npoSAeMH eKOAorii Ta MejHUHHH
Rudenko S.S., Andriuk V.G.
Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi
Objective of the research is to quantify the content of Aluminum in river, spring and tap water in Chernivtsi and to determine the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on it. Quantffying Aluminum in river, spring and tap waters in Chernivtsi was conducted through photocolorimetric analyses using aurintricarboxylic acid. Several modffica-tions were introduced to increase the effectiveness of these methods. In particular, 20% solution of ascorbic acid is recommended for usage to stabilize the optical density value of examined samples (instead of 0,2°% solution). It is advisable to add equivalent quantity (0,005 mole/decimetre) of the sodium thiosulfate solution to fix chlorine in tap water. It has been already determined, that quality of surface waters is being transformed by the influence of industrial sewage. Therefore, the monitoring of Aluminum contents in river waters of Chernivtsi was conducted taking into account anthropogenic stress. In order to conduct this monitoring, test points were chosen above (control) and below (research) industria I faciiities, which have not stopped their production activities in the last decade. The content of Aluminum in river waters among all test points was higher than maximum allowable concentration (MAC, 0,5 mg/i) set by the State santtary rules and norms Standard #383 for communal-general purposes waters. It was determined that the State Utility Company Chernivtsi -Vodokanai's emergency discharges are the greatest source of river waters Aluminum pollution. It should be mentioned, that at the exit from Chernivtsi the river Prut contains thrice as much Aluminum as it contains at the entrance. The concentration of Aluminum at the entrance to Chernivtsi is 5°% higher than MAC, and at the exit it exceeds MAC by 67,7°%. The highest average content of Aluminum in spring water was found in Sadhora physiographic region, which has high natural acidity of the soils. In comparison to river and spring waters, the quaity of tap water in the city matches MAC or exceeds it by minimal value. We have created a descending rating according to the average content of this element in examined waters: river water (0,927 mg/l) > spring water (0,281 mg/i) > tap water (0,216 mg/l).
Key words: Aluminum content, river water, spring water, tap water, MAC excess.
While such pollutants as nitrates, heavy metals and radionuclides are actively studied by Ukrainian ecolo-gists, the Aluminum estimation has not been included into their researches. The main reason for this must be the fact that nitrous oxide, needed to estimate this element using atomic absorption method, was labeled as a precursor substance by Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers (Government) enactment #333 from 25.03.2009 [ 6 ].
Meanwhile Aluminum is an element increased level of which in water may have both anthropogenic and natural origin [ 8, 9 ]. Thus, taking into consideration the high level of Aluminum's moving types found in soils of Carpathians and Prykarpattia, I.I. Nazarenko [ 5 ] and S.S. Rudenko [ 7 ] offered to insulate aluminum biogeochemi-cal province here. The Aluminum level control topicality is determined by the toxicity of Aluminum (element belongs to the 4th toxicity class). For a reason European Union Directive 98/98/Eu labels Aluminum a mandatory control parameter for drinking water [ 3 ]. Development of such deceases as Alzheimer's disease, aluminum dialysis encephalopathy, nondialysis encephalopathy of young children, peritoneal aluminosis, iatrogenic aluminum osteodystrophia, pulmonary aluminosis, asthma-like aluminosis, etc. is directly connected to the heightened level of Aluminum in human body [ 7 ].
The study was conducted at the ecology and biomonitoring department of Chernivtsi National University within the state funded topic "Modeling of the anthropogenic impact on the conjunction of biogeochemical cycles and forecasting implications of its ecosystemic disbalance" # of state registration: 0113U003248.
To quantify the content of Aluminum in river, spring and tap water in Chernivtsi and to determine the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on it.
Materials and methods of the research
Quantifying Aluminum in river, spring and tap waters in Chernivtsi was conducted through photocolorimetric analyses using aurintricarboxylic acid [ 10 ]. Several modifications were introduced to increase the effectiveness of these methods. In particular, 20% solution of ascorbic acid is recommended for usage to stabilize the optical density value of examined samples (instead of 0,2% solution). It is advisable to add equivalent quantity (0,005 mole/decimetre3) of the sodium thiosulfate solution to fix chlorine in tap water.
Results of the research and their discussion
It has been already determined, that quality of surface waters is being transformed by the influence of industrial sewage. Therefore, the monitoring of Aluminum contents in river waters of Chernivtsi was conducted taking into account anthropogenic stress. In order to conduct this monitoring test points were chosen above (control) and below (research) industrial facilities, which have not stopped their production activities in the last decade.
The results of the monitoring of Aluminum contents in river waters of Chernivtsi are shown in Table 1.
The content of Aluminum in water taken from all test points exceeds maximum allowable concentration (MAC, 0,5 mg/l) set by the State sanitary rules and norms Standard #383 for communal-general purposes waters [ 1 ].
The contents of Aluminum in research samples is reliably higher than its content in control samples in 4 out of
* To cite this English version: Rudenko S.S., Andriuk V.G.. Aluminum in Chernivtsi waters // Problemy ekologii ta medytsyny. - 2013. -Vol 17, № 3-4. - P. 47 -49.
TOM 17. N 3-4 2013 P.
ten 9 studied samples taken from test points. In addition aluminum sulfate in Chernivtsi. Life hazard for test organ-to this two test points are directly connected to emer- isms, which exists in these river sections, has been gency discharge of a State Utility Company «Chernivtsi - proven in our previous publications [ 12 ]. Vodokanal», which performs drinking water treating with
Table 1.
Aluminum contents (mg/l) in waters of small rivers of Chernivtsi extracted from the test points located above (control) and below
(research) industrial facilities (p=4)
№ Test points Control Research
1. river Molnytsia - gas station (Vynnychenko str.) 0,575±0,045 0,605±0,047
2. river Molnytsia - open-end company «Tsegelnyy zavod (Brickworks) № 3» (Karmeliuk str.) 0,875±0,064 1,085±0,076
3. river Molnytsia -State Utility Company «Chernivtsi - Vodokanal» (emergency discharge) (Ruska str.) 0,605±0,048 1,860±0,152*
4. river Molnytsia -depot (Biloruska str.) 0,590±0,039 0,620±0,041
5. river Koroviia - Prydnistrianska gardening station (Yablunivska str.) 0,930±0,081 1,860±0,153*
6. river Koroviia - gas station (Chervonoarmiiska str.) 0,690±0,052 0,910±0,079
7. river Klokuchka - State Utility Company «Chernivtsi - Vodokanal» (emergency discharge) (Gastello str.) 0,605±0,049 1,395±0,091*
8. river Shubranets - city commercial complex «Kalynivskyi market» (Kalynivska str.) 0,590±0,041 0,725±0,048
9. river Prut - village Bila (Moscow Olympics str.) 0,525±0,032 1,550±0,138*
Footnote:* - existence of reliable difference between resea
It should be mentioned, that at the exit from Chernivtsi the river Prut contains trice as much Aluminum as it contains at the entrance. The concentration of Aluminum at the entrance to Chernivtsi is 5% higher than MAC, and at the exit it exceeds MAC by 67,7%.
Table 2 shows average contents of Aluminum in waters of the river Prut and its tributaries within Chernivtsi
Average content of Aluminum in waters of
index and control index when p<0,05.
and the MAC exceedence levels. Obtained results show that Aluminum content exceeds MAC in all Chernivtsi rivers. Hereby, it exceeds MAC by the range from 1.37 to 2.15. The highest average content of Aluminum was found in the waters of the river Korovia, the lowest - in the waters of the river Shubranets.
Table 2
ill rivers in Chernivtsi and MAC exceedence levels (0,5 mg/l) (n=4).
№ Name of the river Content of Aluminum, mg/l MAC exceedence level
1. river Molnytsia 0,851 ± 0,063 1,68 MAC
2. river Korovia 1,098 ± 0,074 2,15 MAC
3. river Klokuchka 1,000 ± 0,071 2 MAC
4. river Shubranets 0,658 ± 0,045 1,37 MAC
5. river Prut 1,037 ± 0, 069 2,07 MAC
The content of Aluminum in Chernivtsi spring waters was quantified within different physiographic regions. The highest average content of Aluminum was found in Sadhora physiographic region, where it exceeds MAC for drinking water (0,2 mg/l) and reaches the level of 1,91 (table 3). The average content of Aluminum in spring waters exceeds MAC by some level in the majority of physiographic regions. The concentration of Aluminum in spring waters was not
higher than MAC only in Kalichanka (East) region. Different content of Aluminum found in spring waters of different regions can be explained through differences in soil composition. According to the map of soils created by V.M. Gutsuliak [ 4 ], the majority of soils in Sadhora region (light-grey and sod-podzol) can be characterized by faintly acid reaction. This explains heightened quantity of Aluminum's moving types in spring waters.
Table 3
Average content of Aluminum in spring waters extracted from different physiographic regions of Chernivtsi
and MAC exceedence levels (0,2 mg/l) (n=4).
№ Name of a physiographic region Content of Aluminum, mg/l. MAC exceedence level
1 Sadhora 0,382 ± 0,023 1,91 MAC
2 Prycecyno (Rosha) 0,230 ± 0,013 1,15 MAC
3 City centre 0,291 ± 0,019 1,46 MAC
4 Kalichanka (East) 0,175 ± 0,013 0,88 MAC
5 Rohatyn (South) 0,324 ± 0,021 1,62 MAC
According to Y.F. Shevchuk the condition of water pipes can affect the quality of tap water. In particular, this author proved that this factor affects the concentration of Iron in drinking water in Chernivtsi [ 11 ]. That is why it was interesting to compare the contents of Aluminum in tap water taken from physiographic regions of Chernivtsi, which differ by the operating time of water supply systems. There were no reliable differences between tap water taken from physiographic regions of Chernivtsi. The results exceeded MAC in all regions, but they exceed it insignificantly reaching levels from 1,03 to 1,11 (depending on the region) (table 4).
So, the condition of water pipes does not affect substantially the concentration of Aluminum in tap water in Chernivtsi. And water treating with aluminum sulfate, as a coagulant, does not cause substantial MAC exceedence.
Evidently the coagulant accumulates and aggregates with other compounds at the water treatment plant of State Utility Company «Chernivtsi - Vodokanal». On contrary, as it was already noted, emergency discharges of «Chernivtsi - Vodokanal» to the river waters cause the elevated concentration of Aluminum.
npoSAeMH eKOAoriï Ta MejHUHHH
Table 4
Average content of Aluminum in tap water extracted from different physiographic regions in Chernivtsi
and MAC exceedence levels (0,2 mg/l) (n=4).
№ n/n Name of a physiographic region Content of Aluminum, mg/l. MAC exceedence level
1 Sadhora 0,214 ± 0,012 1,07 MAC
2 Prycecyno (Rosha) 0,221 ± 0,014 1,10 MAC
3 City centre 0,216 ± 0,013 1,08 MAC
4 Kalichanka (East) 0,207 ± 0,011 1,03 MAC
5 Rohatyn (South) 0,222 ± 0,017 1,11 MAC
1. We have created a descending rating according to the average content of this Aluminum in examined waters: river water (0,927 mg/l) > spring water (0,281 mg/l) > tap water (0,216 mg/l). The biggest difference of Aluminum contents between samples (0,394 mg/l) was found in samples taken from river water, it was smaller (0,303 mg/l) in spring water samples and it was the smallest (0,067 mg/l) in tap water samples.
2. It was mentioned, that at the exit from Chernivtsi the river Prut contains trice as much Aluminum as it contains at the entrance. It was found that MAC of Aluminum is exceeded in all river Prut's tributaries within Chernivtsi. Hereby, it exceeds MAC by the range from 1.37 points to 2.15 points. The highest average content of Aluminum was found in the waters of river Korovia(1,077 mg/l), the lowest - in the waters of river Shubranets (0,683 mg/l). It was determined that the State Communal Facility "Chernivtsi -Vodokanal's" emergency discharges are the greatest source of river waters Aluminum pollution.
3. It was determined, that the average content of Aluminum in spring waters exceeds MAC by some level in all of the physiographic regions of Chernivtsi (except for Kalichanka region). The difference in concentration of Aluminum in spring water taken from different regions was also proven. The highest average content of Aluminum was found in Sadhora physiographic region, where it exceeds MAC of Aluminum by 1,91 in spring water. Soil acidity was proven to be connected with the found difference.
4. The study shows that condition of water pipes and water treating by aluminum sulfate does not substantially affect the concentration of Aluminum in tap water in Chernivtsi. In comparison to river and spring waters, the quality of tap water in the city matches MAC or exceeds it by minimal value.
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Marepian HagiiïuiOB go peaawiï 3.10.2013 p.