divergence of motivational signs. The analysis defined the most productive group is the group with a partial match of motivational signs, which proves the close connection of the language with consciousness, human thinking and spiritual and practical activity.

Key words: phytonym, motivation, etymology, folk phytonyms, nomination

Данная статья посвящена изучению фитонимической лексики латинского, английского и русского языков. Автор в сравнительном аспекте анализирует наименования растений, этимологию и мотивировочные признаки, заложенные в основу номинации. Анализ выявил различные подходы к номинации растений в латинском, английском и русском языках, что позволило разделить их на 3 группы: полное соответствие мотивировочных признаков, частичное соответствие мотивировочных признаков и полное несоответствие мотивировочных признаков. Была определена наиболее продуктивная группа с частичным

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