Bulletin KRASEC. Phys. & Math. Sci, 2014, vol. , no. 2, pp. 70-78. ISSN 2313-0156
MSC 65C20
O.O. Lukovenkova1, 2
1 Institute of Cosmophysical Researches and Radio Wave Propagation Far-Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 684034, Kamchatskiy Kray, Paratunka, Mirnaya st., 7, Russia
2 Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University, 683031, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Pogranichnaya st., 4, Russia
E-mail: [email protected]
The paper is devoted to the comparative analysis of some sparse approximation methods. The first part of the paper describes general sparse approximation problem and two main approaches solved it. Classification of testing pursuit algorithm is illustrated. Features of the methods application to geoacoustic emission signals are considered in the second part. The sparseness, accuracy and runtime of described pursuit algorithms are compared.
Key words: matching pursuit, basis pursuit, geoacoustic emission
Since 1999, investigation of geoacoustic emission (GAE) signals has been carried out at different stages of seismic activity at the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation (IKIR) FEB RAS. A typical GAE signal is a series of relaxation pulses with shock excitation, amplitude of 0.1 - 1 Pa, filling frequency from the units to the first tens of kHz (Fig. 1) [1].
Signal registration is carried out continuously with the sampling frequency of 48 kHz which does not allow manual processing. As a rule, classical methods of frequency-time analysis are applied for the analysis of pulse nature signals. However, during the last years, methods of sparse approximation become more popular. The paper compares sparse approximation algorithms in accuracy, sparseness of the obtained solution and time of execution on the example of GAE signals.
Lukovenkova Olga Olegovna - Assistent of Dept. Informatics, Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University, Postgraduate Student, Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS. ©Lukovenkova O.O., 2014.
0 2 4 6 S 10 12
Fig. 1. GAE signal
Sparse approximation
Signal approximation is a problem of signal decomposition in some function set (function dictionary):
N -1
f (t) = £ amgm(t) + Rn, ||RnII ^ min,
where f(t) is the signal under the investigation, gm(t) is the element (atom) of the dictionary D = (gm(t), ||gm|| = 1}, am - are the decomposition coefficients, N is the number of decomposition elements, RN is the approximation error.
Sparse approximation assumes building of a signal model, containing the least number of elements, i.e.
f (t) = £ amgm(t) + Rn, ||RnII ^ min, ||a||o ^ min,
where ||-||0 is the pseudonorm (L0-norm), equal to the number of nonvanishing terms of a vector.
One of the main advantages of sparse approximation is the possibility to build signal decomposition simultaneously containing the least number of elements and minimizing the error in redundant unorthogonal dictionary, in general case. A redundant dictionary contains the number of atoms which significantly exceeds the dimensionality of the initial signal. However, such type of problems of search for an optimum basis of decomposition is very complicated for computation and may not be solved for the polynomial time.
There are two different approaches to the sparse approximation of signals. The both make the computation of the given problem not so complicated and find an effective but not an optimum solution:
1) Basis Pursuit (BP). The essence of this approach, suggested by Chen S.S. and Donoho D.L. [2], comes to the change of the computationally complicated problem of L0-approximation by an easier problem of L1-approximation.
D • a = f, ||a\\1 ^ min,
l|a|1 = £ |am|.
Minimization of L1-norm eliminates energy f dissipation in dictionary D atoms, thus, reducing the number of elements of the desired decomposition.
The basis pursuit problem may be simplified by the change of L1-norm minimization by its limitation [2].
f (t) = £ amgm(t)+ Rn, \\Rnll ^ min, 11a11 < X. m=0
We should note that basis pursuit is an optimization principle rather than a concrete algorithm for solution of a problem. The basis pursuit problem may be solved by the reduction to the problem of linear programming [2] or by one of optimization methods [3],[4] refining the given initial approximation at each iteration.
1) Matching Pursuit (MP) was suggested by Mallat S. and Zhang Z. [5]. The essence of the algorithm comes to the iterative process of search for dictionary elements minimizing the approximation error at every step.
R°f = f
s = arg
min K gm, RNf
N+1 f _ dN
f = RNf - (gs, RNf)gs
On the basis of the matching pursuit method, an orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) method was developed. The main difference of it from the classical realization is the orthogonal basis, minimizing the approximation error [6].
f R°f = f, U = 0 s = arg min I/gm,RNf
|_mf/U 1 x
U = U U s aN = D+f rn+i f = f - d • aN
Classification of approximation algorithms for signals, tested on GAE signals, is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Classification of signal approximation algorithms
Comparison of sparse approximation methods on GAE signals
To compare the algorithms of sparse approximation, a sample was formed which contained 100 clear pulses, distinguished from GAE signals, with the amplitude of 0.02 - 0.05 Pa, filling frequency of 5-10 kHz (Fig. 3), and duration of 8 ms. Preliminary processing of signals included filtration in the frequency range of 1-24 kHz and amplitude normalizing.
Instrumentation boundary effect
0 5 10 15 20
f, kHz
Fig. 3. Spectrum of the chosen pulses
Choice of the dictionary D is an important problem which determines the quality of further analysis. The previous papers showed that the most effective dictionary for geoacoustic signal approximation is the dictionary formed from Berlage modulated
functions, since Berlage pulses have similar structure with geoacoustic emission elementary pulses [7]-[9]. In the course of the experiments, a dictionary was chosen which gave an appropriate accuracy of approximation. The dictionary, applied in the experiment, contained 2460 Berlage functions with the following parameters: duration of 3.8 ms, envelope maximum at 152 - 0.95 ms from the pulse beginning, filling sinusoid frequency from 4,5 to 10,5 kHz (Fig. 4).
0 A A _
V \/V
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
V V v - - - i i i i i i i
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 Aaa. .
vv v i i i i i i i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
jyyuvv-,--- i i i i i i i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 AAAAA/V^--_
vyV" " i i i i i i i
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S
Fig. 4. Examples of dictionary atoms
For each signal under the investigation, a classical approximation (all dictionary atoms were included into signal decomposition) was constructed obtained by solving the L2-optimization problem. In the result of the analysis of the obtained decomposition coefficient vectors, it was determined that in every of the 100 solutions, all the 2460 coefficients were nonvanishing. However, in average, only 991 coefficients in the decomposition had values exceeding 1% from the maximum, and only 294 coefficients exceeded the threshold of 5% (Fig. 5).
Nonvanishing Exceed 1% from MAX Exceed 5% from MAX
Fig. 5. Results of L2-optimization 74
Thus, the correlation of more than a half of the dictionary atoms with the signal was insignificant, so the obtained decomposition was redundant. Redundancy of the presentation may be avoided if sparse approximation of the given data is executed on the defined dictionary.
Applying the sparse approximation method, one should remember, that in comparison to matching pursuit, it is impossible in the basis pursuit algorithms to define the exact limitation on L0-norm of the desired coefficient vector and sparseness degree is regulated by a control parameter 1, the higher its value is, the less is the Lo-norm of decomposition coefficients and larger the error [4].
.....1 11 r, N II 2
11|a\\1 + - yR f y ^ min.
The choice of the proper values for the control parameter and algorithm step, which ensure the required relation «sparseness-error», is a complicated problem solved only by experimental selection (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Influence of parameter i on the solution of basis pursuit problem
In most of the matching pursuit algorithms, except for StOMP and SWOMP, L0-norm of coefficient vectors either depends on the number of iterations (it coincide in the case with MP and OMP) or is directly indicated as an input parameter of the algorithm (CoSaMP) that is more convenient for the researcher, if the priority is given to the solution sparseness.
Fig. 7 shows the graphs of the dependence for average approximation error of the investigated signals on the mean value of coefficient vector L0-norm for different algorithms of sparse approximation. The values 0.5 and 0.7 were experimentally selected as the control parameters i for basis pursuit algorithms. They gave the proper error level and solution sparseness. TwIST pursuit algorithm is applied for the dictionaries satisfying the condition 0 < k < Xmin (DTD) < 1 , for the defined dictionary Xmin (DTD) < 0 , so this algorithm was excluded from the list of tested ones.
From the graphs in Fig. 7^) and 7(b), the differences in the dynamics of error decrease for matching and basis pursuit methods are clear. In the first case, the error gradually decreases with the increase of the number of decomposition elements, in the second case it decreases with the decrease of element number.
If every algorithm is presented as an ellipse with semiaxes, corresponding to confidence intervals of resultant L0-norm and error average values, then the efficiency of application
Fig. 7. Dependence of error decrease on solution sparseness
of the algorithm for the investigated signals and the defined dictionary may be evaluated by the arrangement of this ellipse on the coordinate plate (Fig. 8).
¡3 20 IS
' ft' - 1 if •
. 11 A -
100 120 140 160
O CGIST0 (n=0.5)
o CGIST0 (n=0.7)
• 1ST Qi=0.5)
□ 1ST (|i=0.7)
□ FISTA (n=0.5)
□ FISTA (hf0.7)
« SWOMP (95%)
O StOMP (a.=4)
0 CoSaMP
cornid. intervals
Fig. 8. The relation «sparseness-error» for sparse approximation algorithms
Table shows the time for execution of 20 algorithm iterations, sparseness and error averaged for 100 pulses. The computations were carried out on a PC with the following characteristics: Intel Core i5-3210M processor (2.50 GHz), main memory size 4 Gb.
Pursuit algorithm characteristics
Method Execution time for 20 iter., sec Res. Lo Res. error
OMP 0.8644 15 20%
MP 0.7927 15 21%
gOMP (rOMP) time depends on the parameters 10 it. with 2 atoms: 0.4693 (0.5191) 4 it. with 5 atoms 0.2423 (0.2832) 2 it. with 10 atoms: 0.1651 (0.2119) 15 23%
FISTA (M =0.5) 1.3582 16 29%
SWOMP (95%) 0.9770 26 21%
CoSaMP 0.1310 15 32%
FISTA (M =0.7) 1.3582 12 33%
CGIST0 (M =0.7) 15.6585 17 33%
CGIST (M =0.5) 27.8995 30 29%
CGIST0 (M =0.5) 15.6585 31 30%
IST (M =0.7) 1.3509 27 35%
IST (m =0.5) 1.3509 38 30%
SWOMP (80%) 2.0469 146 20%
StOMP (a =4) 1.3351 168 13%
According to the graph, shown in Fig. 8, and Table data, MP, OMP, gOMP matching pursuit methods are the most effective for the relation «sparseness-error». In the course of testing of rOMP, it was determined that for the investigated signals, a set of atoms, chosen for each iteration, is already regular, so approximation solutions, obtained by rOMP and gOMP, are identical. From the basis pursuit methods, FISTA gave the best results. Comparison of execution times for the algorithms showed that matching pursuit algorithms are faster than the basis pursuit ones, as long as, in practice, 15-20 iterations of matching pursuit algorithms and 50-70 iterations of basic pursuit algorithms are needed to achieve an optimum result.
In the result of the study, we may conclude that the solutions obtained by matching pursuit algorithms, MP, OMP, and gOMP, have better sparseness and higher accuracy in comparison to the solutions obtained by other considered algorithms. The algorithms are less complicated and, consequently, their application in GAE signal analysis is reasonable and effective. The choice between the three algorithms is determined by the requirements of a researcher: the fastest one is gOMP, the most accurate one is OMP, MP is the «golden mean».
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Original article submitted: 29.11.2014