COMPARATIVE STUDY OF NOUN-FORMING SUFFIXES IN ENGLISH, UZBEK AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
compared languages / parts of speech / noun / semantic / classification / lexical meaning / affixation / prefix / suffix / сравниваемые языки / части речи / имя существительное / семантика / классификация / лексическое значение / аффиксация / приставка / суффикс

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tokhirova, Dilnavoz Akbar Kizi

Affixation is one of the ways of word formation with the help of derivational affixes in all languages. Affixes are a type of bound morpheme and they cannot stand alone and must appear alongside a base word to get their meaning. Meanings of affixes are specific and considerably differ from those of root morphemes. Affixes have widely generalized meanings and refer, the concept conveyed by the whole word to a certain category. Affixation is subdivided into prefixation and suffixation. Derivational morphemes added before the stem of a word are called prefixes and derivational morphemes added after the stem of the word are called suffixes. Suffixes in English, Uzbek and Russian form different parts of speech. There are a lot of noun-forming suffixes in these languages. This article explores and finds features, functions of noun-forming suffixes in English, Uzbek and Russian languages.

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Аффиксация – это один из способов словообразования с помощью словообразовательных аффиксов во всех языках. Аффиксы представляют собой тип связанной морфемы, и они не могут стоять сами по себе и должны появляться рядом с основным словом, чтобы получить свое значение. Значения аффиксов специфичны и значительно отличаются от значений корневых морфем. Аффиксы имеют широко обобщенные значения и относят понятие, передаваемое целым словом, к определенной категории. Аффиксация подразделяется на префикс и суффикс. Словообразовательные морфемы, добавляемые перед основой слова, называются префиксами, а словообразовательные морфемы, добавляемые после основы слова, называются суффиксами. Суффиксы в английском, узбекском и русском языках образуют разные части речи. В этих языках много суффиксов, образующих существительные. В данной статье исследуются и выявляются особенности, функции именообразующих суффиксов в английском, узбекском и русском языках.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(5), May, 2023



Tokhirova Dilnavoz Akbar kizi

A teacher, Karshi State University, [email protected]

Affixation is one of the ways of word formation with the help of derivational affixes in all languages. Affixes are a type of bound morpheme and they cannot stand alone and must appear alongside a base word to get their meaning. Meanings of affixes are specific and considerably differ from those of root morphemes. Affixes have widely generalized meanings and refer, the concept conveyed by the whole word to a certain category. Affixation is subdivided into prefixation and suffixation. Derivational morphemes added before the stem of a word are called prefixes and derivational morphemes added after the stem of the word are called suffixes. Suffixes in English, Uzbek and Russian form different parts of speech. There are a lot of noun-forming suffixes in these languages. This article explores and finds features, functions of noun-forming suffixes in English, Uzbek and Russian languages.

Keywords: compared languages, parts of speech, noun, semantic, classification, lexical meaning, affixation, prefix, suffix


In English, Uzbek and Russian grammar and morphology, affixation is the process of adding a morpheme- or affix-to a word to create either a different form of that word or a new word with a different meaning; affixation is the most common way of making new words in compared languages. The two primary kinds of affixation are prefixation, the addition of a prefix, and suffixation, the addition of a suffix, while clusters of affixes can be used to form complex words. An affix is a word element of grammar used to alter the meaning or form of a word and comes in the form of either a prefix or a suffix. Prefixes include examples like "un-," "self-," and "re-," while suffixes come in the form of ending elements like "-hood," "-ing," or "-ed" in English.

The main function of suffixes in compared languages is to form one part of speech from another, the secondary function is to change the lexical meaning of the same part of speech.(e.g. "teach" is a verb, "teacher" is a noun, and "music" is a noun, "musician" is also a noun or "учи" is a verb, "учитель" is a noun, "suhbat" is a noun, "suhbatlashdi" is a verb.)


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7


The research design in this study is qualitative for it suits the description analysis. The sources of data were collected from different textbooks and references on the morphology of English, Uzbek and Russian languages.

There are different classifications of suffixes in linguistic literature, as suffixes may be divided into several groups according to different principles (Ginzburg, 1979):

1. Part-of-speech classification.

2. Semantic classification.

3. Lexico-grammatical character of the stem.

4. Origin of suffixes.

5. Productivity.

According to what part of speech they form, suffixes may be divided into different groups:

1) noun-forming : -er, -dom,-ness, -ation,-ity, -age, -ance, -ence,-ist, -hood, -ship, -ment etc;

2) adjective-forming: -able, -ible, -uble, -al, -ian, -ese, -ate, -ed, -ful, -ive, etc;

3) numeral-forming: -teen, -th, -ty etc;

4) verb- forming: -ate, -en, -ify, -ize etc;

5) adverb-forming: -ly, -ward, -wise etc.

The Comparative analysis of the English language with other languages showed that English is not rich in suffixes as, for example, the Uzbek language. The total number of suffixes is 67 in English but the Uzbek suffixes are 171. Moreover, there are over 300 suffixes in the Russian language.


Suffixing is a productive way of forming words in English, Uzbek and Russian. English and Russian belong to the Indo-European Family of languages, while Uzbek belongs to the Altaic languages. Noun-forming suffixes are the most common ones in comparable languages. For instance, there are 219 noun-forming suffixes in Russian. In Russian suffixes can be different as there are genders such as masculine, feminine and neuter. However, prefixation is more typical to the English language than Uzbek.

Table 1 shows various suffixes forming nouns in compared languages:

Table 1

English noun-forming suffixes Examples Uzbek noun-forming suffixes Examples Russian noun-forming suffixes Examples

-ant/-ent resident, assistant -chi suvchi, aldoqchi -mexb (m) учитель

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SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

-ee retiree, trainee -dosh sinfdosh, sunbatdosh -тельница (f) учительница

-er, -or buyer, actor -kor(-kar, -gar, -gor ) paxtakor, ohangar -ник (m) ученик

-ism journalism, criticism -kash dardkash, mehnatkash -ница (f) ученица

-ist violinist, pianist -dor amaldor -чик (m) переводчик

-ment improvement, development -bon bog'bon -чица (f) переводчица

-ness kindness, forgiveness -boz morboz -ик (m) историк

-sion, -tion excursion, population -paz oshpaz -ец (m) австриец

-ship leadership, membership -xon kitobxon -ка (f) американка

-ity similarity, curiousity -shunos tilshunos -ин (m) болгарин

-age package, wastage -gich (-kich, -qich, -g'ich) ko'rsatkich, o'chirg'ich -анин (m) гражданин

-al refusal, proposal -gi supurgi -янин (m) египтянин

-ence/-ance preference, endurance -q, -oq taroq -анка (f) гражданка

-cy urgency, frequency -uq yutuq -янка (f) египтянка

-hood childhood, knighthood -ma to'qima -ист (m) гитарист

-ure departure, failure -m, -im kiyim, to'plam -истка (f) гитаристка

-ing landing, shopping -zor gulzor, mevazor -тор (m) автор

-ics phonetics, physics -iston O'zbekiston -атор (m) оратор

-some queersome -loq toshloq -ка (f) студентка

-ling duckling -goh saylgoh -изм (m) героизм

-let booklet -xona choyxona, yotoqxona -ость (f) честность

-ette cigarette -obod mehnatobod -ция (f) лекция

-ess princess -do'z gilamdo'z, do'ppido'z -ство (n) общество

-soz soatsoz -ани, -ание (n) понимание

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-xo'r tekinxo'r -ни, -ние (n) движение

-parast xayolparast -ени, -ение (n) сочинение

-furush mevafurush -ик братик

-vachcha amakivachcha -чик диванчик

-uvchi, -ovchi yozuvchi tinglovchi -ок листок

-ish qurilish -ек сыночек

-uv, -ov yozuv, saylov -ка мышка

-lik bolalik -ичка водичка

-liq otaliq -ечка Танечка

-ch sevinch, quvonch

-garchilik odamgarchilik


In English, suffixes form different nouns:

■ abstract nouns: -ship, -ism, -hood, -ery, -age, etc;

■ concrete nouns: -eer, -er, -ess, -ette, -let etc;

■ nouns which mean quality or state: -ness, -sion, -tion, -ity etc.

In Uzbek, suffixes can be classified into following categories according to the following concepts they illustrate:

■ objects: -gich, -k, -uq, -ma, -m, -im, -gi, -noma, -don, etc;

■ abstact nouns: -lik,-liq, -garchilik, -ch, -chilik, etc;

■ places: -zor, -iston, -loq, -goh, -xona, -obod,etc;

■ occupations: -chi, -shunos, -xon, -paz, -dor, -bon, -boz etc.

In Russian, suffixes form such nouns:

■ nouns designating occupations, trades and professions: -тель -тельница ,-ник ,-ница ,-чик, -чица , -ик etc;

■ nouns designating people of various societies, nationalities, residencies and occupations: -ец, -ка, -ин, -анин, -янин, -анка, -янка, -ист, -истка etc;

■ nouns designating ideas and concepts : -изм, -ость, -ция, -ство, -ани, -не, -ени etc;

■ suffixes that form diminutive nouns and pet names: -ик, -чик, -ок, -ек, -ка, -ичка, -ечка etc.

Being of foreign origin, some suffixes both in English and in Russian are similar, among them are: (Engl. -ism, Rus, -изм/ izm), (Engl. -ation, Rus. -aция/'a:tSIya:, -яция/ 'ya:tsiya, (Engl. -er, Rus. -"ер/ jo:r), (Engl. -ist, Rus. --ист/ i:st.).

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(5), May, 2023

In the Uzbek language -chi makes a noun denoting a person who is engaged in a profession, specialty, occupation. In English it is represented by -er, in Russian it is formed by :-тель , -тельница ,-ник ,-ница ,-чик, -чица , -ик and others as there are genders in Russia:

For example: o'qituvchi- teacher - учитель

However, there are suffixes which make feminine and masculine nouns in English and Uzbek as well:

Aktryor (m) - aktrisa (f), kotib (m)- kotiba (f), muxlis (m)- muxlisa (f)

Actor (m) - actress (f), waiter (m)- waitress (f)


Обер-секретарь продолжал:

— Мундир из тонкого зеленого сукна на семь рублей.. .(Pushkin, P.352)

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Hazil aralash bir iboralalari bor edi: Men umr bo'yi yozuvchiga kotiba bo'lib o'tdim.

My grandfather was secretary of the Scottish Miners' Union. (Collins diet.)


Overall, affixation method of word formation is more efficient in all of these languages than other word formation methods. As English and Uzbek belong to two different language families, their differences are more significant than their similarities. However, Russian and English are from one language family and there are similarities between them.


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2. Hojiyev, A. (1989). O'zbek tili so'zyasalishi. O'qituvchi

3. Ginzburg (1976). A course in Modern Lexicology. Moscow High School

4. Khoshimkulova M.(2016). Affixation as a major type of word formation.

5. Sharopov,Sh.(2019) .A comparative study of the role of suffixes in the english and uzbek languages.

6. Sattorova, N. I. (2021). Affixation in English and Uzbek: similarities and differences. Science and Education, 2(5), 740-742.

7. Surzhikova, N.Y. (1988). The ways of word formation. Moscow: Russian language.


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