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Ключевые слова
critical thinking / personal results / foreign language / high school students.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kaljanova Umit Aitbaevna, Bayniyazova Sapargul Tursinbaevna, Ilyasova Baxt Jaksimovna

The article deals with the problem of achieving personal results by older graders in the process of teaching a foreign language based on the technology of developing critical thinking. Personal results are presented in the unity of selfdetermination, meaning formation and moral and ethical orientation. The implementation of the technology for the development of critical thinking involves structuring techniques in accordance with the stages of the call, comprehension and reflection. The plan of the English language lesson is given, dedicated to the discussion of a significant social problem, during which the main techniques of critical thinking development technology are consistently implemented.

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Kaljanova Umit Aitbaevna1 Bayniyazova Sapargul Tursinbaevna1 Ilyasova Baxt Jaksimovna1

department of Foreign Languages, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute

umit 197695@mail .ru

The article deals with the problem of achieving personal results by older graders in the process of teaching a foreign language based on the technology of developing critical thinking. Personal results are presented in the unity of self-determination, meaning formation and moral and ethical orientation. The implementation of the technology for the development of critical thinking involves structuring techniques in accordance with the stages of the call, comprehension and reflection. The plan of the English language lesson is given, dedicated to the discussion of a significant social problem, during which the main techniques of critical thinking development technology are consistently implemented.

Keywords: critical thinking, personal results, foreign language, high school students.


The modern stage of social development requires the system of general education to modernize pedagogical technologies used by teachers at school. In the State Educational Institution "The standard of basic general education contains ideas about the need to achieve personal results in mastering the basic educational program, but at the same time, this normative document does not include descriptions of technological procedures for implementing new educational goals".

In this regard, the problem of choosing an educational technology by a teacher that ensures the effective development of personal universal educational actions of students is of particular importance.


It is quite difficult to motivate a modern schoolboy to


cognitive activity, to independent and creative search for a way to

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a goal in a changing information and communication space. Students often have serious difficulties in perceiving the educational material. The reason for this is the insufficiently high level of development of thinking and, above all, critical thinking. The technology of developing critical thinking is one of the pedagogical technologies that can solve the problem of an individual approach to learning and the effective achievement of personal results [1]. The reason for this is that this technology is distinguished by a successful combination of problematic and productive learning. Using techniques of technology for the development of critical thinking, the teacher stimulates the interests of the student, develops his desire to practically use a foreign language, making it possible to achieve success in the development of foreign language communicative competence. Critical development technology thinking has a significant potential for achieving personal results of students, which actualizes the expanded use of its techniques in a foreign language lesson.

Nevertheless, the analysis of the practice of modern educational institutions for teaching a foreign language to high school students shows the predominance of traditional methods that are not focused on the development of critical thinking skills, which greatly complicates the achievement of personal results by students when mastering the basic educational program. Thus, the need to resolve the contradiction between the need for modern practice of teaching a foreign language is actualized the language of high school students in the application of technology for the development of critical thinking to achieve personal results and insufficient development of the content and organizational conditions for its implementation in relation to this stage.

The technology of developing critical thinking has a significant developmental potential in teaching a foreign language to older graders. The use of this technology contributes to the fact that the effectiveness of information perception increases among students, the ability to think critically is formed, to treat their own education responsibly, the ability to work in cooperation with others develops, interest in the studied material and the learning process as a whole increases. The most significant advantage of the work on the development of critical thinking is that it allows you to make the learning process personality-oriented, develops research, information, communication skills and creative abilities of students.

The creative and socially-oriented nature of the critical thinking development technology, as well as its focus on mental actions and their analysis, make it possible to effectively use its main techniques to achieve personal results of students.

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In accordance with the State Standard of Basic General Education, personal results are defined as a system of value relations of students formed in the educational process towards themselves, other participants in the educational process, the educational process itself and its results [2].


Personal results can be summarized in the form of the following main groups:

- self-determination, including an internal position and fundamentals civic identity;

- meaning formation, revealed through motivation, interests.

-self-assessment, reflection;

- moral and ethical orientation, which presupposes knowledge of norms and the presence of value attitudes. To achieve these personal results, the most effective is the use of the following techniques of technology for the development of critical thinking.

Self-determination: the "Insert" method (when reading the problematic text content), "brainstorming", the "fishbone" technique (when determining the cause of the problem). Meaning formation: cluster compilation, creative form of reflection "cinquain". Moral and ethical orientation: the strategy of solving the problems of "Ideal", "thin" and "thick" questions, differentiated by the breadth of the answer. Maximum effectiveness in achieving personal results in the process of teaching a foreign language is ensured by structuring the techniques of critical thinking development technology in accordance with the stages of challenge, comprehension and reflection. During a series of lessons conducted with high school students on the topic The most popular "Challenges" about the social problems of the African Maasai tribe were the "Ideal" strategy, the "Insert" method, the writing of cinquain, the compilation of clusters, as well as the "Six Thinking Hats" method used during an extracurricular event on the socially significant topic "Environmental problems of humanity". The universal nature of the "Cluster" technique made it possible to apply it both at the challenge stage and during reflection.

Let's turn to the practical experience of conducting a lesson on the topic "You are calling. Problems of the Serengeti" with the use of critical thinking development technology. At the first stage, that is, at the challenge stage, the students had to accumulate their own knowledge on the topic on one sheet. To do this, such a technique as a cluster was used. At the stage of

comprehension, students began to work on the text presented in

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the textbook. The text was dedicated to the problem of survival of the Maasai tribe in Seren Geti, Tanzania. When reading the text, the "Insert" method was used, which allows you to separate previously known information from unknown. After the discussion, a transition was made to the stage of reflection by turning to the cluster and writing new elements based on the text.

Thus, the technology of the development of critical thinking makes it possible to organize the discussion of the problem as efficiently as possible by optimizing the lesson time by dividing it into functional stages, as well as by increasing the speaking time of students.

Here is an example of a lesson plan that clearly illustrates the stated provisions.

Subject: Challenges

Sub-topic: Problems of Serengeti. Introduction.

Lesson objectives:


• By the end of the lesson, students will be able to master the new procedure of working in the lesson.

• Students will learn to use new strategies of learning reading.

General education:

• Expansion of philological horizons.

• Expanding the vocabulary of students.


• Development of activity in the course of collective discussion.

• Formation of a culture of interaction of students in the framework of discussion.

• Formation of a tolerant attitude to the social problems of peoples.


• Development of language guesswork.

• Memory development.

• Development of critical thinking skills.

Language material:

New: reigns, roams, is restricted, thrives, grazes, permanent, amenities, outlaws, dwellings.

Equipment of the lesson: a blackboard, an interactive whiteboard.

Lesson progress

Stage 1 - "Challenge".

Preparation of students for speech activity in English.

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1. Greeting:

T: Good morning! I'm glad to see you!

Cl: Good morning! We are glad to see you too!

2. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

T: RAM: Today we start a new topic. It is entitled "Challenges". And also we are going to try a new learning method. So, before we start reading, I would like you to make a cluster on this topic (The teacher explains how to make a cluster) You can share any associations and thoughts on this topic.

What are your ideas?

Stage 2 - "Comprehension".

T: OK, thanks, that's enough. Now let's move on to the text related to this topic.

Pre - text stage

RAM: Before we read the text, let's guess what it's about. What problems can it cover? (students offer their ideas)

Let's draw a table. It will consist of four columns (the teacher explains the principle of building a table using the "Insert" method). As you read the text, write down everything that interests you and try to put it in the appropriate column.

T: So, what was new for you (new information, vocabulary, grammar)?

What facts were familiar to you? What was controversial? Was there anything

- what you didn't understand?

Checking the understanding of the text

T: Now let's go back to our cluster. What problems do the Maasai face? What are the ways to solve their problems? Let's discuss this in pairs and bring some new ideas to our cluster.

Stage 3 - "Reflection

T: Now let's sum up everything we have learned today by making a cin quain (The principle of writing cinquain is explained to students).

Message and explanation of homework Your hometask is to write a short essay expressing your opinion how to solve the Masai problem. While writing your essay, make good use of the new vocabulary.


In the process of implementing critical thinking development technology cognitive abilities of students are being

Text stage

formed, personal aspects of their creativity are being developed,

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meta subject competence is being formed. This technology allows students to gain a more complete understanding of the social problems of people living in other countries, contributes to the formation of moral and ethical judgments, develops the ability to solve moral problems based on decentralization and an adequate assessment of their own actions.


1. Lukina E. A. Educational technologies that ensure the formation of universal educational actions // Science and education: modern trends : a collective monograph / ch. ed. O. N. Shirokov. Cheboksary : CNS "Interactive Plus", 2013.

pp. 46-102.

2. The State Educational Standard of basic general education [Electronic resource]. Access mode : http://www.school7keys.com/files / File/2015/10/18/

3.Barno Djumanova .ENHANCING CRITICAL THINKING OF STUDENTS IN CURRICULUM. ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 2 | 2021 ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 DOI: 10.24411/2181-1385-2021-00293 Academic Research, Uzbekistan www.ares.uz

4. Ennis. R. H. (1995). A logical Basis for Measuring Critical Thinking. Educational Leadership 4, 44-54.

5. E. H. Nadia Mírela Florela, "Critical Thinking in Elementary School Children,'7Berpikiri Kritis Pada Sekolah Dasar, Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci., p. 56572., 2014.

6. Sternberg, R. J. (1986). Teaching critical thinking: Eight easy ways to fail before you begin. The Phi Delta Kappan 68(6): 456 -459.

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