Научная статья на тему 'The directions of improving the legislative framework in the sphere of supply state security in the vector - fight against organized crime'

The directions of improving the legislative framework in the sphere of supply state security in the vector - fight against organized crime Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Hrebeniuk Maksym Vasilievich

The problematic issues of the implementation of the state policy of Ukraine in the fight against organized crime as a strategic vector to ensure state security are considered. A review of legislative initiatives and practical measures taken to build public policy concepts in the fight against organized crime in the context of law enforcement reform was carried out. The content and directions of the strategy of combating organized crime as a fundamental document, which is devoted to the problems of ensuring an effective fight against organized crime through the introduction of international standards and the formation of an adequate system of measures to prevent and combat the activities of organized criminal groups, including transnational relations, are defined. The principles of state security policy which are carried out in order to form an effective system of institutional support for the fight against organized crime are analyzed. The perspective directions of strengthening the capabilities of law enforcement agencies subjects of the fight against organized crime are detailed, which include: practical implementation in their activities of the system of criminal analysis and risk analysis of organized crime, which comply with the EU standard, in particular the methodology for assessing the threat of organized crime and serious crimes (SOCTA Ukraine); establishing effective cooperation with Interpol, Europol and other international partners on a bilateral and multilateral basis in accordance with national legislation and ratified international treaties. The ways of increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement activities in the fight against organized crime in the context of ensuring the state security of Ukraine, mechanisms for establishing strategic communications in the fight against organized crime are generalized. The need to strengthen the management of the Government of Ukraine in developing and approving a Plan of measures to implement the strategy against organized crime, and the need to prepare recommendations based on the analysis of the implemented concepts of state policy in the fight against organized crime are emphasized. The feasibility of assessing the state of implementation of the strategy against organized crime using the appropriate criteria based on the best law enforcement practices of the European experience has been determined. The feasibility of assessing the state of implementation of the strategy against organized crime using the appropriate criteria based on the best law enforcement practices of the European experience has been determined. The necessity of publishing at the national level an annual report on the implementation of state policy in the fight against organized crime has been substantiated. The priorities of modern law enforcement activities and the ways of improving the legislative measures in the sphere of state security in the fight against organized crime have been identified.

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Рассмотрены проблемные вопросы реализации государственной политики Украины в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью как стратегического вектора обеспечения государственной безопасности. Осуществлен обзор законодательных инициатив и практических мероприятий, которые внедряются с целью построения концептов государственной политики в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью в условиях реформирования правоохранительных органов. Определены содержание и направления стратегии борьбы с организованной преступностью как фундаментального документа, посвященного внедрению международных стандартов и формированию адекватной системы мероприятий касаемо недопущения и борьбы с деятельностью организованных преступных группировок, в том числе и с транснациональными связями. Проанализированы основы государственной политики безопасности, которые осуществляются с целью формирования институционного обеспечения борьбы с организованной преступностью. Детализированы перспективные направления усиления возможностей правоохранительных органов субъектов борьбы с организованной преступностью, к которым относятся: практическое внедрение в их деятельность системы уголовного анализа и анализа рисков организованной преступности, совместимой со стандартами ЕС, в том числе, методологии оценки угроз организованной преступности и тяжелых преступлений (SOCTA Украина); налаживание сотрудничества с Интерполом, Европолом и другими международными партерами на двусторонней и многосторонней основе в соответствие с национальным законодательством и ратифицированными договорами. Обобщены направления повышения эффективности правоохранительной деятельности в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью в контексте обеспечения государственной безопасности Украины, механизмы налаживания стратегических коммуникаций в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью. Акцентировано внимание на необходимости усиления управленческой деятельности Правительства Украины касаемо разработки и утверждения плана мероприятий во исполнение стратегии борьбы с организованной преступностью, подготовки рекомендаций по результатам анализа внедренных концептов государственной политики в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью. Определена целесообразность проведения оценки состояния исполнения стратегии борьбы с организованной преступностью с использованием критериев, исходя из лучших правоохранительных практик европейского опыта. Обоснована необходимость обнародования на национальном уровне ежегодного отчета по реализации государственной политики в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью. Определены приоритетные задачи современной правоохранительной деятельности и направления усовершенствования законодательного обеспечения в сфере защиты государственной безопасности.

Текст научной работы на тему «The directions of improving the legislative framework in the sphere of supply state security in the vector - fight against organized crime»

UDC: 351.865

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-4(19)-78-91

Hrebeniuk Maksym Vasilievich,

Head of the Interagency scientific and research Centre on problems of combating organized crime under National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Honored lawyer of Ukraine, 03035, Kyiv, Solomenska Ploshcha, 1, tel.: (067) 444 31 03, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1249-5576 Гребенюк Максим Васильович, кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, заслу-жений юрист Украти, керiвник Мiжвi-домчого науково-досл1дного центру з проблем боротьби з оргатзованою злочин-тстю при РНБО Украти, 03035, м. Кигв, Солом'янська площа,1, тел.: (067) 444 31 03, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1249-5576 Гребенюк Максим Васильевич,

кандидат юридических наук, доцент, заслуженный юрист Украины, руководитель Межведомственного научно-исследовательского центра по проблемам борьбы с организованной преступностью при СНБО Украины, 03035, г. Киев, Соломенская площадь, 1, тел.: (067) 444 3 1 03, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1249-5576


THE LEGiSLATiVE framework in the sphere

of supply state security in the vector -fight against organized crime

Abstract. The problematic issues of the implementation of the state policy of Ukraine in the fight against organized crime as a strategic vector to ensure state security are considered. A review of legislative initiatives and practical measures taken to build public policy concepts in the fight against organized crime in the context of law enforcement reform was carried out. The content and directions of the strategy of combating organized crime as a fundamental document, which is devoted to the problems of ensuring an effective fight against organized crime through the introduction of international standards and the formation of an adequate system of measures to prevent and combat the activities of organized

criminal groups, including transnational relations, are defined. The principles of state security policy which are carried out in order to form an effective system of institutional support for the fight against organized crime are analyzed. The perspective directions of strengthening the capabilities of law enforcement agencies — subjects of the fight against organized crime are detailed, which include: practical implementation in their activities of the system of criminal analysis and risk analysis of organized crime, which comply with the EU standard, in particular the methodology for assessing the threat of organized crime and serious crimes (SOCTA Ukraine); establishing effective cooperation with Interpol, Europol and other international partners on a bilateral and multilateral basis in accordance with national legislation and ratified international treaties. The ways of increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement activities in the fight against organized crime in the context of ensuring the state security of Ukraine, mechanisms for establishing strategic communications in the fight against organized crime are generalized.

The need to strengthen the management of the Government of Ukraine in developing and approving a Plan of measures to implement the strategy against organized crime, and the need to prepare recommendations based on the analysis of the implemented concepts of state policy in the fight against organized crime are emphasized. The feasibility of assessing the state of implementation of the strategy against organized crime using the appropriate criteria based on the best law enforcement practices of the European experience has been determined. The feasibility of assessing the state of implementation of the strategy against organized crime using the appropriate criteria based on the best law enforcement practices of the European experience has been determined. The necessity of publishing at the national level an annual report on the implementation of state policy in the fight against organized crime has been substantiated. The priorities of modern law enforcement activities and the ways of improving the legislative measures in the sphere of state security in the fight against organized crime have been identified.

Keywords: state policy in the fight against organized crime, public administration, protection of state security, law enforcement reform, law enforcement activities, organized crime, criminal risk analysis, principles of state security policy.


Анотащя. Розглянуто проблемы питання реа^заци державно! полгги-ки Укра!ни у сферi боротьби з оргашзованою злочиншстю як стратепчного вектора забезпечення державно! безпеки. Здшснено огляд законодавчих rní-щатив та практичних заходiв, яю вживаються з метою побудови концешчв державно! пол^ики у сферi боротьби з оргашзованою злочиншстю в умовах реформування правоохоронних оргашв. Визначено змiст та напрями стратеги боротьби з оргашзованою злочиншстю як фундаментального документа,

який присвячений запровадженню мiжнародних стандартiв та формуванню адекватно! системи заходiв щодо запобiгання та боротьби з дiяльнiстю орга-нiзованих злочинних угруповань, у тому чи^ й транснацiональними зв'яз-ками. Проаналiзовано засади державно! безпеково! полiтики, якi здшсню-ються з метою формування ефективно! системи шституцшного забезпечення боротьби з органiзованою злочиншстю. Деталiзовано перспективнi напрями посилення спроможностей правоохоронних оргашв — суб'eктiв боротьби з оргашзованою злочиннiстю, до яких належать: практичне запровадження в !х дiяльнiсть системи кримiнального аналiзу та аналiзу ризикiв оргашзо-вано! злочинносп, сумiсно! зi стандартами 6С, зокрема методологи оцшки загроз органiзовано! злочинносп та тяжких злочинiв (SOCTA Укра!на); на-лагодження спiвробiтництва з 1нтерполом, бврополом та iншими мiжна-родними партнерами на двостороннш i багатостороннш основi вiдповiдно до нацiонального законодавства та ратифжованих мiжнародних договорiв. Узагальнено шляхи шдвищення ефективностi правоохоронно! дiяльностi у сферi боротьби з оргашзованою злочиншстю в контексп забезпечення державно! безпеки Укра!ни, механiзми налагодження стратепчних комунiкацiй у сферi боротьби з оргашзованою злочиншстю.

Акцентовано увагу на необхщносп посилення управлiнсько! дiяльностi Уряду Укра!ни щодо розробки та затвердження плану заходiв на виконання стратеги боротьби з оргашзованою злочиншстю, шдготовки рекомендацш за результатами аналiзу впроваджених концептiв державно! полiтики у сферi боротьби з органiзованою злочиншстю. Визначено дощльшсть проведення оцiнки стану виконання стратеги боротьби з оргашзованою злочиншстю з використанням вщповщних критерив, виходячи з кращих правоохоронних практик европейського досвiду. Обгрунтовано необхiднiсть оприлюднення на нащональному рiвнi щорiчного звпу з реалiзацi! державно! полiтики у сферi боротьби з органiзованою злочиншстю. Визначено прюритетш завдан-ня сучасно! правоохоронно! дiяльностi та шляхи удосконалення законодав-чого забезпечення у сферi захисту державно! безпеки.

Ключовi слова: державна полпика у сферi боротьби з оргашзованою злочиншстю, державне управлшня, захист державно! безпеки, реформуван-ня правоохоронних оргашв, правоохоронна дiяльнiсть, оргашзована зло-чиннiсть, кримiнальний аналiз ризиив, засади державно! безпеково! полi-тики.


Аннотация. Рассмотрены проблемные вопросы реализации государственной политики Украины в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью как стратегического вектора обеспечения государственной безопасности.

Осуществлен обзор законодательных инициатив и практических мероприятий, которые внедряются с целью построения концептов государственной политики в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью в условиях реформирования правоохранительных органов. Определены содержание и направления стратегии борьбы с организованной преступностью как фундаментального документа, посвященного внедрению международных стандартов и формированию адекватной системы мероприятий касаемо недопущения и борьбы с деятельностью организованных преступных группировок, в том числе и с транснациональными связями. Проанализированы основы государственной политики безопасности, которые осуществляются с целью формирования институционного обеспечения борьбы с организованной преступностью. Детализированы перспективные направления усиления возможностей правоохранительных органов — субъектов борьбы с организованной преступностью, к которым относятся: практическое внедрение в их деятельность системы уголовного анализа и анализа рисков организованной преступности, совместимой со стандартами ЕС, в том числе, методологии оценки угроз организованной преступности и тяжелых преступлений (SOCTA Украина); налаживание сотрудничества с Интерполом, Европолом и другими международными партерами на двусторонней и многосторонней основе в соответствие с национальным законодательством и ратифицированными договорами. Обобщены направления повышения эффективности правоохранительной деятельности в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью в контексте обеспечения государственной безопасности Украины, механизмы налаживания стратегических коммуникаций в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью. Акцентировано внимание на необходимости усиления управленческой деятельности Правительства Украины касаемо разработки и утверждения плана мероприятий во исполнение стратегии борьбы с организованной преступностью, подготовки рекомендаций по результатам анализа внедренных концептов государственной политики в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью. Определена целесообразность проведения оценки состояния исполнения стратегии борьбы с организованной преступностью с использованием критериев, исходя из лучших правоохранительных практик европейского опыта. Обоснована необходимость обнародования на национальном уровне ежегодного отчета по реализации государственной политики в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью. Определены приоритетные задачи современной правоохранительной деятельности и направления усовершенствования законодательного обеспечения в сфере защиты государственной безопасности.

Ключевые слова: государственная политика в сфере борьбы с организованной преступностью, государственное управление, защита государственной безопасности, реформирование правоохранительных органов, правоохранительная деятельность, организованная преступность, уголовный анализ рисков, основы государственной политики безопасности.

Problem statement. Ukraine continues to reform the law enforcement system aimed at building an effective integrated mechanism to overcome the prerequisites and causes of the spread of organized crime, based on the best European practices in order to introduce modern criminal analysis systems, in particular the Europol "SOCTA" methodology, into the practical plane of Ukrainian realities. The establishment of an effective system of combating crime, in particular organized crime, remains an indispensable condition for the political and economic development of the state, as well as Ukraine's compliance with international obligations under the concepts of the UN and the Council of Europe in the field of combating crime.

So, the systematic nature of a consistent and balanced state policy in the fight against organized crime should be declared in the fundamental strategic documents of the national level. At the same time, legislative changes, institutional and other changes, including effective coordination between the relevant authorities, enshrined in the Concept of state policy in the fight against organized crime, approved by the Decree of the President as of Ukraine of October 21, 2011 № 1000 [1], which were designed for the period up to 2017, remained unfulfilled. In other words, it is possible to talk about the obsolescence of certain provisions of legislative and other regulatory acts, the existence of gaps in the organization of combating the activities of organized criminal groups, the lack of proper interaction and coordination of law enforcement agencies, the imperfection of the mechanism for monitoring the

criminal situation and its assessment and, as a result, about the low effectiveness of the results of the fight against organized crime. In particular, the first report of the European Commission under the new mechanism of temporary suspension of visa-free regimes with third countries dated as of December 20, 2017, which proclaimed recommendations to strengthen the government's efforts to counter organized crime, speaks about the urgency of the state policy of Ukraine in the fight against organized crime.

The Action Plan for the liberalization of the visa regime for Ukraine provided for the approval of a comprehensive strategy to combat organized crime, along with an Action Plan that has time frames, specific goals and activities, performance indicators, sufficient resources (paragraph 2.3.1). On the basis of the foregoing, the effective implementation of international obligations and the relevant provisions of the National Security Strategy of Ukraine and the Security and Defense Sector Development Concept, approved in accordance with the Decrees of the President of Ukraine dated as of May 26, 2015 № 287/2015

[2] and March 14, 2016 № 92/2016

[3], requires preparing a new strategy of combating organized crime, which provided for the introduction of a complex of adequate and weighted organizational and legal measures and law enforcement actions, taking into account the stages of reform and the formation of new law enforcement agencies. Such a strategy should include a wide range of issues related to the spread of this negative phenomenon, and determine the complex ways of building a systemic resistance to organized crime.

Analysis of recent publications and researches. The problems of searching and optimizing the priority principles of state policy in the field of combating organized crime and identifying ways to improve the legal framework for coordination and interaction in the fight against organized crime in a certain way were explored by the following scientists in their works: Kolesnyk V. T. [4], Lytvynenko V. I. [5], Shepetko S. A. [6], Fedosova O. V., Mykhailova Yu. O. [7] and others. However, consideration of the strategic basis for legislative support of state policy in the fight against organized crime under the conditions of reforming law enforcement agencies, none of these authors did, which reinforces the relevance of the topic of this study.

Formulation of the aim of the article. The aim of the article is to determine the directions of improvement legislative measures in the sphere of state security in the fight against organized crime.

Presentation of the main material of the study. In recent years in Ukraine, certain documents of a strategic departmental nature have been approved and are in effect, the provisions of which declare state policy priorities in certain specific areas of law enforcement. In particular, on November 23, 2015, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Development Strategy of the State Border Service of Ukraine [8]; on November 15, 2017, at the government level, the authorities approved the development strategy of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the period until 2020 [9]. However, efforts to adopt an integrated strategy to combat organized crime with the partici-

pation of responsible entities, namely, law enforcement agencies have not yet yielded the expected positive result.

It is well known that the strategy to combat organized crime is a comprehensive fundamental document that defines the directions and mechanisms for implementing state policy to improve legislative and institutional support, ways to establish effective interaction and coordination, as well as enhance international cooperation in the fight against organized crime in modern conditions. The purpose of this program document is to identify ways to ensure the effective fight against organized crime through the introduction of international standards and the formation of an adequate system of measures to prevent and combat the activities of organized crime groups, primarily in the economic and financial-banking sectors and cyberspace. Thus, for the state, the Strategy for Combating Organized Crime is an essential act, which should determine important organizational and legal directions and address pressing issues of countering organized crime at the strategic and tactical levels. The draft Strategy was to be prepared in accordance with the National Security Strategy of Ukraine and the commitments made by Ukraine as part of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, the Action Plan for its implementation, to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the interests of the private sector, society and state from threats of organized crime.

It should be pointed out that it is the Strategy for the Fight against Organized Crime that should become a fundamental document, the provisions

of which should determine the directions for the further development of the system for combating organized crime and the mechanisms for implementing state policy in this field. This document acquires particular relevance in the context of armed aggression against Ukraine, large-scale manifestations of separatism, efforts and attempts to form terrorist organizations, in connection with which organized crime is a direct and immediate threat to the national security of Ukraine. Escalation of cruelty and violence, destabilization of the internal socio-political situation leads to disruption of the functioning of state and local government bodies, as well as undermining the authority of the state and its bodies among the population.

Therefore, the principles of the state policy in the fight against organized crime should also be reflected in the Strategy, which should include: the definition of an approach based on information obtained as a result of practical measures to combat organized crime; identification of risks and threats posed by organized criminal activity, their constant analysis and response to them; the implementation by state bodies, civil society institutions and foreign partners of targeted, forward-looking, concerted and complementary measures in the fight against organized crime; ensuring an integrated, methodical and holistic approach to combating organized crime, including taking measures to prevent and suppress the activities of organized criminal groups, both strategic nature (that are trying to influence the threat) and operational one (that are trying to influence specific organized criminal groups and their participants).

The abovementioned indicates the relevance and expediency of preparing a new fundamental document that would proclaim at the national level the principles of state policy in the fight against organized crime. Unfortunately, at the end of 2018, our State did not have a basic strategic document that would determine state policy priorities aimed at overcoming the causes and factors of organized crime in Ukraine and its prerequisites.

It is worth noting that the decision of the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine "On urgent measures to neutralize threats to national security in the field of migration policy", enacted by Decree of the President of Ukraine as of March 17, 2018 № 72/2018 [10], is declared by regulatory standards that until July 1, 2018, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine should develop and approve a draft Strategy for Combating Organized Crime together with an action plan that will contain specific goals, activities, deadlines, expected results, performance indicators sufficiently resourced, providing a comprehensive introduction of modern systems of criminal analysis, in particular Europol methodology. To implement this decision, in accordance with the letter of the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, A. Turchinov, as of dated February 8, 2017 № 204/11-05/2-18, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine instructed all responsible entities, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the State Financial Monitoring Service, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Justice, National

Police, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, State Fiscal Service, National Agency on Corruption Prevention, Asset Recovery and Management Agency to join efforts to develop a Strategy, the draft of which was expected to be submitted to the Government before July 1, 2018. An interdepartmental working group was established to fulfill the order of the Cabinet of Ministers and the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, which was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine as of 03.05.2018 № 361, with the aim of a collegial interdepartmental discussion of the draft Strategy for Combating Organized Crime and its Action Plan implementation prepared jointly by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and European colleagues, which were subsequently sent to the authorized state and law enforcement agencies with a view to their harmonization. However, unfortunately, even at the beginning of 2019, neither the Strategy nor the Action Plan for its implementation were finalized by the Government.

In the framework of the implementation of the provisions of the Strategy at the national level, the problems of combating organized crime are planned to be solved by: improving the regulatory framework for combating organized crime; creating an effective system of institutional support for combating organized crime; involving the public to actively participate in the fight against organized crime; intensifying and strengthening international cooperation in the fight against organized crime; information, analytical, scientific and personnel support for the fight against organized crime.

One of the important areas should be determined by strengthening the capabilities of law enforcement agencies — the subjects of the fight against organized crime, which is impossible without introducing a system of criminal analysis and risk analysis of organized crime into their activities, which comply with the EU standard, provides for the development and implementation of a standardized analytical methodology for assessing the threat of organized crime and serious crimes (SOCTA Ukraine), its use to assess the real situation in this area and identify gaps in STEM to obtain relevant operational information. Thus, the priority should be effective cooperation with Interpol, Europol and other international partners on a bilateral and multilateral basis in accordance with national legislation and international treaties, the creation and development of a national police database associated with international databases.

As rightly pointed out by V. A. Hluk-hoveria, for Ukraine, which has chosen a course for European integration, it is very important to study and use the positive experience of reforming law enforcement agencies in Western states. The reforms initiated recently in law enforcement, along with improving the functioning of the law enforcement system, should help increase public confidence in the latter, establish justice, legitimacy, and serve as additional guarantees for ensuring the rights of citizens. At the same time, in his opinion, the main lack of reforms in the domestic law enforcement sphere is the lack of a consistent state policy, which should be based on the principles of planning and consistency [11].

Considering the above, the effectiveness of law enforcement in the fight against organized crime should include the introduction of active forms of cooperation with similar structures of foreign states through the exchange of information about criminal organizations and individuals involved in their activities; organizing and conducting joint operational activities and cross-border operations to prevent and counter organized crime, including the expansion of the exchange of experience, internships and joint training of specialists of special units to combat organized crime, the introduction of international technical assistance projects aimed at strengthening the capabilities of bodies engaged in the fight against organized crime, the supply of modern special equipment, weapons and other means of combating organized crime.

The provisions of the Strategy should regulate the procedure for the use by state bodies involved in combating organized crime of the latest methods of risk management, threat assessment and the impact of cross-border and transnational organized crime on sociopolitical and socio-economic processes in the state in order to take preventive measures for their localization and minimization of possible negative consequences. Against this background, it is also advisable to ensure the harmonization of statistical reporting forms of law enforcement agencies on recording criminal offenses related to organized criminal activity with statistical reporting forms of the judiciary based on the results of criminal proceedings on such offenses reviewed by courts, to declara-tively define the authorized body to prepare the annual report on the imple-

mentation of public policy in the fight against organized crime and special status reports on organized crime in Ukraine, the main directions and results of the fight against such crime, as well as resource needs.

E. Skulysh rightly points out that the criminal policy of the state should be offensive in nature and be implemented in a regime of tighter opposition to crime [12, p. 128]. To conclude, it is impossible to improve the state of the criminogenic situation without improving the mechanism of research support for combating organized crime, while providing for a systematic and comprehensive study of the existing problems of regulatory and institutional support for combating organized criminal groups based on the best practices of foreign experience.

The basic provisions of the Strategy should also reflect the mechanisms for establishing strategic communications in the fight against organized crime: the creation of strategic narratives aimed at supporting society in the actions of bodies engaged in the fight against organized crime; active involvement of civil society institutions; the declared rejection of the practice of tolerance by the government and the society of actions of organized crime. Of course, the implementation of the provisions of the Strategy should be carried out consistently on the basis of optimal and balanced decisions, which should take into account the positive experience and best practices of the leading EU states. As M. Kryshtanovych objectively notes, according to the European experience, law enforcement activities should be carried out in such a way that their main focus is on the immediate and long-term

service of the population in the field of enhancing its security [13].

Also, in order to implement the Strategy, an appropriate Action Plan should be developed and approved by the Government of the State, which should be subject to an imperative order of annual review, taking into account the results of the implementation of certain measures, conclusions and recommendations of the annual report on the implementation of state policy in the fight against organized crime. The plan of measures for the implementation of the Strategy should include specific measures, deadlines for their implementation, a list of responsible executors and expected results (performance indicators). The practical implementation of the provisions of the Strategy will significantly reduce the spread of organized crime in Ukraine, increase public confidence in the authorities, and create the necessary conditions for the growth of foreign investment in the state's economy.

An important aspect of law enforcement activity in the field of combating organized crime remains the assessment of the implementation status of the Strategy, which should be based on the implementation of the Action Plan for its implementation, which is included in the annual report on the implementation of state policy in the fight against organized crime. Criteria for such an assessment should be the following points: the creation of an adequate system of measures to prevent and combat organized crime in the economic, financial and banking sectors and cyberspace; the introduction of international standards in these fields and effective mechanisms for coordination and interaction; in-

creasing the effectiveness of the bodies engaged in the fight against organized crime, and the deepening of their international cooperation.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The deterioration of problems related to organized crime, first of all, is a consequence of the imbalance of regulatory support and the lack of a strategic systems approach at the national level in the organization to counter this phenomenon. Given the complex nature of organized crime, the deterioration of the crime situation, the organization of a systemic fight against organized crime should be one of the priority tasks of modern state security. Given the complex nature of organized crime, the deterioration of the crime situation, the organization of a systemic fight against organized crime should be one of the priority tasks of modern state security. Unfortunately, the government's activity in this direction is rather slow, irresponsible and worthless. Since before July 1, 2018, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine had to develop and approve a draft Strategy for Combating Organized Crime together with an Action Plan for its implementation, one of the key tasks of the Government of Ukraine remains the immediate formation and regulatory consolidation of the basis of state policy in the fight against organized crime. This, in turn, provides for the acceleration of the adoption of a modern strategy to combat organized crime as a fundamental document that declares and identifies priority areas and mechanisms for implementing state policy to improve legislative and institutional support, establish effective interaction and coordination within the domestic law enforcement system,

enhance transnational cooperation in the fight against organized crime in the modern conditions.

Also it is advisable to introduce the European experience in order to strengthen the political responsibility of the government, in particular its authorized officials of the Department of security, defense, the activities of justice and corruption prevention of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, responsible for supporting the development and approval of nation-wide strategic documents on government level, implementation of state security. Prospective scientific studies on this issue have to cover the stages of regulatory support for the further implementation of the priorities of the Organized Crime Strategy, taking into account the existing positive European experience, practical implementation of modern criminal analysis systems, in particular, the methodology of the European Police Office, strengthening of interdepartmental interaction, monitoring the implementation of the plan of measures for its implementation by the responsible entities, which is subject to annual refinement taking into account the achievements, conclusions and recommendations of the annual assessment of the state of the implementation of state control policy with organized crime.


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