Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2020, pp. 102-113 ISSN 1997-0838 Original Text Copyright © 2020 by Khan, Nowsheen, Aziz, Ullah, Sher, Rahman and Khan
Assessment of Induced Variability of Yield Contributing Traits in M1 Gamma Irradiated Germplasm of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Amir Hasan Khan1, Tabinda Nowsheen1, Muhammad Abdul Aziz2, Sharif Ullah1, Khan Sher1, Ateeur Rahman1, Ahmad
Hassan Khan1
1 Shaheed Benazir Bhuto University Sheringal, District Dir (Upper) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
2 Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat-26000, Pakistan
*E-Mail: amirhasankust@gmail. com
Received February 17, 2020
Sowing of radiated Germplasam of two-selected virus free wheat cultivars namely Pirsabak-98 and Fisalabad-2000, were conducted in the department of Botany, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Sheringal during crop season November 2016 to study the impact of different doses of gamma radiation. Both cultivars were purchased from Tarnab Farm Peshawar and later on irradiated to 5, 10, 20 Krad at NIFA. (Nuclear institute for food and agriculture Peshawar). It was observed that inverse relationship was created in doses of 5, 10, 15 Krad against number of parameters like number spikelet per plant, number of spike per plant, spike length per plant, grain number per plant, 1000 seeds fresh weight, 1000 grain dry weight. Similarly the stated parameter means values gradually and continuously decreases with increasing of gamma irradiation concentration in both the hybrids pirsabak-98 and Fisalabas-2000 of wheat. It was also evaluated that high concentration of doses cause restrictive in the mean figure of all parameters which reflect that both cultivars pirsabak-98 and Fisalabad-2000 were sensitive high intensity of gamma radiation. Moreover there were also found a small number of mutant genotypes in Fisalabad-2000 at 15 krad due to genetic changeability similarly at 5 krad dose in both cultivar found pink color plant and sterile plant. As far as the effect gamma irradiation through of analysis for all the parameters were highly significant while due to the interaction doses and cultivar effects for the length of the spike was insignificant. Similarly the mean values for length of spike per plant, fresh weight of grain, and dry weigh of grain and number of grain per plant varietal effects were concluded as highly significant however the effects. Likewise insignificant outcome were obtained in the mean value due cultivar effect for fresh weight of 1000 seeds
Key words: Gamma radiation , Doses, Wheat cultivars, Mutant, Genotypes, Parameters
Pakistan is at ninth number among the countries producing the wheat crop all over the crop and Pakistan is a net importer in world market (Anon, 2015). The production of the crop in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is about 1.0718 million tons while the demand has been reported to be 2.6860 million tons. (Anon, 2008a). About one third population of the world is depended on wheat and used as a staple food by one third of the world population. In Pakistan, the vital crop is being cultivated by about 80% farmers and growing up at an area of total of about 9 million hectares (ha). (Abd-El-Haleem, 1998; Adams et al., 2002; Shewry, 2009). Being the main food grain in the country, it covers a very large segment of the cultivated land. It has been reported that about 10 % value added in agriculture and 2.1 % to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The crop is a major grain crop for the whole world and it is considered at the central position in both agriculture as well as economy (Khan and Zeb, 2007). The nutritional value of the crop then it gives us about 78.10% carbohydrate, 14.70% protein, 2.10% fat, 2.10% minerals and a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals (zinc, iron). The crop is also a good source of minerals which are essential components in human diet and health requirements (Adams et al., 2002; Fraley, 2003; Shewry et al., 2006; Topping, 2007). Gamma rays are most energetic rays these rays are considered to having the highest penetrating power as compared to other radiations. (Kovacs and Keresztes, 2002). These are the type of the ionizing radiation being interacting with molecules or atoms for the production of free radicals. These are the rays which modify the morphology, anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of plants is being affected by the ray with various degrees (Kim et al., 2004; Wi et al., 2005). induced mutations mostly occur in the genome of an organism thus justlonelof the two or additional alleles of allocuslis affected, resulting in the need for breeders to ensure homo zygosity through self-pollination before the trait will be properly expressed (Micke, 1999). Being an important tool, induced mutation are used an important tool when breeders required them for bringing the plant breeding and to work on functional genomics to increase the frequency of mutations, and consequently broadening the genetic base of germ
plasma. Mutagenesis causes small but stable genetic changes within individuals. (Weil and Monde, 2007). Artificial mutation helps to induce genetic variation of gene loci controllinglefficiently significant character and/ or removal of unwanted genes as of breeding lines (Alcantara et al., 1996). Sen and joshi (1958) found a number of valuable high yielding mutants at low dose of gamma irradiation similarly Khan and Verma (2015). reported significant increase in grain weight at 15 Krad dose of gamma irradiation. Thus, now Pakistan researchers have launched wheat mutant through induce mutation program to increase wheat production to stabilize the country economy to curb the current rising demand for wheat. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of gamma rays on some important quantitative traits in wheat, which led to effective radiation dose affecting the architecture of radiation doses in the upper mountain ranges of sheringal. Moreover, this study is also concern to create significant mutants of wheat for increasing yield of wheat.
Field experiment carried out in the month of November 2016. On two different cultivars of Triticum aestivum L., named viz. Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000 concerning were subjected to check the effects of gamma radiations on their growth parameters in region of Shaheed Benazir Bhuto University Sheringal Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. Healthy seeds of two cultivars were purchased from Tarnab Farm Peshawar. later on radiated with 5, 10, and 15 Krad doses of gamma radiations from Cobalt-60 gamma source operating at NIFA. (nuclear! institute for foodl and agriculture Peshawar) . Data was collected on the targeted parameters like, plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant, number of tillers per plant, spike length (cm), spike number plant-1 , number of spikelet per plant, number of roots per plant, number! of grain per plant, fresh weight of the 1000 grain (gm). And dry weight of the 1000 grain (gm). Also other parameters like days taken to heading, germination percentage, number of roots per plant and plant survive percentage at defined stage of growth to find out the outcome of the trial doses
of gamma radiation. The design of the experiment split plot and plot size was set as 110 x83.40=916.71 keeping three replications and 4 treatments. Each replication divided into 4-sub plot. Row to row distance was 20 cm whereas plant to plantjspaced as 10 cm. 50 seeds per row in every sub plot were sown about 4 to 5 cm depth of soil. The land for growing of seeds ploughed and prepared. For better wheat growth Nitrogen was given once and phosphorus penta oxide fertilizer three time in concentrated field at varying times.. Hoeing was don regularly to remove the weeds. The experimental field was irrigated periodically to avoid the crop from stress. From each sub plot maximum of ten plants randomly selected for every one treatment the chosen plants had tagged fromleach one subplot! for examining the gamma rays effect on varied morphological traits.
The data were recorded on the subsequent parameters in Ml generation. Spike length plant-1(cm)
The decidedlplants from each sub plots harvested at full maturity and then the Spike of primary stem was cut and its length measured by lime. Spike Number plant-1
Spike number plant-1 calculated from selected plant at maturity from each sub plot. Spikelet Number plant-1
The number of spikelet per plant calculated by taking the average of spikelet from the spike of selected plants Number of grain plant-1
The grain number spike-1 wasl calculated by taking the average of seeds from the spike of the selected plants 1000Krain Freshlweight (gm).
Fresh 1000-grains were collected andlcounted from the grain yield of each experimental unit and were weight to record 1000-grain weight. 1000Krain dyweight (gm).
Dry 1000-grain counted from the selected plants and then the averagel weight of seeds was recorded in grams.
Statistical analysis:
Statistical analyzed of each parameter of the data were used statistic software Statistix 8.1. Tukey's least significant difference test applied for comparison
between the hybrid mean, treatment mean, and interaction among treatment and cultivars
Two types of cultivars Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000 of wheat were used to review the effects of gamma raysl through dose of 5, 10 and 15Krad on yield component along with morphological characteristics. The statistics as highlighted in the material method were applied on the data of different parameters in Ml generation.
Spikelet number per plant
The analysis of variancel in Table la showed the differences in the mean valuesldue to irradiationldoses statistically found as highly significantlfor the number of spikelet plant-1.The variation in the mean valuesl of cultivars recorded as highlyl significant. However, the variation in the suggest] values for interaction among doses and cultivars is found as highly significant.
Furthermore, one can conclude from Table 1.b and Figure 1 that the difference in the computed values due to gamma rays doses was particularly highly significant. The mean values for both cultivars based on gamma irradiation doses were range 117.74-128.74. The variationl in the meanl values inside the cultivars statistically found as highly significant. The variation in the suggested values ranged 102.79, 145.84 respectively Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000. In addition the interaction between doses of gamma irradiation and cultivars concluded as insignificant while the mean observed from 96.97-106.66 for Pirsabak-98 and 138.50-150.80 for Faisalabad-2000.
In present investigation it is found that the number of spikelet per plant decrease with increase of gamma rays intensity. Number of spikelet per plant is inversely proportional to the increase of gamma radiation concentration. The highest mean value were noted in control (106.66, 150.80) for both the cultivar respectively -98 and Faisalabad-2000 while the lowest mean value were recorded under the influence of 15 Krad (96.96) for Pirsabak-98 and (138.50) for Faisalabad-2000. A gradual decrease observed in the mean number with the increase of gamma irradiation concentration. Percent decrease in thel spikelet number spike-1 under the
influence of 15 Krad dose as compared to control was computed as 9.09, 8.16% respectively -98 and Faisalabad-2000.
The present investigation also show co-linearity with the result of Galal et al., (1975), who also reported adverse effects of gamma irradiation on number of spikelet per spike. Khan et al., (2003), who observed the regular decreases in number of spikelet with increasing gamma irradiation. At the other Irfaq and Nawab (2003), reported significant decrease in number of spikelet per spike with increasing of gamma radiation intensity. Spike number per plant
The observation of variance represented in Table 2a regarding number of spike plant-1 statistically found significant and varietal effects observes significant. The interaction inside the cultivars with gamma doses noted as significant
From the Table 2b and Figure 2 the mean figure for spike number plant-1 differed highly significantly under the power! of different gamma irradiation doses. The calculated values for doses of gamma irradiation ranged 65.17-68.00. The variation recorded in the mean table due to dose forlspike number plant-1 51.33 for Pirsabak-98 and 81.25 for Faisalabad-2000. The interaction amongl cultivars and doses was statistically as non significant and obtainedl effect obtained between 49.67 to 52.66 and 80.00 to 83.33 respectively Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000. In the present study it was found that as the radiation intensity increase spike number plant-1 decrease in all case except at 15 Krad dose somewhere the both cultivars illustrate some progress as weigh against to control.
The highest mean figure observed at 15 Krad (83.33) and while the lowest mean values recorded at 10 Krad (49.67). Although both cultivars reflected response at 15 Krad but Faisalabad-2000 showed nicely respond over control. Maximum percent increase (4%) for Faisalabad-2000. Maximum decrease in the spike number plant-1 under the powerlof 10 Krad doses as compared to control (2.99, 1.23%) respectively Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000.
The present study decided with the investigation of Irfaq and Nawab (2003) reported the effect on different doses of radiation on the number of tillers per plant
except at 100 GY which somewhat decrease the characters. Similarly many other worker reported such as Ghafoor and siddiqui (1976) , Davies (1970) and (Din et al., 2004), however khamankar (1989) reported adverse effects of gamma rays on the average spike number per plant which was agreed with previous reports Hassan (1986), Millado et al., (1989) length of Spike per plant (cm)
For the parameter like spike number plant-1 in Table 3a reflected that the suggested values due to irradiation doses are significant. And however due to cultivars effects it's been observed as highly significant. Even though difference in denote values due to relations between doses and cultivars is also significant.
From Table 3b and Figure 3 in both cultivars in response to increase in the irradiation doses concentration a continues decrease was recorded. The mean values against the different radiation doses ranged 8.54-11.07. The difference recorded for spike length was in the range of 9.90 for Pirsabak-98 and 9.52 for Fislabad-2000. Furthermore, the interaction among gamma irradiation doses and cultivarsl found as non significant. The mean values for two cultivars for spike length per plant ranged between 8.52-11.61 and 8.5510.54 for Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000 respectively.
Maximum percent decrease 26.62, 18.62 % was found under the influence of 15 Krad dose for Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000 respectively over their control. Similarly it was the evident from Table 3b that the spike length gradually decreases with increase of radiation concentration. The highest mean values recorded in control (11.61, 10.54) for Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000 respectively. While the lowest mean values noted at 15 Krad dose (8.25).
The present study were agreement with Khalil et al. (1986), Larik et al. (1980) whol statement that the gamma irradiation induce significantly decrease in spike length over the control. Molle (1965) find out the gamma radiation effect on spike length is inversely proportional to the increase of gamma rays intensity. Irfaq and Nawab (2003) studded the spike length continuously decrease with increase of gamma irradiation intensity as compare to control.
Grain number per plant
The assessment of variance as highlighted in Table 4a the difference in the recorded values due to gamma dose is highly significant and cultivars effects statistically observed as highly significant. The interaction between cultivarsland doses observed as highly significant
From Table 4b and Figure 4 it was concluded that the mean figurel for number of grain plant-1 were significantly different as increase the gamma rays intensity number of grain per plant decrease. The mean for number of grain plant-1 due to different gamma irradiation dosage ranged between 204.96-262.95. The difference observed in mean values due cultivars effects ranged 237.21 and 247.63 respectively for Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000. Furthermore the interaction between cultivarsland gamma irradiation were observed highly significant. The mean standard for two cultivars for grain number plant-1 was sorn between 197-93253.23 for Pirsabak-98 while 211.98-279.17 for Faisalabad-2000.
Maximum percent decrease found at 15 Krad dose of gamma radiation for both cultivars. Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000 (21.87, 24.02%) over the control. Number of grain per plant decreased with increases of gamma rays concentration. Number of grain per plant is inversely comparative to the increase of gamma irradiation intensity. No increase observed in the number of grain per plant over control under the power of gamma rays. The highest number of grain per plant was obtained from control (253.66, 279.16) while the lowest mean values were observed at 15 Krad dose (197.93, 211.98) for Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000, respectively.
The present investigation agreed the finding of Khan et al., (2003), Irfaq and Nawab (2003). Who reported the gamma rays effect on number grain per plant which decrease with increase of gamma irradiation, Galal et al., (1975) who find out continues decrease in the trait with increase of gamma irradiation intensity Yildirum et al., (1989) observed that spike numberlspike length and number of grain was lower as compare to control. 1000-grains fresh weight (g)
The observed variance represented inl Table 5a showed that thepivergence in the mean values due to
gamma doses is highly significant while the varietal effects under influence of different gamma irradiation doses statistically found insignificant. The interaction between cultivarsl and doses was observed as insignificant.
Table 5b and Figure 5 shows that the variation in the observed mean values were different due to gamma radiation doses is insignificant. The denoted values for gamma rays are 32.20 to 45.80 for 1000 grain weight. The variation observed in mean number due to cultivars for 1000 seeds mass is highly significant and values ranged from 38.20 to 41.82. The result of between gamma irradiation doses andl cultivars obtained as insignificant. The mean values for 1000 seeds weight (gm) ranged between 33.58-46.47 and 30.81-45.12 for Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000 respectively. In the present investigation, a simultaneous decrease in the mean figurelfor 1000-grain freshweight was noted due to increase in the intensity of gamma irradiation except of 15 Krad dose where both cultivars showed some improvement over the control. Although both cultivars reflected good response at 15 Krad but Pirsabak-98 observed nicely as compare to Faisalabad-2000.
The maximum percent increase in the 1000-grain weight was 27.74% for Faisalabad -2000 and 31.71% for Pirsabak-98 under the influence of 15 Krad dose. The highest mean values as compare to control were observed at 15 Krad dose (46.47) while the lowest mean values was found at 10 Krad dose (30.81).
The present study coincide with those of Dumanovic and Denic (1967), Masayuki (1970), Galal et al., (1975), who observed irradiation doses with increase of intensity negatively effect on 1000 seeds weight (gm). Irfaq and Nawab (2001), Khalil et al., (1986), who reported adverse effects on average grain weight. Similarly (Animasaun et al.,2004), find out increase in the 100 grain weight at 80 GY of irradiation doses as it observed at 15 Krad dose in the present investigation. Khan and Verma (2015). Studied that the gamma rays doses negatively affect the grain weight in all condition except at 15 Krad dose where seeds weight show some improvement as compare to control as it was reported in the present study.
1000-grains dry weight (g)
The analysis of variation in Table 6a showed that the variation in mean values in response of radiation doses were significant and varietal effects found highly significant. Moreover, the interaction among cultivars and doses had been document as highly significant.
One can see froml Table 6b and Figure 6 that the differentiation in the mean values due to gamma irradiation is insignificant. The divergence in the mean values for the irradiation doses ranged between 31.43 to 43.24.The variation noted in mean number due to dehydrate seeds weight per plant is highly significant values were inside the cultivars of 41.07 for Pirsabak-98 and 36.57 for Faisalabad-2000.The interaction! amid cultivars and gamma doses had also found insignificant. The recorded means figure ranged among 32.8-45.33
Table 1a: Analysis of variation for the spikelet number irradiation
for . Pirsabak-98 while 30.05-41.15 for Faisalabad-2000.
In the present study gradual decrease in the mean values for dry weight (gm) was observed duelto increase in the gamma irradiation strengthl except of 15 Krad dose. while both cultivars showed some improvement as evaluatel to control (Table 4.8) Thel highest percent increase in the dry weight (gm) was 27.61% for Pirsabak-98 and 26.97% for Faisalabad -2000 under the influence of 15 Krad dose. The highest mean values as compare to control were observed at 15 Krad dose (45.33) while the lowest mean values was found at 10 Krad dose 30.05 (Table 4.8).
Present investigation is disagreeing with Asmanhan and Twaty (2006) such type of disagreement may be due to agro-climatic situation or difference in genetic material.
plant-1 in wheat hybrids as outcome of gamma
Source D.F S.S M.S F value Prob Sig
Replications. 2.00 204.51 1.02
Cultivars. 1.00 11117.20 11117.20 261.25 0.00 **
Error Rep*Cultivars. 2.00 85.10 42.60
Treatment. 3.00 401.00 133.70 8.64 0.00 **
Cultivars*Treatments. 3.00 7.40 2.50 0.16 0.02 *
Total 12.00 185.60 15.50
Table 1b Effects of gamma irradiationlon the spikelet number plant-1 in Wheat hybrids.
Radiation Dose Krs Persabak Fisalabad Mean
(T0) 00 106.67 c 150.80 a 128.74 A
(T1) 05 104.27 c 148.35 a 126.31 A
(T2) 10 103.26 cd 145.68 a 124.47 A
(T3) 15 96.97 d 138.50 b 117.74 B
Mean 102.79 B 145.84 A
Mean with the similar alphabetic are not significantly dissimilar according to Tukey's teastlsignificant difference at 5% probabilityllevel.
Table 2a. Analysis of variation for the spike number plant-1 in wheat hybrids as outcome of gammajirradiation
Source D.F S.S M.S F value Prob Sig
Replications. 2.00 196.75 98.38
Cultivars. 1.00 160.17 160.17 1.40 0.036 *
Error Rep*Cultivars. 2.00 228.58 114.29
Treatment. 3.00 110.83 36.94 0.34 0.050 *
Cultivars*Treatments. 3.00 412.83 137.61 1.26 0.033 *
Total 12.00 1315.33 109.61
Table 2b: Effects of gamma irradiationlon the spike number plant-1 in Wheat hybrids.
Radiation Dose Krs Persabak Fisalabad Mean
(T0) 00 52.66 b 81.00 a 66.00 A
(T1) 05 50.33 b 80.67 a 65.50 A
(T2) 10 49.67 b 80.00 a 64.84 A
(T3) 15 53.67 b 83.33 a 68.00 B
Mean 51.58 B 81.25 A
Mean with the similar alphabetic are not significantly dissimilar according to Tukey's teastlsignificant difference at 5% probabilityllevel.
Table 3a. Analysis of variation for the length of spike plant-1 in wheat hybrids as outcome of gamma
Source D.F S.S M.S F value Prob Sig
Replications. 2.00 1.95 0.98
Cultivars. 1.00 0.81 0.81 2.23 0.027 *
Error Rep*Cultivars. 2.00 0.73 0.36
Treatment. 3.00 23.80 7.93 30.12 0.00 **
Cultivars*Treatments. 3.00 1.87 0.62 2.36 0.12 NS
Total 12.00 3.16 0.26
Table 3b Effects of gamma irradiationlon the length of spike plant-1 in Wheat hybrids.
Radiation Dose Krs Persabak Fisalabad Mean
(T0) 00 11.61a 10.54a 11.07A
(T1) 05 10.60a 9.83a 10.22A
(T2) 10 8.87b 9.17a 9.02C
(T3) 15 8.52b 8.55a 8.54C
Mean 9.90B 9.52A
Mean with the similar alphabetic are not significantly dissimilar according to Tukey's teastlsignificant difference at 5% probabilityllevel.
Table 4a. Analysis of variation for the number of grain plant-1 in wheat hybrids as outcome of gamma
Source D.F S.S M.S F value Prob Sig
Replications. 2.00 356.60 178.32
Cultivars. 1.00 715.60 715.59 11.73 0.003 **
Error Rep*Cultivars. 2.00 122.00 61.01
Treatment. 3.00 13309.40 4436.48 55.55 0.00 **
Cultivars*Treatments. 3.00 2538.20 846.05 10.59 0.00 **
Total 12.00 958.40 79.86
Table 4b Effects of gamma irradiationlon the number of grain plant-1 in Wheat hybrids.
Radiation Dose Krs Persabak Fisalabad Mean
(T0) 00 253.34 a 279.17 a 266.25 A
(T1) 05 251.93 b 271.93 a 261.87 A
(T2) 10 249.9 b 227.40 c 238.65 B
(T3) 15 197.93 d 212.12 d 205.03 C
Mean 237.21 A 247.63 A
Mean with the similar alphabetic are not significantly dissimilar according to Tukey's least significant difference at 5% probability level.
Table 5a. Analysis of variation for the 1000-grain fresh weight in wheat hybrids as outcome of gamma
Source D.F S.S M.S F value Prob Sig
Replications. 2.00 49.65 24.83
Cultivars. 1.00 78.55 78.55 6.25 0.13 NS
Error Rep*Cultivars. 2.00 25.14 12.57
Treatment. 3.00 607.27 202.42 25.09 0.00 **
Cultivars*Treatments. 3.00 16.56 5.52 0.68 0.00 **
Total 12.00 96.83 8.07
Table 5b Effects of gamma irradiationlon the 1000-grain fresh weight in Wheat hybrids.
Radiation Dose Krs Persabak Fisalabad Mean
(T0) 00 45.33 a 39.76 abc 42.55 AB
(T1) 05 41.91 ab 37.12 bc 39.52 B
(T2) 10 33.58 cd 30.81 d 32.20 C
(T3) 15 46.47 a 45.12 a 45.80 A
Mean 41.82 A 38.20 A
Mean with the similar alphabetic are not significantly dissimilar according to Tukey's teast significant difference at 5% probability level.
Table 6a. Analysis of variation for the 1000-grain dry weight in wheat hybrids as outcome of gamma
Source D.F S.S M.S F value Prob Sig
Replications. 2.00 35.50 17.75
Cultivars. 1.00 121.37 121.37 14.65 0.005 **
Error Rep*Cultivars. 2.00 16.57 8.28
Treatment. 3.00 498.30 166.10 33.96 0.00 **
Cultivars*Treatments. 3.00 7.89 2.63 0.54 0.007 **
Total 12.00 58.69 4.89
Table 6b Effects of gamma irradiationlon the 1000-grain dry weight in Wheat hybrids.
Radiation Dose Krs Persabak Fisalabad Mean
(T0) 00 44.51 ab 39.10 bc 41.81 A
(T1) 05 41.63 abc 35.99 cd 38.81 B
(T2) 10 32.81 de 30.05 e 31.43 C
(T3) 15 45.33 a 41.15 abc 43.24 A
Mean 41.07 A 36.57 A
Mean with the similar alphabetic are not significantly dissimilar according to Tukey's teast significant difference at 5% probability level.
Figure 1: Effects of gamma irradiation on the spiklet number plant-1 in wheat hybrids.
Figure 2: Effects of gamma irradiation on the spike number plant-1 in wheat hybrids.
Figure 3: Effects of gamma irradiation on the length of spike plant-1 in wheat hybrids.
Figure 4: Effects of gamma irradiation on the grain number plant-1 in wheat hybrids.
Figure 5: Effects of gamma irradiation on 1000-grain fresh weight in wheat hybrids.
All parameters yield decrease with increasing of gamma irradiation intensity as the damaging effect of high concentration of gamma radiation dose due to additional climatic condition and ecological factor such as top soil texture, humidity, soil chemistry, temperature, light intensity particularly due to high altitude. Both cultivars predicted as sensitive to high concentration of gamma radiation which leading to a decrease in the mean values of the majority of the parameters. Valuable mutant can achieved at 15 krad dose. 15 krad dose have capability to stimulate maximum frequency of mutation in wheat variety of Pirsabak-98 and Faisalabad-2000 by exposing it to gamma radiation.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Muhammad Abdul Aziz and Taninda Nowsheen indicated the language and grammatical mistakes. Amir Hasan Khan wrote the draft manuscript. Sharif Ullah, Ateeur Rahman and Ahmad Hassan Khan helped in the compilation of data. Khan Sher supervised all the stages. All the authors read and approved the Manuscript.
The study does not report any experiment related to human and animals, so there is no ethical concern in the study.
The authors extend their high appreciation and acknowledgement towards the local communities by providing moral support to the authors.
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