Sevinj Rzaeva, Allahverdi Tagiyev, Valida Abdullayeva
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
The use of thermal waters as a source of renewable energy is considered one of the most important issues. Clean energy can improve human health in the long term by minimizing the risk of climate change, while also reducing deaths from air pollution in the short term. The risk of exhausting the oil and gas resources used by the countries of the world for many years is increasing over time. Also, considering that the oil and gas sector is one of the main causes of climate change, it is necessary to move away from this type of fuel. In this case, there is a need to use alternative and renewable energy sources in the world.
Addressing climate change requires a shift away from fuels such as hydrocarbons to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro and geothermal. Renewable energy sources are carbonfree and produce fewer emissions, making them an important component in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, the transition to renewable energy sources is critical to addressing climate change and ensuring a sustainable future for the planet. The favorable geographical position and climatic conditions of the Apsheron Peninsula allow the widespread use of ecologically clean alternative (renewable) energy sources. So, in addition to oil and gas deposits, thermal waters (Bilgah, Dubendi-Zira, Buzovna, Gala, Karachukhur, Lokbatan, Mardakan, Nardaran, Pirshagi, Sabunchu, Surakhani, Shikhov, etc.) are widespread here. The operating reserve of thermal waters with a temperature of 40-90 0C on the Absheron Peninsula is 20,000 m3/day. Although the studies conducted in the study areas show that the forecast reserves of thermal waters here are 27125 m3/day, it is not doubtful that this indicator is many times higher.
The article describes the perspective of using thermal water deposits on the Apsheron peninsula as an alternative energy source. The analysis of funds and printed materials on thermal water deposits of the research area shows that the energy resources collected in this area can be considered as alternative energy and are of great importance for the future economy of the region. Studies show that the water temperature is high in the zones where the tectonic faults spread directly. As mineral water resources from thermal waters, it is also considered useful for the development of balneological, sanatorium-health complexes.
Keywords: climate change, alternative energy source, geological conditions, degree of mineralization, mineral waters
I. introduction
Apsheron peninsula, which is the research area, belongs to the southeastern part of the Greater Caucasus in terms of morphostructure. The sediments of the Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary periods are involved in the geological structure of Apsheron. The floors of the upper division of the Cretaceous system are involved. The sediments of these floors came to the surface in north-western Apsheron. The Paleogene system is characterized by strata of the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene departments. The Paleocene department is characterized by the
Sumgayit formation. This stratum is characterized by lower, middle and upper semi-stratums. The lithological composition consists of clay, marl, and sandstone layers and its thickness is 80-325 meters. The Miocene branch of the Neogene system is characterized by the Upper Maykop formation, Torton, Sarmatian, and Meotis floors. Clay facies prevailed in Upper Maykop. The Pliocene branch of the Neogene system is characterized by the Pont, Productive layer, Agcagil layers [1].
According to the tectonic structure, the Apsheron peninsula is divided into Western, Central anticlines and Eastern Apsheron synclinal areas.
In the research area, winter months are mild, summer months are hot, and autumn and spring months are cool. Atmospheric sediments fall less in these areas, and strong winds prevail. The type of climate belongs to semi-desert, dry, desert climate. Autumn months are warmer than spring. March and the first half of April correspond to winter, the second half of April and May correspond to summer. In these areas, January, the coldest month, has an average monthly temperature of 1.1 0C, and June, the hottest month, has an average monthly temperature of 27 0C. The average annual temperature ranges from 14.3 to 14.7 0C. The absolute minimum air temperature varies from -18 0C to -21 0C [2,3].
In the years when the weather is very hot, the highest temperature is 36-39 0C in the coastal zone of the sea, and 40-43 0C in the areas far from the sea coast. The minimum value of the average daily absolute air humidity occurs in January, and the highest value occurs in July-August.
The hydrogeological conditions of the Absheron Peninsula are extremely complex. In Western Apsheron, clay sediments of rocks older than the Quaternary period prevailed. Groundwater in these areas is sporadically distributed in Upper Pliocene and Quaternary sediments. The groundwater spread in these sediments is characterized by a high degree of mineralization. These waters are not suitable for drinking or use for economic purposes. Groundwater with sweet and weak mineralization is very rare [4,5].
Pressurized groundwater in pre-Quaternary sediments is commonly associated with oil fields. Most of these waters have a high degree of mineralization. Iodine, bromine, potassium, lithium and other microcomponents are widely distributed in these waters.
Groundwater is almost ubiquitous in Eastern Apsheron. Groundwater in Eastern Apsheron is mainly distributed in Quaternary sediments. The depth of groundwater is from a few cm to 20 m and more. The direction of groundwater flow is from the central parts of the Apsheron peninsula to the shores of the Caspian Sea.
The degree of mineralization and chemical composition of groundwater is very complex. The chemical composition is mainly hydrocarbonate-chlorine. Salty chlorinated waters are widespread mainly in Bina-Hovsan muldas, where oil-waste waters are spread, while in other areas weakly saline and saline waters are widespread. Pressurized waters in Upper Pliocene and Quaternary sediments are fresh and weakly saline. Underground pressurized waters lying in older strata are characterized by high mineralization rates [6,7].
II. Methods
The formation of groundwater in the Apsheron peninsula took place under different conditions. Both natural and man-made factors played a role in the formation of underground water in the Apsheron Peninsula.
Geological-geomorphological conditions are the most important factor in the formation of groundwater on the Apsheron Peninsula. Since clayey rocks of various ages spread in Western Apsheron cover the earth's surface, they did not create conditions for the formation of groundwater in this area. In some areas, as a result of the outcrop of limestone and sandy rocks, it has created conditions for the formation of groundwater here. Geological-geomorphological conditions in Central and Eastern Apsheron are favorable for the formation of groundwater. So, since the lithological composition of these areas includes sand, sandstone, and limestone,
groundwater is spread everywhere in these areas. As is known, relief plays a key role in the formation of groundwater. Therefore, in the Apsheron peninsula, groundwater is more common in the low areas of the terrain. Thus, atmospheric sediments, which are already small in these areas, are collected and filtered underground, forming groundwater.
Climatic factors are quantitative and qualitative indicators of groundwater formation. On average, 227 mm of annual precipitation falls in the study area, and evaporation is 947-1344 mm. The total mineralization rate of atmospheric precipitation varies from 56 to 208 mg/l. 184.8 kg/ha of salt fall during the year due to atmospheric precipitation. 12.9% of these salts were NaCl. In addition, water formed from condensation vapors in the air plays an important role in the formation of groundwater.
Artificial factors play an important role in the formation of groundwater on the Apsheron Peninsula. Artificial factors are formed as a result of human activity. These include irrigation of fields, feeding with highly mineralized water extracted from oil wells, losses from the Samur-Apsheron canal, etc. includes. Apart from these, groundwater in the Baku synclinal soil is also fed by losses from water lines. As underground water resources are limited in the Apsheron peninsula, the waters of the Samur-Apsheron canal were widely used for irrigation purposes. Due to the losses from this channel, fresh groundwater is found in areas along the channel suitable for the formation of groundwater. According to calculations, the annual loss from this channel is 510%.
The process of formation of hydrogeological conditions on the Apsheron Peninsula is extremely complex. Geomorphological, tectonic, geological-lithological conditions, the activity of the Caspian Sea, and climate indicators are involved to some extent in the process of underground water formation. It is impossible to reconcile with the classifications determined in the process of formation of hydrogeological conditions in Apsheron territory and accepted for general geological structures. Distribution of geological stratigraphic divisions on the Apsheron peninsula, their lithological compositions are heterogeneous on the area, and the geomorphological-tectonic structures of the areas confirm the so-called.
Common patterns for the studied areas include uneven distribution of surface water, lack of rivers, low atmospheric precipitation, and several times more evaporation than atmospheric precipitation.
In the territory of the Apsheron peninsula, clayey facies are abundant in stratigraphic units of different ages. The collector layers involved in the cutting are in the form of laminations, the aquifer rocks contain clay, the layers separating them consist of solid, thick-layered clays, the presence of various salts in the clay rocks, etc. created conditions for the formation of fresh and slightly saline water horizons in these areas. Complex tectonic conditions in the researched areas also confirm what we said. Thus, the alternating anticlines and synclines consisting of rocks of different ages in the area, the presence of numerous tectonic fractures and disturbances have led to the formation of water complexes that are completely unrelated to each other [8,9].
The natural state of hydrogeological conditions in Apsheron Peninsula is uncertain in different areas. So, with the exception of some areas of Western Apsheron, fundamental changes have occurred as a result of human anthropogenic activity in most areas. For many years, in some areas of the Apsheron Peninsula, the groundwater levels have approached the ground surface, their distribution areas have increased, and the process of sweetening of groundwater has begun. In some areas, the opposite was observed. All this had a certain effect on the formation and change of the hydrodynamic and hydrochemical conditions of the areas [11,12].
Apsheron Peninsula is one of the most widespread areas of thermal and mineral waters in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Fig. 1). The operating reserve of thermal waters with a temperature of 4090 0C on the Apsheron Peninsula is 20,000 m3/day.
Russian /V. Federation Georgia L"" ^ V
Absheron Peninsul;
Absheron, Khudat Daridag, Sirab llisu. Khaltan
Minkend, Iligsu
Istisu, Kalbajar
Tartar. Gazanbulag. Gazakh
20-40 °C
>40 °C
Cold water springs Thermal water springs
Borders between the fields
Figure 1: Mineral-thermal waters map of Azerbaijan
Formation water temperature. When determining the temperature of the layers, the terms geothermal step and geothermal gradient are used. The temperature of formation water inside the hydrocarbon deposits is taken according to the geothermal gradient of the formation. Taking this into account, it is possible to calculate the temperature of the water inside the layer using the following formula:
T = a + H/k
T - formation water temperature, °C; a - average annual temperature on the earth's surface; H - the depth where the layer is located, m; k - geothermal gradient, m/°C.
The temperature of the layers was measured for the first time in 1880 on the Apsheron Peninsula (Sabunchu) at a depth of 100-200 m. Later Sh.F. Mehdiyev for the first time determined the geothermal stage by conducting large-scale research works in the Balakhani-Sabunchu-Ramana oil fields. As a result of these studies, it was determined that the geothermal step in shallow oil fields of Apsheron region varies between 21-37 m [11]. Temperatures can reach higher levels in layers in deep deposits. Table 1 provides information on temperature indicators of different depths in the structures of the Apsheron Peninsula.
Table 1: Temperature indicators of different depths in the structures of the Apsheron Peninsula
Temperature indicators Depth, m
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Average temperature of rocks, 0C 43 52 60 70 78 86 97 105 112
Geothermal step, m/0C 33,6 38,8 42,9 44,1 46,4 48,2 48,4 49,1 50,7
Geothermal gradient, 0C/100 m 2,97 2,57 2,32 2,26 2,15 2,07 2,06 2,03 1,96
The Apsheron Peninsula has a large number of thermal water resources. Thus, among the largest thermal water deposits, Dubendi-Zire, Surakhani, Baku Muldasi, etc. can be shown. Although the studies conducted in the study areas show that the forecast reserves of thermal waters here are 27125 m3/day, it is not doubtful that this indicator is many times higher (Table 2).
Table 2: Forecast reserves of thermal waters of Apsheron Peninsula
Thermal water deposits Forecasting reserve, m3/day
Buzovna 4
Gala 1006
Surakhani 2811
Baku Muldasi 3087
Bine-Govsan 1270
Dubandi-Zire 18947
Total 27125
Jurassic and Cretaceous sands and sandstones, flysch clay shales, Paleogene and Neogene clay rocks are mainly involved in the geological structure of the areas where thermal and mineral water deposits are spread.
Mineral-thermal water deposits of Apsheron are concentrated in different stratigraphic horizons. It should be noted that the formation of mineral thermal waters of the Absheron Peninsula is also greatly influenced by mud volcanoes and various types of reservoir waters of oil fields. About 80% of the 20 deposits registered here are hydrogen-sulfide (H2S), and about 20% are methane (CH4)-containing gases.
While chlorinated-sodium waters with a high content of calcium and magnesium form a specific group on the Apsheron Peninsula (Surakhani, Amirjan, etc.), mineral waters in the Shikhov region, located in the southwest of Baku, are characterized by a chlorinated-hydrocarbonate-sodium type composition.
The Apsheron peninsula is rich in mineral and thermal waters, important for treatment. Hydrogen sulphide mineral water wells and sources are located near Surakhani, Amirjan, Gala, Binagadi settlements, in Pirallahi, and therapeutic mud volcanoes - Lake Boyukshor, Masazir, Murdalabi, Fatmayi, Ramana, etc. spread in the areas. Here, three processes - oiliness, mud volcanism and mineral water formation processes occur in interaction.
Mineral-thermal waters of the Apsheron Peninsula are found in different stratigraphic horizons - in the sediments of the Pont floor characterized by sand and limestone-sandstone intermediate clays, in the sandstone sediments of the productive layer with a large thickness. Hydro-geothermal indicators calculated for different depths of the aquifer complex of the Absheron Peninsula are given in Table 3.
Table 3: Hydrogeothermal properties of the Apsheron Peninsula aquifer complex (Productive layer)
The field Well № Hydrogeological survey depth, m The temperature of the water at the wellhead, 0C Degree of mineralization of water, g/l The main microcomponents, mg/l Gas content of water
Buzovna 32 1953-1390 42 116 J-24 Br-198 CH4
42 1464-1389 46 114
Gala 62 1705-1582 52 134
1566-1410 45
1162 1612-1574 40 J-30
1028 1516-1501 38 144 Br-214
1634-1614 42 J-28
1323 1714-1701 40 156
Surakhani 12 2218-1967 42
14 2172-2024 48 146 J-28 Br-
2r 1668-1487 50
1222 2172-2024 48 Br-142
1712-1710 43 136
Baku 1304 1853-1720 47 J-32 Br-
Muldasi 1415 2122-1996 46 118 214
Zire 36 2828-2790 38 J-28 Br-
2724-2636 57 199
628 1318-1197 53 128
1145-1063 37 J-29 Br-
Bine- 849 1300-1213 39 320
Govsan 1046 1196-1110 39
1214 1352-1247 43
1416 2122-1996 42 138 J-26,8 Br-
925 1063-949 36 296
707 1044-982 36
808 1383-1291 42
36 2828-2740 48 J-26 Br-216
114 843-799 36 142
707 968-876 40
628 1004-913 42
800 1243-1144 45 124 J-28 Br-
926 831-800 39 23,4
1106 1194-1103 38 166 J-24,8
1527 848-816 39 J-26
1032 956-892 41
1101 987-928 40
1227 932-873 350 138
1070 998-960 36 Br-214
932 997-936 37
1323 963-899 36
953 921-790 44
628 709-680 37
Duvandi- 800 1049-876 42
Zire 904 809-757 37
925 762-595 42 124 J-28,8 Br-
1527 770-623 36 204
1146 843-663 36
948 480-470 35
649 915-728 35
211 1247-1048 36
1304 1384-1118 52 114 J-32 Br-
1046 882-705 48 199
925 1063-949 48 CH4
114 843-799 50
707 968-876 38
628 1004-913 36
800 1243-1144 40
926 831-800 44 128 J-33,4 Br-
1106 1194-1103 45 214
1527 848-816 42
1032 956-892 38
1101 987-928 39
1227 932-873 41
1070 998-960 40 136 J-26
932 997-936 37
1323 963-899 36
953 921-790 44
628 709-680 37 Br-214
800 1049-876 44
904 809-757 36
925 762-595 35
1527 770-623 35
1146 843-663 36
948 480-470 44 J-29,8 Br-190
649 915-728 35 146
211 1247-1048 40
1304 1384-1118 40
1046 882-705 48 J-28
877 940-804 38
130 1003-785 42 142 Br-198
152 1030-804 38
144 1258-997 42
1501 1715-1480 47 J-29
1518 1693-1470 50
1408 1623-1400 47
41 1580-1353 36 136
36 2556-2243 48 B-215
628 605-572 39
841 550-492 36
800 792-709 38
904 710-664 38 136 B-215
1106 792-709 36
1515 1266-895 36 J-28 Br-214
1822 1827-1402 45 144
50 926-880 54
55 2933-2915 56 35
Duvanni 4 1788-1684 76 36 J-28,9 Br-48
15 1798-1774 58 34
58 2448-2413 36 33
27 3200-3100 66 56 J-24 Br-98 CH4
Kenizdag 56 1848-1814 48 44
38 1863-1806 49 44
26 1824-1823 47
Garadag 14 1346-1344 44 36 Br-42
53 1695-1603 45
As a result of the conducted research, the highest temperature of thermal water in the Apsheron peninsula was recorded in Duvanni area (76 0C), Surakhani area (52 0C), and Kenizdag area (56 0C) (Table 4). There is no doubt that the temperature is even higher as you go deeper.
III. Results
It is of great importance to comprehensively study underground thermal water, which is an ecologically clean source of energy, along with other types of fuel (mainly oil, gas) and provide it to the people.
The formation of hydro-geothermal conditions on the Apsheron peninsula reflects the geological-lithological, geomorphological, tectonic conditions of the area. The formation of hydrochemical conditions was influenced by waste water from oil fields and various household wastes. Along
with these factors, the rocks of the aeration zone are also important in the formation of the chemical composition.
On the Apsheron peninsula, thermal and mineral waters are distributed in Khazar-Khvalin, Baku, Apsheron, and Productive layer sediments. There is a little hydraulic connection in the sediments of the Caspian-Khvalin. The pressurized waters lying in the Baku-Productive layer sediments have no hydraulic connection. Hydrochemical conditions were formed separately.
Table 4: Hydro-geothermal properties of thermal waters on the Apsheron Peninsula
The field Calculated wells Geological age and depth of the aqueous complex Degree of mineralization of water, g/l water temperature, 0C Main components, mg/l
Buzovna 32, 4 №Jb 1950-1390 116 42 J-24 Br-198
Gala 62, 1028, 1162, 1323 №Jb 1714-1410 134 38-52 J-28-30 Br-214
Surakhani 12, 22, 14, 11, 12 N21b 2218-1487 132-146 42-50 J-28 Br-192
Baku Muldasi 1304, 1415 N21b 2122-1720 118 46-47 J-32 Br-214
Bine-Govsan 628, 849, 1046, 1214, 6, 1304, 1416 №Jb 2122-1063 134-138 37-53 J-29 Br-320
Dubendi-Zire 707, 808, 628, 926, 1527, 1227, 932, 152, 144, 1822, 1518, 628, 926, 1046 №Jb 2828-595 114-144 35-50 J-26-32 Br-198-216
Garadag 14, 26, 38, 53, 56 №Jb 1863-1344 36-44 45-48 J-22 Br-92
Duvanni 22, 24, 40, 45, 47, 50, 51, 58 №Jb 2933-880 33-44 36-76 J-16-28,9 Br-209
Kenizdag 27 №Jb 3200-3100 34 56 J-24 Br-98
The operating reserve of thermal waters with a temperature of 40-90 0C on the Apsheron Peninsula is 20,000 m3/day. Although the studies conducted in the study areas show that the forecast reserves of thermal waters here are 27125 m3/day, it is not doubtful that this indicator is many times higher.
The thermal and mineral waters of the Apsheron Peninsula contain various gases that have a positive effect on the human body, specific chemical components and pharmacological ingredients, and useful biologically active elements, so they can be used for the treatment of many diseases. Although mineral-thermal water deposits containing iodine, bromine and other chemicals with great healing power are currently not used enough, their widespread use in the field of balneology and spa treatment in the near future is currently considered promising and necessary.
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