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Vlasyuk J.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages,
Faculty of Management and Law
In the modern world much attention is paid to foreign-language preparation of students, since this is an important component of the graduate's professionalism. In Ukraine today only high-quality higher education institutions provide quality linguistic training. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to non-linguistic higher schools. The aim of the work was to improve the quality of the linguistic training of future teachers. To achieve the goal, we set ourselves the tasks: to determine the significance, content and characteristics of the formation of linguistic training; to analyze the state of professional linguistic training in a modern higher school; to determine and substantiate the content that contributes to the successful formation of a communicative competence that is foreign-speaking - a future graduate. The article proves the need for a thorough analysis and reconsidering of new forms and principles of interaction between Executive authorities at different levels and organizations working in tourism. It also presents a detailed activity analysis of this structure that allows us to identify the peculiarities of its functioning. Structural analysis of Federal Tourism Agency suggests that the priorities of tourism development are reflected only in the hotel industry. Besides in tourism there is no authority with control and supervision functions. Thus state management is not implemented for regulatory tasks and decisions. The results of the research showed a sufficient level of development of this competence but the university continues to improve the preparation of students in this field.
Keywords: Linguistic training, linguistic culture, non-linguistic specialties, vocational-oriented training, competences, philosophy of education, additional professional competences, active learning methods, multiplicative effect, tourism legislation, tourism and recreation complex, tourism infrastructure, cultural tourism, consumer, inbound tourism, domestic tourism, interbranch coordination.
1. Introduction
As practice shows, the issue of linguistic training of students in Ukraine is quite acute. To carry out professional activities at a high level, students must have a linguistic competence. The relevance of this work is determined by the need to increase the level of linguistic abilities of students of non-linguistic specialties by revealing the level of linguistic culture. The quality of the future professional activities of graduates de-pends on their preparation. Many future teachers will have to use a foreign language in their arsenal. Large-scale innovative changes have affected almost all types of activities. Higher education did not stand aside. Theorists and practitioners of innovative tourism education speak of the importance of forming a specialist in the field of tourism not only certain knowledge and skills but also special professional skills for using them in practice, in professional activities, when organizing competitive
services. A detailed picture of a modern graduate is a fundamental difference between the standards of the third generation. The main characteristics of competencies guide the vector of specialist training, determining the purpose and result of education. Professional competence can be called subject-specific. Some requirements are put forward for it, and above all, these are academic preparedness and requirements for professional preparedness. In other words, we can say that professional competence is its component - competence. Based on the definitions of interactive technologies given by researchers and educators, and specifying the features of the concept under consideration, the interactive learning technology used to develop social and communicative competence, we understand as a set of methods, tools and organizational forms of the educational process that provide the goal, filling it with
professional content taking into account the possibilities of a foreign language
Linguistic higher schools form a sufficient level of language training for their students. In non-linguistic universities today, this issue remains open and not sufficiently developed.
The culture of the transformation of society at the present stage of development is of great importance in the educational system of training future educators [1]. The content of the educational system includes the structure of several components: the diagnostic setting of the goal, the content of the process, the necessary means of communication, the subject of learning and the subject of learning as well as the organizational forms of the learning process [2-4]. In the basis of the study of the linguistic culture of development of the student in modern educational institutions defines the concept of culture of M.M. Bakhtin. In his researches the methodological basis of language education is determined, which is based on the structural, content and functional filling of the educational process and pedagogical activity in general.
The concept of M.M. Bakhtin the dialogue concept is fully focused on the individual and is the basis for creating a personal-oriented methodical learning system. Such a system of education fully satisfies the needs of the student in linguistic education, in the development of a creative approach to the learning process. The need for the linguistic preparation of future educators has been proved by a number of scientists who have investigated the problem of the vocational school [5]. This need was determined by a number of factors that have developed at the present stage of the development of vocational training: • There are increasing demands for quality teacher training at the level of a linguistic speech culture [6]; • The process of education is not only a way of mastering a certain profession, but also a way to familiarize it with modern culture. In the fair judgment of M.S. Kogan, "such a turn of the entire education system is required, in which we would look at the student not as a future specialist, but as a future enlightened person who, of course, must be a good specialist, but this is only a facet of his holistic being"; • A modern educator is a person who possesses a systemic thinking capable of achieving the set goal in view of the interests of society [7]; High rhythms of legal and economic social relationships require the state's regulating them. Tourism in all its forms is currently considered one of the promising economic branches. It has an impressive proven effect: a one-day income received from one tourist exceeds the sum spent by them during the stay 1,2- 4 times. It motivates the necessity of analysis and reconsidering new forms and principles of state executive authories interacting on different levels and their interaction with tourism organizations as well. It is also dictated by practical objectives of working out laws, legal acts and other documents aimed at proving the competence and structure of organizations that manage tourism and perfecting forms and methods of their business that could meet present-day social requirements [4, 5]. The current management system that includes federal state authorities and regional authorities with particular competences in this sphere does not
provide a complex approach to priority objectives in tourism. This approach should be based on principles of distributing state authorieties' competences that could have evident reflection of such functions as state planning and programming, effective managing state property and other resources, legal regulation, stimulating and control.
Such an approach contributes to full implementation of universal policy that should be fulfilled by executive authorities under coordination of government. We have to state that tourism legislature does not always meet present-day requirements. Current principles of state management are mostly out of date and not always applied in practice. State authorities bear prevailingly representative and advertising functions. It prevents them from duly participating in social relationships taking place in tourism. International Journal of Engineering & Technology 4091 • A teacher should be attached to the modern domestic and foreign speech culture [8]; • To attract modern youth to the culture of the country and the peoples of the world [9].
Therefore, the pedagogical training of students will be effective if, at the initial stage of training, certain conditions are created to develop the student's confidence in achieving his goal, to maintain an emotionally psychological climate [10]. It should be noted that the modern system of vocational education in Russia is aimed at the preparation of highly educated graduates, highly qualified, competent professionals capable of professional growth and professional mobility in the context of informatization of modern society and the development of new science-intensive technologies [11]. Hence a new paradigm of the educational process is the formation of the competence of a specialist with specific knowledge and skills.
For example, in the higher schools of Ukraine there is a growing need for specialists with a good command of a foreign language and also able to use the culture of language communication on a global scale [12]. In this regard, an intensive study of the language situation in most universities and institutions can be fully described as a multilingual system of training specialists [13]. The problem of linguistic training of future specialists of non-linguistic disciplines was studied by us in the process of teaching foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties. This is connected with the expediency of studying the activity of students at the initial stage of professional development. Linguistic training at a university that is non-linguistic, the learning process is understood as the formation of a complex of knowledge and skills, the formation of a self-educated personality with the qualities of cognitive activity [13]. The main trend in the linguistic training of non-linguistic universities is the change in the attitudes of students to foreign-language education [14]. Such a state of affairs also prevents from productive interdepartmental coordination of executive bodies at all levels, subjects of tourist business and other parties involved in the process. It also lays obstacles to interbudget relationships and provokes precedents of dubbing functions that makes unnecessary administrative barriers. Perfecting the legal system in tourism as a complex institution of administrative, civil and budget
law will help this branch develop in definite legal framework. Lacking state support and regulation of tourism in the nearest future in Ukraine may lead to further decrease in competitiveness of our tourist product both in global and domestic markets (including for the reason of infrastructure obsolescence); decrease in numbers of inbound and outbound tourists. The latter entails decrease in tax and other budget incomes and employment in tourism and adjacent branches, in lifelevel of population leading to social strain; increase in outbound tourism worsening country's balance of payment. Most of the students of higher schools actively participate in the implementation of cultural and educational, international projects, thereby self-regulating their professional activities[15]. Theoretical and practical teaching of non-linguistic faculties to a foreign language is devoted to the works of the following authors: G.A. Bitekhtina, A.N. Bykova, E.G. Vjushkina, N.N. Grishko, Z.V. Emelyanova, I.I. Kryuchenko, and others. It should be noted that the problem of forming the linguistic competence of students in conditions provided by non-linguistic higher schools remains open. Thus, the linguistic education of students in non-linguistic higher schools at the present stage has an insufficient research field and is subject to further study of the problem of linguistic vocational education based on the formation of personality with the use of self-education and self-development technologies.
2. Methodology The object of our study was the formation of a communicative competence of foreign experts, graduates of non-linguistic special-ties of higher education. The subject of the study was the content of pedagogical conditions for the formation of foreign language (linguistic) competence of future teachers. In the study of the formation of foreign language training, there were revealed contradictions: between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in Foreign Language, which reflect the need for non-linguistic graduates to learn foreign languages, able to orientate themselves in a foreign language sphere, ready for business, professional and person-al communication, and imperfection their training in higher education; contradictions in the insufficient provision of educational and methodical literature and the development of teachers in a foreign language higher school in certain areas of training. Based on this, the role of the discipline «Foreign Language» is growing in higher schools engaged in the training of vocational training specialists. Federal state educational standards for higher education require the registration of professional specifics in the study of foreign language training of specialists [16]. All mentioned above motivates an objective necessity of reflecting tourism issues in federal law, which would help use resources more rationally and get a better effect of their being used. Absence of this leads to regional discoordination of tourism development, disunion of federal executive, regional executive and self governing bodies, reducing their responsibility and in system-atism in coping with tasks arising in this sphere. This also puts budget funds at risk of being dispersed and/or bringing in off-budget funds for solving tourism issues [1]. In this case state policy of developing country's
recreational complex may come down solely to perfecting legal norms of its functioning, which would ensure only local results in making premises of full using recreational resources.
In higher educational institutions special attention is paid to the practice-oriented preparation of studying a foreign language of students. For the teaching of a foreign language, the maximum number of credit units allocated for two years of study is allocated in the curriculum, in addition, the discipline «Practice of translation of a foreign language» is introduced, which enables the learn-er to obtain additional professional knowledge and the formation of professionally significant personal qualities. Studying the discipline «Foreign Language» influences the in-crease of professional competence and personal and professional development of students and is a prerequisite for the successful professional activity of a graduate specialist who is able to con-duct business contacts with foreign partners [11]. Professional-oriented teaching of a foreign language is now recognized as a priority in the renewal of education. One of the promising areas of teaching a foreign language is in-tensive training. Supporters of this trend (L.S. Gegechkori, I.Yu. Shekhter, V.V. Petrusinsky, G.A. Kitaygorodskaya) proposed a realistic and consistent approach to mastering foreign speech as a socio-psychological problem, on the one hand, and how to con-trolled speech activity, on the other. Intensive training is understood as learning, aimed mainly at mastering communication in the language of study and relying on the psychological reserves of the individual and the activities of students.
There are two factors that characterize this type of training: • The minimum necessary period for the achievement of the goal (future speech activity) with the maximum necessary volume of educational material and the organization corresponding to it; • Maximum use of all student's reserves, achieved in conditions of special interaction in the training group with the creative interaction of the teacher's personality. The leading goal of teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic faculties of higher schools is the formation of communicative competence among students, which implies the ability to under-stand and generate foreign language statements in accordance with a specific situation, a specific target setting and communicative intent [6]. In our opinion, the result of linguistic training will be a set of competences: linguistic, socio-cultural, discursive, methodical, professional. Linguistic competence consists of knowledge of the system of language and rules of operating language knowledge in speech activity. The linguistic-cultural competence is based on the knowledge of the rules of speech behavior in certain standard situations, on the knowledge of the national and cultural characteristics of the country of the studied language and on the skills to exercise their speech behavior in accordance with this knowledge. Sociocul-tural competence provides an opportunity to orientate in an authentic language environment, to forecast possible sociocultural interferences in conditions of intercultural communication and ways of their elimination. Discursive competence means the ability to understand
the statements of the interlocutor, to plan speech behavior and to transmit information in coherent, logical utterances. Methodological competence is the ability of students to effectively and efficiently build their activities to acquire foreign language skills and skills, methodically appropriate, focusing on the goal of learning
[17]. Tourism is a peculiar phenomenon requiring good knowledge and consideration of natural, climatic, historic, cultural and economic conditions as well as customs and traditions, infrastructure. For this reason development of tourism is possible under parallel federal and municipal management with the federal policy dominating. Thus systematic approach implies considering the competence of governing bodies at all levels [6, 7]. In Ukraine we can see a permanent change of federal executive authorities implementing state policy, interbranch and interregional coordination in tourism.
Over recent decades our country has seen about a dozen reformations of the federal executive authority responsible for tourism development. Currently this development is characterized by deep and ambiguous changes in its organizational structure, in the vector as well as in quantitative and qualitative parameters.4092 International Journal of Engineering & Technology Foreign language teaching in non-core specialties, namely in a foreign language direction, is envisaged in accordance with the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of higher education in terms of the bachelor's level. The discipline «Foreign Language» is compulsory not only for the preparation of teachers of a foreign language but also for other areas of training
[18]. The process of teaching a foreign language in higher education can be divided into three stages, which are interrelated by the nature of the con-tent of Figure 1. At the first stage of the study program, a multilevel character of the study of a foreign language is envisaged.
The group is divided into subgroups on the basis of this. The goal of this stage of forming a communicative competence in another language is to bring students to a common level of competence. Such a stage can also be called corrective systematizing the knowledge of the language. The primary tasks of the first stage, implemented in the first two semesters, are the following: 1) The formation of foreign language linguistic experience, expressed by the process of the formation of lexical and grammatical skills and the development of skills in all types of foreign speech activity [13]; 2) Planned and purposeful development of skills to use the strategies of autonomous educational and cognitive activity; 3) Development of the ability to social interaction, cooperation and the joint solution of communicative tasks; 4) The formation of a positive attitude and tolerance to the culture of the country of the studied language; 5) Broadening the outlook and general cultural development of students, stimulating their creative cognitive activity and motivation to learn a foreign language. The second stage of training future specialists in different areas of training determines the professional orientation of studying the «Foreign Language». It is at this stage that the students form the requirements of a professional linguistic culture of knowledge.
The second stage is implemented in the third and fourth semesters, the main objectives are: 1) Further development of foreign language linguistic experience, namely, skills in all types of foreign speech activity in the sphere of academic and professionally oriented communication [15]; 2) The formation of professionally thesaurus (lexical mini-mum), determined by the profile of bachelor's training; 3) Improving the skills to work in a team in the process of carrying out project activities; 4) Formation of skills of scientific knowledge by means of a foreign language [19]; 5) Formation of skills of scientific research activity by means of a foreign language; 6) Improving the skills of applying strategies and tactics of autonomous learning a foreign language; 7) The desire for mutual understanding between people of different communities, tolerant attitude to the manifestations of a different culture.
An important role of a foreign language at this stage is the formation of a professional orientation among learners, which is possible only with a systematic study of discipline along with solving the problems of the specialty. In the formation of such a need, the main task of professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language in non-core specialties follows. The third stage is the final stage in the formation of a communicative competence in another language. At this stage it provides for the solution of such tasks as: 1) Improvement of previously acquired skills and skills of foreign-language communication and their use as a basis for the development of foreign-language communicative competence in various types of professional activity; 2) Enriching the active and passive vocabulary of students with vocabulary related to the scope of application of a foreign language; 3) Development of professionally significant skills in all types of speech activity in conditions close to typical situations of communication in professional activity; 4) Development of academically significant autonomy skills that provide the opportunity for independent work aimed at increasing the level of foreign language proficiency, con-ducting research, self-education in the professional sphere using the language being studied; 5) The implementation of students acquired at previous stages of skills and abilities of educational research and research activities.
Our research was as follows. An experimental group of 26 students was selected (experimental group) and a control group consisting of 24 students. When selecting the contingent, we analyzed their academic performance in English on the 2nd course and accepted the hypothesis of homogeneity of the sample of subjects, which was confirmed by the results of the ascertaining experiment. In the experimental group, English language training was carried out in accordance with the model of the formation of a foreign communicative competence and suggested the creation of a communicative-oriented environment for teaching a foreign language using elements of project methodology, role games, debates at scientific conferences using information and communication technologies; introduction of the program of the integrated course of training to a foreign language and Internet technologies; The organization of independent activity of students on mastering
a foreign language with the use of extracurricular activities. At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, some shortcomings were found in the formation of linguistic, speech and sociocultural competencies in the nature of the use by the teachers of the elements of the design methodology, role games, oppositional opinions, debates at scientific conferences using information and communication technologies. Based on the results obtained, the work aimed at the realization of pedagogical conditions was projected.
The development of competencies at the first stage of the formative experiment was carried out by creating a communicative-oriented environment in the teaching of a foreign language. The implementation of this condition required the preliminary preparation of the teacher. The forming stage of experimental and experimental work assumed an intermediate evaluation of the formation of foreign communicative competence in accordance with all the criteria: linguistic, speech and socio-cultural. Formation of language, speech and socio-cultural competencies of students in the 2nd course in the 3rd and 4th semesters took place at the lessons of the elective course «Foreign Language in the Conditions of Informatization and Technological Education» in the experimental group. In accordance with the goal and objectives, the contents of the elective course were implemented in eight classrooms, nine laboratory classrooms (using computers and the Internet) and sixteen practical classes (based on the project method); consultations were envisaged; the final form of control was the offset in the form of protection of projects in English.
The final stage of the formative experiment was of an integrative nature and assumed the improvement of all competencies that form the communicative competence of the students who are speaking a different language. For this, consulting activities were introduced into the educational process and independent activity of students in mastering a foreign language using the electronic platform Moodle was organized. The control-generalizing stage of scientific research presupposed the use of the following methods for assessing the formation of the communicative competence of the students of the experimental and control groups communicating abroad: testing, questioning; observation of students' activities; analysis of the data obtained and the formulation of conclusions. Mathematical processing of the results of experimental and experimental work has proved the effectiveness of the formation of the communicative competence of students being foreign speaking, provided that the pedagogical conditions put forward are fulfilled. The communicative competence of the majority of students in the 2nd and 3rd semesters in English in the experimental group is formed at an elevated level (y 70.50%). In both groups, by the end of the 2nd course, the low level of English proficiency (in the experimental group it was 3.85%) was significantly reduced; almost 4 times y of the students of the experimental group the indicator of the high level of the formation of foreign communicative competence was increased. The formation of foreign communicative competence of students in the experimental group was significantly higher than the corresponding indicators
of the control group, which is explained by the realization of the revealed pedagogical conditions. In order to trace the levels of the formation of the linguistic culture of students, we propose the following. It is necessary to distinguish levels: initial, sufficient, high.
The coefficient of formation was determined by three criteria: rhetorical, psychological, pedagogical, at all three levels. K is the arithmetic average of three indicators: cognitive (k1), activity (k2), reflexive (k3). K = (k1 + k2 + k3) / 3. Proceeding from what has been said above, we can conclude that the content and gradual study of the structural, content and functional features of foreign-language training in a higher education institution allows successfully integrating it into the general professional training of future specialists, thereby ensuring their development as cultural and linguistic persons who have a high level of communicative competence in another language. 3. Results and discussion in determining the dynamics of the development of foreign communicative competence, an experimental group of 26 students (experimental group) and a control group consisting of 24 students were selected. When selecting the contingent, we analyzed their academic performance in English on the 2nd course and accepted the hypothesis of homogeneity of the sample of subjects, which was confirmed by the results of the ascertaining experiment.
The results indicate that the level of the formation of a communicative competence in another language is higher for the students of the experimental group than for the control one. This is explained by the revealed pedagogical conditions. In general, we can talk about a good level of preparation of students in mastering foreign-language competence. Researching tourism state management implies considering Ukraine structure, which means the state having autonomous territorial units with their own managing authorities and differentiation between federal and regional objectives. Regional authorities should exercise immediate managing functions whereas federal ones should have supervising and planning competences. Such differentiation excludes unreasonable dubbing of functions and gives a basis for invariable question solving. Comparative analysis of legal regional acts allows us to distinguish the following groups of their functions in tourism management.
When designing the educational technology for the formation of social and communicative competence, we were guided by the fact that the specificity of the subject "Foreign Language" dictates the following models of interactive methods: • A model of educational discussion, the characteristic features of which are, first of all, familiarization of each participant with the information that others have; encouraging different approaches to the same subject of discussion; coexistence of different points of view on the issues under discussion; the ability to criticize and reject any of the opinions expressed; Encouraging participants to search for a group, as a rule, compromise agreement in the form of a common solution; • Organization of training based on a game model, which involves the inclusion in the educational process of simulation and role modeling, trainings and exercises. Both of these learning
models are closely interconnected since almost all gaming technologies are based on the intra-group and inter-group discussion. It is convenient and interesting to carry out training on such a game "foundation", interactive technologies, in our opinion, fit well into the curriculum, without interfering with the traditional method of training. Improving the quality of tourism services is closely related to training.
Modernization of the quality of education is a key area of development of modern civilization. At the same time, Ukrainian is clearly lagging behind the civilized world in using such a bright source of growth in the national economy. That is why vocational education and training issues occupy one of the important places in the overall tourism development strategy in Ukrainian. Education in the tourism industry is becoming a key and indispensable condition for successful activity in it. The modern process of training future tourism industry specialists, along with pluses, also has disadvantages that do not allow for its modernization. In such a situation, the formation and implementation of a model for creating basic professional competencies for a future travel industry specialist in the process of training are particularly relevant. In the current educational system, it is impossible to form professional activity and initiative of the professional and practical activities of future tourism industry specialists.
The use of modern forms and technologies for the formation of professional competencies among future tourism industry specialists includes theoretical and practical directions. The key forms of theoretical direction are brainstorming; situational role-playing games; practical work with problem-solving; conferences research work. The essence of the concept of foreign language competence of a future tourism specialist, which is the student's personal and professional quality, means a willingness to work effectively in the tourism industry based on the mastery of the communicative and informative skills of a foreign language, which provides the potential for the effective implementation of intercultural and business communication and a high level of fulfillment of the basic functions of tourism. The specificity of the foreign language competence of a tourism specialist is determined by the need to develop language readiness for successful, productive and effective activities in the tourism industry based on the mastery of the communicative and informative capabilities of a foreign language, which provides the potential for effective implementation of intercultural and business communication and a high level of implementation of the basic functions of tourism.
The effectiveness of the educational model of training a future travel industry specialist during vocational training at a university is ensured by the implementation of a number of institutional conditions: • Stage-by-stage formation of professional competencies through the system of knowledge, skills during field trips, based on the adjustment of training schedules; • Purposeful stimulation of student activity based on the adjustment of curriculum programs in accordance with regional characteristics and the possibility of forming practical competencies; • Interaction between the teacher and students in the process of their preparation
for independent professional activity on the basis of the dominance of student activity in organizing and conducting field practical classes. The problem of scientific and pedagogical substantiation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of basic professional competencies for future tourism specialists in modern conditions is very relevant. For the successful formation of basic professional competencies of students - future tourism industry specialists, it is necessary to determine the pedagogical conditions that will contribute to this process and, thereby, ensure the improvement of the quality of their professional training.
The formation of basic professional competencies is due to the presence of external factors and conditions.
The external aspect of the approach to training a specialist is associated with a systematic approach to the organization of training, the allocation of basic professional competencies, the implementation of personality-oriented training, and the optimization of the ratio of theoretical and practical training methods. Innovative pedagogical technologies contribute to the formation of basic professional competencies of students in the educational process of the university, during which the knowledge, skills, and skills that make up the professional competence of a travel industry specialist are mastered. Using modern teaching methods, it is possible to guarantee the successful development of the personality of the future professional in the educational environment of the university.
In modern Ukrainian, a foreign language is becoming the most important basic element of the educational system in universities, one of the effective means of achieving the professional realization of a person. This means that today it is necessary to develop such a language policy in the field of foreign language education, which is aimed at satisfying both public and personal needs of students, which involves the search for innovative technologies for teaching a foreign language that will help students develop professional, social and cultural communication skills, as well as the ability to freely operate their forms and means. The pedagogical process is a holistic pedagogical phenomenon, all components of which are closely interconnected. Therefore, it is important to ensure the process of quality professional training that creates a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions that meet the requirements of a modularly competent approach. Only taking into account all the conditions that affect the formation of professional competencies of students, it is possible to create an optimal model of organizational and pedagogical support of the learning process, which will ensure the quality of training of future specialists that meets the requirements of employers.
1. Sharing, managing and using with the Ukraine the land in resort territories. 2. Planning and coordination of tourism development. 3. Inplementing scientific and technological policy in tourism. 4. Ensuring safety on region's territory. 5. Informative functions. We can also distinguish the following peculiarities of regional executive authorities in tourism regulation. Firstly the heads of regional executive power form the system of executive authorities implementing stete management
in tourism. However delegating such competences means dubbing functions in many regions. Consequently working out legal basis of these authorities requires more precise differentiation of competences. Secondly state regulation of general questions in tourism should be fulfilled by federal executive authorities. Analyzing the structure of regional executive authorities we can distinguish the following groups of them. 1. Branch departments having directly to do with tourism matters. They include tourism departments, recreational and resort departments, hospitality departments. 2. Functional departments that exercise specific functions not connected with a definite tourism branch. They include advertising and informational departments, territory-development departments, legal, economic and investment departments. Tourism committees consider tourism vector in a particular region.
Thus branch direction of different regions' authorities does not coincide. Besides it should be mentioned that in certain regions structures with specific tourism competence belong to authorities with more general functions, for instance, economic ones. It should be admitted that such current structure could be relevant. However without definite federal policy in tourism these authorities do not take leading positions among socio-economic executive bodies even in the regions where tourism is booming. The issues of tourism development often come down to those of infrastructure [2]. The key problem in tourism management is absence of up-to-date legislature meeting the economic state of the branch. In this absence regions autonomously set the goals and objectives for the competent bodies to solve. State management fulfilled by them results in acts or decrees by the heads of regional exective power. Tourism as a complex economic sphere requires a complex management approach. It logically leads to the necessity for opening departments that would elaborate regional tourism strategy basing not only the current practice but on new types of tourism as well [8]. Another essential issue is shortage of tourism professionals in the management structure.
A body consisting of employees with general competences will implement the most general approach. This issue is directly connected with training professionals in tourism educational establishments. It should be mentioned that currently their level is not high enough. As tourism immediately positively and negatively influences definite territories it demands attention of local governing authorities[3]. Every populated territory should be locally governed as only such an approach makes possible to detect population's needs, solve definite questions and take emergency measures.
The basis is an experiment in which the groups took part: control and experimental, the composition of which is identical in all characteristics. All respondents are students of pedagogical areas of training. We have identified the initial, sufficient, high levels. Higher percentage of students studying on the profile of «Jurisprudence and law enforcement». These students are better oriented in various pedagogical situations. The level «Higher than sufficient» has from 16% to 30% of subjects. After the study, the following problems became
clear: • A rather low level of linguistic culture; • Insufficient readiness for communication in a foreign language in the professional sphere; • Absence of reflexive skills in speech activity.
At the first stage of the study program, a multilevel character of the study of a foreign language is envisaged. The group is divided into subgroups on the basis of this. The goal of this stage of forming a communicative competence in another language is to bring students to a common level of competence. The second stage of training future specialists in different areas of training determines the professional orientation of studying the «Foreign Language». It is at this stage that the students form the requirements of a professional linguistic culture of knowledge. The third stage is the final stage in the formation of a communicative competence in another language. The experiment showed that the majority of the subjects studied had a low level of linguistic culture. Sufficient level of sociability is available from 22% to 40% of the subjects. The level «Higher than sufficient» has from 16% to 30% of subjects.
We also considered the formation of the communicative competence of the second-year students who speak foreign languages. The results showed that the formation of foreign-language communicative competence is at a sufficiently high level and the university continues to promote the development of this competence among students. According to the Fedral Law № 131 "General principles of organizing local governing" by the latter such a form of power is meant that ensures population's autonomous and fully responsible solving questions through the local bodies basing on population's interests and historical and other local traditions as well.
Current legislature make possible to distinguish the following features of local self-governing. 1. A form of implementing power. 2. Ensures solving local issues. 3. Population's autonomy and responsibility in decision-making. 4. Considering historic and other local traditions. 5. Limits of self-governing are set by Constitution, federal and regional laws. The competences of local government can be divided into two groups. 1. Competences of solving local issues. 2. Particular state competences. The peculiarity of local governing of tourism consists in its bearing such functions as implementing regional programs (programmed expending funds given and compiling reports of the programs implemented for regional governing bodies), direct interaction with entrepreneurship. There are also the following functions fixed. 1. Working out legal basis of tourism. 2. Making forecasts, development projects for a certain territory, compiling reports. 3. Registering subjects providing tourism services. 4. Promotion of the territorial unit in tourism market.
All this leads to the conclusion about the necessity of fixing tourism competences of local self-governing bodies on federal level. Currently the structure of Ukrainian tourism management has a mixed character. However branch management principles as well as their connection with territorial ones and the necessity of developing cultural tourism make combining the notions of managing tourism and budget culture worthy of attention. Nevertheless currently this idea is used
only with Parliamentary Culture and Tourism Committee. Branch management principle implies that combining these notions under the aegis of one managing subject presents a great interest for cultural tourism.
As researching this tourism primely means outbound and inbound tourism we should pay attention to the issue of making administrative units, whithin which it could be possible to take certain measures contributing to complex development of cultural tourism in them. Tourism zonation of this kind will serve as a basis of optimal functional and spatial structure of a region. Regional transport and hospitality development should be counted as well. Taking into account this situation we can see an emerging necessity of working out a complex approach to tourism development. It would optimize income from tourism and adjacent branches. We have to state that in with its high outbound and inbound tourism potential there is no definite idea of state's part in developing this sphere. Managing functions in this branch are dispersed among a big number of executive authorities [4].
Apart from the mentioned competent governing authorities it is worth mentioning such a specializing executive organ as Ukrainian Tourism Agency with in-terbranch management as its activity is connected with various economic branches. The detailed activity-analysis of this structure allows us to come to a number of conclusions about the specificity of its functioning. Firstly, this analysis makes possible to state that tourism development priorities are reflected only in hospitality and accommodation sphere. Other tourism branches are developed on to a lesser extent or remail undeveloped at all. Secondly, in tourism there is no executive body with control and supervision functions i.e. state management is not implemented in the aspects of control of following legal set norms. Thirdly, among the functions assigned to Ukrainian Tourism Agency only two of them are really exercised: informational promotion of tourism and interaction with foreign tourism operators. Fourthly, state management in tourism on Ukrainian Tourism Agency's part needs this body's functions to be diversified for optimizing its work. To sum up the findings of the research done we can state the following. Currently in there is a practically formed multifunctional structure of tourism management on federal level with a wide range of competences. However issues connected with working out effective mechanisms of relationships of all economic subjects are gaining topicality. To these subjects belong the following: regional governing authorities, municipal authorities, public sector, business-structures and consumers (tourists). The result of such interaction can be growing role of tourism and as a consequence, increasing its share it state budget, which is important in the current difficult socio-economic situation.
On the grounds of the joining Ukraine the Bologna process the improvement of the quality of professional training corresponding the international and european standards is gaining its actuality. The need for strong cross-cultural competence in today's environment is stronger than ever before. Globalization and the changing demographics in many of the world's leading countries has lead to a significant increase in professional
communication in the foreign languages. This process can't be effectively performed without being aware of behaviour rules, norms, methods of cross-cultural communication. Thus, tourism and hospitality professionals training for cross-cultural communication minding the cross-cultural competence formation in the process of foreign languages studies is an essential demand of today and a cornerstone of their successful career in the international workforce marketplace.
According to I. Zimnya the universalization of transformations in the sphere of education, providing the students' and lecturers' mobility, international recognition of degrees, introduction of educational credits shall be terminologically unified. The same thing concerns the notion of competence and complex educational approach which are determined by changing of edicational paradigm i. e. totality of convictions, values, facilities etc. [2, c. 9].
Professional competence admits that a specialist can possess the totality of all known cultural samples in the given sphere of human activities. If the person is culturally competent, he is considered to be professionally competent as well. [3]. A. Fliyer spesifies the notion of "cultural competence" as quite high degree of person's social adaptation and inculturation, that shall give possibility to realize, use and interpret the whole complex of life and specialized knowledge, which create the standards of person's generally sociality and erudite skills in certain environment, range of rules, samples, customs, bans. The person's cultural competence, first of all, determines the degree of knowledge the nation's social experience in general and interhuman relations norms produced by this experience [4, c. 240242]. The notion of cross-cultural communication having become essential in the framework of the modern foreign languages studies conception has been investigated by numerous foreign and home researchers (M. Akopova, N. Almazova, S. Ter-Mi-
nasova, E. Vereshchagin, V. Kostomarov,
V. Safonova, L. Barna, M. Byram, E. Hall, G. Hofstede, G. Neuner and others). Nowadays, English being the language of international communication is used as over cultural and metacultural language all over the world. This means that communication is performed in non-native language for the participants of speech interaction, i.e. language-mediator, and is becoming cross-cultural communication itself. Thus, cross-cultural relations are occurring within the contact between the representatives belonging to more than two cultural groups. It is necessary to introduce the elements of culture of different world communities into foreign language for specific purposes curriculum to make this communication effective, tolerant, avoiding the conflicts, not breaking cultural traditions and rules. Therefore, the study of languages of international communication shall be performed in the context of the dialogue of cultures and civilizations which, finally, can result in the formation of cross-cultural competence. To have cross-cultural competence means to be able to perform cross-cultural communication in the professional activities. To form cross-cultural competence is to make conditions for the students to adopt to the specificity of cross-cultural relations between the native culture and
culture under study speech act structural differences, the system of values, specific features of verbal and non-verbal behaviour in accordance with the cultural norms. With the mind of cross-cultural aspect, lingua country studies and lingua culture studies are becoming essential competences for tourism and hospitality professionals training [5].
The professional competence of tourism and hospitality future specialists shall include professional knowledge, skills, methods of performing professional activities and ability to fulfil their professional activities in certain area and in foreign language speaking environment. The tourism and hospitality future professionals training shall be based on the authentic materials reflecting the specific features of tourism and hospitality overseas experience including regional culturally marked component that can inform foreign clients about native culture and recreational resources of the given area. The methods of formation of the cross-cultural competence should have in its foundation the following principles of linguadidactics: the principle of orientation to "cross-cultural letiracy" formation, the principle of contrastivity reflecting the cross-cultural aspect of training, the principle of co-studying the languages and cultures, the principle of lingua cultural orientation.
The important elements of the formation of cross-cultural competence of the tourism and hospitality professionals should be emphasized as follows: lingua country studies - the knowledge of the lexical units marked with national and cultural semantics as well as ability to use them adequately in the certain communication situation; lingua culture studies - readiness to percept the different form of communicative behaviour, understanding its differences and variability depending on the culture, avoiding both sense and cultural failures strategy formation. The article analyzes the results of a pilot experiment conducted to substantiate the pedagogical problem relevance of the professional and communicative competence formation of future tourism professionals. On the basis of the analysis of factors (objective, subjective, personal, human) influencing this process, contradictions exist in the system of tourism professionals training. According to the results of the survey, most teachers are aware of the need for students to develop communication skills by means of their disciplines, since professional and practical activity in the field of tourism is conducted primarily through communication (exchange of information, organization of joint activities and management of interaction of its participants). The acquisition of professional and communicative competence by future tourism professionals is especially necessary for establishing business contacts, holding meetings, negotiations, communicating with clients, etc. The survey showed that teachers identify the following means of forming students' professional and communicative competence: the content of professional and social sciences and humanities; research, interactive, cognitive methods; blended technologies, technologies of personality-oriented learning, interactive technologies, con-text-situational learning (modeling of situations of pro-
fessional activity).The obtained data indicate that students recognize the need of acquiring communication skills, at the same time point to psychological problems through communication, insufficient level of linguistic training for professional communication, including foreign language skills.
The results of the conducted research prove the relevance of the problem of professional and communicative competence formation. These results are valuable orientations for defining pedagogical conditions, designing the pedagogical system and pedagogical technology of professional and communicative competence formation of future specialists in tourism.
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Зулькафиль М.
профессор Кафедры журналистики и массовой коммуникации Монгольского Государственного
Университета, доктор исторических наук, Улаанбаатар, Монголия.
Ариун-Учрал Л.
магистрант Кафедры журналистики и массовой коммуникации Монгольского Государственного
Университета, Улаанбаатар, Монголия.
Zulkaphil M.,
Professor of Department ofJournalism and Mass Communication, National University of Mongolia, Doctor of Historical Sciences (D.Sc.). Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Ariun-Uchral L.
Master's student of Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, National University of Mongolia,
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Данная статья представляет попытку показать на конкретных примерах и фактах специфику развития современной монгольской журналистики, выявить основные тенденции развития демократической журналистики путём анализа выступлений и обобщения опыта масс-медиа. Автор анализируя новые направления в деятельности монгольской журналистики делает вывод о том, что несмотря на неудачи и преграды переходного периода монгольская журналистика приближается к мировому уровню свободно-демократической журналистики, что является одним из главных достижений Монголии.
This article discusses the unique development of contemporary journalism in Mongolia using concrete examples and facts and identifies the main trends in the development of free press through assessment of mass media products and summarizing the media experience. Based on an analysis of the latest developments in Mongolian journalism, the author concludes that despite the significant challenges during the period of transition, Mongolian journalism has come close to meeting the international standards of free, democratic journalism, which is one of the major achievements of Mongolia.
Ключевые слова: независимая пресса, демократическая журналистика, плюрализм, редакционная статья, интерактивная масс-медиа, функции и принципы журналистики, интернет-журналистика, гражданская журналистика.
Keywords: free press, democratic journalism, pluralism, editorial, Interactive mass media, functions and principles ofjournalism, опИш journalism, civil journalism.