UDC: 378.1.30
Almatova M. teacher
department of foreign languages faculty of agro engineering and hydro melioration Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro technologies
Andijan, Uzbekistan
Abstract: Learning a foreign language is gaining special relevance in connection with the integration of state into the world community. The article describes the modern requirements for foreign language training of masters of a non-linguistic university. The organization of the content of education and the criteria for assessing the results of teaching a foreign language in the magistracy of a non-linguistic university in the context of a competence-based approach to the organization of higher professional education are proposed, since the goal of the new model of higher education is the formation of professional competence through the development of all disciplines of the curriculum. The purpose of teaching foreign language communication in the master's program of a non-linguistic university is the formation of foreign language professional competence. Thus, the selection, organization of the content and assessment of the results of teaching a foreign language in the context of modern requirements should be aimed at the formation of a system of linguistic and professional knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to conduct professional activities in a foreign language.
Key words: foreign language, Learning content, foreign language, master's degree, non-linguistic university, professional competence, module, assessment of learning outcomes, system.
Among the modern requirements for the level of training of masters, the most important is the formation of professional competence, which makes it possible to carry out organizational, managerial, research activities in the chosen professional field, to implement effective professional interaction in a foreign language. In line with the competence-based approach, academic disciplines are assessed according to their contribution to the formation of professional competence.
In the light of the Educational Standard, the result of foreign language training in the magistracy is the formation of the ability for foreign language communication in oral and written forms to solve professional problems. These requirements dictate the need to ensure the process of teaching a foreign
language meaningfully and organizationally at all its levels. At the same time, the level of language training of masters in a non-linguistic university, as practice has shown, does not meet modern requirements.
The current situation is due to the incomplete correspondence of the goals and content of teaching a foreign language to the modern concept of training masters, insufficient development of means of mastering the content and apparatus for assessing learning outcomes.
This article discusses the issues of the content and assessment of the results of teaching a foreign language for the magistracy of a non-linguistic university in accordance with the Educational Standard of Higher Education.
In the new standards, the teaching of foreign language communication is supposed to be brought to a level that ensures the conduct of professional activities in a foreign language. The goal of teaching a foreign language in a magistracy of a non-linguistic university is to form a system of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as a culture of business behavior in the process of mastering foreign language communication.
In a number of studies it is noted that for the implementation of professional communication, a formed foreign language professional competence is required. "Substantive components of competencies are provisions that a student must know and be able to own,".
Based on the studies carried out, the definition of the IPC was given and its structure was revealed. Foreign language professional competence of masters represents a system of general cultural and professional competencies and includes not only linguistic knowledge and skills for the implementation of intercultural communication, but also a set of professional knowledge, skills and abilities for a specific area of training.
Research of issues related to the content of teaching a foreign language and the pedagogical conditions of its organization in a non-linguistic university made it possible to conclude that it is necessary to select and organize this content within the framework of socio-cultural, personality-activity, professionally oriented, systemic, communicative and competency-based approaches. The simulated subject and social content in the context of a specialist's future professional activity is a system of his main professional tasks, problems, functions, relationships. The content of education is combined from the content of the sciences and the content of the mastered professional activity.
In accordance with the competence-based approach to foreign language education of the master, the goals and content of teaching a foreign language, the technology of its development and control of learning outcomes are consistent with the goals and objectives of future professional activities and contribute to the formation of a system of competencies in the development of general cultural, communicative and professional skills necessary for solving professional tasks.
"The content of training, taking into account the innovative-creative, heuristic-prognostic, organizational nature of the future professional activity of masters, is built in the context of this activity, seems to be functionally significant for the implementation of the goals set by the communicative minimum, is integrated with the content of professional disciplines, provides variability of communicative and educational professional tasks, creates conditions for the development of research and creative qualities in undergraduates, the ability for independent activity and an objective assessment of the results obtained.
In the content of teaching a foreign language in a magistracy, attention should be focused on highly specialized and scientific vocabulary, styles of scientific presentation of material, grammatical structures used in a professional and scientific environment. Speech material should contain culturally and scientifically marked speech samples (phrases, sample dialogues) for solving communication problems in the professional sphere.
To form a system of competencies, a modular step-by-step organization of mastering subject content is required, in which each module is a logically complete segment of educational material. The module offers a fragment of the content of future professional activity and creates conditions for training the methods of this activity.
Thus, the intended structure of the module will contain the following components:
1) the general purpose of studying the module;
2) the tasks of studying the module (analyze, discuss, agree, organize, plan, create, make a presentation, etc.) in relation to:
a. to the objects of the topic being studied and the competencies being formed;
b. to linguistic and speech content (vocabulary, grammar, structure;
c. to subject content with the allocation of skills for each type of activity:
S problem solving (analysis of the problem, its causes and consequences,
development of a solution strategy, assessment of its effectiveness);
S work with information (collection, assessment, systematization of information in accordance with the set goal);
S presentation of material (design of reports, reports, annotations, presentations, presentation with a presentation);
S professional communication (persuasion, argumentation, description, proof, posing questions, forecasting, setting conditions, etc.);
S development of a new one (formulation of a problem, analysis of causes, identification of contradictions, hypotheses, construction of a solution algorithm, analysis and evaluation of the results obtained);
d. methods and forms of organization of training;
e. the form of intermediate control (case analysis, solution of a communication problem, critical analysis of information, etc.);
f. the final control (preparation and presentation of the project). An important point in the module is to highlight the following stages of training: introductory, training and control. At the same time, the first and second stages include such activities as working with information, solving problems, presenting material, and professional communication. The control stage is focused on obtaining a new result in the process of working on a project and combines all types of activities.
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