Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) # 1(34), 2017 | СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ_21
Harvateva Mariya Peteva,
Assistant, Experimental Station of Apricot and Agriculture, 7500 Silistra, Bulgaria
Ivanova Silviya Atanasova,
Candidate of Science, Assistant professor of Institute of Cryobiology and Food Technology, 1407 Sofia,
Apricot kernels are rich of healthy fats, fibber and iron. The objective of this study was to determine fatty acid composition from apricot kernels of five varieties apricots grown in Bulgaria. Apricot plants are the following sorts- Krasnoshteki, Early Orange, Silistrenska kompotna, Modesto and Hungarian best apricot grown on the area of the Experimental Station of Apricot and Agriculture in Silistra town. Regarding the accumulation of saturated fatty acids in kernels of different varieties apricot most suitable for human consumption is sort Early Orange. The kernels from Modesto variety is well retained content of vaccenic acid, as long as, Early Orange with oleic acid.
Абрикосовые зерна богаты здоровых жиров, клетчатки и железа. Цель данного исследования состояла в том, чтобы определить состав жирных кислот абрикосовых косточек пять сортов абрикосов, выращенных в Болгарии. Абрикос растения следующий сортов- Краснощеки, Early Orange, Силистра Компот, Модесто и Венгерский Абрикос, выращенного на территории Експериментальноя станция абрикоса и сельского хозайства город Силистра. Что касается накопления насыщенных жирных кислот в абрикосовых зернах различных сортов, наиболее пригодных для употребления в пищу человеком является своего рода Early Orange. Сорт в абрикосовых зернах Модесто хорошо обеспеченный содержанием вакценовой кислоты, в то время как Early Orange с олеиновой кислотой.
Keywords: apricot kernel, fatty acids
Ключевые слова: абрикосовые зерна, жирные кислоты
The apricot is a plant which is grown in Central Asia and around the Mediterranean. Apricot kernels are rich of healthy fats, fibber and iron and similar to other types of nuts. They are used for direct consumption in roasted form or by extracting oil from them. Sweet apricot kernels enhance immunity. The content of amygdalin and its anticancer effect still controversial issue. It is considered that the amygdaline spread throughout the body and can fight cancer cells without harming the body before becoming cyanide. Femenia et al., [2], were establish the fat content 53%, sugars 7% in sweet apricot kernel and 43% fat, 14% sugar in a bitter nuts, content of oleic and linoleic acid in summary 92% from total fatty acids content. The distribution of fatty acids in apricot kernels is oleic -74.59%, linoleic -19.57%, stearic - 0.96%, palmitic -4.11% palmitoleic - 0.59% and arachidonic acid -0.18%. Ozcan et. al., [8], were found different yield of oil from apricot kernel in the range from 42 to 57%, crude fiber from 4 to 7%, protein from 15 to 24%. The main representatives of the fatty acids in apricot kernels are oleic (53-70%), linoleic (21-35%) and palmitic, which make them an important source for food industry and other industrial production [3, 6, 7]. Similar results for fatty acid composition in wild varieties of apricots kernel were obtained from Kaya et al., [5] and Gupta et al., [4]. The objective of this study was to determine the fatty acid composition of apricot ker-
nels from five varieties of apricots grown in Bulgaria. Apricot plants are the following sorts- Krasnoshteki, Early Orange, Silistrenska kompotna, Modesto and Hungarian best apricot grown on the area of the Experimental Station of Apricot and Agriculture in Silis-tra town. The extraction of the total lipids was performed by the method of Bligh&Dyer (1959) [1] by chloroform and methanol in ratio of 1:2. The methyl esters of the fatty acids were analysed using gas chromatograph Shimadzu-2010 (Kyoto, Japan). The analysis was carried out on a capillary column CP7420 (100 m x 0.25 mm i.d., 0.2 m, Varian Inc., Palo Alto, CA), with carrier gas- hydrogen and make-up gas- nitrogen. Is programmed furnace regime of five steps.
The oil from different varieties of apricot kernel were obtained is rich of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and poorly of saturated fatty acids (Figure 1). The high content of monounsaturated fatty acids from 54,96 (Early Orange) to 63.15 (Kras-noshteki) g / 100g fat, caused by the high content of oleic and vaccenic acid, and that of polyunsaturated fatty acids (from 25.62 to 38, 67 g / 100g fat), the main representative gamma- linolenic acid. Vegetable oils are poor in saturated fatty acids and therefore their content in kernels of different varieties of apricots ranged from 5.71 in Early Orange to 11.62 g / 100g fat in Modesto, conditioned by palmitic and stearic acids.
Figure 1. Groups fatty acids (g / 100g fat) in kernels from five varieties of apricots Saturated fatty acids in the analysed apricot kernels are presented primarily ofpalmitic and stearic acids, while the other representatives of this group are below 0.1 g / lOOg fat (Fig. 2).
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■ Hungarian Best
■ Modesto
■ Silistrenska Kompotna
■ Early Orange
■ Krasnoshteki
Figure 2. Saturated fatty acids (g /100g fat) in kernels from five varieties of apricot
Palmitic acid has the highest content in the kernels of apricots variety Hungarian Best- 6.48 g / 100g fat and the lowest content in sort Early Orange, while stearic acid accumulates most in variety Modesto-4.72 g / 100g fat and at least the Early Orange- 0.97 g / 100g fat.
Of monounsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid and vaccenic have a relatively high concentration, while the others are in trace amounts below 0,15 g / 100g fat.
In Figure 3 are presented the concentrations of gamma linolenic, vaccenic acid and oleic. Gamma linolenic acid in the studied oils from different varieties of apricot kernel has the highest concentration in cultivar Early Orange - 32.66 g / 100g fat and lowest in sort Hungary Best -25.16 g / 100g fat. Vaccenic acid in the analyses kernels from different varieties of apricots varies from 1.19 to 1.63 g / 100g fat.
Figure 3. Content of gamma linolenic, vaccenic and oleic fatty acids (g / 100g fat) in kernels from five varieties
of apricots
Oleic acid in apricot kernels variety Krasnoshteki have a highest value 61,48 g / 100g fat, while Early Orange's lowest- 53,49 g / lOOg fat.
Figure 4. Contents of omega-6, trans and cis fatty acids (g /100g fat) in kernels from five varieties of apricot
Apricot kernels are a natural source of biological active fatty acids of the omega-6, cis and trans isomers of oleic acid (Figure 4). Omega- 6 fatty acids ranged from 25.62 g / 100g fat Hungarian Best variety to 38.59 g / 100g fat in Early Orange. Omega-3 fatty acids in all varieties of apricot kernels are below 0.10 g / 100g fat. Cis isomers of oleic acid in variety Kras-noshteki- 61.49 g / 100g fat and Silistrenska Kompot-na - 59.72 g / 100g fat have a highest concentration, as long as in Early Orange the concentration is lowest - 53.52 g / 100g fat. The apricot kernels from varieties Silistrenska Kompotna, Modesto and Hungarian Best are characterized by a high content of natural trans fatty acids, respectively 3.30, 4.17 and 3.32 g / 100 g fat, while Krasnoshteki and Early Orange have low
concentration of trans fatty acids as follows 1.43 and 1.29 g / 100 g fat.
Regarding the accumulation of saturated fatty acids in kernels of different varieties apricot most suitable for human consumption is sort Early Orange. The kernels from Modesto variety is well retained content of vaccenic acid, as long as, Early Orange with oleic acid.
1. Bligh E., Dyer W. A rapid method for total lipid extraction and purification // Canadian journal of biochemistry and physiology. 1959.- Vol. 37.-P. 911917
2. Femenia A., Rossello C., Mulet A., Canellas J. Chemical composition of bitter and sweet apricot
kernels/Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 1995.-Vol. 43.- P. 356-361
3. Gezer i., Hatiseferogullari H., Ozcan M. M., Arslan D., Asma B. M., Unver A. Physico-chemical properties of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Kernels // South Western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment. 2011.- Vol.2. -P.1- 13
4. Gupta A., Sharma P. C., Tilakratne B.M.K.S., Verma A. K. Studies on Phisico-Chemical Characteristics and Fatty Acid Composition of Wild Apricot (Prunus armenica Linn.) Kernel Oil // Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources. 2012.- Vol. 3.- P. 366-370
5. Kaya C., Kola O., Ozer M. S., Altan A. Some Characteristics and Fatty Acids Composition of Wild Apricot (Prunus pseudoarmeniaca L.) Kernel Oil //
УДК 630.181
Asian Journal of Chemistry. 2008.- Vol. 20. -P. 25972602
6. Lazos E.S. Composition and oil characteristics of apricot, peach and cherry kernel // Grasas y Aceites. 1991.- Vol. 42.-P. 127-131
7. Matthaus B., Ozcan M. M. • Fahad Al Juhaimi, Fatty acid composition and tocopherol content of the kernel oil from apricot varieties (Hasanbey, Hacihaliloglu, Kabaasi and Soganci) collected at different harvest times // Eur Food Res Technol. 2016.-Vol. 242. - P. 221-226
8. Ozcan M. M., Ozalp C., Unver A., Arslan D., Dursun N. Properties of Apricot Kernel and Oils as Fruit Juice Processing Waste // Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2010.- Vol. 1.- P. 31-37
Саранчук Анастасия Петровна
Институт лесного и лесопаркового хозяйства «Приморская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия», Уссурийск,
Денисов Николай Иванович ФГБУН «Ботанический сад-институт» Дальневосточного отделения
Российской академии наук, Владивосток,
В результате добычи полезных ископаемых нарушается почвенный покров. Изучение особенностей восстановления растительности на нарушенных территориях имеет важное значение.
На отвалах Лучегорского угольного разреза растительность появляется в нижних частях отвалов в первый год нарушений. К тридцатилетнему возрасту на нарушенных участках образуется сложный лесной фитоценоз. ABSTRACT
As a result of mining disturbed soil. The study features in the revegetation of disturbed areas is essential. At dumps Luchegorsky Mine vegetation appears in the lower parts of the dumps in the first year of violations. By the age of thirty in the disturbed areas of complex forest communities.
Угольный разрез, отвал, самозарастание, растительность, видовое разнообразие. KEYWORDS
Co al cut, blade, self-overgrowing vegetation, species diversity.
Добыча полезных ископаемых, в особенности - открытым способом, неизбежно сопровождается нарушением почвенного покрова. При этом на техногенной территории полностью уничтожается вся растительность, а прилегающая к разработкам зона превращается в «индустриальную пустыню» с крайне низкой биологической продуктивностью. Экологические условия нарушенных земель оказываются крайне неблагоприятными для жизнедеятельности растений, а естественное восстановление фитоценозов происходит медленно. В связи с этим, на техногенно нарушенных землях необходимо проведение рекультивации - комплекса работ, направленных на восстановление ландшафта. Рекультивационные работы связаны со значительными финансовыми и трудовыми затратами. По-
этому весьма важно иметь объективные сведения о ходе естественного зарастания нарушенных земель, что позволяет в значительной степени сократить затраты на восстановление растительных сообществ за счет использования естественного (природного) потенциала.
Следует отметить, что изучение процессов восстановления и формирования естественных растительных сообществ в специфических эдафи-ческих условиях угольного разреза представляет важный теоретический и практический интерес. При этом исследование особенностей восстановления, динамики формирования фитоценоза, выявление разнообразия растительности на нарушенных территориях имеет определяющее значение.