18_Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) #9 (42), 2017\ СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ
Ivanova Silviya Atanasova,
Candidate of Science, Assistant professor of Institute of Cryobiology and Food Technology, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria E-mail: Angelov Ljubomir Krachunov
Doctor of Science, Professor ofInstitute of Cryobiology and Food Technology, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria
The aim of the present study was to establish the content of natural trans fatty acids (TFA), biologically active and anticancerogenic components in the cow's milk (Bulgarian Rhodope Cattle breed) and the production of white brined cheese during the lactation period. On the other hand to evaluate the fatty acid composition of milk fat, as important source for the healthy human nutrition. The secure the feeding of cows with nutritional linoleic and alpha linolenic acids during the lactation on grassland area led to increase the quality in the fat fraction of milk in terms of biologically active fatty acids - omega-3, omega-6, CLA, trans and cis-fatty acids and decreased amount of saturated fatty acids. The production of cheese does not lead to substantial changes in the fatty acid composition resulting from well-conducted and respected technological processing. The assessment of the lipid preventive score, atherogenic and thrombogenic index in the milk and the produced cheeses give an additional scientific information on the main parameters- high lipid preventive score and atherogenic index (over 1.0) and low choles-terolemic index (less than 1.0). The investigated cow's milk was characterized as product with a low content of trans fatty acids (from 0.11 to 0.21 g / 100 ml product) and high amount of saturated fatty acids, and the results obtained of cheese were different- dairy product with high content of trans fatty acids (from 0.68 to 5.25 g / 100 g product) and a high amount of saturated fatty acid content (from 13.05 to 18.90 g / 100 g product).
Целью настоящего исследования было установить содержание натуральных трансжирных кислот (TFA), биологически активных и противораковых компонентов в коровьем молоке (породы Болгарский скот Родопы) и производство сыра в период лактации. С другой стороны, для оценки состава жирных кислот молочного жира, как важного источника здорового питания людей.
Обеспечение кормления коров питательными линолевыми и альфа-линоленовыми кислотами во время лактации на лугопастбищных угодьях привело к повышению качества жировой фракции молока с точки зрения биологически активных жирных кислот - омега-3, омега-6, CLA, транс и Цис-жирные кислоты и уменьшенное количество насыщенных жирных кислот. Производство сыра не приводит к существенным изменениям в составе жирных кислот в результате хорошо проведенной и уважаемой технологической обработки. Оценка липидного превентивного скора, атерогенного и тромбогенного индекса в молоке и произведенных сырах дает дополнительную научную информацию об основных параметрах: высокий липидный скор и атерогенный индекс (более 1,0) и низкий уровень холестеринемического индекса (менее 1,0). Исследуемое коровье молоко характеризовалось как продукт с низким содержанием трансжирных кислот (от 0,11 до 0,21 g/100 ml продукта) и высоким содержанием насыщенных жирных кислот, а результаты, полученные с сыром, отличались молочным продуктом с высоким содержанием транс -жирные кислоты (от 0,68 до 5,25 g / 100 g продукта) и высокое содержание насыщенных жирных кислот (от 13,05 до 18,90 g / 100 g продукта).
Keywords: Cow's milk, cheese, trans fatty acids, indices
Ключевые слова: Коровье молоко, сыр, трансжирные кислоты, индексы
Milk is the main raw material for the production of dairy products and its quality determines the quality of the subsequent technological products. The production of a high-quality organic product depends on a number of factors such as breed, genetic heredity, nutritional technology, growing conditions, climatic conditions and etc. Markov [2] found that between milk yield and milk constituents there are too narrow and versatile phenotypic and genotypic interdependencies,
and the differences between animals in terms of milk fat are to a much greater extent due to hereditary differences than in terms of milk yield, the inheritance ratio being relatively high. The composition of feed, diet and season, influence the milk yield and chemical composition of milk [3]. Milk fat from cow's fed on pasture grass or legume silages have a favorable nutritional composition compared to cows fed with corn silage. A disadvantage of the first milk fat is more easily oxi-
dized. The composition of milk fat is the result of complex interactions of different types of feed, animal factors and environmental factors such as type of feed is only one factor influencing the quality of milk fat.
Trans- fatty acids in high concentrations increase the concentration of LDL-cholesterol and decreasing the content of HDL-cholesterol in blood as compared with feeding with a high content of cis monounsatu-rated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids. The content of trans fatty acids in dairy fat varies depending on the season, the area of cultivation and various dietary practices of raising animals. They vary in the range from 2 to 8% [4].
The predominant sources of CLA in human nutrition are primarily food products from ruminants. Dairy products provide 70% of the intake of CLA, and beef products provide about 25% [5]. The various isomers of CLA contained in the fat of ruminants, but CLA isomer 9c, 11t is the predominant form, the content of which is about 75-90% of the total content of CLA [6]. Prandini et al., [1], found that in the organic production of milk and dairy products the values of CLA, vaccenic acid (TVA) and linolenic acid (LNA) compared to conventional samples were higher and the technological processing did not have a significant impact on their concentration. Changes in the content of CLAs and biologically active components in milk are determined by the diet of ruminants based on fresh or dried feed, a high concentration of CLA precursor fatty acids, which can improve the yield of fatty acids with beneficial effects on health. The content of bioalogically active components in dairy products depends on their presence in raw milk and technological production process.
Diets rich in saturated fatty acids such as lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0), palmitic (C16: 0) and stearic acid (C18: 0) are strongly associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis, obesity and coronary heart disease [7]. According to the indices proposed by Ulbricht and Southgate [8], lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0) and
palmitic acid (C16:0) have an atherogenic character, but a myristic (C14:0) palmitic (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0) as thrombogenic character, whereas omega-3, omega-6 and monounsaturated fatty acids have anti-atherogenic and antithrombogenic character. The thrombogenic and atherogenic index, as indicators, should not exceed 1.00 while the cholesterol index is above 1.00 [9]. The daily intake of trans fatty acids should not exceed 0.5% of the energy intake. According to EU Regulation No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on 20 December 2006, the content of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids in solid products does not exceed 1,5 g / 100 g or 0,75 g / 100 ml liquid, and in both cases the content of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids does not exceed 10% of the daily energy intake and these foods are referred to as low content of saturated fatty acids foods. The claim that a food does not contain SFA may only be indicated if the SFA and TFA content does not exceed 0,1 g / 100 g product or 0,1 g / 100 ml liquid (Regulation (EC) No 1924 / 2006 [10]).
The present study aims to establish the content of natural trans fatty acids (TFA), biologically active and anticancerogenic components in cow's milk obtained from the Bulgarian Rhodope Cattle breed and the cheese produced by it during the lactation, and to evaluate the fatty acid composition of milk fat as a healthy source of human nutrition.
Material and methods
The studies were carried out in the villages of Tarin and Smolyan (Middle Rhodopes) on the feed source of ruminants under natural pasture grass condi-tions(P1 and P2) (May-July) and in indoor condition (I)with the following diet: lucerne hay, pellet sugar beet and concentrated fodder (May-July). Three herds were used, two of which were free pasture grass rearing and one of indoor rearing, from which individual and bulk tank milk samples were taken to assess the composition of milk and the production of white brine cheese.
Raw cow's
Pasteurization (75°C, 25 min)
> t
Cooling (3G-34 "С)
Coagulation of milk
Starter culture (Lactobacillus delbrueckii: Streptococcus thermophiles, 1:1)
Ca chlo k- > lcium ride *
> f
Rennet 1:10 000
Cutting Prisms in size (2 cmx 2cmx
(3-3,5 hour, load with weights 20-
Cutting Prisms in size (11.8 cmx
Dry salting 12-16 hour
Packaging (1G % solu-
Ripening (10-12°C,
Figure 1. Process scheme of cheese production
• Humidity - BSS 1109: 1989, ISO 9622 • Ash content - BSS 6154: 1974
• Total Solids- BSS 1109: 1989, ISO 9622 • Extraction of total lipids is performed by the
• Protein- ISO 9622, BSS EN ISO 8968-1: 2002 method of Bligh & Dyer (feed) and Roese & Gottlieb
• Fat - BSS EN ISO 1211: 2002, ISO 9622 (milk and dairy products). Fatty acid methyl esters
(FAME) were analyzed using a Shimadzu-2010 gas chromatograph (Kyoto, Japan).
The qualitative assessment of the fat fraction comprises the following parameters: lipid preventive score, atherogenic and thrombogenic index [8], the ratio between hyper- and hypocholesterolemic fatty acids, trans fatty acids and the amount of saturated fatty acids [10].
LPS= FAT +2x SFA- MUFA- 0,5 PUFA (1),
LPS- lipid preventive score;
SFA is saturated fatty acids;
MUFA-monounsaturated fatty acids;
PUFA is polyunsaturated fatty acids.
AI= 12:0+ 4x14:0 +16:0 /[EMUFAs+PUFA n6+PUFA n3] (2),
AI- atherogenic index;
SFA is saturated fatty acids;
MUFA-monounsaturated fatty acids;
PUFA is polyunsaturated fatty acids.
TI=(14:0+16:0+18:0)/[ 0.5xEMUFAs+0.5 xPUFA n-6+3xPUFA n-3+PUFA n3/ PUFA n6] (3)
TI- trombogenic index;
SFA is saturated fatty acids;
MUFAs-monounsaturated fatty acids;
PUFA n-6 is omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids;
PUFA n-3 is omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids;
PUFA n3/ PUFA n6 is ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
h/H=(C18:1n-9+C18:1n-7+C18:2n-6+C18:3n-3+C18:3n-6+C20:3n-6+C20:4n-6+C20:5n-3+C22:4n-6+C22:5n-3+C22:6n-3)/(C14:0+C16:0) (4)
h/H is ratio from hyper- and hypocholesterolemic fatty acids.
Results and discussion
The total fats in the studied cow's milk ranged from 3.24 to 5.10% in first pasture area, while in the other they remained relatively stable from 6.06 to 6.08% with a decrease in the middle of the period, while in the indoor rearing decrease on June to 4.49% (Table 2).
Figure 2. Fat content in cow's milk, reared on the pasture grass condition (P1 and P2) and indoor condition (I)
The fatty acid composition of cow's milk fat is presented in Figure 3. Saturated fatty acids increase from 64.67 to 66.06 g / 100g fat in the first region and from 71.14 to 75.55 g / 100g fat in the second, while in the case of indoor rearing they decrease from 66,96 to 63,39 g / 100g fat. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in the rearing of livestock grow from 28.29 to 30.89 g / 100g fat, while in grazing they vary and in the middle of the period they decrease and finally increase again. Polyunsaturated fatty acids were the lowest in the three groups on July, respectively 3.88, 2.59, 2.93 g / 100g fat. The trans fatty acids in the analyses milk decreased during the lactation in pasture grass rearing, while the indoor were varied very narrow limits and increased at the end of the period under consideration
(from 3.89 to 4.20 g / 100 g fat). The cis isomers were found to decrease from 21.18 to 16.80 g / 100g fat in the second group of pasture rearing. The CLA content of the analyses milk samples shows that depending on the nutritional value, the amount is different. In natural food sources, CLA levels are reduced as follows: from 1.13 to 0.63 g / 100 g fat and from 0.52 to 0.36 g / 100 g fat, while in the indoor rearing are fluctuates from 0, 74 to 0.84 g / 100 g fat. Omega-3 fatty acids are higher in milk obtained from free pasture grass from 0.72 to 0.69 g / 100g fat. Similar results are found for omega-6 fatty acids - 2.35 to 2.61 g / 100 g fat in pasture grass feed and from 2.49 to 2.18 g / 100 g fat in indoor rearing.
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
P2 May
P2 June
P2 July
PUFA TFA I CLA I n-3 I n-6
I n-6/ I n-3 CLA 9c,11t SFA MUFA CFA
Figure 3. Fatty acids composition in cow's milk, reared on the pasture grass condition (P1 and P2) and indoor
condition (I)
The lipid prevantive score, atherogenic and throm-bogenic index varied in the studied cow's milk, with the highest value being reported in the three groups on July, respectively, 9.93, 13.82 and 9.76 for LPS, and
the lowest for the atherogenic and thrombogenic index on May. The trans fatty acid content ranged from 0.11 to 0.21 for individual groups of milk during the lactation period (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. Quality assessment of fatty acids composition in cow's milk, reared on the pasture grass condition (P1
and P2) and indoor condition (I)
The fatty acid composition in white brined cheese produced by cow's milk is presented in Fig. 5. The saturated fatty acids in the cheese produced from milk, obtained of the pasture grass period decreased by about 3% and varied from 62.71 to 68.67 g / 100g fat, whereas for the cheese produced from milk in indoor condition is found keeping their concentration relative to the raw material and ranges from 64.27 to 66.50 g / 100g fat. Monounsaturated fatty acids are retained after pro-
cessing, whereas in polyunsaturated is established increase between 0.5 and 2% relative to raw material, due to an increase in omega-6 fatty acids by most likely caused from microbiologically activity in the ripening process. The CLA content varies within a narrow range (from 1.13 to 0.36 for the pasture grass milk series and from 0.74 to 0.84 for indoor milk) and is maintained after processing (from 1.15 to 0.51 for the cheese from pasture grass milk series and from 0.79 to 0.90 for cheese from indoor milk).
70,00 60,00 50,00 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00 0,00
P1 P2 I May
P1 P2 I June
P1 P2 I July
PUFA I trans FA I CLA I n-3 I n-6
I n-6/ I n-3 CLA 9c,11t SFA MUFA I cis FA
Figure 5. Fatty acids composition in white brined cheese from cow's milk, reared on the pasture grass condition
(P1 and P2) and indoor condition (I)
The lipid prevantive score in analyzed cheeses is ranges from 37.41 to 52.60. The atherogenic and thrombogenic index in cheese is highest in May - 2.43 and 2.42 in the first pasture grass group, 2.07 and 2.17 in the second pasture grass group and 2.24 and 2.26 in
the indoor group reared cows. The analyses cheeses are characterized as a food product with a high trans fatty acid content from 0.68 to 5.25 g / 100 g product and a high content of saturated fatty acid from 13.05 to 18.90 g / 100 g product.
P1 P2 May
P1 P2 June
P1 P2 July
Figure 6. Quality assessment of fatty acids composition in cheese from cow's milk, reared on the pasture grass
condition (P1 and P2) and indoor condition (I)
The production of cheese does not lead to substantial changes in the fatty acid composition resulting from well-conducted and respected technological processing. The assessment of the lipid preventive scores, atherogenic and thrombogenic index in the milk and the cheeses produced by it give us an idea of the usefulness of the given product- high lipid preventive score and atherogenic index (over 1.0) and low cholesterolemic index (less than 1.0). The analyzed cow's milk is characterized as a product with low content of trans fatty (from 0.11 to 0.21 g / 100 g product) and a high content of saturated fatty acids, but the results are obtained for the cheese is different- product with high content of
trans fatty product (0.68 to 5.25 g / 100 g product) and high content of saturated fatty acid (from 13.05 to 18.90 g / 100 g product).
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Федорова Юлия Николаевна,
профессор, доктор с. -х. наук Лебедева Надежда Владимировна,
ассистент, канд. с.-х. наук ФГБОУ ВО «ВГСХАг. Великие Луки Федотова Евгения Николаевна,
старший научный сотрудник ФГБНУ "Псковский НИИСХ", Россия, Псков
Цель исследования состоит в изучении эффективных приемов возделывания меристемного материала картофеля для оптимизации производства картофеля в условиях Северо-Западного региона РФ. Главными задачами для достижения поставленной цели являлись: изучение адаптационных способностей меристем-ных растений изучаемых сортов в условиях in vivo; проведение оценки сортов картофеля отечественной селекции по продуктивности и адаптированности в условиях Псковской области. Установление эффективных приемов адаптации к естественным условиям оздоровленного материала картофеля в условиях Псковской области даст возможность выявить сорта, обладающие высоким коэффициентом размножения, что в конечном итоге приведет к повышению урожаев семенного картофеля.
The aim of the study is to study the effective methods of growing the meristem material of potatoes to optimize the production of potatoes in the North-West region of the Russian Federation. The main tasks for achieving this goal were: to study the adaptive abilities of meristem plants of the studied varieties under in vivo conditions; assessment of potato varieties of domestic breeding by productivity and adaptation in the conditions of the Pskov region. Establishment of effective methods of adaptation to the natural conditions of the improved potato material in the conditions of the Pskov region will make it possible to identify varieties that have a high multiplication factor, which ultimately leads to an increase in the yield of seed potatoes.
Ключевые слова: картофель, сорта, адаптация, повышение урожая.
Key words: potatoes, grade, adaptation, increase in the harvest.
Картофель, у которого семенным материалом являются клубни, содержащие большое количество воды, легко поражаются вирусными, бактериальными, грибными и другими фитопатогенами [4, 8]. Они накапливаются в процессе репродуцирования. Значит, для посадки картофеля нужно использовать здоровые клубни, свободные от болезней. Поэтому был разработан метод вычленения апикальной меристемы, в которую еще не успевает проникнуть инфекция из листьев, и получения из нее здоровых
пробирочных растений, которые выращивают на специальной питательной среде [2]. Одним из способов быстрого размножения свободного от инфекции картофеля является получение микроклубней в условиях in vitro, что способствует ускорению процесса семеноводства [1,3].
Методика исследований
Размножение пробирочного материала и получения безвирусных исходных клубней проводили в 2017 г. Схема посадки пробирочного материала